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# Player










1 Ansar Ansu POOL 5
55 8120 1760 640 400 810920
2 Jinu Peter DIVISION E
 Tamil Nadu Cc - Tncc
46 5687 1600 410 250 57947
 Spartans X1
48 5736 1240 420 450 97846
4 Rakesh K Narayanan DIVISION E
 Xiomi City
82 5353 230 890 250 56723
 Oryx Star Cricket
58 4379 1650 380 200 46609
6 Manoj Kumar DIVISION E
 Oryx Star Cricket
61 3946 2090 520 50 16606
7 Vishnu Lal Babu POOL 13
 Gharaffa X1
66 4278 1240 330 300 66148
 Gharrafa XI
51 3830 1470 270 500 106070
9 Sajan Fasil POOL 13
59 3747 1360 560 150 35817
10 Shakir aloor POOL 3
 Innings Stars
33 3931 1180 270 250 55631
11 Helin Vengees DIVISION E
 Kanya Kumari Warriors
38 3580 1440 310 150 35480
12 Sulfan Salim POOL 4
 White Tigers
35 4848 200 90 200 45338
13 Pranav P POOL 5
23 3696 750 340 450 95236
14 Mafas 97 POOL 10
 Thunder Strikers
33 3542 1250 220 200 45212
15 Ajsal Ottayil DIVISION E
 Xiomi City
77 4264 200 650 0 05114
16 Arun Raj DIVISION E
 Energy Technical Services(ets)
45 3638 810 470 150 35068
17 Sreejith Sreekumaran Nair POOL 15
 Xiomy City
67 3220 1420 310 100 25050
18 Javad Jabbu POOL 8
27 3558 950 190 350 75048
19 Munawfar . DIVISION E
 Limra Friends
37 2719 1610 260 450 95039
20 Sujith V POOL 16
 Xiomi City
70 2443 1910 400 150 34903
21 Hassan Parbesh Ahamed DIVISION E
 Royal Strikers Qatar
36 2889 1350 270 350 74859
22 Sugesh Rathnakaran POOL 6
 Qatar Friends CC
44 3253 900 340 250 54743
23 Rinusha Harshad POOL 16
 Tiger CC
40 3779 450 340 150 34719
24 Ashif Maliyakkal DIVISION E
 Royal Warriors Qatar
53 3027 1080 400 200 44707
25 Tariq M POOL 10
 Oruma Royals
39 2782 1220 550 150 34702
26 Firoz Kk POOL 13
 Mahe CC
45 3227 970 330 150 34677
27 Bobsy Danny Philip DIVISION E
 Innings Stars
52 3224 890 400 150 34664
28 Habeeb Koya POOL 6
 Redbulls C C
41 4220 20 270 150 34660
29 Louking Vannery POOL 3
 Token CC
38 4302 0 200 100 24602
30 Manu POOL 9
 Rosenbauer Warriors R B W
65 3661 -30 850 100 24581
31 shimith rooney POOL 7
 Doha Knights
45 2367 1660 440 100 24567
32 Anas Aliyarukutty DIVISION E
 Team Doha
38 2804 1310 400 50 14564
33 Sajid K V POOL 7
 Youth Forum Companions
38 3241 760 310 200 44511
34 Sujith Nair DIVISION E
48 3243 750 340 150 34483
35 Yoonus Vatakke Parakkal POOL 7
 Royal Strikers
42 3017 1140 250 50 14457
36 Arif C POOL 7
 Golden Knights
44 3814 110 430 100 24454
37 Manoj Madhan DIVISION E
 Rayyan Boys
40 2922 980 250 300 64452
38 Anand Unni POOL 5
 Doha Challengers
36 2954 880 320 250 54404
39 Prajesh Praji POOL 13
24 3173 660 360 200 44393
40 Midhun R POOL 9
 Tiger CC
31 3279 650 340 100 24369
41 Anwar Saab DIVISION E
 Blackcaps Cricketers
26 2741 1150 270 200 44361
42 Hiswan Abdul Samed DIVISION E
 Token CC
43 3729 0 500 100 24329
43 Nikhil Ks DIVISION E
 Token CC
43 2151 1530 420 200 44301
44 Rashad Saheed POOL 14
45 3088 890 230 50 14258
45 Shiyas Khan POOL 11
 Flyers Qatar
35 3305 780 120 50 14255
46 Mathew Antony POOL 10
 Doha Strikers
31 3491 440 220 100 24251
47 Hashan Teekshana DIVISION E
 Smashers 11
42 3663 150 430 0 04243
48 Vishnu Raj POOL 7
 Lagaan Qatar
27 3026 720 260 200 44206
49 Joby Johnes POOL 10
 Doha Strikers
40 3570 10 520 100 24200
50 Ananth Babu Chidambarakannan DIVISION E
 Nysa CC
40 3237 520 390 50 14197
51 Manu Vijayan DIVISION E
 Flyers Qatar (f.c.c)
21 2677 1080 190 250 54197
52 Faisal Moideen POOL 11
 Qatar Warriors
34 2929 830 220 200 44179
 Doha Strikers
41 3362 520 240 50 14172
54 Zubin Mohd DIVISION E
 Q11 CC
39 3109 170 690 150 34119
55 Arul Raj DIVISION E
 Smashers 11
46 2712 1170 180 50 14112
56 Nar Singh DIVISION E
 Oryx Star Cricket
61 2060 1500 440 100 24100
57 Lenin Lawrence DIVISION E
 Q11 CC
39 2308 1200 300 250 54058
58 Mydeen A DIVISION E
 Q Tec Champions
38 3515 20 420 100 24055
59 Surya Ravi. DIVISION E
 Nysa CC
38 3040 640 360 0 04040
60 Syed Hyder DIVISION E
 Mustang XI
45 2401 1260 320 50 14031
61 AboMafas M POOL 10
 Thunder Strikers
49 2082 1470 370 100 24022
62 Meraj Khan DIVISION E
 Royal Strikers Qatar
37 2814 700 180 300 63994
63 Boban Issac POOL 4
48 2353 1140 490 0 03983
64 Mohammed Yaseen DIVISION E
 Leopards Qatar
48 2407 1170 390 0 03967
65 Sajad Abdul Salim DIVISION E
 Uk Xi (united Kerala Eleven)
38 2264 1370 220 100 23954
66 Imran Patan POOL 5
 Spartans XI
28 2115 1130 420 250 53915
67 Muhammad Sabith Vaikilery POOL 3
 Kings X1 Vadagara
30 2762 640 300 200 43902
68 Khaleefa Aboosali DIVISION E
 Norva CC
32 3194 90 400 200 43884
69 Hanzal Haneefa DIVISION E
 Palace C C
44 3057 20 560 200 43837
70 Bajesh Bhaskaran DIVISION E
 Token CC
36 2435 1020 280 100 23835
71 Sajeer K DIVISION E
 Doha Strikers Kunhipalli(dsk)
34 2551 960 200 100 23811
72 Shamseer Sm POOL 3
 Palace C C
44 1808 1590 260 150 33808
73 Anwar shaikh POOL 3
 Vh Warriors
30 1800 1610 240 150 33800
74 Bichu Scaria POOL 4
 Aldar Blasters
38 2478 930 370 0 03778
75 Rahul Rajan POOL 8
37 2615 540 520 100 23775
76 Mohamed Rafith POOL 8
 Maru Champs Qatar
34 3104 140 280 250 53774
77 Adil Mannarath POOL 6
 Redbulls C C
35 3279 60 310 100 23749
78 Sidhique Kuttattuparambil Muhammed DIVISION E
 Team Lulu
23 2924 540 220 50 13734
79 Jidin Thazhathu Veetil DIVISION E
32 3221 0 460 50 13731
80 Beshad Mohamed DIVISION E
 Qatar Blue XI
38 2324 900 200 300 63724
 Winners Qatar
34 2571 870 120 150 33711
82 Sageesh Mele Poolora DIVISION E
 Qatar Friends CC
47 2972 370 230 100 23672
83 Shamal Kandian DIVISION E
 R B W Old
39 2921 550 100 100 23671
84 Mazy Hamthoon POOL 10
 Thunder Strikers
38 2866 400 350 50 13666
85 Ameen Shahith DIVISION F
 Blue Commandos
29 1998 1240 310 100 23648
86 Ramu Ram DIVISION E
 Rising Stars
23 2777 550 240 50 13617
87 Rangika Bandara DIVISION E
 Smashers 11
39 2626 800 190 0 03616
88 Pradeesh Prakash DIVISION E
 Mix Ileven
40 2695 320 600 0 03615
89 Abhilash Janardhanan DIVISION E
43 3339 70 200 0 03609
47 2388 1090 130 0 03608
91 Emran Hossain POOL 6
 Redbulls C C
20 2497 790 160 150 33597
92 Mohammed Imtiaz Imthi DIVISION E
 Kkm Warriors
37 3154 130 210 100 23594
93 Shafeek Boss POOL 7
 Q11 CC
32 2211 1000 270 100 23581
94 Ragton Vannery DIVISION E
 Token CC
39 2693 490 290 100 23573
95 Abrar Ahmad Q
 Jumbo Warriors
23 2032 1120 220 200 43572
96 Faizal Davood DIVISION E
 Elegance Qatar
46 2496 730 310 0 03536
97 Madhan Mohan Kaliyannan . POOL 15
 Mix Ileven
40 3295 40 190 0 03525
98 Ameer Hamza DIVISION E
 Friends 11 Doha
21 2829 140 400 150 33519
99 Saheer K V POOL 9
 Studs Of Qatar
21 2630 650 120 100 23500
100 Vipin Valson U
 Qatar Friends
32 2248 820 280 150 33498
101 Karthik R POOL 8
 Oruma Royals
37 3134 0 150 200 43484
102 Shahul Manu DIVISION E
 Elegance Qatar
39 2568 580 180 150 33478
103 Shameem Muhammad POOL 11
 Golden Knights
36 2080 650 540 200 43470
104 Priyanth Pavithran DIVISION E
 R B W Old
66 1749 1340 330 50 13469
105 Rijin Rajan DIVISION E
 Prakkat Jewellers CC
35 1677 1520 170 100 23467
 Blasters CC
24 2773 450 190 50 13463
107 Bibinlal Mullachery POOL 16
 Xiomi City
33 2480 750 120 100 23450
108 Sajeev Abdul Ahad POOL 10
 Royal Tigers
27 3031 130 170 100 23431
109 Salih Palliparambil Sathar DIVISION E
 Palace C C
38 1529 1590 260 50 13429
110 Aneesh S POOL 7
 Doha Knights
46 1382 1820 210 0 03412
111 Antony Leo DIVISION E
 Lightning Hawks CC
28 2321 800 240 50 13411
112 Muhammed Afsal POOL 13
39 2159 800 450 0 03409
113 Siras Raj POOL 6
 Qatar Friends
26 2637 470 90 200 43397
114 Riyaz M DIVISION F
 Oruma Royals
34 1611 1470 160 150 33391
115 Siraj Kunnummal POOL 7
 Lagaan Qatar
30 2552 520 160 150 33382
116 Nitharthanan Sivakumar POOL 11
12 2461 640 60 200 43361
117 Kasim Choori DIVISION E
 Ksd11 Qatar
29 2699 390 170 100 23359
118 Indika Jayasundara POOL 5
 Hawks XI
34 2727 230 140 250 53347
119 Ashik ABA 484 POOL 12
 Kkm Warriors
33 2377 520 290 150 33337
120 Varun Moorthy DIVISION E
 Doha Challengers
36 2653 120 460 100 23333
121 Mohammed Masum DIVISION E
38 1826 1020 280 200 43326
122 Mohammed Fawas POOL 8
 Maru Champs Qatar
30 1142 1920 180 50 13292
 Masters CC
25 2939 -20 170 200 43289
124 Arun Mohan POOL 3
 Innings Stars
45 1282 1680 270 50 13282
125 Sabran Mohamed DIVISION E
 Thunder Strikers Doha
29 1730 1110 280 150 33270
126 Baskar Soosai DIVISION E
 Kanya Kumari Warriors
38 1607 1420 240 0 03267
127 Sooraj E Meethal DIVISION E
 Xiomi City
46 2215 870 170 0 03255
128 Ambadi Nm DIVISION E
 Lulu Battalion CC
31 2366 450 330 100 23246
129 Sooraj Pillai DIVISION E
 Q Tec Champions
42 1279 1770 140 50 13239
130 Swathi Dileep DIVISION E
 R B W Old
54 1738 1230 270 0 03238
131 Don Cristo POOL 8
 Prakkat Jewellers CC
39 2907 30 200 100 23237
132 Sahanas Shanu POOL 7
 Q11 CC
28 1880 1170 180 0 03230
133 Shajeer siddiq DIVISION E
 Q11 Red Lions
19 2519 350 100 250 53219
134 Ansari Mohd Arshad DIVISION E
 Tata Sports C C
20 1915 960 240 100 23215
135 Nrupan Paul George DIVISION E
 Qatar Friends CC
48 1141 1750 270 50 13211
136 Kareem Tm POOL 14
 Q11 Red Lions
41 1537 1220 350 100 23207
137 Shameel Asharaf POOL 3
 Palace C C
44 2242 590 220 150 33202
138 Vimalkanth Konamalai Nagalingam POOL 13
 Blasters CC
31 1804 1010 230 150 33194
139 Gheevarghese Paulose POOL 11
 Youthforum Companions
23 2174 630 140 250 53194
140 Sahad Saheed DIVISION E
 Gharrafa XI
26 2242 490 360 100 23192
141 Bino .B DIVISION E
39 1831 1070 240 50 13191
142 Kumar Kugatheesh Indrakumar POOL 13
 Blasters CC
28 2368 510 110 200 43188
143 Shamas Din Zulfiqar DIVISION E
 Redco Riders
26 2708 260 120 100 23188
144 Jafar Puthiyottil DIVISION E
 Xiomi City
56 2062 710 260 150 33182
145 Muhammed Rasid Puthur S
 Kerala CC
32 2091 650 340 100 23181
146 Mohammed Shah DIVISION E
 Boom Boom C C
33 1731 1020 260 150 33161
147 Vipin Viswanathan POOL 8
 Prakkat Jewellers CC
34 2571 350 240 0 03161
148 Sadath Thani DIVISION E
 Team Of Qatar
31 1771 1020 260 100 23151
149 Anuraj L POOL 5
 G4s Phoenix
39 1872 450 770 50 13142
150 Aji Kuchelan DIVISION E
 Rayyan Boys
25 2072 650 300 100 23122
151 Kannan Dhamodharan DIVISION E
 United Warriors CC
31 2372 350 400 0 03122
152 Sankaranarayanan Ravi DIVISION E
 United Warriors CC
26 2370 470 170 100 23110
153 Deepu Syam DIVISION E
 Team Doha
37 1590 1290 230 0 03110
154 Salumon Stanly DIVISION E
 Mix Ileven
29 1719 1150 240 0 03109
155 Rejin M DIVISION E
 G4s Phenoix
37 1737 1120 190 50 13097
156 Mir Hossain Abir POOL 4
 Energy Technical Services
39 2673 40 380 0 03093
157 Santosh Baral POOL 5
 Q11 Red Lions
30 2526 70 330 150 33076
158 Ameer Khan DIVISION E
 Norva CC
30 2360 410 140 150 33060
159 Deepak Varghese DIVISION E
 Xiomi City
53 2087 640 330 0 03057
160 Nabeel Pilu POOL 9
 Boom Boom CC
29 1637 1040 220 150 33047
161 Ashraf Pv DIVISION E
 Qatar Stars
43 1535 1030 270 200 43035
162 Ajmal Btk POOL 10
 Mahe CC
45 2635 10 280 100 23025
163 Adhersh A7 DIVISION E
 Sanford XI
20 2334 460 220 0 03014
164 Khayrul Alam DIVISION E
 Muaither Titans
43 2450 290 200 50 12990
165 Senthil Kumar DIVISION E
 Energy Technical Services(ets)
46 1458 1200 230 100 22988
166 Shabeer Moideen DIVISION E
 Western Warriors
44 2507 250 120 100 22977
167 Afeesh Abdulla DIVISION E
 Q11 Dark Horses
32 1479 1150 240 100 22969
168 Shibu Rajendran POOL 13
 Gharaffa X1
45 1459 1060 350 100 22969
169 Mujahidh MMM DIVISION E
 Black Panthers
19 2147 540 180 100 22967
170 Tariq Manan DIVISION E
 Shabab Al Wakrah
23 2094 760 60 50 12964
171 Nabeel Salim DIVISION E
 S-thanz XI
29 1872 810 130 150 32962
172 Anish Rajendran Pillai DIVISION E
 Mix Ileven
38 1887 850 210 0 02947
173 Jithu S POOL 10
37 1315 1240 190 200 42945
174 Jitendra Shankhla POOL 3
 Hilal X1
39 2550 20 270 100 22940
175 Jaleel Aboobacker DIVISION E
 Hawks XI
33 1548 1100 240 50 12938
176 Mohjjam Baig DIVISION E
 E&a Challengers
41 1380 1330 170 50 12930
177 Ragesh Kodavayal DIVISION E
 Royal Strikers
36 2550 120 250 0 02920
 Royal Strikers
29 2438 200 130 150 32918
179 Habeer . DIVISION E
 Sparks XI
27 2296 0 420 200 42916
180 Hafiz Hammad (10) DIVISION E
 Redco Riders
40 1360 1200 300 50 12910
181 Faris Kp DIVISION E
 Kings Xi Vadagara
34 1678 730 300 200 42908
182 Nikhil Paul POOL 4
 Hilal X1
29 1652 950 150 150 32902
183 Ansil George DIVISION E
 Prakkat Jewellers CC
38 2594 70 180 50 12894
184 Mohsin Mohamed Km POOL 9
 Boom Boom CC
26 1719 800 220 150 32889
185 Sijo Chona Sijo DIVISION E
 R B W Old
55 2445 170 220 50 12885
186 Ren Dsouza DIVISION E
 Royal Phoenix
21 1934 630 120 200 42884
 G4s Phenoix
28 1720 900 160 100 22880
36 1767 730 230 150 32877
189 Rashid Rafique DIVISION E
 Mustang XI
42 2082 540 250 0 02872
190 Vishnu V DIVISION E
34 1396 1170 150 150 32866
 White Tigers
28 1274 1290 250 50 12864
192 anas nas DIVISION E
 Beach CC
40 1913 810 140 0 02863
193 Sfran Naseem DIVISION E
 Ceylonians CC
23 1504 1000 250 100 22854
194 Sreejith Gopi POOL 6
 Kkm Warriors
32 2137 0 610 100 22847
195 Joshy Joseph DIVISION E
 Team Doha
43 2234 430 130 50 12844
196 Alexander Belkees DIVISION E
 Kanya Kumari Warriors
30 1696 860 270 0 02826
197 Harish Hameed DIVISION E
 Vectra Qatar
29 1178 1220 310 100 22808
198 Muneeb Kp S
 Kerala CC
27 2166 320 210 100 22796
199 Rinas Nasar DIVISION E
 Spartan Strickers
28 2193 430 70 100 22793
200 Noushad Keloth DIVISION E
 Mahe CC
35 1964 590 130 100 22784
201 Shameem Backer POOL 9
 Qatar Warriors
33 1711 630 290 150 32781
 G4s Phoenix
33 1605 960 160 50 12775
203 Syed Asif U
 Mustang XI
45 2339 190 240 0 02769
204 Shaheen Sharif DIVISION F
28 2035 520 160 50 12765
205 Mohammed Shafeeq POOL 13
 Sj Sports
37 1872 600 290 0 02762
206 Shaheer Mon DIVISION E
 Super Heroes
28 2092 310 210 150 32762
207 Adarsh Sudhan DIVISION E
 S-thanz XI
28 2116 270 360 0 02746
208 Mohamed Ismail DIVISION F
 Tiger CC
20 1944 600 90 100 22734
209 Shanavas Mohammed DIVISION F
 Lagaan Qatar
24 1824 610 150 150 32734
210 Nidhin Kavintarikath DIVISION E
 R B W Old
62 1508 770 400 50 12728
211 Aneesh Pattikakkaran Kunjumon DIVISION E
 Diplomatic C.c
22 2487 0 140 100 22727
212 Insha Sainudheen DIVISION E
 Java X1
16 1753 690 130 150 32723
 Western Warriors
17 2174 330 160 50 12714
214 Renil Pakothiparambil POOL 7
 Doha Knights
34 2214 40 400 50 12704
215 Subin Padathilas DIVISION E
 Tamil Nadu Cc - Tncc
9 2508 160 20 0 02688
216 Leji Mon Pa POOL 6
 Q11 Dark Horses
28 2477 100 60 50 12687
217 Ali Akbar POOL 10
27 1496 1030 160 0 02686
218 Naijal Ebrahim DIVISION E
 Kings Xi Vadagara
33 1195 1190 250 50 12685
219 Sreenath Vellayath DIVISION E
 Q Tec Champions
29 1932 590 110 50 12682
220 Askar V DIVISION E
 Doha Strikers Kunhipalli(dsk)
38 2319 0 310 50 12679
221 Mohammad Shadab Faisal DIVISION E
 Qecc Knights
31 2505 80 90 0 02675
222 Shukoor Muhammed POOL 4
 Q11 CC
23 1460 880 130 200 42670
223 Silju Simon DIVISION E
 Kanya Kumari Warriors
34 1131 1150 330 50 12661
224 Sathish Kumar DIVISION E
 Qatar Super Kings
21 1975 410 110 150 32645
225 Loyan Romario DIVISION E
 Tamil Nadu Cc - Tncc
39 2006 520 110 0 02636
226 Jeswin Tharakan DIVISION E
36 1406 950 170 100 22626
227 Rasheed Rafi POOL 10
 Royal Tigers
23 1951 420 150 100 22621
228 Haneesh Abdullah DIVISION E
 Q11 Dark Horses
36 2250 40 280 50 12620
229 Vineesh kkv DIVISION E
 Kkm Warriors
47 553 1820 190 50 12613
230 Muhammed Ali DIVISION E
 Sanford XI
21 1550 740 270 50 12610
231 Rizwan Shah DIVISION E
 Redco Riders
15 1969 410 130 100 22609
232 Vicky Vaisakh DIVISION E
 Doha Warriors
18 2047 350 110 100 22607
233 Enachu Riyas U
 Vectra Qatar
30 1464 770 270 100 22604
234 Mohammad Thoufiq DIVISION E
 Smart Qatar
32 1873 540 140 50 12603
235 Ramesh Kumar DIVISION E
 Tmq Tigers
26 1663 630 210 100 22603
236 Abdul Wajith POOL 12
 Maru Champs
33 1222 1020 260 100 22602
237 Lafnas Abdul Latheef DIVISION E
 Kings Xi Vadagara
26 2140 40 370 50 12600
238 Fayeez Deshmukh DIVISION E
 Mumbai Fighters
29 1340 960 150 150 32600
239 Saurav Pandey DIVISION E
 Tata Sports C C
26 1898 240 190 250 52578
240 Rayees K DIVISION E
 Sparks XI
28 1647 730 100 100 22577
241 Sheril KK DIVISION E
 Doha Strikers Kunhipalli(dsk)
32 1970 480 120 0 02570
242 Abduil Khader Kuthirummal POOL 4
 Caribbeans Qatar
26 2389 0 130 50 12569
243 Arun Eswaran DIVISION E
 Q Tec Champions
37 2257 20 190 100 22567
244 Shani Abdurahiman POOL 4
 White Tigers
26 1667 740 110 50 12567
245 Nova Lidwin DIVISION E
 Air Strikers
20 1787 530 100 150 32567
246 Riyas Manayath DIVISION E
 Vectra Qatar
25 1526 830 110 100 22566
247 Sahab Uddin Sihab DIVISION F
 Q11 Darkhorse
34 1291 930 240 100 22561
248 Jereesh Mohan POOL 4
 Hilal X1
44 1437 730 340 50 12557
249 Haris Nalakath Hamsa POOL 9
 Masters CC
26 1554 770 130 100 22554
250 Darshan Hemant DIVISION E
 The Monks
22 2304 20 180 50 12554
251 Shammas Tk T
38 1741 450 260 100 22551
252 Binoy James DIVISION E
 Q Tec Champions
35 881 1300 320 50 12551
253 Sajad Salahudheen DRS DIVISION E
 Doha Revolt Stars
28 1939 300 260 50 12549
254 Mohamed Siyath Abdul Jabbar DIVISION E
 Qatar Lions
17 2256 40 150 100 22546
255 Vishwaguru Nadaraj DIVISION E
 Super Heroes
36 915 1180 300 150 32545
256 Jaffer Khan POOL 15
 Uk X1
27 1113 1200 80 150 32543
 Trivandrum Challengers
25 1442 870 180 50 12542
258 Shihab Rasheed DIVISION E
 Spartan Strickers
28 1419 970 140 0 02529
259 Tony Archer S
12 1744 470 110 200 42524
260 Ashish Mathew DIVISION E
 Super Heroes
39 1463 740 320 0 02523
261 Abdul Noufi DIVISION F
 Q11 Darkhorse
28 998 1310 160 50 12518
262 Siraju B K Battakkari Kayanadath POOL 10
 Mahe CC
40 1998 30 490 0 02518
263 Satish Manip POOL 4
 Energy Technical Services
21 1707 600 160 50 12517
264 Manaf Cherukunninakath DIVISION E
 Hilal X1
29 1683 630 150 50 12513
265 Shajeeb Choochu DIVISION E
38 1875 50 530 50 12505
266 Naseer Manan DIVISION E
 Shabab Al Wakrah
23 1577 730 140 50 12497
267 Safin Kh DIVISION E
 Diplomatic C.c
21 2016 410 70 0 02496
268 Mir Hussain DIVISION E
 Blackcaps Cricketers
30 1405 970 100 0 02475
269 Hashim Pookkoya DIVISION E
 Elegance Qatar
43 1143 1040 290 0 02473
270 Mujeer Akbar POOL 3
 Token CC
31 930 1120 420 0 02470
 G4s Phenoix
27 1929 370 120 50 12469
272 Shafeeq Nendrathodiyil DIVISION E
39 558 1670 190 50 12468
273 Shihas Ennampalath POOL 10
39 2097 130 190 50 12467
274 Jaseel Kariyath DIVISION E
 Doha Vikings
33 1995 0 420 50 12465
275 Manoj Mathew POOL 16
 Tiger CC
30 1274 1010 130 50 12464
276 Mohamed Sarfin POOL 13
 White Lions Doha
14 1581 580 140 150 32451
277 Pradeep W DIVISION E
 Mix Ileven
35 1270 1000 180 0 02450
278 Gijo Mathew Thomas DIVISION E
 Spartan Kings
20 1605 550 290 0 02445
279 Zihad Ahamad POOL 11
 Muaither Titans
39 1514 750 180 0 02444
280 Farhan Pathan DIVISION E
 Janjira Sports Club ( Jsc )
12 2014 160 70 200 42444
281 Shanumon K Korattiparambil DIVISION E
 Team Lulu
23 2029 150 260 0 02439
282 Rickson Jerome DIVISION E
 Trivandrum Challengers
23 1149 970 220 100 22439
283 Mohamed Niraj DIVISION E
 Qatar Blue XI
37 1779 110 450 100 22439
284 Nikas Mohamed DIVISION E
 Norva CC
27 1488 670 180 100 22438
285 Saneesh Sukumaran DIVISION E
 Spikes CC
31 1628 550 160 100 22438
286 Liju Rajan DIVISION E
 United Spartans
23 1546 680 210 0 02436
287 Musthafa Muthu POOL 14
 Masters CC
22 1537 730 160 0 02427
288 Fayaz Ahmed DIVISION E
 Royal Strikers Qatar
34 1214 960 250 0 02424
289 Vinod Puthiyottu DIVISION E
 Desert Court
26 1743 510 170 0 02423
290 Tony Archer Maria Louis DIVISION E
 Tamil Nadu Cc - Tncc
14 1682 410 130 200 42422
291 Syed Mohammed Thoufiq DIVISION E
 Leopards Qatar
48 446 1720 200 50 12416
292 Ifzal Khan POOL 5
 Ccrc Warriors
20 1913 50 250 200 42413
293 Jithin Jayapal DIVISION E
 South Royals
30 882 1170 310 50 12412
294 Mohamed Nasik POOL 7
 Qatar Blue XI
30 1386 680 240 100 22406
295 Glatson Leo DIVISION E
 Tamil Nadu Cc - Tncc
36 2089 20 240 50 12399
296 Abdul Muneer Pattarumadathil DIVISION E
 Beach CC
34 1207 1040 150 0 02397
297 Manoj Kumar DIVISION F
 Delhi Capitals
24 1501 720 120 50 12391
298 Habeeb Ovingal R
22 1625 590 60 100 22375
299 Daneesh Kappali DIVISION E
 R B W
57 1948 40 380 0 02368
300 Zuheb Bijle POOL 15
 Kokan Stars
26 1144 1060 110 50 12364
301 Shafeeque Vengassery POOL 10
 Kq Friends
22 2032 20 160 150 32362
302 Faizal Musthafa DIVISION E
 Hilal X1
38 1819 -30 570 0 02359
303 Ashish Ghogle DIVISION E
 E&a Challengers
31 1522 510 270 50 12352
304 Sameer Thajudeen DIVISION E
 Gharrafa XI
29 1498 640 160 50 12348
305 Haris Ali POOL 3
 Innings Stars
40 1537 270 540 0 02347
306 Mohammed Aazeer POOL 8
 Unicorns Doha
34 1396 720 180 50 12346
307 Ubais P DIVISION E
 Doha Strikers Kunhipalli(dsk)
32 1724 390 130 100 22344
308 Gokul Ramesh DIVISION E
24 859 1280 100 100 22339
309 Nisar Puthiya Purayil DIVISION E
 Xiomi City
39 1597 500 240 0 02337
310 Shaju Sabu DIVISION E
 Prakkat Jewellers CC
31 676 1300 210 150 32336
311 Pramod Sivasankaran DIVISION E
 Rayyan Boys
25 1936 190 150 50 12326
312 Noor Muhammad DIVISION E
 Uk Xi (united Kerala Eleven)
41 1920 220 130 50 12320
313 Vishak Preetha Mamuni POOL 15
 Hawks X1
27 1300 800 170 50 12320
314 Mazhar Hussain POOL 6
 Kokan Stars
32 1563 530 170 50 12313
315 Ajith Ajayan Jaya POOL 3
38 2111 90 110 0 02311
316 Rifan Habib DIVISION E
21 1884 130 290 0 02304
317 Shibik GK66 DIVISION E
 Golden Knights
58 1039 890 270 100 22299
318 Charanraj Puttur DIVISION E
 Avengers XI
20 2078 10 60 150 32298
319 Sreeraj P Mani DIVISION E
 Kerala CC
26 1543 440 160 150 32293
320 Safeer Latheef DIVISION E
 Kings Xi Vadagara
35 1751 90 400 50 12291
321 Abhinand Bhaskar DIVISION E
 The Monks
24 2150 0 40 100 22290
322 Amit Kumar Pattnaik POOL 8
 Royal Warriors
25 957 1000 180 150 32287
323 Sakeer Tk DIVISION E
 Winners Qatar
40 1074 1070 140 0 02284
324 Aachi Irikkur POOL 15
 Uk X1
32 1871 -20 380 50 12281
325 Shankar Neelibanda DIVISION E
 Energy Technical Services(ets)
33 1556 570 150 0 02276
326 Binu Thomas POOL 14
35 1175 870 230 0 02275
327 Asmar Anvar DIVISION E
 Elegance Qatar
42 1238 790 240 0 02268
328 Alan Jose DIVISION E
38 867 1100 250 50 12267
329 Rashad Ali POOL 9
 Studs Of Qatar
21 966 1080 170 50 12266
330 Allavudheen Akbar DIVISION E
 Lightning Hawks CC
24 1435 580 150 100 22265
331 Noorullah Nazar Ahmad POOL 7
 Qatar Blue XI
22 1213 880 120 50 12263
332 Sandesh Shridhar Sawant POOL 16
 Cric X1
28 1031 930 150 150 32261
333 Mahammad Shereef Ikka DIVISION E
 Dqct (dulsco Qatar )
24 1850 130 230 50 12260
334 Siju Raju DIVISION E
47 1157 530 570 0 02257
335 Saviyo Thomas DIVISION E
 Token CC
40 2056 40 110 50 12256
336 Sudheesh S S DIVISION E
 Winners Qatar
28 1526 510 160 50 12246
337 Muhammad Aslam Karippullil POOL 8
 Red Bulls C C
31 1146 710 290 100 22246
338 Maharoof Mohammed POOL 6
 Studs Of Qatar
20 1686 390 120 50 12246
339 Muhammed Kunhi DIVISION E
37 1595 360 290 0 02245
340 Anand Krishanan DIVISION E
 E&a Challengers
27 895 1040 260 50 12245
341 Abbas K DIVISION E
 Qatar Stars
32 1423 460 310 50 12243
342 Sanal Kumar POOL 10
 Gharrafa XI
34 1470 500 170 100 22240
343 Sameer VP POOL 6
 Genserve Fighters
25 1747 0 440 50 12237
344 S. Thamil DIVISION E
 Friendship Brothers - Sl
31 1663 430 140 0 02233
345 Niroshan Susai Muthu POOL 13
 Mahe CC
27 1503 500 180 50 12233
346 Syed Imran DIVISION E
 Muaither Titans
37 889 1030 260 50 12229
347 Simnaj Hassan DIVISION E
 Super Gillies Team
15 1426 610 40 150 32226
348 Nifras Ashrif POOL 7
 Thunder Strikers Doha
22 1575 520 130 0 02225
349 Manoj Mgy DIVISION E
 Friendship Brothers - Sl
34 1944 -20 300 0 02224
350 Thoufeeq Thoufi POOL 8
 Qatar Bruisers
13 1754 300 120 50 12224
351 Jibu Abraham Jacob DIVISION E
 Winners Qatar
27 1380 570 220 50 12220
352 Abdul Saleem DIVISION E
 White Tigers
23 1254 810 100 50 12214
353 Waqar Ahmed DIVISION E
 Mustang XI
37 1250 780 180 0 02210
354 Azeemul Haq KR POOL 8
 Maru Champs Qatar
32 1800 0 310 100 22210
355 Shafir Ibrahim DIVISION E
 Leopards Qatar
36 1865 70 270 0 02205
356 Dheeraj Raj DIVISION E
 Hitters Qatar Red
32 1743 80 280 100 22203
357 Sridharan Krishnamoorthy DIVISION E
16 1583 510 110 0 02203
358 Praveen Raju DIVISION E
 Blasters CC
28 1365 610 120 100 22195
359 Imran M DIVISION E
 G4s Phenoix
28 1634 420 140 0 02194
360 Sandeep PV R
21 1322 650 170 50 12192
361 Shakkeer Abdul Rahiman DIVISION F
25 1260 750 80 100 22190
362 Sajeer Raheem POOL 3
 Innings Stars
33 1307 660 220 0 02187
363 Kisho Kumar DIVISION E
 Smashers 11
46 926 960 300 0 02186
364 Rauf Muhammed DIVISION E
 Kerala CC
31 826 1190 120 50 12186
365 Mashood M Valappil DIVISION E
 Xiomi City
76 674 1180 280 50 12184
 Innings Stars
9 1967 20 80 100 22167
367 Ashik Kunnath POOL 13
19 2067 20 80 0 02167
368 Abdul Latheef Koroth POOL 3
 Fighters Qatar
22 1666 290 160 50 12166
369 Anumod Ajithkumar DIVISION E
 Hilal X1
30 1306 730 130 0 02166
370 Vinish KR POOL 7
 Lagaan Qatar
15 1635 250 130 150 32165
371 Pradeep John Q
 Prakkat Jewellers
12 1757 190 110 100 22157
372 Mohammed Faroos POOL 8
 Unicorns Doha
28 1607 350 150 50 12157
373 Muhamed Rafi POOL 11
42 1593 170 390 0 02153
374 Nabeel Sulaiman DIVISION E
 Elegance Qatar
30 1653 220 180 100 22153
375 Sangeeth K POOL 13
 Boyzone Qatar
13 1250 560 140 200 42150
 United Warriors CC
25 1219 670 260 0 02149
377 Irfan Ashraf Ansari DIVISION E
 Tata Sports C C
24 1318 720 60 50 12148
378 Fazil Basheer POOL 5
24 636 1370 90 50 12146
379 magsi ccrc POOL 4
 Ccrc Warriors
20 1756 110 130 150 32146
380 Shamnas P DIVISION E
 Qatar Stars
32 1365 490 140 150 32145
381 Mohammed Safrin POOL 12
 United Spartans
22 1523 450 70 100 22143
382 Sivakumaran Thampi POOL 16
 Tiger CC
32 1731 280 80 50 12141
383 Jobin Varghese DIVISION E
 Desert Court
28 1047 810 180 100 22137
384 Ahamed Navas Sherief DIVISION E
 Indo Qatar Cc - Iqcc
19 1525 360 100 150 32135
 Delhi Capitals
31 1051 840 190 50 12131
386 Mohamed Farzad DIVISION E
 Qatar Blue XI
39 1247 640 240 0 02127
387 Suraj Rana POOL 11
 Muaither Titans
39 1795 20 310 0 02125
388 Mohamed Katheer POOL 4
 Aldar Blasters
39 753 1230 140 0 02123
389 Naseeb sali D R S DIVISION E
 Doha Revolt Stars
22 1351 540 180 50 12121
390 Mahroof V POOL 13
22 1569 460 90 0 02119
391 Roshan Kumar POOL 5
 Black Caps Cricketer's
30 1738 210 170 0 02118
392 Ibrahim Noufal Theruvath DIVISION E
 Markhiya Blasters
25 1655 180 230 50 12115
393 Saifali Shafi Bhatkar POOL 16
 Cric X1
19 1084 800 130 100 22114
 Rayyan Boys
32 1743 180 190 0 02113
395 Ashik Puliyullathil DIVISION E
31 1972 -30 70 100 22112
396 Abdulla Tariq DIVISION E
 Black Panthers
33 1602 330 180 0 02112
397 S. Guna DIVISION E
 Friendship Brothers - Sl
39 1482 460 120 50 12112
398 Rahoof AR3 DIVISION E
 Kkm Warriors
39 1800 0 160 150 32110
399 Munsir Munawwar POOL 7
 Aero Dynamos
11 1569 400 90 50 12109
400 Nijil Jayanandan DIVISION E
 Xiomi City
57 1419 510 130 50 12109
401 Altaf Nadkar DIVISION E
 Ratnagiri Fighters
32 1438 300 320 50 12108
402 Charan Singh POOL 4
 Energy Technical Services
38 1081 820 200 0 02101
403 Ziyad Z POOL 5
 Doha Challengers
34 1740 40 220 100 22100
404 Mazhar Abdul DIVISION E
 Tata Sports C C
23 1354 580 110 50 12094
405 Amir Nasar POOL 13
 Boyzone Qatar
15 1403 510 130 50 12093
406 Ismail Puthiya Pattillath DIVISION E
 Beach CC
38 992 880 220 0 02092
407 Shamseer Pookoth Ameentavide DIVISION E
 Team Ghados
27 1581 410 100 0 02091
408 shaheen sha DIVISION E
 Uk Xi (united Kerala Eleven)
43 950 720 270 150 32090
409 Noufal Theyyampadikannoth POOL 3
 All Rounders Qatar
19 1600 240 250 0 02090
410 Jaleel Aliyar Abdul . DIVISION E
 Mix Ileven
40 548 1340 100 100 22088
411 Shafeeque Sha POOL 8
 Victory C C
14 1497 340 150 100 22087
412 Nesmal Nasar POOL 11
 Flyers Qatar
20 1676 30 280 100 22086
413 Andrews Joy POOL 14
28 1845 50 140 50 12085
414 Shamsudheen Ep POOL 9
 Galaxy CC
29 1738 200 90 50 12078
415 Ibrahimkutty Edayadi DIVISION E
 Beach CC
37 688 1160 130 100 22078
416 farook Siyath POOL 7
 Qatar Blue XI
30 1804 60 110 100 22074
417 Mohammed Shabeer T
39 1226 60 780 0 02066
418 Lokeswara . POOL 5
 Strikers Xi - Doha
17 875 960 30 200 42065
419 Sreejith Dev DIVISION E
 Team Doha
25 1805 120 90 50 12065
420 Hashil Hameed DIVISION E
 Vectra Qatar
24 1292 540 180 50 12062
421 Rizwan . POOL 13
 Sj Sports
23 1232 670 110 50 12062
422 Sadath P Azeez POOL 4
 Team Lulu
21 1291 550 170 50 12061
423 Bifin Babu DIVISION E
 Dreams CC
22 1239 730 90 0 02059
424 Shabeer Konakkal DIVISION E
 Markhiya Blasters
22 1108 810 140 0 02058
425 Sujeet Kumar DIVISION E
 Energy Technical Services(ets)
22 1113 780 160 0 02053
426 Ejaz Ahmed DIVISION E
 Avengers XI
23 1740 60 150 100 22050
427 Abdul Gafoor POOL 14
 Masters CC
23 1688 210 100 50 12048
428 Sachin Kelath POOL 5
37 1646 130 170 100 22046
429 Shihab Vp DIVISION E
 Markhiya Blasters
27 1686 140 170 50 12046
430 Chandika S.rajapaksha DIVISION E
 Smashers 11
48 1495 350 200 0 02045
431 Amjad Khan DIVISION E
 Bhopal Hunters
13 1784 100 60 100 22044
432 Nafris Mohammed POOL 7
 Thunder Strikers Doha
22 1630 20 340 50 12040
433 Nizam WT POOL 8
 White Tigers
33 689 1150 150 50 12039
434 Amnas Ak POOL 4
 Aldar Blasters
27 958 840 140 100 22038
 Qatar Warriors
36 637 1080 270 50 12037
436 Rashid Kandoth DIVISION E
 Doha Strikers Kunhipalli(dsk)
29 977 900 110 50 12037
437 Niyas Aliyarukunju DIVISION E
 Team Doha
37 1407 0 630 0 02037
438 Muthukumar Ganesan DIVISION E
 Nysa CC
27 795 950 290 0 02035
439 Shakir M DIVISION E
27 793 1020 170 50 12033
440 Nisar Kalathil POOL 7
 Youth Forum Companions
26 1792 -10 200 50 12032
441 Mohammed Sadhik POOL 5
 Truth Fighters
13 1649 170 110 100 22029
442 Midhun Simon POOL 6
 Oscar C C
14 1862 70 90 0 02022
443 Nikhil K J POOL 13
 Boyzone Qatar
17 1149 670 100 100 22019
444 Musthafa Mukkoth DIVISION E
 Strikers Xi - Doha
23 1368 290 210 150 32018
445 Nibu Thomas POOL 9
 Tiger CC
33 1217 640 160 0 02017
446 Jabir Sinnalebbe DIVISION E
 Qatar Lions
12 1583 240 90 100 22013
 Western Warriors
22 1150 590 220 50 12010
448 Shayuz Hitters POOL 10
 Hitters Qatar
26 1310 520 130 50 12010
449 Krishna Kumar Q
 Friends (fct)
21 1718 0 240 50 12008
450 Rasheed E DIVISION E
28 524 1360 120 0 02004
451 Irshad P DIVISION E
 Doha Strikers Kunhipalli(dsk)
33 1293 520 190 0 02003
452 Sanju Jacob POOL 7
 Golden Knights
48 382 1420 200 0 02002
453 Manaf DRS POOL 3
 Doha Revolt Stars
22 1462 220 220 100 22002
454 Vijayaraj Murugan DIVISION E
 United South Elegants
42 1616 80 250 50 11996
455 Firoj Ahmed DIVISION E
 Royal Strikers Qatar
35 1273 380 240 100 21993
456 Jinoop C DIVISION E
 Mix Ileven
27 992 870 130 0 01992
457 Muhammed Musthafa DIVISION E
 Team Lulu
19 1621 60 210 100 21991
458 Noorudheen CP DIVISION E
 Markhiya Blasters
29 1110 700 180 0 01990
459 Sandheep Santhosh POOL 14
 Hilal X1
36 565 1240 130 50 11985
460 Faisal Ks DIVISION E
 Qatar Stars
22 1114 630 190 50 11984
461 Sharfu 10 DIVISION E
 Blue Warriors
15 1633 270 80 0 01983
462 Mathew Arun Mathew DIVISION E
 R B W Old
35 1261 580 90 50 11981
463 Naseef VA DIVISION E
 Winners Qatar
30 1869 30 80 0 01979
464 Sojib Mohammad DIVISION E
11 1498 140 140 200 41978
465 Anees Naron POOL 3
20 1296 540 90 50 11976
466 Mohammad Thondiyil POOL 6
 Royal Strikers
24 1326 480 70 100 21976
467 Arshad Arsha DIVISION E
 Kerala CC
32 1341 490 90 50 11971
468 Sajan Philip DIVISION E
25 900 880 90 100 21970
469 Favas Abdulla DIVISION E
 Doha Warriors
19 949 930 90 0 01969
470 Anwar Konimar T
 Smart Qatar
30 1527 90 300 50 11967
471 Gaurav Kumar POOL 9
 Limra Friends
13 1067 640 60 200 41967
472 Rebins Pathrose DIVISION E
 Tamil Nadu Cc - Tncc
48 626 1120 220 0 01966
473 Shamon Illiyas DIVISION E
 Team Doha
40 1723 120 120 0 01963
474 Haris Manjeri DIVISION E
 Redbulls C C
22 1372 500 90 0 01962
475 Jobin George POOL 10
 Flyers Qatar
21 1330 320 160 150 31960
476 Shihab Baikara Baikara DIVISION E
 Ksd11 Qatar
20 1410 410 140 0 01960
477 Lalu Hari DIVISION E
 Oscar C C
20 1588 130 190 50 11958
478 Shuaib Hamza POOL 6
 Kokan Stars
30 707 1110 90 50 11957
479 Nahas Abdusalam DIVISION E
 Golden Knights
33 885 950 120 0 01955
480 Mathews Martin DIVISION E
 Spikes CC
24 1694 10 200 50 11954
481 Samir Rana DIVISION E
 The Look
33 1060 680 160 50 11950
482 Shahid Ichu POOL 4
 White Tigers
20 1629 150 70 100 21949
483 Sreejith Sreekumar DIVISION E
 Mall CC
13 1078 740 80 50 11948
484 Vzag Mohan Q
 Doha United
23 1197 480 170 100 21947
485 Alan David DIVISION E
 Leopards Qatar
26 1274 490 130 50 11944
486 Faisal Lulu Hitters POOL 6
 Hitters Qatar
18 1625 190 70 50 11935
487 Sudheesh Purushothaman DIVISION E
15 1301 400 130 100 21931
488 Ranees Faroork Ranees POOL 8
 Unicorns Doha
9 1521 200 160 50 11931
489 Maseehullah Shaik DIVISION E
31 591 1140 200 0 01931
490 Rashid Pn POOL 9
 Qatar Warriors
10 1360 410 60 100 21930
491 Jenith Majeed POOL 4
 Q11 CC
34 1269 20 590 50 11929
492 Akshaya Acharya DIVISION E
 Smart Qatar
28 1379 470 30 50 11929
493 Nycil Felix POOL 4
 Innings Star
27 1506 230 140 50 11926
494 Irfan Ullah POOL 7
 Qatar Blue XI
26 810 860 200 50 11920
495 Sajeer K DIVISION E
 Jp X1 CC
14 1223 400 140 150 31913
496 Wajid Mallar DIVISION E
 Leopards Qatar
54 1052 610 250 0 01912
497 Aqaal Wazeer POOL 7
15 1562 30 120 200 41912
498 Abdhul Manaf DIVISION E
 Hitters Qatar Red
25 861 770 230 50 11911
499 Saravanababu Dhanabalan DIVISION E
 Team Cricket Buddies
22 781 1040 40 50 11911
500 chinnu ksd DIVISION E
 Ksd11 Qatar
14 1695 30 180 0 01905
501 Balwinder Kumar DIVISION E
 Group Nine 11
16 1052 660 90 100 21902
502 Kevin Edmond DIVISION E
 Black Panthers
28 1244 0 650 0 01894
503 Vineeth Sreerangan DIVISION E
 Norva CC
27 1061 700 80 50 11891
504 Renchu John DIVISION E
 Team Doha
46 330 1380 80 100 21890
505 Sharique Hurzuk POOL 9
 Kokan Stars
19 1639 140 110 0 01889
506 Manzoor Ahmad DIVISION E
 Shabab Al Wakrah
21 1097 610 130 50 11887
507 Rintu Nandi DIVISION E
 E&a Challengers
31 1077 580 230 0 01887
508 Thomos Terence DIVISION E
 Kanya Kumari Warriors
29 1497 -20 360 50 11887
509 Anish Alexander Joseph (AJ) DIVISION F
 Tiger CC
38 1586 120 80 100 21886
510 Vipin Thodathra Sakthidharan . DIVISION E
 Diplomatic C.c
21 1095 630 160 0 01885
511 Arshad N K POOL 8
 Oruma Royals
28 1803 0 80 0 01883
512 Thaseen Ameen POOL 7
 Youth Forum Companions
23 1679 70 130 0 01879
513 Ranjith Rai POOL 9
 Blackcaps Cricketers
30 838 780 160 100 21878
514 Sijo Bastian POOL 11
 Doha Strikers
44 1577 190 110 0 01877
515 Arjun S DIVISION E
 Strikers Xi - Doha
33 636 1040 150 50 11876
516 Karthikeyan Baskaran DIVISION E
28 1315 280 230 50 11875
517 Rahul Ravi DIVISION E
 Bright XI
32 1663 10 100 100 21873
518 Maneesh George DIVISION E
32 1070 610 140 50 11870
519 Shafeeque Hussain DIVISION E
 Qatar Vibrants
41 1357 180 280 50 11867
520 Muhammad Ashiq Kp DIVISION E
 Kings Xi Vadagara
30 767 850 250 0 01867
521 Gehan Chandima POOL 10
 Salwa Monsters
10 1426 230 60 150 31866
522 Midlaj Latheef DIVISION E
 Royal Warriors Qatar
17 1259 360 140 100 21859
523 Alwin Joseph DIVISION E
 Team Doha
44 1586 110 110 50 11856
524 Ibrahim Shaikh POOL 7
 Doha Fighters
14 1493 290 70 0 01853
525 Shabeer Kuttykattil DIVISION E
 Royal Strikers
32 1182 200 370 100 21852
526 Raifu Raifal POOL 4
 Doha Boys
16 1141 570 140 0 01851
 Qecc Spartans
31 1010 660 130 50 11850
528 Muhammed Gasni DIVISION F
 Gharaffa X1
41 446 1210 140 50 11846
529 Deekshith Mohan POOL 10
19 744 870 180 50 11844
530 Shyam Raj DIVISION E
 Spikes CC
27 984 690 170 0 01844
531 Vijayan Kumar DIVISION E
 11 Indians
20 903 830 60 50 11843
532 Emran Khan DIVISION E
 Mix Ileven
35 1623 130 90 0 01843
533 Ali Ellath DIVISION E
 Team Of Qatar
30 973 490 280 100 21843
534 Bijoy Mp DIVISION E
 Q11 Red Lions
35 1585 80 70 100 21835
535 Mohammed Abdulla DIVISION E
28 1322 0 510 0 01832
536 Ratheesh nair POOL 8
21 872 750 110 100 21832
537 Fahad Chougule POOL 9
 Kokan Stars
15 1570 130 130 0 01830
538 Sidhu Joseph DIVISION E
 Mall CC
11 1208 440 130 50 11828
539 Sa bi S
 Al Dar Blasters
27 815 780 230 0 01825
540 Muhammad Munir DIVISION E
 Qatar Blue XI
18 1255 400 110 50 11815
541 Raseel Aman DIVISION E
 Spikes CC
23 714 850 250 0 01814
542 Manoj Thapasya Murukan DIVISION E
 Bright XI
31 1662 30 120 0 01812
543 Shibin Sebastian POOL 4
 Aldar Blasters
29 1362 260 190 0 01812
544 Sudhip Surandran DIVISION E
 Team Doha
43 1091 470 250 0 01811
545 Anish Kakkot POOL 6
 Innings Stars
10 1420 300 90 0 01810
546 jibin kurian POOL 16
39 1279 70 460 0 01809
547 FaJaZ Mohammed DIVISION E
 Uk Xi (united Kerala Eleven)
40 1417 200 190 0 01807
548 Minto Elavathingal DIVISION E
 Dreams CC
22 926 680 200 0 01806
549 Munas Mohamed POOL 7
 Qatar Blue XI
39 626 1050 80 50 11806
550 Dileep Krishan DIVISION E
36 1024 650 130 0 01804
551 Vinothkumar Subbaiah DIVISION E
 Nysa CC
37 1663 20 120 0 01803
552 Ajmal khan R
 Fighters Qatar
20 1472 150 80 100 21802
553 Ismayil Shabu DIVISION E
 Western Warriors
15 1020 650 80 50 11800
554 Sugin Xavier DIVISION E
 Kanya Kumari Warriors
34 1019 540 240 0 01799
555 Pankaj Rawat DIVISION E
 E&a Challengers
31 1179 470 150 0 01799
556 Rapnaz Ajiladka DIVISION E
 Blue Warriors
13 1148 380 120 150 31798
557 Shahajahan Motlani DIVISION F
 Kokan Stars
30 877 580 340 0 01797
558 Deepak Murali POOL 4
 Aldar Blasters
22 1336 0 410 50 11796
559 Dipin Dinesh DIVISION E
24 1316 220 210 50 11796
560 Anis Nalakath DIVISION F
 Delhi Capitals
24 805 710 230 50 11795
561 Muhammed Shabeer DIVISION E
 Xiomi City
42 1443 90 210 50 11793
562 Farhan Deshmukh DIVISION E
 Mumbai Fighters
23 1252 120 270 150 31792
563 Haris E.M POOL 3
 Palace C C
31 1460 110 170 50 11790
564 Mohamed Wafas Abdul Wadood DIVISION E
 Black Panthers
29 779 780 230 0 01789
565 Vibesh Babu POOL 9
 Petroserv CC
13 798 810 80 100 21788
566 Muhammadu Jawsathu Jawfer DIVISION F
 Desert Court
11 1167 400 70 150 31787
567 Afwan Samnake DIVISION E
20 837 740 160 50 11787
568 Rashid S DIVISION E
 Lulu Battalion CC
31 1255 400 130 0 01785
569 Prabin Das Berkumans DIVISION E
 Bright XI
26 734 850 200 0 01784
570 Shamseer Karattupoyil POOL 10
43 124 1570 90 0 01784
571 Mujeeb HITTERS POOL 10
 Hitters Qatar
32 702 1020 60 0 01782
572 Kailash Dasan POOL 6
36 1442 250 90 0 01782
573 Jithin Joshi DIVISION E
 Doha Challengers
31 1537 130 110 0 01777
574 Manimalan Chithiraval DIVISION E
 Tamil Nadu Cc - Tncc
32 1287 20 370 100 21777
575 Arun Ravi DIVISION E
 Tmq Tigers
31 946 570 260 0 01776
576 Mushthaque Muhammed DIVISION E
 Doha Vikings
33 1465 40 270 0 01775
577 Dany Dinickson DIVISION E
 Kanya Kumari Warriors
33 305 1170 250 50 11775
578 Munaiz Rahman POOL 3
 Innings Stars
18 1491 150 130 0 01771
579 Satheem S POOL 8
 Maru Champs Qatar
34 930 610 180 50 11770
580 Mahesh Ms DIVISION F
 Kerala C.c
29 1218 410 40 100 21768
581 Althaf Althu DIVISION E
 Sparks XI
26 517 1010 190 50 11767
582 Shafi ( 313 ) DIVISION E
 Friends (fct)
18 826 760 130 50 11766
583 Shafeek C DIVISION E
22 804 890 70 0 01764
584 Pratheesh K V DIVISION E
 Desert Court
28 944 700 120 0 01764
 Sun Max CC
16 1174 290 150 150 31764
586 Unnikrishnan S DIVISION E
 Spikes CC
17 1411 0 250 100 21761
587 Arjun P.s Q
 Prakkat Jewellers
39 290 1260 160 50 11760
588 Muhammed Aflah Cheerayi DIVISION E
 Mahe CC
17 1090 610 60 0 01760
589 Dileesh VM POOL 4
 Team Lulu
25 650 980 130 0 01760
590 Satheesh Kumar DIVISION E
 Qatar Stars
20 968 530 160 100 21758
591 Ahammad Nashir DIVISION E
34 1226 260 270 0 01756
592 Vivek Menon DIVISION E
 Qecc Knights
25 1275 130 300 50 11755
593 Mahmudul Hasan U
 Bmc X1
16 1309 230 110 100 21749
594 Adhithyan V.m. DIVISION E
 Energy Technical Services(ets)
21 1209 390 150 0 01749
595 Saravanan Paramasivam Q
 Friends (fct)
20 1609 0 90 50 11749
596 Prasanth Rajasekharan POOL 11
11 1208 330 110 100 21748
597 Renjith RKM DIVISION E
37 1657 0 90 0 01747
598 Ansar A DIVISION E
 Qatar Stars
26 1264 280 150 50 11744
599 Sudhin NS DIVISION E
 Team Ghados
33 1224 310 160 50 11744
600 Naseer Ibralebbe POOL 9
 Qatar Lions
31 860 730 150 0 01740
601 Hafidh Payyoorayil DIVISION E
26 450 1120 120 50 11740
602 Parthibhan Thirumal DIVISION E
 Tmq Tigers
31 539 1050 150 0 01739
603 Ajith Varghese POOL 5
 Red Hawks
22 638 1000 50 50 11738
604 Janil Janardhanan DIVISION E
 United South Elegants
38 547 960 180 50 11737
605 Noushad Thadathil POOL 13
38 1517 60 110 50 11737
606 Teems Joseph DIVISION E
 Strikers Xi - Doha
25 885 640 160 50 11735
607 Shijin Shajahan DIVISION E
 S-thanz XI
24 1014 630 90 0 01734
608 Suresh Babu V Dande DIVISION E
 Qatar Horses
22 412 1000 270 50 11732
609 Fredin Jose DIVISION E
 R B W
58 360 1090 230 50 11730
610 Sakthi Nadesh Murugaiyan DIVISION E
 Bright XI
43 278 1200 250 0 01728
 Winners Qatar
43 1197 360 120 50 11727
612 Azhar Nandoth DIVISION E
 Eminent Qatar
17 1546 60 20 100 21726
613 Abdul Shahad DIVISION E
39 1346 210 170 0 01726
614 Subair T P POOL 7
 Lagaan Qatar
22 1065 500 160 0 01725
615 Ahmed Azeez Khan POOL 3
 All Rounders Qatar
13 1533 70 70 50 11723
616 Mazhar Iqbal POOL 5
 Ccrc Warriors
17 1520 -30 180 50 11720
617 Ashif Ummer POOL 13
 Boyzone Qatar
15 1037 440 140 100 21717
618 Siyam Soufal POOL 11
17 1448 40 120 100 21708
619 Jabir Mannarath DIVISION E
 Vcc Qatar
18 1408 120 180 0 01708
620 Sulfikkar Ali C DIVISION E
 Doha United
23 1357 250 100 0 01707
621 Basheer Mahin DIVISION E
 Limra Friends
31 886 370 450 0 01706
622 Dennis Raj Vineeth POOL 8
 Team Cricket Buddies
27 1693 -30 40 0 01703
623 Vinod Shanmugan DIVISION E
21 1151 410 140 0 01701
624 Shebin Jacob Thomas DIVISION E
18 1239 290 70 100 21699
625 Vijay Rajan DIVISION E
 Kanya Kumari Warriors
33 1538 20 140 0 01698
626 Mujthab Rahman DIVISION E
 Friday CC
22 1166 320 110 100 21696
627 Alamgir .shaikh DIVISION E
27 1235 350 60 50 11695
628 Rahman Abdul POOL 7
 Thunder Strikers Doha
29 864 740 90 0 01694
629 Deen Mohamed DIVISION E
 Black Panthers
27 713 920 60 0 01693
630 Prince Vaishnavan U
 City Exchange CC
16 1443 0 100 150 31693
631 Pratheesh Balakrishna Pillai POOL 10
 Oruma Royals
30 1022 570 100 0 01692
 Doha Revolt Stars
15 1280 180 180 50 11690
633 Adhnan Ashraf DIVISION E
22 1160 350 130 50 11690
634 Vijay Kumar POOL 13
 Gharaffa X1
41 519 910 260 0 01689
635 Rameez Ahmed Qazi POOL 3
 All Rounders Qatar
13 1539 0 100 50 11689
636 Halith Ajis POOL 12
 Red Wolves Qatar
16 1006 410 220 50 11686
637 Venkatesan Ravi DIVISION E
 Nysa CC
33 1586 50 50 0 01686
638 Faisal Ali DIVISION E
 Friends 11 Doha
23 333 1230 70 50 11683
639 Justin Santhiyagu DIVISION E
 Qatar Super Kings
21 1412 150 120 0 01682
640 Rahul Simon POOL 3
 Kkm Warriors
39 782 670 230 0 01682
641 Vinod Shanmughan Q
 Rayyan Boys
18 1002 450 80 150 31682
642 manzoor moidunni POOL 13
 Sj Sports
16 861 580 140 100 21681
643 Arshad Ammed POOL 3
 Friends X1 Doha
15 1590 0 40 50 11680
644 Sadath Janna DIVISION E
 Qatar Stars
35 758 790 130 0 01678
 Doha Revolt Stars
17 898 620 60 100 21678
646 Mohamad Faslan POOL 6
26 1427 140 110 0 01677
647 Juned Kanekar POOL 7
 Aero Dynamos
23 947 540 190 0 01677
648 Nagaraja Shetty POOL 9
 Blackcaps Cricketers
32 1006 0 620 50 11676
649 Lijo Poulose Lijo DIVISION E
 R B W
35 1415 100 160 0 01675
650 Wasim Sultan DIVISION E
 Mustang XI
29 1411 10 250 0 01671
651 Shibu Joseph Shibu POOL 8
55 1497 -10 130 50 11667
652 Sadique Ali EK R
 Fighters Qatar
20 1024 360 180 100 21664
653 Subothan Kuganeshwaran DIVISION E
 Master Blasters Qatar
20 602 950 60 50 11662
654 Karthik Ponnusamy DIVISION E
 Angry Bulls
15 980 540 140 0 01660
655 Saa P Doha rockers POOL 8
 White Tigers
12 1329 230 100 0 01659
656 Shadat Ali DIVISION F
 Lagaan Qatar
20 855 580 120 100 21655
657 Ram Ashish Sahani DIVISION E
 Oryx Star Cricket
34 1195 40 420 0 01655
658 Sheak Shadi Kawser POOL 8
 Bd Bullets
11 1342 170 40 100 21652
659 Mahendran Rajendran DIVISION E
 Tamil Thalaivas
22 571 960 120 0 01651
660 Mubashir Thani DIVISION E
 Team Of Qatar
32 351 980 220 100 21651
661 Afroj Shaik DIVISION E
34 1438 60 100 50 11648
662 Safeer Savurdeen DIVISION E
 Ceylonians CC
19 1057 380 110 100 21647
663 Shijimon J POOL 10
 Oruma Royals
28 1236 0 410 0 01646
664 Mhd Shanif Shanu DIVISION E
 Team Karthiyath
15 565 890 90 100 21645
665 Vinayaraj Venugopalan POOL 16
 Toivo Qatar
23 1065 470 60 50 11645
666 Abdul Sheheed POOL 7
12 1104 320 70 150 31644
667 Rafik Dharbar DIVISION E
 Angry Bulls
16 1323 120 200 0 01643
668 Jaisal Kottakkunnummal DIVISION E
 The Look
42 602 900 140 0 01642
669 Rakhesh Rk U
 Vectra Qatar
26 1333 170 80 50 11633
670 Siddiq Haneefa DIVISION F
 Victory CC
21 1423 40 70 100 21633
671 Labeeb Vannery DIVISION E
 Super Heroes
34 1469 0 110 50 11629
672 Shibu Thulasi Bhai DIVISION E
 Muaither Titans
34 1509 50 70 0 01629
673 Althaf Mohammed POOL 9
 Blackcaps Cricketers
29 897 530 200 0 01627
674 Ahsan Jamil DIVISION E
 Bmc X1
17 1152 130 290 50 11622
675 Hardev singh DIVISION E
 Redco Riders
25 1489 60 70 0 01619
676 Ashraf Khan POOL 8
 Doha Friends X1
18 1328 170 120 0 01618
677 Subba Reddy DIVISION E
 Telugu Warriors
24 685 760 120 50 11615
678 Ifam Samsudeen S
 Qatar Lions
11 1315 120 30 150 31615
679 Jackin Jacob DIVISION E
 Trivandrum Challengers
17 1304 0 310 0 01614
680 Sumesh Sudha POOL 9
 Strikers C C
18 1443 140 30 0 01613
681 Kabeer V.p DIVISION E
 Blue Warriors
16 1221 210 130 50 11611
682 Aziz Khan Q
 Jumbo Warriors
10 919 390 100 200 41609
683 Javed Ali Syed DIVISION E
 Bhopal Hunters
12 1229 220 160 0 01609
684 Sarjun Basheerali DIVISION E
 Mcc Qatar
7 1159 250 100 100 21609
685 Shyam Iskakkiri Raghaven DIVISION E
 Hilal X1
28 988 530 90 0 01608
686 Zaheer Ul Hasan Khan DIVISION E
 Bhopal Hunters
12 1297 250 10 50 11607
687 Nasath Mohamed POOL 12
 Maru Champs
39 106 1240 210 50 11606
688 Khousick Gopalakrishnan DIVISION E
 Qatar Horses
22 1075 430 100 0 01605
689 Lijo Joy POOL 8
19 1025 450 130 0 01605
690 Jishad N POOL 8
 Lulu Battalion
21 1275 0 280 50 11605
691 Pramatma Yadav DIVISION E
 Oryx Star Cricket
49 354 920 330 0 01604
692 Shakeel Khan U
 Muaither Titans
23 853 480 220 50 11603
693 Lijo John POOL 11
 Flyers Qatar
26 930 520 150 0 01600
694 Antony Sujit John DIVISION E
 Doha Challengers
40 1248 190 160 0 01598
 Hitters Qatar Red
38 816 260 520 0 01596
696 Vineeth Sreedharan DIVISION E
 Sparks XI
24 566 830 100 100 21596
697 Shafil Ali POOL 16
 Toivo Qatar
19 1332 150 110 0 01592
698 Mujeeth AS POOL 14
 Oscar CC
15 1272 0 270 50 11592
699 T. Kisho POOL 15
 Friendship Brothers - Si
39 1562 -40 70 0 01592
700 Irshad Ali POOL 9
 Qatar Warriors
24 710 580 250 50 11590
 Doha Strikers Kunhipalli(dsk)
25 1100 230 160 100 21590
702 Sharad Srivastava DIVISION E
28 929 540 120 0 01589
703 Entekhab Ahamad DIVISION F
 Nepal XI
15 1139 310 90 50 11589
704 Shafi Ev DIVISION E
 Diplomatic C.c
16 917 500 120 50 11587
705 Pramod Vp DIVISION E
 Sanford XI
22 797 630 160 0 01587
706 Anas Ali POOL 7
10 1136 250 100 100 21586
707 Mukesh Kuttan DIVISION E
 Spikes CC
25 383 970 130 100 21583
708 Syed Ahhmad Ahamed POOL 7
 Doha Fighters
12 1149 220 110 100 21579
709 Jaseel Jezi POOL 9
 Galaxy CC
30 1204 210 110 50 11574
710 Shaiju Kpz DIVISION E
 Bright XI
31 714 680 180 0 01574
711 Subin Anton DIVISION E
 Kanya Kumari Warriors
38 1144 230 150 50 11574
 Doha Vikings
34 814 620 140 0 01574
713 Prithvi Raj DIVISION E
16 371 1050 100 50 11571
714 Shihab Ul Akbar POOL 10
 Mahe CC
34 1360 70 140 0 01570
715 Shajahan Mohammed POOL 8
 Doha Friends X1
16 757 690 70 50 11567
716 Usman Habeebullah POOL 7
11 1287 130 100 50 11567
717 Anvar Ibrahim DIVISION E
 Doha Vikings
23 1315 170 30 50 11565
 Royal Phoenix
12 1085 250 130 100 21565
719 Nairoos Ismail DIVISION E
 Ceylonians CC
17 1282 130 150 0 01562
720 Sanjay Mandal DIVISION F
 Nepal XI
12 1341 10 60 150 31561
721 Shamanas Mv DIVISION E
 Doha Warriors
18 630 780 150 0 01560
 Hitters Qatar Red
35 1319 80 160 0 01559
723 Akbar Ali Akbar DIVISION E
 Tata Sports C C
10 1298 40 220 0 01558
724 Shabeeb Munna POOL 9
 Studs Of Qatar
20 746 590 120 100 21556
725 Shajeer Kukku POOL 8
 Qatar Vibrants
23 1515 0 40 0 01555
726 Mahabub Rahaman Syed Rahaman POOL 13
 Marc Qatar Warriors
11 1315 140 50 50 11555
727 Priya Darsan Manuvepilai POOL 9
 Qatar Lions
29 1113 220 170 50 11553
728 Ziauddin Shaikh DIVISION E
 Hawks XI
13 1192 340 20 0 01552
729 Sarfad Saleem POOL 15
 Delhi Capitals
29 326 1110 60 50 11546
730 Prasantha Sanjeewa DIVISION E
 Maru Champs Qatar
30 1045 30 420 50 11545
 11 Indians
27 514 810 170 50 11544
732 Pretheesh Kumar POOL 14
 Golden Knights
33 1112 180 150 100 21542
733 Basheer Syed DIVISION F
 Q11 Darkhorse
20 389 960 90 100 21539
734 Musthaq Zaqy DIVISION E
 Maru Champs Qatar
24 1388 0 100 50 11538
735 Irfan Ansari DIVISION E
 Royal Strikers Qatar
33 1078 100 310 50 11538
736 Gineesh Gini POOL 9
 Qatar Warriors
16 1164 310 60 0 01534
737 Printu Thomas DIVISION E
11 934 480 120 0 01534
738 Niyas V DIVISION E
 Winners Qatar
41 773 320 390 50 11533
739 Riyas C M POOL 11
 Doha Vikings
23 680 690 60 100 21530
740 Sadun Sudaraka Q
 Jumbo Warriors
21 859 550 120 0 01529
741 Santu Sanju POOL 5
 Spartans XI
26 638 670 170 50 11528
742 Saravanan Palanisamy DIVISION E
 Tmq Tigers
22 728 600 200 0 01528
743 Fazil Shamsudheen POOL 13
 Boyzone Qatar
15 1224 200 50 50 11524
744 Deepak Devarajan DIVISION E
 Q Tec Champions
28 854 510 160 0 01524
745 Sherin Kareem DIVISION E
 Blockades X1
25 904 440 130 50 11524
746 Riyaj Mk R
 Kkm Warriors
36 1273 100 50 100 21523
747 Ns. Navas POOL 12
 Kk Warriors
12 549 840 80 50 11519
748 Jabir Palakkal POOL 8
 Qatar Bruisers
17 946 310 210 50 11516
749 Shihab Cm POOL 5
 Q11 Red Lions
40 1145 90 280 0 01515
750 Arun Shriyan DIVISION E
 Avengers XI
23 1065 160 190 100 21515
751 Alfaraz Mukadam DIVISION E
 Ratnagiri Riders
21 1004 240 170 100 21514
752 Suhail Mir DIVISION E
 Doha Fighters
12 1400 10 0 100 21510
753 Hafsel Payyoorayil POOL 12
 Elegance Qatar
20 1258 60 190 0 01508
754 Rashid Mango S
 Doha Strikers Kunhipalli
31 444 980 80 0 01504
755 Sreekand Sree DIVISION E
 Qatar Stars
42 233 1050 170 50 11503
756 Mansoor Thattantevida POOL 6
 Genserve Fighters
16 1001 390 110 0 01501
757 Muhammad Razel POOL 10
 Kq Friends
9 1020 340 40 100 21500
758 Rahul Reghunath DIVISION E
 Xiomi City
36 1059 280 160 0 01499
759 Nithin Mathew DIVISION E
 Prakkat Jewellers CC
35 269 1040 140 50 11499
760 Jamsheer Mh DIVISION F
29 678 660 110 50 11498
761 Jayaprakash Nair DIVISION E
 Rising Stars Doha
25 988 400 60 50 11498
762 Vishnu Sp Q
 Friends (fct)
19 786 540 120 50 11496
763 Afnid Ali DIVISION E
 Merac Cc (mcc)
14 943 340 160 50 11493
764 Shakeer Maniyan DIVISION E
 Royal Tuskers
9 1302 50 40 100 21492
765 Inzamam Ismail DIVISION E
 Mahe CC
47 687 600 200 0 01487
766 Samjipth Premarajan DIVISION F
 U C T
19 1317 80 90 0 01487
 Unipart 11
26 833 410 190 50 11483
768 Naeem Mohammed DIVISION E
 Friday CC
25 421 820 190 50 11481
769 Adil Pevekar DIVISION E
 Ratnagiri Fighters
25 1261 160 60 0 01481
770 Sudeson Susaimanickam DIVISION E
24 1110 230 140 0 01480
771 Shameej Ullatheri DIVISION E
 Royal Strikers
33 649 750 80 0 01479
772 Shemeer Kv DIVISION E
 Q Tec Champions
23 1069 340 70 0 01479
773 Shelton Emman POOL 9
 Victory CC
26 1158 20 250 50 11478
774 Rayees R U
 City Exchange CC
12 1078 200 100 100 21478
775 Nadeem Surve POOL 15
 Kokan Stars
28 1316 0 160 0 01476
776 Lewies Thomas DIVISION E
 The Look
24 865 590 20 0 01475
777 Rajkumar Kalaivanan POOL 5
 The Monks
22 1344 0 130 0 01474
778 Muhammed Ashhar Mammuty DIVISION F
23 1344 0 30 100 21474
779 Arumugam Chandrasekar DIVISION E
 Friendship Brothers - Sl
36 1313 -10 120 50 11473
780 Shamseer P DIVISION E
 Lulu Battalion CC
28 953 330 190 0 01473
781 Zill E Abbas Syed Rizvi POOL 3
 Ccrc Warriors
19 1042 380 50 0 01472
782 Janoos Thahir POOL 13
 Sj Sports
17 992 280 100 100 21472
783 Abdul Salam Rifath DIVISION E
 Sun Max CC
12 1072 130 120 150 31472
784 Mithun Sebastian POOL 11
 United Spartans
20 1271 90 110 0 01471
785 Arlent Mohana Sundara Dhas DIVISION E
 Tamil Nadu Cc - Tncc
33 389 960 120 0 01469
786 Najeeb Moosa POOL 5
 Spartans XI
20 775 540 100 50 11465
787 Jerolin J DIVISION E
 Tamil Thalaivas
24 823 470 170 0 01463
788 Haneesh Hameed U
 Vectra Qatar
30 1042 110 310 0 01462
789 Sahidul Goni POOL 10
 Palace CC
27 252 930 280 0 01462
790 Fowser Abdulcareem DIVISION E
 Qatar Lions
24 1129 200 130 0 01459
791 Dilshad Mohamed DIVISION E
27 835 460 110 50 11455
792 H.g.pradeep Suranga DIVISION E
 Rising Stars Doha
26 1124 250 80 0 01454
793 Sameer Ayiniparambil DIVISION E
 Beach CC
29 974 180 300 0 01454
794 Raiju (abdul Rahim) DIVISION E
 Q Tec Champions
22 513 830 110 0 01453
795 Asif Makku U
 City Exchange CC
14 1251 20 130 50 11451
796 Shafeek Kv DIVISION E
 Doha Warriors
17 821 550 80 0 01451
797 Rahul Nair POOL 6
 Super Brothers
20 1221 120 60 50 11451
798 Vimal Anto DIVISION E
 Rising Stars Doha
27 557 700 90 100 21447
799 Noufal Abubaker DIVISION E
26 627 670 150 0 01447
800 Rifkhan Mohammed DIVISION E
 Super King Boys C C
14 1345 20 80 0 01445
801 Harris Meethale Karyattummal POOL 7
 Mahe CC
46 313 910 170 50 11443
802 Nisar P DIVISION E
 Doha Strikers Kunhipalli(dsk)
32 1352 30 60 0 01442
803 Uday Shankar Yadav DIVISION E
 Oryx Star Cricket
58 221 980 240 0 01441
804 Abhishek Nandan POOL 6
 Oscar C C
18 761 400 230 50 11441
805 Thamil Selvan DIVISION E
 Master Blasters Qatar
16 1151 120 120 50 11441
806 Dinesh Kumar Sampath POOL 7
 Super Heroes
11 861 310 120 150 31441
807 Sheneer Edassery DIVISION E
 Doha Vikings
27 669 660 110 0 01439
808 Mohammed Faridul Alam DIVISION E
 Mahe CC
21 967 300 20 150 31437
809 Arfat Gadkari DIVISION E
 Ratnagiri Riders
19 1107 100 130 100 21437
810 Asim Khattak POOL 7
16 467 800 170 0 01437
811 Shan Baby POOL 3
36 896 110 430 0 01436
 Lemax Riders
9 1085 280 70 0 01435
813 Yusri Mohamed POOL 13
 White Lions Doha
14 915 320 100 100 21435
814 Alshad Khaleelulla POOL 10
 Royal Tigers
23 1035 110 190 100 21435
 Ccrc Warriors
13 1205 100 130 0 01435
816 Sujith Kurumbatta DIVISION E
 Xiomi City
51 1224 140 70 0 01434
817 Abdul Basit DIVISION E
 Shabab Al Wakrah
21 1023 250 160 0 01433
818 Arshad Aziz DIVISION E
 Blockades XI
18 1201 160 70 0 01431
819 Unais Elodath POOL 10
 All Rounders
14 871 430 80 50 11431
820 Mirza Gayur Abbas DIVISION E
 Redco Riders
27 1260 90 80 0 01430
821 Vengedation Nagarasan DIVISION E
 Qatar Super Kings
19 480 850 100 0 01430
822 Shihabudeen Paraprath POOL 10
32 769 480 180 0 01429
823 Raj Mohan DIVISION E
 Flyers Qatar (f.c.c)
13 1039 230 110 50 11429
824 Ali Sudheer POOL 6
23 1209 40 180 0 01429
825 Abid Ali DIVISION E
 Winners Qatar
42 148 1210 70 0 01428
826 Murugan Arjunan DIVISION E
 Q Tec Champions
19 1248 70 110 0 01428
827 Jinesh Jayaprakash DIVISION E
 Leopards Qatar
54 1318 0 110 0 01428
828 Nadheem Pallikal DIVISION E
 Ksd11 Qatar
20 1197 170 60 0 01427
829 Rabi Gain POOL 9
 Petroserv CC
13 1217 0 210 0 01427
830 Agnel John DIVISION E
 Muaither Titans
34 1086 40 300 0 01426
831 Divyaraj Leon DIVISION E
 Man Strikers
11 866 430 130 0 01426
832 Harishanker Vathukkatt DIVISION E
 Team Ghados
25 1243 20 110 50 11423
833 Nihas Nizamudeen DIVISION E
 Elegance Qatar
20 881 340 100 100 21421
834 Niyas Pulikaparambil DIVISION E
 Team Lulu
23 181 1070 120 50 11421
835 Naseer nechu DIVISION E
 Doha Strikers Kunhipalli(dsk)
17 1220 150 50 0 01420
836 Sabir Khan DIVISION E
 Kokan Boys
18 1148 150 70 50 11418
837 Mohammed Jifrath Farook POOL 12
 United Spartans
27 488 740 90 100 21418
838 Shamsudheen Erayana Kandy POOL 7
 Youth Forum Companions
26 78 1170 70 100 21418
839 Shalu HITTERS POOL 4
 Hitters Qatar
28 695 520 150 50 11415
840 Usama Muhammad Ali Jamadar DIVISION E
22 1244 0 120 50 11414
841 Dharmendra Kumar POOL 7
 Man Strikers
9 1184 110 70 50 11414
842 Kathir Eshan DIVISION E
 Nysa CC
10 1313 30 20 50 11413
843 Febin Varghese POOL 7
 Q11 CC
24 923 200 240 50 11413
844 Mahin Shajahan DIVISION E
 Dreams CC
16 871 470 70 0 01411
845 Munsif Farooq DIVISION E
 Shabab Al Wakrah
13 1031 250 80 50 11411
846 Sujith Vijay POOL 4
 Energy Technical Services
20 659 590 160 0 01409
847 Albin Francis DIVISION E
 The Look
35 1148 -80 290 50 11408
848 Abdul Hajid DIVISION E
 Shabab Al Wakrah
23 407 780 170 50 11407
849 Aaqib Admane DIVISION E
26 587 580 240 0 01407
850 Janseer Kalath DIVISION E
 Rising Stars
28 1137 70 200 0 01407
 Kerala C.c
22 1027 70 210 100 21407
852 Rafik Mahak DIVISION E
 Ksd11 Qatar
15 1307 30 70 0 01407
853 Merison Joseph Alex DIVISION E
 Spikes CC
19 847 440 120 0 01407
854 Sujeesh Kandegattil DIVISION E
32 366 880 110 50 11406
855 Salih Koodat POOL 4
 Aldar Blasters
27 606 670 130 0 01406
856 Sarath Kumar POOL 8
 Chennai Cricketers
9 833 470 50 50 11403
857 Mohammed Ali Alu DIVISION E
 Arabian XI
17 520 700 80 100 21400
858 Abhishek Raana POOL 8
 Phoenix X1
15 1120 200 80 0 01400
859 Muhammed M DIVISION E
 Qatar Stars
38 1349 10 40 0 01399
860 Suboth Mon DIVISION E
 Western Warriors
16 966 350 80 0 01396
861 Sameer Abdul Rahman POOL 12
 Elegance Qatar
28 975 260 110 50 11395
862 Sulfikar Sulu POOL 6
 United Spartans
22 1154 100 140 0 01394
863 Noushad Ep DIVISION E
24 1212 0 130 50 11392
864 M D Ajaz Khan DIVISION E
 Oryx Star Cricket
41 682 620 90 0 01392
865 Mohammed Thoufiq DIVISION E
 Leopards Qatar
15 931 350 60 50 11391
866 Sagar Saleem POOL 10
 Oruma Royals
29 681 600 110 0 01391
867 Jaya raman Kesavan Q
 Rayyan Boys
30 948 300 140 0 01388
868 Dhanesh Mohan DIVISION E
 Qatar Friends CC
35 1187 50 150 0 01387
869 Majeed Ubaidulla DIVISION E
 Doha Revolt Stars
21 936 400 50 0 01386
870 Sumash Sasidharan DIVISION E
 Avengers XI
19 736 400 150 100 21386
871 Ram Vimal DIVISION E
 Nysa CC
27 1046 20 320 0 01386
872 Muhammed Shafi DIVISION E
 Winners Qatar
31 1052 70 260 0 01382
873 Muneer Ckd POOL 3
 All Rounders Qatar
18 312 870 150 50 11382
874 Najil Vadakkath POOL 9
 Petroserv CC
13 1071 210 50 50 11381
875 Rex Pathrose DIVISION E
 Tamil Nadu Cc - Tncc
31 541 720 120 0 01381
876 Ajin Sabastian DIVISION E
 Spikes CC
20 651 430 300 0 01381
877 Ashkar Ck DIVISION E
22 930 400 50 0 01380
878 Ullas Krishna POOL 7
 Youth Forum Companions
34 1079 160 140 0 01379
879 Sajith Saseendran DIVISION E
 Rayyan Boys
23 1328 0 50 0 01378
880 Fahad Kandankodan Muhammed POOL 15
 Ntd Lions
11 986 320 70 0 01376
881 Asheed doha DIVISION F
 Calicut Blasterz
14 1036 200 40 100 21376
882 Shafi CP POOL 4
 Sparks X1
17 595 660 70 50 11375
883 Musthu Mahak POOL 7
 Friday CC
28 365 850 110 50 11375
884 Assan JiNN DRS POOL 3
 Doha Revolt Stars
14 1144 130 50 50 11374
885 Basker Balasingam DIVISION F
 Chennai Cricketers
13 1162 -10 120 100 21372
886 Sujeel Moopan DIVISION E
 Super Gillies Team
15 602 600 120 50 11372
887 Hanish Hitters POOL 10
 Hitters Qatar
17 1150 110 110 0 01370
888 Shafeer Shebi DIVISION F
29 1269 0 100 0 01369
889 Abdul Aleem DIVISION E
26 868 350 150 0 01368
 Hawks XI
28 1037 180 50 100 21367
891 P Purushotham DIVISION E
 Telugu Warriors
19 547 650 120 50 11367
892 Anoob Thapasya Murukan DIVISION E
 Bright XI
35 554 520 290 0 01364
893 Taufik Kalokhe POOL 16
 Aero Dynamos
14 1194 20 50 100 21364
894 Melroy John Vaz DIVISION E
 Alpha Eleven
18 1124 110 130 0 01364
895 Shanil Pulickal POOL 13
 Qatar Warriors
9 1134 200 30 0 01364
896 Girish S Nair DIVISION E
35 -27 1210 130 50 11363
897 Noufal Rahim DIVISION E
 S-thanz XI
27 473 810 80 0 01363
 Qatar Friends CC
24 772 460 130 0 01362
899 Vidhu Krishnan DIVISION E
 Innings Stars
28 510 740 110 0 01360
900 Antony Merlin DIVISION E
 The Monks
23 716 490 100 50 11356
 Sun Max CC
15 886 300 70 100 21356
902 Nidhin Mathew Nm DIVISION E
 Markhiya Blasters
23 925 300 80 50 11355
903 Binu Markose POOL 11
 Youthforum Companions
25 245 1020 40 50 11355
904 Sanil Sadhanadan DIVISION E
 Sanford XI
21 515 670 120 50 11355
905 Nidhin P V DIVISION E
 Energy Technical Services(ets)
40 164 900 290 0 01354
906 Dattatraya Suresh Patil DIVISION E
 Nysa CC
35 244 1000 110 0 01354
907 Abdul Azeez M DIVISION E
 Sanford XI
22 134 1120 100 0 01354
908 Suhayil Puliyankunnusidhiq DIVISION E
 Diplomatic C.c
11 971 210 120 50 11351
909 Md Firoz DIVISION F
 Nepal XI
16 641 670 40 0 01351
910 Basim Ashfaq Pallipparamban DIVISION E
 Azad Varkala
22 578 600 170 0 01348
911 Bigil Poithalath DIVISION E
 Qatar Friends CC
20 1248 20 30 50 11348
912 Saheem Saim POOL 14
 Spartans X1
11 1138 -10 170 50 11348
913 Amit Kumar POOL 4
 Super Brothers
17 746 490 60 50 11346
914 Shameer Thottathil DIVISION E
 Toss CC
17 854 390 100 0 01344
915 Sachin Suresh DIVISION E
 The Monks
21 664 560 120 0 01344
916 Muhammad Puravoor DIVISION E
 Team Of Qatar
21 594 670 80 0 01344
917 M Razik Razik POOL 9
 Galaxy CC
9 1103 40 150 50 11343
918 Shyam Rishi POOL 5
 Doha Challengers
24 1139 100 50 50 11339
919 Manish Madathil Meethal DIVISION E
23 858 410 70 0 01338
920 Sivapragasam Krishnanathan DIVISION E
 Friendship Brothers - Sl
25 1158 90 90 0 01338
921 Sadique Muliyar DIVISION E
15 1187 0 100 50 11337
922 Vijayan P R DIVISION E
18 487 720 80 50 11337
 Drillers CC
12 775 480 80 0 01335
24 942 300 90 0 01332
925 Afrutheen Mohammed DIVISION E
 Super King Boys C C
18 1002 250 80 0 01332
926 Rahat Ali Farook DIVISION E
 Qatar Stars
40 332 870 130 0 01332
927 Ameer Abdul Rahiman POOL 15
 Friends X1 Doha
29 409 720 200 0 01329
928 Junius Jose POOL 8
 Prakkatt Jewellers
28 888 0 440 0 01328
929 Muhsin Elodath POOL 3
 All Rounders Qatar
18 1227 -20 70 50 11327
930 Afeef C M Muhammad POOL 12
 Q11 Redlions
30 76 1100 150 0 01326
931 Sheheen Sha POOL 9
 Boom Boom CC
18 986 200 90 50 11326
 Tamil Nadu Super Kings (tsk)
15 1116 0 210 0 01326
933 Tinson Varghese DIVISION E
 White Tigers
9 605 570 50 100 21325
934 Bhavith Kumar DIVISION E
 Java X1
11 1005 0 220 100 21325
935 Bibin Thilakan POOL 5
 Truth Fighters
13 770 420 130 0 01320
936 Shameer Chammi DIVISION E
 Team Karthiyath
16 689 500 130 0 01319
937 Anand HULK POOL 9
 Tiger CC
33 867 260 190 0 01317
938 Farvees Mohamed DIVISION E
 Ceylonians CC
13 1056 130 80 50 11316
939 Shahir Legends POOL 3
 Rc Boys
12 1086 70 60 100 21316
940 Mir Ali DIVISION E
 Mustang XI
42 956 260 100 0 01316
941 Abdul Basheer DIVISION E
 Rising Stars
14 825 380 60 50 11315
942 Salim Kutty(wk) DIVISION E
 Asian Rhynos
22 1043 70 200 0 01313
943 Lithin Shark XI U
 City Exchange CC
24 673 410 80 150 31313
944 Amila Supun POOL 12
 United Warriors
11 672 540 100 0 01312
945 Laiju La POOL 5
 Q11 Red Lions
14 772 380 60 100 21312
 Classic CC
8 809 400 50 50 11309
947 Nahas Chakkala DIVISION E
 Qecc Knights
32 1016 100 190 0 01306
948 Haneefa Berla DIVISION E
 Limra Friends
18 496 600 160 50 11306
949 Muhmmad Azizulhaque DIVISION E
 Shabab Al Wakrah
23 1016 220 70 0 01306
950 Abdulkhadar Angadi Parambath POOL 16
 Toivo Qatar
17 936 220 150 0 01306
951 Aneez H DIVISION F
 Calicut Blasterz
13 1164 0 140 0 01304
952 Sani Dayanandan POOL 5
 Red Hawks
17 764 410 130 0 01304
953 Dharbendar Bhai DIVISION E
 Rising Stars Doha
22 1173 20 60 50 11303
954 Mizanur Rahman DIVISION E
 Bmc X1
14 652 470 80 100 21302
955 Sirajudheen K DIVISION E
 Qatar Stars
18 1132 10 60 100 21302
956 Mokhtar Ali DIVISION F
 Nepal XI
15 1062 110 80 50 11302
957 Shafeeque N DIVISION E
 Winners Qatar
38 621 500 130 50 11301
958 Krishna Sharma DIVISION E
 Desert Court
31 1170 110 20 0 01300
959 Imtiaz Ahamad Khan DIVISION E
 Royal Strikers Qatar
23 939 300 60 0 01299
960 Shantheev Krishnan POOL 9
 Qatar Warriors
8 807 270 20 200 41297
961 Jai Nepolian POOL 9
18 956 0 340 0 01296
962 Mohammed Zuheb DIVISION E
 Mustang XI
42 1166 20 110 0 01296
963 Nazee Ahmed DIVISION E
 Winners Qatar
39 905 190 150 50 11295
964 Reddy Telangana DIVISION E
 Qatar Horses
13 692 520 80 0 01292
965 Shankar Thangamalai DIVISION E
 Qatar Super Kings
21 1042 -10 210 50 11292
966 Vipin M K POOL 8
 Doha Challengers
32 541 600 150 0 01291
967 Shiras Fazil DIVISION E
 Doha Revolt Stars
21 1151 60 80 0 01291
968 Sonu Kumar DIVISION E
 Oryx Star Cricket
35 390 830 70 0 01290
969 Sandeep Krishnappa DIVISION E
 Trivandrum Challengers
26 1069 120 100 0 01289
970 Shukoor Vb POOL 9
 Boom Boom CC
29 278 800 210 0 01288
971 Mohamad Jawhar DIVISION E
 Avengers XI
24 767 380 90 50 11287
972 Shabeerali Cpv U
 City Exchange CC
29 227 960 100 0 01287
973 Haidath CP DIVISION E
 The Look
32 916 190 180 0 01286
974 Praveed Vijayan DIVISION E
 Leopards Qatar
26 1055 20 210 0 01285
975 Naseeb N DIVISION F
 Victory CC
28 1044 110 130 0 01284
 Doha Strikers
16 723 410 100 50 11283
977 Ansar Naron POOL 15
 Friends X1 Doha
12 1132 90 10 50 11282
978 Sasanka Sameera DIVISION E
 Smashers 11
16 682 490 110 0 01282
979 Sehir Mn POOL 7
 Golden Knights
19 652 570 60 0 01282
 Tamil Nadu Super Kings (tsk)
22 1079 110 40 50 11279
981 Niyas Abdul Majeed DIVISION E
 Ceylonians CC
23 698 450 130 0 01278
982 Saravanan Balan POOL 4
 United Warriors
20 748 440 90 0 01278
983 Akbar Ali R
 Kkm Warriors
32 517 630 130 0 01277
984 Rajesh Nair DIVISION E
 Innings Stars
34 1086 0 140 50 11276
985 Sabil P K Pk DIVISION E
 Team Lulu
15 1195 20 60 0 01275
986 Muhammed Makunnathu DIVISION E
12 795 320 110 50 11275
987 Raja Selvam POOL 12
 Kk Warriors
8 784 330 60 100 21274
988 Ahamed Shadik DIVISION E
 Team Cricket Buddies
16 763 410 100 0 01273
989 Villavan Kothai POOL 6
 Spartans-qatar CC
11 513 610 100 50 11273
990 Mohammed Suhail DIVISION E
 Merac Cc (mcc)
16 832 410 30 0 01272
991 Ahammed Kabeer DIVISION E
 Dreams CC
22 622 580 70 0 01272
992 Elliyas Aboobakar S
 Kerala CC
19 932 0 290 50 11272
993 Bipin Mathew DIVISION E
 Spartan Kings
19 810 340 120 0 01270
994 Bhupindar Singh DIVISION F
 Delhi Capitals
20 929 260 80 0 01269
995 Sabri Mohamed DIVISION E
 Qatar Blue XI
36 919 150 150 50 11269
996 Adnan Dawre POOL 14
8 979 190 50 50 11269
997 Noushad Alavi POOL 11
 Doha Vikings
18 898 300 70 0 01268
998 Chandrasekaran Gandhi DIVISION E
 United Warriors CC
28 597 470 150 50 11267
999 Hariprakash K POOL 8
 Doha Challengers
23 1036 130 100 0 01266
1000 Sreejil Sree DIVISION E
 Rising Stars
29 696 520 50 0 01266
1001 Sarfaraz. Dalvi DIVISION E
 Ratnagiri Fighters
26 925 230 110 0 01265
1002 Mohammad Risan DIVISION E
 Team Cricket Buddies
19 784 410 70 0 01264
1003 Rajesh P DIVISION E
 Unipart 11
24 574 580 110 0 01264
1004 Rajani Rajan DIVISION E
 Rayyan Boys
34 1014 70 180 0 01264
1005 Shiju Chamaliya Parambath DIVISION E
20 1029 150 30 50 11259
1006 Ashraf Zain DIVISION E
 Lulu Battalion CC
27 409 760 90 0 01259
1007 Shabeer K DIVISION E
 Revenge Boys
11 918 260 80 0 01258
1008 Jishad Jishu DIVISION E
 Q11 Red Lions
24 1057 10 190 0 01257
1009 Selvaraj Dinesh DIVISION E
 Friendship Brothers - Sl
13 877 320 60 0 01257
1010 Sanoj Ramakrishnan DIVISION E
 Token CC
32 807 260 190 0 01257
1011 Ismayil Ibrahim POOL 16
 Western Warriors
11 876 320 60 0 01256
1012 Jabir Kannoth DIVISION E
 Friday Cricket Sailiya
10 985 200 70 0 01255
1013 Vijesh DIVISION E
 R B W Old
20 854 340 60 0 01254
1014 Babu Palagiri POOL 14
 Spartans X1
12 813 280 110 50 11253
1015 Arif Aziz POOL 15
 Matar Kings
14 1032 100 120 0 01252
1016 Abdus Samad POOL 7
15 961 210 80 0 01251
1017 Gopakumar O R DIVISION E
 R B W
50 1101 40 60 50 11251
1018 Ali Anees POOL 10
 Palace CC
8 710 340 100 100 21250
1019 Vinod Soman POOL 3
 Vh Warriors
20 889 0 310 50 11249
1020 Prabu Jeyakrishnan DIVISION E
 Tmq Tigers
26 809 290 150 0 01249
1021 Joble Joy DIVISION E
 Flyers Qatar (f.c.c)
21 558 510 130 50 11248
1022 Murshid Ali POOL 9
 Studs Of Qatar
21 717 430 100 0 01247
1023 Siraj Nandoth DIVISION E
 Eminant Qatar
16 917 190 140 0 01247
1024 Anas Hameed DIVISION F
15 1136 60 50 0 01246
 Qatar Warriors
18 846 210 140 50 11246
1026 Abidali Kommeri DIVISION F
 Desert Court
28 1106 -30 120 50 11246
1027 Mohammed Raza POOL 7
 Mall CC
15 975 0 220 50 11245
1028 Aneesh V G POOL 9
 Strikers C C
18 513 650 80 0 01243
1029 Imran Khan DIVISION E
 Avengers XI
21 1083 80 30 50 11243
 Doha Strikers
34 491 540 210 0 01241
1031 Arshad Kuttiady DIVISION E
 Team Of Qatar
21 801 200 140 100 21241
1032 Abdul Sathar POOL 12
 Smart Qatar
26 661 330 250 0 01241
1033 Bukhari Arakkal DIVISION F
18 758 390 90 0 01238
1034 Faisal Mohammed DIVISION E
 Ezgawa Tigers
12 797 320 120 0 01237
1035 Rahul Ramesh POOL 16
 Tiger CC
36 905 150 130 50 11235
1036 Sagin Prasad Q
 Doha United
11 1165 0 20 50 11235
1037 Roshan U R DIVISION E
 Kkm Warriors
34 1064 30 140 0 01234
1038 Midhun K K DIVISION E
 Q Tec Champions
28 1174 -30 90 0 01234
1039 Sajith Mohideen DIVISION E
 Super King Boys C C
15 964 240 30 0 01234
28 1054 30 150 0 01234
1041 Naseek . DIVISION E
 Limra Friends
27 1074 40 120 0 01234
1042 Aslam Maliyakkal R
 Redwolves Qatar
16 673 460 50 50 11233
1043 Jacob Poovamvettom DIVISION E
41 552 590 90 0 01232
1044 Rahul Sreekumar R
 G4s Phoenix
12 1002 110 70 50 11232
1045 Dhruvaraj K DIVISION E
 Lightning Hawks CC
23 611 430 190 0 01231
1046 Jamshi J POOL 13
 Qatar Warriors
12 891 200 140 0 01231
1047 Mishab Cm DIVISION E
 Lulu Battalion CC
26 871 270 40 50 11231
45 90 1010 130 0 01230
1049 Suhas vs DIVISION E
 Q11 CC
16 1079 60 90 0 01229
1050 Rasheed P DIVISION E
 Doha Boys
15 878 0 250 100 21228
1051 Jittu George DIVISION E
 Q11 Dark Horses
31 297 780 150 0 01227
1052 Riyas Vazhayil DIVISION E
 Spartan Strickers
31 667 370 190 0 01227
1053 Jawed Alam DIVISION E
22 1046 20 160 0 01226
1054 Ali Raza U
 Muaither Titans
14 375 680 120 50 11225
1055 Imtiaz Ahamed POOL 9
 Limra Friends
16 345 620 110 150 31225
1056 Pradeep Singh DIVISION E
 Oryx Star Cricket
37 304 720 200 0 01224
 Strikers Xi - Doha
15 1123 0 50 50 11223
1058 Mohammed Sabir R
 Redwolves Qatar
19 873 0 250 100 21223
1059 Rizni JIJI POOL 4
 White Tigers
10 1003 110 60 50 11223
1060 Mosab Badusha DIVISION E
 Rising Stars Doha
26 951 130 90 50 11221
1061 Anas Hamduley POOL 15
 Kokan Stars
18 1051 -30 200 0 01221
1062 Hasan Parkar DIVISION F
 Kokan Stars
9 870 270 30 50 11220
1063 Amit Choudhry POOL 6
 Super Brothers
19 169 910 90 50 11219
1064 Jamsheer Pulloonda DIVISION E
 Blue Commandos
24 697 450 70 0 01217
1065 Rahuman Kasmin POOL 13
 White Lions Doha
14 1067 20 130 0 01217
1066 Suvi S Nair POOL 7
 Lagaan Qatar
33 497 550 170 0 01217
1067 Renjith Kumar DIVISION E
 Jp X1 CC
17 806 280 80 50 11216
1068 Shafeel VS POOL 7
 Boom Boom CC
33 1015 10 190 0 01215
1069 Alex Legends DIVISION E
 Bright XI
26 984 70 60 100 21214
1070 Azmath Ansari Azmath DIVISION E
 Hitters Qatar Red
15 883 270 60 0 01213
 All Rounders Qatar
12 492 540 80 100 21212
1072 Khalid Sable DIVISION E
 Ratnagiri Fighters
28 461 650 100 0 01211
1073 Safrin Mohammed DIVISION E
 Thunder Strikers Doha
32 461 570 180 0 01211
1074 Binesh Binu DIVISION E
 Qatar Stars
27 809 -10 360 50 11209
1075 Mujeeb Khan1 POOL 8
 Doha Friends X1
18 868 290 50 0 01208
1076 Riyazahmed Shaikh DIVISION E
 Doha Tigers
13 858 190 160 0 01208
1077 Alan Paul DIVISION E
 Markhiya Blasters
24 208 750 200 50 11208
1078 Ramakrishna Veera Venkata DIVISION E
 Qatar Horses
22 1037 60 110 0 01207
1079 Nahas Nas POOL 9
 Qatar Warriors
36 255 850 100 0 01205
1080 Muhammed Hasin Abdulla DIVISION E
 Friends 11 Doha
13 655 440 60 50 11205
1081 Riswan Kasim DIVISION F
 Desert Court
7 752 340 60 50 11202
1082 Anoop Pavankumar DIVISION E
 Golden Knights
19 982 150 70 0 01202
1083 Akhil Asokan Akhil POOL 6
 Kkm Warriors
20 351 790 60 0 01201
1084 Anoop Varghese DIVISION E
 The Look
30 510 520 170 0 01200
1085 Anumon Pillai POOL 7
 Royal Strikers
13 860 170 170 0 01200
1086 Azhar Akbar POOL 11
17 629 480 90 0 01199
1087 Shabu KS DIVISION E
 Kkm Warriors
15 859 230 10 100 21199
1088 Abdul Sathar K P DIVISION E
 Winners Qatar
40 697 240 260 0 01197
1089 Imran Khan (IRK) POOL 8
 Victory C C
20 487 620 90 0 01197
1090 Fairoz Parkar DIVISION E
 Ratnagiri Fighters
23 1015 60 120 0 01195
1091 Sharun Km DIVISION E
 Blue Whales
11 1064 0 130 0 01194
1092 Mohamed Ilman Mohamed Rusly DIVISION E
 Royal Dare Warriors Qatar
16 1054 40 100 0 01194
1093 Khalid Adeeb POOL 7
15 793 230 70 100 21193
1094 Shajahan Bellippady DIVISION E
 White Tigers
19 492 530 120 50 11192
1095 Mahesh Gaikwad DIVISION E
 Hilal X1
36 1011 20 110 50 11191
1096 Wasim Abbas DIVISION F
 Lagaan Qatar
11 990 50 150 0 01190
1097 Mohamed Risan POOL 8
 Maru Champs Qatar
27 169 940 80 0 01189
1098 Elavarasan Karuppiah POOL 12
 United Warriors
17 698 300 140 50 11188
1099 Mohamed Harees POOL 6
 Q11 CC
21 638 510 40 0 01188
1100 Sheril Babu DIVISION E
 Q11 CC
15 877 120 90 100 21187
1101 Mohamed Fazi POOL 6
 Qatar Blue X1 Gold
31 336 740 110 0 01186
1102 Roshan Reji DIVISION E
 Rising Stars Doha
27 374 590 170 50 11184
1103 Chinthu Ashok DIVISION E
13 744 350 90 0 01184
1104 Faiz Deshmukh DIVISION E
 Sand Storm
12 943 150 40 50 11183
1105 Shaheen Usman POOL 6
 Qatar Vibrants
11 1022 20 90 50 11182
1106 Anoop Kumar POOL 10
35 752 230 200 0 01182
1107 Shemeer Mathackal DIVISION E
 Dreams CC
15 1152 0 30 0 01182
1108 Anil Kumar POOL 3
 Innings Stars
39 882 120 130 50 11182
1109 Radha Kk DIVISION F
 U C T
27 732 0 450 0 01182
1110 Azeem Said DIVISION E
 Spartan Strickers
31 831 20 330 0 01181
1111 Abdul Fahad Kabeer DIVISION F
24 780 180 220 0 01180
1112 Shaji Mohamed POOL 8
 Oruma Royals
20 300 790 90 0 01180
1113 Ishtiaq Khan DIVISION F
 Tiger CC
17 409 580 90 100 21179
1114 Rahul Archa DIVISION E
 Rayyan Boys
39 556 560 60 0 01176
1115 Shameer Basheer DIVISION E
 Palace C C
32 556 520 100 0 01176
1116 Saji Gopalakrishnan POOL 8
18 935 200 40 0 01175
1117 Nowsath SM DIVISION E
 Sun Max CC
15 1045 10 120 0 01175
1118 Muzammil Pandhre DIVISION E
19 1014 50 60 50 11174
1119 Arif Valaparambil Mohammad DIVISION E
 Hawks XI
30 444 550 180 0 01174
1120 Mobin Thomas DIVISION E
 Strikers Xi - Doha
23 323 750 100 0 01173
1121 Shefeek Shajahan DIVISION E
 Elegance Qatar
24 433 620 120 0 01173
1122 Abdul Semeer DIVISION E
 Lulu Battalion CC
29 132 790 250 0 01172
1123 Muhammad Riaz POOL 6
 Super Brothers
24 681 190 250 50 11171
1124 Abdul Shukur DIVISION E
40 921 70 130 50 11171
1125 Ranjith R POOL 3
24 1091 0 80 0 01171
1126 Ngraji Shafi Gani DIVISION E
12 530 470 120 50 11170
1127 Niyas Basheer DIVISION E
 Blockades X1
14 710 390 70 0 01170
1128 Santhirasegar Mariyathas DIVISION E
 Azad Varkala
23 619 450 100 0 01169
1129 Anees M POOL 12
 Smart Qatar
13 1077 0 40 50 11167
1130 Sabin Sammed DIVISION E
 S-thanz XI
28 656 410 50 50 11166
1131 Shefeek Vt POOL 6
 Hitters Qatar
11 625 440 50 50 11165
1132 Muhammad Zahid POOL 6
 Super Brothers
19 865 260 40 0 01165
1133 Manorenjan M M DIVISION E
 Blue Commandos
16 915 100 150 0 01165
1134 Geo M.t POOL 4
 Vh Warriors
20 314 620 180 50 11164
1135 Shiju V Samuel DIVISION E
 Hilal X1
29 994 60 110 0 01164
1136 Praveen Gangadhar DIVISION E
 Friends 11 Doha
16 813 20 280 50 11163
1137 Furqan Kunke DIVISION E
 Mumbai Fighters
22 512 500 100 50 11162
1138 Ramsulla Muhamed DIVISION E
 Silent Killers
15 792 270 50 50 11162
1139 Shanoj Tharayil DIVISION E
15 881 240 40 0 01161
1140 Shuhood Ahammad DIVISION E
 Royal Strikers Qatar
27 201 780 130 50 11161
1141 Jamsheed V M POOL 14
 Oscar CC
19 550 570 40 0 01160
1142 Ashraf Ashru DIVISION E
 Qatar Friends
35 430 600 130 0 01160
1143 Rajesh Rajendran DIVISION E
 Qatar Super Kings
21 1070 0 90 0 01160
1144 Muhammed Shah POOL 10
 Oruma Royals
32 479 470 210 0 01159
1145 Furqan Dawood POOL 10
 Unique Cricket Club
12 819 240 50 50 11159
1146 Rahul M POOL 3
 Vh Warriors
20 689 360 60 50 11159
1147 Afsal Yoosuf DIVISION E
 Spartan Strickers
30 488 490 180 0 01158
1148 Vaizag Davis POOL 11
 Doha Vikings
29 947 40 120 50 11157
1149 Rahul Pookotty POOL 9
17 745 250 110 50 11155
1150 Rahmath Siyam DIVISION E
 Sun Max CC
12 1035 90 30 0 01155
1151 Manu S Nair DIVISION E
 Bright XI
18 974 70 110 0 01154
1152 Arafath Athambawa Kalitheen DIVISION E
 Royal Dare Warriors Qatar
17 811 170 120 50 11151
1153 Keerthan Kumar Shetty POOL 7
 Royal Strikers
16 539 390 120 100 21149
1154 Ahammed Ashru Shunan DIVISION E
12 647 380 120 0 01147
1155 Anshaj Ali POOL 6
 Q11 CC
22 825 230 90 0 01145
1156 Fahad Bin shoukath Ali DIVISION E
 Royal Tuskers
8 875 140 30 100 21145
1157 Shameem M DIVISION E
15 903 230 10 0 01143
1158 Lahiru Rumash DIVISION E
 Master Blasters Qatar
8 883 220 40 0 01143
1159 Muhammed Jasil DIVISION E
 Friends 11 Doha
16 1053 0 40 50 11143
1160 Sameer Hussain DRS POOL 3
 Doha Revolt Stars
16 800 100 240 0 01140
1161 Rinesh Chandramohan POOL 15
 Xiomy City
34 618 450 70 0 01138
1162 Rohit Rana DIVISION E
 Lightning Hawks CC
13 568 430 140 0 01138
1163 Bijoy Mukundan DIVISION E
 Doha Vikings
26 538 450 150 0 01138
1164 Sajeevan Vicknenthiran DIVISION E
 Black Panthers
32 226 730 130 50 11136
1165 Sanaf Mohammed DIVISION E
23 975 0 160 0 01135
1166 Razi Mohamed Abul Razack DIVISION E
 Q11 Dark Horses
17 1005 0 80 50 11135
1167 Sam Zacharia DIVISION E
13 1075 10 50 0 01135
1168 Mohammmed Hussain Kamaluddin Sirkhot POOL 5
15 993 50 90 0 01133
1169 Milind Gosavi DIVISION E
 E&a Challengers
34 573 330 180 50 11133
1170 Iyyappan Balaguru POOL 8
 Victory C C
22 432 560 140 0 01132
1171 Hafeezullah Kv POOL 13
28 492 490 150 0 01132
1172 Abbas Mohammed DIVISION E
 Doha Vikings
30 582 400 100 50 11132
1173 Vimal Neelakandan C Pillai DIVISION E
 Angry Bulls
11 992 50 90 0 01132
1174 Fasil P Ibrahimkuty DIVISION E
 Toss CC
16 662 400 70 0 01132
1175 Dammith Nethelan Fernando DIVISION E
 Royal Dare Warriors Qatar
16 532 440 110 50 11132
1176 Rizwan Shaikh DIVISION E
 Mustang XI
27 281 720 130 0 01131
 Kombans CC
7 761 310 60 0 01131
1178 Ramzi Abdusalam POOL 4
 White Tigers
26 757 20 350 0 01127
1179 Mohamed Azaruddeen Azar T
 Doha Cc (dcc)
12 516 500 60 50 11126
1180 Althwaf Ismail DIVISION E
 Super Heroes
36 635 310 180 0 01125
 Hitters Qatar Red
22 964 120 40 0 01124
1182 Hasan Reza DIVISION F
 Nepal XI
15 163 880 80 0 01123
 Hitters Qatar Red
17 1043 -40 120 0 01123
1184 Jonathan Jeganath POOL 11
 United Spartans
17 812 0 260 50 11122
1185 Osman Malik POOL 16
 Unique CC
12 920 50 150 0 01120
1186 Mugamathu Bathusha DIVISION E
 Sparks XI
18 1039 0 80 0 01119
1187 Isaac George POOL 5
 Red Hawks
19 765 0 300 50 11115
1188 Mohammed Shakir POOL 9
11 721 280 60 50 11111
1189 Imran Sardar Khan DIVISION E
22 710 200 200 0 01110
1190 Shaiju Sainudeen Samad DIVISION E
 Yuva XI
14 840 150 120 0 01110
1191 Ahamad Shanib . DIVISION E
 Ksd11 Qatar
22 279 700 130 0 01109
1192 Muhammed Shafir Thacharathodi POOL 8
 Red Bulls C C
27 49 920 90 50 11109
1193 Siva Kumar Sunkara POOL 14
 Spartans X1
25 828 120 110 50 11108
1194 Kiran Kodikkal POOL 10
 Palace CC
17 868 70 70 100 21108
1195 Baiju Wilson DIVISION E
 Jp X1 CC
15 458 520 80 50 11108
1196 Mohamed Jalaluddin DIVISION E
 Team Cricket Buddies
28 778 190 140 0 01108
1197 Aneesh Thomas POOL 6
17 696 210 200 0 01106
1198 Nikhil Radhakrishnan DIVISION E
 Blasters CC
28 536 400 120 50 11106
1199 Shakir Pattil DIVISION E
 Lemax Riders
9 615 430 60 0 01105
1200 Fasalu Rahman POOL 4
 Doha Boys
9 314 700 40 50 11104
1201 Suraj Patel POOL 4
 Ccrc Warriors
11 429 540 80 50 11099
 Qatar Warriors
31 868 90 140 0 01098
1203 Anwar K V DIVISION E
 Boom Boom C C
13 958 30 110 0 01098
1204 Thilsan Mohammed POOL 7
 Thunder Strikers Doha
27 668 290 90 50 11098
1205 Safeer Davood DIVISION E
 Elegance Qatar
31 388 450 210 50 11098
1206 Mithun BS DIVISION E
 Rising Stars Doha
22 867 60 70 100 21097
 Silent Killers
16 636 340 120 0 01096
1208 Harish Gond DIVISION E
 Oryx Star Cricket
36 915 60 120 0 01095
1209 Prakash Gopi Gajendramani POOL 9
 Toivo Qatar
21 994 -10 110 0 01094
1210 Ameer Sultan DIVISION E
 Friends CC
6 694 340 60 0 01094
1211 Babu Krishna Moorthi DIVISION E
 Nysa CC
28 703 260 130 0 01093
1212 Basheer Bachu DIVISION E
 Masters CC
24 642 300 150 0 01092
1213 Shuhaib Gk Tcc POOL 5
16 710 280 50 50 11090
1214 Piratheepan Sivanesan S
 Kerala CC
10 600 350 40 100 21090
1215 Jamsad Kalath DIVISION E
 Rising Stars
28 860 180 50 0 01090
1216 Ahamed Mufaris DIVISION E
 Q11 Dark Horses
27 1000 0 90 0 01090
1217 Sathish Kumar DIVISION E
 Super Gillies Team
23 690 90 310 0 01090
1218 Nisar Mundodan POOL 10
19 560 360 170 0 01090
1219 Jijo John DIVISION E
 Doha Challengers
24 390 550 150 0 01090
1220 Mohammad Rafi Malavila POOL 4
 Beach CC
12 908 20 60 100 21088
1221 Abdul Salam DIVISION E
 Ezgawa Tigers
12 848 190 50 0 01088
1222 Ismail Kizhakkedath DIVISION E
 Friends 11 Doha
15 1008 10 70 0 01088
1223 Abdul Samad Pk POOL 13
 Mahe CC
11 717 320 50 0 01087
1224 Bhashkaran Satheesh Kumar POOL 11
 Golden Knights
16 717 290 80 0 01087
1225 Siby John DIVISION E
35 997 10 80 0 01087
1226 Muhammad Tariq DIVISION E
 Redco Riders
25 816 130 140 0 01086
1227 Tamim Kazi DIVISION E
 Mumbai Fighters
20 606 370 110 0 01086
1228 Anseer Koyante Valappil POOL 3
 Friends X1 Doha
12 666 320 50 50 11086
1229 Srinivasan Raja POOL 16
 Gcc Gladiators
9 694 260 80 50 11084
1230 Vijay Suvarna. POOL 9
 Blackcaps Cricketers
22 64 930 90 0 01084
1231 Dileep Dilu DIVISION F
 Calicut Blasterz
17 524 460 50 50 11084
1232 Mahesh Mahii DIVISION E
 Team Karthiyath
16 503 410 120 50 11083
1233 Jamshedul Islam DIVISION E
23 851 40 190 0 01081
1234 Mubashir Akkara POOL 8
 Lulu Battalion
20 340 660 80 0 01080
1235 Shanavas P DIVISION E
 Jp X1 CC
10 760 60 160 100 21080
1236 Ajoy Mathilakath Peruvanath POOL 6
 Q11 CC
41 820 30 230 0 01080
1237 Nazim Shamsudheen Ahmed DIVISION E
 Boom Boom C C
24 940 10 130 0 01080
1238 Arsath Mohamed S
 Qatar Lions
18 829 160 90 0 01079
1239 Fazil Basheer S
 Rc Boys
17 775 120 130 50 11075
1240 Laiju George DIVISION E
 Indo Qatar Cc - Iqcc
6 673 300 100 0 01073
1241 Muhammad Rizwan POOL 3
 All Rounders Qatar
14 412 480 80 100 21072
1242 Anas Shaimon T
 Doha Cc (dcc)
13 632 340 50 50 11072
1243 Abhishek Shetty Jayantha Jayantha POOL 10
18 862 10 150 50 11072
1244 Jemy John POOL 5
 Strikers Xi - Doha
23 381 650 40 0 01071
1245 Rajeev Kalimuthu DIVISION E
 Tamil Thalaivas
25 521 360 190 0 01071
1246 Javed Shaikh DIVISION E
 Spartan Strickers
17 570 370 130 0 01070
1247 Muhammad Ali Hassan DIVISION E
 Redco Riders
16 1000 0 70 0 01070
1248 Syed Tausif Ahmed DIVISION E
 Unipart 11
14 1020 -20 70 0 01070
1249 Noufal Babu POOL 11
 Doha Strikers
15 889 110 20 50 11069
1250 Anbuvinoth Kumar DIVISION E
 Angry Bulls
13 528 460 80 0 01068
1251 Pramod Prakash DIVISION F
 Oruma Royals
24 557 290 220 0 01067
1252 Noushad Hussain POOL 8
 Chennai Cricketers
14 657 290 70 50 11067
1253 Vivek Manoharan POOL 5
 The Monks
17 527 420 70 50 11067
1254 Mohd Akram Mohiuddin DIVISION E
 Deccan Boys
15 427 510 130 0 01067
1255 Rashid Kuttykattil POOL 6
24 997 20 0 50 11067
1256 Selvakumar Dharmalingam POOL 15
 Royal Dare Warriors
9 737 260 20 50 11067
1257 Niyamat Dawre POOL 14
13 935 30 100 0 01065
1258 Mohamed Amjad Khan Mohammadu Thahir DIVISION E
16 1005 -10 70 0 01065
1259 Anoop Anu POOL 11
 Qatar Warriors
24 954 30 80 0 01064
1260 Saththiyaraj Krishnamenan DIVISION E
17 923 70 70 0 01063
1261 Bauqer Ali DIVISION E
 Mustang XI
32 790 210 60 0 01060
1262 Thameemul Ansari DIVISION E
 Tamil Nadu Super Kings (tsk)
14 1060 0 0 0 01060
1263 Vinu S
25 909 120 30 0 01059
1264 Ragesh Uppalakkal POOL 14
 The Look
21 819 140 100 0 01059
1265 Nithaf Nasar DIVISION E
 Amigos Qatar
12 749 160 100 50 11059
1266 Ibrahim Badusha DIVISION F
24 779 190 90 0 01059
1267 Yassar Arafath DIVISION E
 Gharrafa XI
27 558 80 420 0 01058
1268 Aboobakar Abu Tm DIVISION E
 Master Blasters Qatar
11 788 200 70 0 01058
1269 Ashik Ka POOL 10
17 267 670 70 50 11057
1270 Shabeer Hamza DIVISION E
 Saltha Boys 11
18 696 280 80 0 01056
1271 Mujirin Mujahir S
 Qatar Lions
30 836 130 40 50 11056
1272 Liyaz Vv POOL 8
 Qatar Bruisers
12 966 60 30 0 01056
1273 Gineesh gini POOL 14
 Qatar Warriors
10 795 140 70 50 11055
1274 Nidash . DIVISION E
 Sparks XI
15 735 230 90 0 01055
1275 Asif Ali DIVISION E
 Lulu Battalion CC
19 785 0 220 50 11055
1276 Altamash Talwaskar POOL 7
 Aero Dynamos
17 204 610 140 100 21054
1277 Firoz Asharaf DIVISION E
 Blockades XI
13 774 210 70 0 01054
1278 Balesh Balan POOL 7
16 683 250 70 50 11053
1279 Sharjan Ponnambath Pulikkul DIVISION E
 Blue Commandos
22 952 20 30 50 11052
1280 Sharafudheen S DIVISION E
 Sanford XI
18 631 300 120 0 01051
1281 Jashmeer Kasargod POOL 7
 Friday CC
10 340 540 70 100 21050
1282 Mohammed Saleem DIVISION E
 Palace C C
24 1030 -20 40 0 01050
1283 Ajay Kumar DIVISION E
 Man Strikers
12 950 0 100 0 01050
1284 Rosanjo Bristo DIVISION E
 Prakkat Jewellers CC
19 750 220 80 0 01050
1285 Rajesh Radhakrishnapillai DIVISION E
 Spikes CC
20 490 390 120 50 11050
1286 Haris Madathil DIVISION E
 Galaxy CC
22 1009 0 40 0 01049
1287 Nowfal Arakkal Abdu DIVISION E
 Super Heroes
32 249 710 90 0 01049
1288 Khalid Omer DIVISION E
 Shabab Al Wakrah
17 789 160 100 0 01049
1289 Vidhya POOL 4
 Vh Warriors
13 469 510 70 0 01049
1290 Imran Kunke DIVISION E
 Mumbai Fighters
27 979 -20 90 0 01049
1291 Shameer Shahal POOL 9
 Masters CC
27 509 370 170 0 01049
1292 Anas Pv DIVISION E
 Super Gillies Team
26 119 740 190 0 01049
1293 Mohamed Eliyas DIVISION E
 Super Gillies Team
21 888 50 110 0 01048
1294 Muhammed Afsal DIVISION E
 Omrc XI
19 288 620 140 0 01048
1295 Nithin Nelson POOL 11
21 847 40 160 0 01047
1296 Abdul Rahman.. DIVISION E
 Vectra Qatar
24 917 0 130 0 01047
1297 Ali Khan DIVISION E
 Mumbai Fighters
26 717 120 210 0 01047
1298 Vishnu Hitters POOL 4
16 556 330 110 50 11046
1299 Sarfaraj Dabir DIVISION E
 Ratnagiri Riders
17 886 120 40 0 01046
 Tamil Nadu Super Kings (tsk)
23 286 590 120 50 11046
1301 Mazain Tuvan DIVISION E
 Trivandrum Challengers
20 886 70 90 0 01046
1302 Jyothish Balachandran Nair POOL 8
 Oruma Royals
13 566 430 50 0 01046
1303 Ratheesh Mullassey U
 Vectra Qatar
11 645 290 60 50 11045
1304 Manish Kumar DIVISION E
 Spartan Kings
13 704 300 40 0 01044
1305 Fahum Israth DIVISION E
9 934 40 70 0 01044
1306 Ashan Mohamed DIVISION E
 Spartan Strickers
18 433 580 30 0 01043
1307 Meer Irfanuddin Ahmed Shamsuddin S
21 903 60 80 0 01043
1308 Rajeesh Vayalapra POOL 5
 Doha Challengers
10 723 240 80 0 01043
1309 Sajeer Chooriot DIVISION E
 Toss CC
14 803 170 70 0 01043
1310 Nithu Raja Subramaniyam DIVISION F
 Dejawu C C-dcc
11 443 480 120 0 01043
1311 Israr Khan POOL 7
8 920 20 50 50 11040
1312 Rejinas TK DIVISION E
 Toss CC
13 869 70 100 0 01039
 Beach CC
29 778 130 130 0 01038
1314 Sarath Sham DIVISION E
 Super Heroes
13 437 470 80 50 11037
1315 Ajeesh Jith DIVISION E
 The Look
25 927 20 90 0 01037
1316 Sadique Ali POOL 7
 Super Heroes
27 237 630 170 0 01037
1317 Sandesh Sathish Suvarna POOL 3
 Bounce Qatar
6 797 80 60 100 21037
1318 Lancinta Cooray POOL 5
 Atc Cbq
8 586 330 20 100 21036
 Mix Ileven
26 435 460 140 0 01035
1320 Praveen Sivaraman POOL 6
 Qatar Friends CC
24 684 120 230 0 01034
1321 Arjun C Vilas POOL 6
 Oscar C C
15 893 70 20 50 11033
1322 Adnan Shaikh POOL 9
 Kokan Stars
19 803 90 90 50 11033
1323 Rajeev Kaimal DIVISION E
6 862 130 40 0 01032
1324 Srinath Srinivasan DIVISION E
 United Warriors CC
14 661 180 90 100 21031
1325 Riyas Muhammed DIVISION E
 S-thanz XI
29 191 750 90 0 01031
1326 Ranju K R DIVISION E
 Java X1
6 950 20 60 0 01030
1327 Sharique Alam POOL 16
 Aero Dynamos
13 748 180 50 50 11028
1328 Shejeer Hitters POOL 3
 Hitters Qatar
11 668 270 40 50 11028
1329 Dain Sisupalan POOL 6
32 917 0 60 50 11027
1330 Shakkeer Nk DIVISION E
 Boom Boom C C
21 896 10 70 50 11026
1331 Arif Khan DIVISION E
 Rising Stars
13 594 310 120 0 01024
1332 Santhosh M.n DIVISION E
 Unipart 11
16 694 260 70 0 01024
1333 Zia Ul Haq DIVISION E
 Qatar Blue XI
22 233 720 70 0 01023
1334 Kamarudheen Paloli POOL 7
 Royal Strikers
20 893 50 80 0 01023
1335 Shabeer Ali POOL 7
 Youth Forum Companions
20 461 490 70 0 01021
1336 Shafeeque K DIVISION E
 Dessert Warriors
7 749 230 40 0 01019
1337 Nabil Gothe DIVISION E
 Kokan Stars
13 778 120 120 0 01018
1338 Shamseel V Razaque DIVISION E
32 447 460 110 0 01017
1339 Abdullah R DIVISION E
 Q11 Red Lions
12 697 170 150 0 01017
1340 Ibrahim TSK POOL 12
13 576 280 110 50 11016
1341 Anshad Abdulla DIVISION E
 Java X1
11 726 100 90 100 21016
1342 Shajahan Puthukudi DIVISION E
 Black Caps CC
15 545 370 100 0 01015
1343 salman Khatib POOL 4
 Kokan Boys
20 813 40 160 0 01013
1344 Ramaz Rafique Haddadi DIVISION E
12 632 320 60 0 01012
1345 Kamal Kp DIVISION E
 Uk Xi (united Kerala Eleven)
24 782 60 120 50 11012
1346 Anumod Sahadevan DIVISION E
 Spikes CC
14 631 250 80 50 11011
1347 Akhil Chandrika Vijayan POOL 16
 Toivo Qatar
20 641 140 230 0 01011
1348 Aaron Salaimkumar DIVISION E
 Bright XI
29 431 410 120 50 11011
1349 Jaideep Singh Thakur DIVISION E
 Indo Warrior
7 770 200 40 0 01010
1350 Mirza Rizwan DIVISION E
 Smart Qatar
21 410 460 140 0 01010
1351 Ubais Kadavath POOL 3
 Kings X1 Vadagara
17 869 100 40 0 01009
1352 Venkatesh Akula Phaneendra Rama DIVISION E
 Angry Bulls
11 977 0 30 0 01007
1353 Faisal Moideen POOL 4
 White Tigers
27 953 0 50 0 01003
1354 Shijeesh Karimpana Thottathil . DIVISION E
 Diplomatic C.c
14 883 0 120 0 01003
 Friends Xi Mangaloreans
11 733 190 80 0 01003
1356 Shaheen Basheer DIVISION E
 Blockades XI
17 742 220 40 0 01002
1357 Ranjith John Thomas POOL 14
13 862 60 80 0 01002
1358 Mohamad Sajith DIVISION E
 Ceylonians CC
18 870 0 130 0 01000
1359 Ismail Amanulla POOL 12
19 929 10 60 0 0999
1360 Akhil Anzar DIVISION E
 Royal Warriors Qatar
12 819 -20 150 50 1999
1361 Rizwan Malik POOL 16
 Unique CC
17 599 350 50 0 0999
1362 Sabeesh K DIVISION E
 Mix Ileven
14 639 190 170 0 0999
1363 Nisam Shihabudeen DIVISION E
 Yuva XI
8 897 50 0 50 1997
1364 Abdul Amin POOL 4
 Qatar Blue X1 Silver
26 917 0 80 0 0997
1365 Subair AP DIVISION E
 Elegance Qatar
26 956 30 10 0 0996
1366 Shantheev Krishnan DIVISION E
 Yuva XI
12 755 200 40 0 0995
1367 Sadique Chalappadikkal DIVISION E
 Team Ghados
26 485 210 250 50 1995
1368 Faisal Kp DIVISION E
 Master Blasters Qatar
18 754 170 70 0 0994
1369 Arjun Andiyan Kandi K DIVISION E
 Alpha Eleven
12 694 120 180 0 0994
1370 Noufi Hitters DIVISION E
 Hitters Qatar Blue
6 883 80 30 0 0993
1371 Tak Chand DIVISION E
 Redco Riders
11 943 -20 20 50 1993
1372 Prabhu Melepurath POOL 3
 Jp X1
26 622 330 40 0 0992
 Tamil Nadu Super Kings (tsk)
19 801 40 100 50 1991
1374 Subras Mohammed POOL 10
 Thunder Strikers
29 851 0 90 50 1991
1375 Libi Babu DIVISION E
 Drillers CC
10 341 570 80 0 0991
1376 Sameer Pc S
 Al Dar Blasters
15 441 360 90 100 2991
1377 Ratheesh Mathilakam DIVISION E
 Rising Stars
18 600 330 60 0 0990
1378 Jobi John DIVISION E
 Super Gillies Team
16 789 60 90 50 1989
1379 Shajahan Sulaiman DIVISION E
 Innings Stars
32 829 50 60 50 1989
1380 Muthu Kumar DIVISION E
 Team Mercury
19 639 250 100 0 0989
1381 Manoj Kumara DIVISION E
 Dqct (dulsco Qatar )
12 729 110 100 50 1989
1382 Balaguru Perumal DIVISION E
 Tmq Tigers
21 239 550 200 0 0989
1383 Mujeeb (Deaf) POOL 13
20 557 350 80 0 0987
1384 Frino Francis V DIVISION E
 Sand Storm
8 426 490 70 0 0986
1385 Sreejish Dev DIVISION E
 Team Doha
14 526 390 20 50 1986
1386 Rupan Pillai DIVISION E
 Asian Rhynos
6 796 90 50 50 1986
1387 Anoob Mammu DIVISION E
 Doha Vikings
21 836 110 40 0 0986
1388 Mithun Raj DIVISION E
 Strikers Xi - Doha
26 715 100 170 0 0985
1389 Navas Moidunny DIVISION E
 Qatar Vibrants
17 594 300 40 50 1984
1390 Sameer Sami POOL 8
10 734 200 50 0 0984
1391 Arun Bineesh DIVISION E
 Vectra Qatar
9 732 0 250 0 0982
1392 Praveen Muraleedharan R
 G4s Phoenix
36 722 160 100 0 0982
1393 Nis Nee DIVISION E
 Players Xl
7 840 20 70 50 1980
1394 Mohamad Naufal DIVISION E
 Khalifa Strikers
12 550 360 70 0 0980
1395 Ansari T POOL 6
 Spartans-qatar CC
13 480 260 190 50 1980
1396 Amal Raj POOL 9
 Petroserv CC
14 250 670 60 0 0980
1397 Suneesh N Rameshan DIVISION E
14 549 340 90 0 0979
1398 Maajid Kadu DIVISION E
 Ratnagiri Riders
13 619 320 40 0 0979
1399 Nasif Omer DIVISION E
 Uk Xi (united Kerala Eleven)
34 968 -10 20 0 0978
1400 Muhammed Edayannur R
10 558 270 100 50 1978
1401 Muddasar Majid DIVISION E
 Ratnagiri Fighters
20 807 90 80 0 0977
1402 Shehin Shaiku DIVISION E
25 867 -10 70 50 1977
1403 Sijaf Kassim DIVISION E
 Mahe CC
25 837 50 90 0 0977
1404 Syed Abdul Hannan DIVISION E
 Deccan Boys
15 646 260 70 0 0976
1405 Imran Sarwar DIVISION E
 Redco Riders
10 906 20 50 0 0976
1406 Shinu K DIVISION E
 Spikes CC
15 855 0 70 50 1975
1407 Libin DIVISION E
 Calicut Blasterz Blue
6 785 100 40 50 1975
1408 Velmurugan Thangavel DIVISION E
 Tmq Tigers
25 554 300 120 0 0974
1409 Sahood VK DIVISION E
 Sand Storm
18 664 210 100 0 0974
1410 Anuraj Sivarajan POOL 5
 Truth Fighters
12 774 0 150 50 1974
1411 Razak Kv DIVISION E
 Qatar Stars
30 183 670 70 50 1973
1412 Shihabudheen Assainar DIVISION E
 Blue Commandos
16 743 20 210 0 0973
1413 Mohammed Ilham DIVISION E
11 503 380 90 0 0973
1414 Naseem Paduvingal POOL 9
 Boom Boom CC
14 893 0 80 0 0973
1415 Abdulazees A POOL 7
 Lagaan Qatar
23 552 240 130 50 1972
1416 Aneesh Vaishakan DIVISION E
 Sanford XI
19 802 10 110 50 1972
1417 Ameer Khan Sarif POOL 7
 Doha Fighters
5 791 120 60 0 0971
1418 Salaj NV DIVISION E
 Kings Xi Vadagara
26 20 760 90 100 2970
1419 Shameem Farid U
 Bmc X1
9 319 560 90 0 0969
1420 Ahamed Khan DIVISION E
 Air Strikers
14 856 -10 120 0 0966
1421 Ravi Herath Mudhiyansalage POOL 5
 Jumbo Warriors
23 416 420 130 0 0966
1422 Rafeek Yuva DIVISION E
 Yuva XI
12 846 50 70 0 0966
1423 Arshad Azeez DIVISION E
 Blockades X1
10 795 0 70 100 2965
1424 Manesh Kariyadan DIVISION E
 Alpha Eleven
15 834 80 50 0 0964
1425 Praveen Cp POOL 13
 Marc Qatar Warriors
11 594 350 20 0 0964
1426 Thasneem Sha Farook DIVISION E
26 434 450 80 0 0964
1427 Ravi Sankar DIVISION E
 Token CC
30 584 260 120 0 0964
1428 Purna Chandra Gowrisetty DIVISION E
 Telugu Warriors
24 633 60 220 50 1963
1429 Naeed S DIVISION E
 Blue Commandos
13 753 150 60 0 0963
1430 Shaji Pc DIVISION E
 Bails Qatar CC
9 812 110 40 0 0962
1431 Ameesh Bullathil POOL 15
 Hawks X1
21 452 300 160 50 1962
1432 Riyas Mullakatu POOL 13
 Boyzone Qatar
12 758 60 90 50 1958
1433 Vinay Viswanath POOL 5
 G4s Phoenix
23 558 310 90 0 0958
1434 Muhammed Insaf DIVISION E
 Master Blasters Qatar
23 8 880 70 0 0958
1435 Kamran Kunke DIVISION E
 Mumbai Fighters
8 638 270 50 0 0958
1436 Gehan Chandima POOL 10
 Salwa Monsters
13 887 -20 90 0 0957
1437 Mohammed Mafas POOL 6
 Qatar Blue X1 Gold
9 797 0 60 100 2957
1438 Jence Rishanth DIVISION E
 Kanya Kumari Warriors
22 657 250 50 0 0957
1439 Fahad ali POOL 8
 Red Bulls C C
13 907 0 50 0 0957
1440 Toisif Patel DIVISION E
 Doha Tigers
11 904 -30 80 0 0954
1441 Febin Francis DIVISION E
 Merac Cc (mcc)
15 693 170 40 50 1953
1442 Surya Addagarla DIVISION E
 Telugu Warriors
24 351 480 120 0 0951
1443 M. ADAM 08 POOL 13
 Gharaffa X1
10 861 60 30 0 0951
1444 Afsar Sha DIVISION E
 Yct Qatar
8 590 290 70 0 0950
1445 Ahammed Thaja DIVISION E
 Doha Revolt Stars
22 570 220 160 0 0950
1446 Shabeer Shabi DIVISION E
 Trivandrum Challengers
14 460 460 30 0 0950
1447 Shaheer shaz DIVISION E
 Blue Commandos
27 849 30 70 0 0949
1448 Shakir Ullah DIVISION E
 Qatar Blue XI
16 199 670 80 0 0949
1449 Yasir Nasir DIVISION E
 Black Panthers
30 759 0 190 0 0949
1450 Nitto John DIVISION E
 Kanya Kumari Warriors
20 558 280 110 0 0948
1451 Mujeeb Varil POOL 7
 Mall CC
14 508 370 70 0 0948
1452 Asif Sheriff POOL 7
 Aero Dynamos
16 778 0 170 0 0948
1453 Shameer Abdulkareem DIVISION E
 Master Blasters Qatar
7 647 260 40 0 0947
1454 Vahid Ali POOL 9
 Galaxy CC
31 417 410 120 0 0947
1455 Nabeel Nabu T
 White Tigers
16 756 20 120 50 1946
1456 Mujibur Rahman DIVISION E
 Spartans CC
10 836 80 30 0 0946
1457 Afnas Vallil S
 Al Dar Blasters
8 806 50 40 50 1946
1458 Yogesh Pillai DIVISION E
 Qecc Stars
19 476 340 130 0 0946
1459 Vineeth Kizhakke Valappil POOL 14
 Spartans X1
36 713 50 180 0 0943
1460 Naresh Karjala DIVISION E
 Qatar Horses
16 873 70 0 0 0943
1461 Rino John DIVISION E
 Team Doha
39 592 260 90 0 0942
1462 Mithun Ottapurayil DIVISION E
 Strikers Xi - Doha
23 712 30 200 0 0942
1463 Aby Achankunju POOL 12
 United Spartans
15 231 570 140 0 0941
1464 Deepak Dubey DIVISION E
 Asian Rhynos
26 610 240 90 0 0940
1465 Sudha S DIVISION E
 Team Mercury
19 850 -20 60 50 1940
1466 Abhilash Raja POOL 14
 Group Nine 11
20 590 310 40 0 0940
1467 Rakesh Kpr POOL 5
 Red Hawks
18 919 0 20 0 0939
1468 Nishad K DIVISION E
 Doha Strikers Kunhipalli(dsk)
14 719 170 50 0 0939
1469 Aneesh Alex DIVISION E
 Trivandrum Challengers
26 588 130 220 0 0938
1470 Mohamed mansoor Pandikasala DIVISION E
 Vcc Qatar
16 798 90 50 0 0938
1471 Avinash Avi POOL 4
 Vh Warriors
22 378 400 110 50 1938
1472 Muhammad Hanees DIVISION E
 Hawks XI
25 806 40 90 0 0936
1473 Abins Maniyaramkudiyil Khadharkunju DIVISION E
18 695 -10 250 0 0935
1474 Rahul Balakrishanan DIVISION E
 Team Doha
38 284 520 130 0 0934
1475 Abubakar Sable DIVISION E
 Ratnagiri Fighters
32 444 300 140 50 1934
1476 Haris Choori DIVISION E
 Arabian XI
17 713 130 40 50 1933
1477 Mohamad Sahi POOL 11
6 933 -40 40 0 0933
1478 Abdul Kadir Parkar POOL 5
13 513 290 80 50 1933
1479 Zaharan Elodath POOL 3
 All Rounders Qatar
17 742 50 140 0 0932
1480 Mebin Mathew Q
 Prakkat Jewellers
30 782 -10 160 0 0932
1481 Shoeb Moosa POOL 6
 Kokan Stars
18 860 20 50 0 0930
1482 Munitandi Nithiy Anaaniham DIVISION E
 Qatar Lions
29 659 190 80 0 0929
1483 Muhsin PM DIVISION E
 Team Ghados
33 188 590 150 0 0928
1484 Alex Johnson U
 Qatar Friends
21 717 70 140 0 0927
1485 Mani Kandan DIVISION E
 Man Strikers
14 587 160 180 0 0927
1486 Jawahar Jo DIVISION E
 Avengers XI
20 586 260 80 0 0926
1487 Ali Akbar Machingal DIVISION E
 Qatar Vibrants
23 304 400 170 50 1924
1488 Shefiq Shamsu POOL 14
 Masters CC
27 64 710 150 0 0924
1489 Faisal Ali DIVISION E
 Blue Whales
12 544 260 70 50 1924
1490 Prabhu POOL 12
 Kk Warriors
10 833 0 40 50 1923
1491 Anas Cm POOL 12
 Red Wolves Qatar
13 813 0 110 0 0923
1492 Sanooj Ahamed DIVISION E
13 582 220 70 50 1922
1493 Ranjith Ravi DIVISION E
 Rising Stars
24 862 0 60 0 0922
1494 Shadab Khan POOL 10
 Tata Sports C C
16 902 0 20 0 0922
1495 Akhil Babu POOL 9
13 201 560 60 100 2921
1496 Shibu Ks DIVISION E
 Blue Warriors
16 491 320 110 0 0921
1497 Mohamed Muhsin POOL 7
 Golden Knights
12 531 250 90 50 1921
1498 Hazali Mohamad POOL 14
 Spartans X1
12 520 150 200 50 1920
1499 Sameer Siddique POOL 8
 Phoenix X1
15 710 0 210 0 0920
1500 Jaleel Ashes DIVISION E
12 640 230 0 50 1920
1501 Fasil Paachu DIVISION E
 Qstar Blue
12 730 150 40 0 0920
1502 Muhammad Fayis POOL 5
 Red Hawks
13 399 470 0 50 1919
1503 Shakeer Dsk S
 Doha Strikers Kunhipalli
5 759 10 50 100 2919
1504 Saneer Chirakkara DIVISION E
 Vcc Qatar
14 707 190 20 0 0917
1505 Mohammed Badardeen DIVISION E
 The Monks
19 477 350 90 0 0917
1506 Hamsakkutty Mp POOL 3
 Yct Qatar
6 846 -30 50 50 1916
1507 Nafris Mohammed DIVISION E
 Trophy Fighters
5 765 0 50 100 2915
1508 Shabab Ulde DIVISION F
 Kokan Stars
9 545 260 60 50 1915
1509 Mohammed Sami DIVISION E
 Deccan Boys
15 465 340 110 0 0915
1510 Rinto Xavier DIVISION E
 Sand Storm
15 455 360 100 0 0915
1511 abdul rassak raddu DIVISION E
 Arabian XI
14 525 350 40 0 0915
1512 Aravind R POOL 5
16 805 0 110 0 0915
1513 Murthala Moideen DIVISION F
 Arabian XI
16 815 70 30 0 0915
1514 Akhil jith DIVISION E
 Royal Phoenix
17 125 620 170 0 0915
1515 Shafeek Kamaludheen POOL 7
10 564 240 60 50 1914
1516 Wasim Khaje POOL 10
 Unique Cricket Club
8 862 0 50 0 0912
1517 Abdul Rassak Ebrahim POOL 9
 Toivo Qatar
20 572 230 110 0 0912
1518 Moinuddin Siddiqui DIVISION E
 Victorian Stars Doha
8 741 70 50 50 1911
1519 Sathya K POOL 15
 Friendship Brothers - Si
12 791 100 20 0 0911
1520 Rinsu R DIVISION E
 Studs Of Qatar
20 601 0 310 0 0911
1521 Indrajith Pillai POOL 12
26 508 360 40 0 0908
1522 Ashiq Bin Kader POOL 9
 Boom Boom CC
22 348 450 110 0 0908
11 767 50 90 0 0907
1524 Mohamed Sabith DIVISION E
 Yuva XI
10 747 70 90 0 0907
1525 Wajid Ali DIVISION E
 Mustang XI
21 406 470 30 0 0906
1526 Jaseer Kabeer DIVISION E
 Blockades XI
23 725 -20 200 0 0905
1527 Rizvi Mohamed DIVISION E
 Maru Champs Qatar
33 684 100 120 0 0904
1528 K.K. Kishan POOL 15
 Friendship Brothers - Si
15 184 640 80 0 0904
1529 Fairose Samsudeen. DIVISION E
 Golden Knights
13 773 80 50 0 0903
1530 Shamim Ansari DIVISION E
15 263 520 120 0 0903
1531 Prasad Ranasinghe DIVISION E
 Air Strikers
17 313 490 100 0 0903
1532 Ranees 32 DIVISION E
 Qatar Lions
8 702 150 50 0 0902
1533 Shaibaz kazi POOL 5
 Black Caps Cricketer's
9 492 340 70 0 0902
1534 Dhanu Bahadur S DIVISION E
 Lightning Hawks CC
17 732 60 110 0 0902
1535 Mohammed Shamshad DIVISION E
 Deccan Boys
12 831 40 30 0 0901
1536 Shabbir Laheri DIVISION E
20 730 110 60 0 0900
1537 Bibin Padiyath Babu DIVISION E
 Royal Phoenix
18 740 80 80 0 0900
1538 Prashanna Yoganathan DIVISION E
 Blasters CC
22 260 520 70 50 1900
1539 Shihabudheen Pk DIVISION E
 Oscar C C
24 239 520 90 50 1899
1540 Fahad Ahamed POOL 3
14 758 30 110 0 0898
1541 Mohammed Zarook Mohammed Zaheedu Z DIVISION E
 Alpha Eleven
18 757 90 50 0 0897
1542 Jobin Thomas DIVISION E
 The Look
22 667 30 200 0 0897
1543 Athul Chemmery POOL 7
 Mahe CC
31 307 480 110 0 0897
1544 Riyas R DIVISION E
 Young Sporting Qatar
14 566 160 170 0 0896
1545 Akhil Raj POOL 7
8 535 320 40 0 0895
1546 Rakesh M Azhikkattil DIVISION E
12 545 210 140 0 0895
1547 Ajeesh Thomas DIVISION E
11 734 0 110 50 1894
1548 Harshad Ambayathingal DIVISION E
 Desert Court
25 212 550 130 0 0892
1549 Shahul Hitters DIVISION E
 Black Caps CC
13 311 490 90 0 0891
1550 Thaya Thavanantham POOL 5
 The Monks
19 109 560 220 0 0889
1551 Rejikumar Gopal K DIVISION E
 R B W Old
36 607 180 100 0 0887
1552 Suhan Kapde POOL 16
 Cric X1
24 777 0 60 50 1887
1553 Sauban Deshmukh DIVISION E
 Mumbai Fighters
15 576 260 50 0 0886
1554 Sudhi S POOL 16
31 595 230 60 0 0885
1555 Dinu damodaran DIVISION E
 Merac Cc (mcc)
9 794 0 40 50 1884
1556 Ramees PK POOL 14
30 544 120 220 0 0884
1557 Haris Chennampully Backer DIVISION E
 Beach CC
16 554 220 60 50 1884
1558 Haneefa Udma DIVISION E
 Bdk Sporting
11 773 80 30 0 0883
 Vcc Qatar
15 642 150 90 0 0882
27 542 230 110 0 0882
1561 Pankaj P DIVISION E
24 602 70 210 0 0882
1562 Ali P1 DIVISION E
 Qatar Stars
27 612 120 150 0 0882
1563 Sadiq . DIVISION E
 Galaxy CC
21 742 70 20 50 1882
1564 Jasim Aboobacker DIVISION E
 Doha Vikings
6 661 140 30 50 1881
1565 Salim Asharaf DIVISION E
 Elegance Qatar
33 741 50 90 0 0881
1566 Shahvag Khan DIVISION E
 G4s Phenoix
29 560 250 70 0 0880
1567 Sudin Pd POOL 8
 Lulu Battalion
21 829 20 30 0 0879
1568 shafi sha DIVISION E
 Doha Strikers
38 129 580 170 0 0879
1569 Alan David DIVISION E
 Blasters CC
15 348 430 50 50 1878
1570 Amjad Khan POOL 7
 Friday CC
8 237 530 60 50 1877
1571 Haris Mohammedu Naser DIVISION E
 Limra Friends
12 386 380 60 50 1876
1572 Salman Mohammed DIVISION E
 Muaither Titans
25 446 340 90 0 0876
1573 Jithesh P DIVISION E
 Desert Court
10 635 200 40 0 0875
1574 Mohammed Arshad T
 Smart Qatar
23 365 480 30 0 0875
1575 Jijo John DIVISION E
 Spikes CC
24 -15 810 30 50 1875
1576 Ashif Ra DIVISION E
 Team Lulu
17 345 480 50 0 0875
1577 Rihan Samad DIVISION E
22 294 480 100 0 0874
1578 Zubair Pote DIVISION E
 Mumbai Fighters
12 574 160 90 50 1874
1579 Asif Qamar POOL 14
 Group Nine 11
17 763 20 90 0 0873
1580 Lijo John POOL 14
 Hilal X1
30 553 150 170 0 0873
1581 Jaseem Kannodankandi DIVISION E
 Blue Commandos
12 512 260 100 0 0872
1582 Reji Pappachan POOL 3
 Qatar Fighters Club
7 621 130 70 50 1871
1583 Salman Shaikhnag POOL 7
 Aero Dynamos
19 201 540 80 50 1871
1584 Jalaludheen Jalli DIVISION E
 Team Karthiyath
14 461 320 40 50 1871
1585 Biju Pulikkal POOL 7
 Doha Knights
23 700 90 30 50 1870
1586 Shafeer Mathackal DIVISION E
 Dreams CC
15 689 0 180 0 0869
1587 Al Ameen MV POOL 9
 Omrc X1
22 689 60 70 50 1869
1588 Basheer Paneer Bachii DIVISION E
 Team Karthiyath
15 798 10 60 0 0868
1589 Sharid Charfare DIVISION E
 Mumbai Fighters
17 658 110 50 50 1868
1590 Jeevan Padmajan DIVISION E
 Gcc Gladiators
17 737 50 80 0 0867
1591 Pradeep John Victor POOL 14
 Qatar Warriors
9 557 240 70 0 0867
1592 Akbar Shani POOL 14
 Group Nine 11
21 657 190 20 0 0867
1593 Ranjith K DIVISION E
 Lulu Battalion CC
12 47 780 40 0 0867
1594 Amalraj Vinoth T DIVISION E
 Team Cricket Buddies
26 487 0 380 0 0867
1595 Faizal Nizar DIVISION E
 Elegance Qatar
39 585 90 190 0 0865
1596 Parminder Khinda DIVISION E
 Abu Nakhla
4 735 40 40 50 1865
1597 Vijith Johnson DIVISION E
 South Royals
14 754 80 30 0 0864
1598 Abdul Azeez ajju DIVISION E
 Arabian XI
12 324 420 70 50 1864
1599 Syed Rizwan DIVISION E
 Redco Riders
7 644 140 30 50 1864
1600 Abdul Khaleel DIVISION E
 Khalifa Strikers
15 833 -30 60 0 0863
1601 Konda Babu DIVISION E
 Telugu Warriors
24 412 270 180 0 0862
1602 Fahad Kp DIVISION E
 Doha Sixers
13 181 580 100 0 0861
1603 Kelington Rasaiah DIVISION E
 Tmq Tigers
24 810 0 50 0 0860
1604 Muhammadali Kk Ali DIVISION E
 Vcc Qatar
16 810 20 30 0 0860
1605 thaishi #AB DIVISION E
 Ksd11 Qatar
12 229 570 60 0 0859
1606 Jain Joy DIVISION E
14 788 0 70 0 0858
1607 Rizwan Sheikh DIVISION E
 Qatar Champions
8 688 110 60 0 0858
1608 Shajir Shahul Hameed DIVISION E
 Azad Varkala
22 377 420 60 0 0857
1609 Rahul Muthachi Kandiyil DIVISION E
21 397 360 100 0 0857
1610 Nishaj Kh POOL 4
 Q11 CC
18 126 620 60 50 1856
1611 Sanu Nalini Ganesan Q
 Rayyan Boys
26 95 570 140 50 1855
1612 Ahkam Uppala DIVISION E
 Trivandrum Challengers
21 354 370 130 0 0854
1613 Ragesh R DIVISION E
 G4s Phenoix
9 344 440 70 0 0854
1614 Altaf Mukadam POOL 7
 Aero Dynamos
5 743 0 60 50 1853
1615 Abdul Samad Samad DIVISION E
 Hitters Qatar Red
13 723 90 40 0 0853
1616 Lijesh A V POOL 9
 Strikers C C
16 523 230 100 0 0853
1617 Sheikh Mohideen DIVISION E
 Qatar Super Kings
22 432 260 110 50 1852
1618 Mushfik Seyyad POOL 13
 White Lions Doha
14 552 170 130 0 0852
1619 Sajeev Hitters DIVISION E
 Hitters Qatar Red
14 682 110 60 0 0852
1620 Surinderpal Singh DIVISION E
 Group Nine 11
21 252 470 130 0 0852
1621 Eldho Geroge POOL 16
24 770 10 70 0 0850
1622 Vishnu Viswanath POOL 8
 Oruma Royals
29 250 400 200 0 0850
1623 Shinas Majeed DIVISION E
 Qstar Blue
15 390 370 40 50 1850
1624 Jasim Ebrahim DIVISION E
24 360 370 120 0 0850
1625 Muhammed Hashir Badarudeen POOL 4
21 579 200 70 0 0849
1626 Najeem o Uthuma Leebe S
 Qatar Lions
12 759 0 90 0 0849
1627 Riyas Padiyil Puthalath DIVISION F
 Blue Commandos
24 158 590 100 0 0848
 Doha Revolt Stars
9 177 640 30 0 0847
1629 Siraj Edathil POOL 8
 Red Bulls C C
16 827 0 20 0 0847
1630 Riyas Rasheed POOL 8
 Oruma Royals
33 467 340 40 0 0847
1631 Mohammed Sharif POOL 7
 Doha Fighters
14 637 120 90 0 0847
1632 Manoj Madhavan DIVISION F
 Dejawu C C-dcc
12 656 100 90 0 0846
1633 Vignesh Panneerselvam DIVISION E
 11 Indians
29 156 570 120 0 0846
1634 Vathan Joseph DIVISION E
 Kanya Kumari Warriors
22 776 10 60 0 0846
1635 Maya Krishan Jeganathan DIVISION E
 Nysa CC
24 465 280 100 0 0845
1636 Deepak A P DIVISION E
 Desert Court
21 364 470 10 0 0844
1637 Dipti Ranjan Nayak DIVISION E
 Lightning Hawks CC
20 684 0 160 0 0844
1638 Vijeesh Vijayan POOL 7
 Doha Knights
19 94 680 70 0 0844
1639 Akhil P POOL 3
 Jp X1
6 524 200 70 50 1844
1640 Vijay Kudari POOL 13
 Unipart X1
8 494 150 50 150 3844
1641 Shiju K. R. DIVISION E
 The Monks
22 113 670 60 0 0843
1642 Ribith Ravi DIVISION E
 Sand Storm
10 623 120 100 0 0843
1643 Yoosef Edavazhipurath Majeed DIVISION E
 Spartan Kings
19 863 -20 0 0 0843
1644 RK Tanur DIVISION E
 Saltha Boys 11
15 793 0 50 0 0843
1645 Faizul Siddiqui DIVISION E
 Kokan Boys
15 332 410 50 50 1842
1646 Prajeesh Kunathodi Baskaran DIVISION E
 Bright XI
24 312 440 90 0 0842
1647 Gul Hayat POOL 7
10 542 170 80 50 1842
1648 Rashid Kunnummal DIVISION E
 Bails Qatar CC
8 832 0 10 0 0842
1649 Jawahar Ponmudi POOL 8
 Team Cricket Buddies
13 561 110 170 0 0841
1650 Salih Muhammad DIVISION E
 The Look
13 561 180 100 0 0841
1651 Rajeesh Raman POOL 6
 United Spartans
19 379 250 210 0 0839
1652 Harinandan R Q
 Jumbo Warriors
17 518 40 280 0 0838
1653 Sajjad Deshmukh DIVISION E
 Mumbai Fighters
22 627 40 170 0 0837
1654 Shahin Saleem POOL 15
 Kokan Stars
25 117 610 110 0 0837
1655 Parvez Bava POOL 5
14 697 50 90 0 0837
1656 Muneerudheen Cherattihadan Muhammed . DIVISION E
 Diplomatic C.c
11 635 70 30 100 2835
1657 Afsal Zoopiyadath DIVISION E
 White Tigers
19 725 30 30 50 1835
1658 Nabeel Poradi DIVISION F
 Kerala C.c
10 224 560 50 0 0834
1659 Shakib Khan Kq POOL 10
 Kq Friends
11 234 550 50 0 0834
1660 Renju Krishnan DIVISION E
 Sanford XI
20 744 30 60 0 0834
1661 Sakharia Mayan Vayalil . DIVISION E
 Diplomatic C.c
17 153 570 110 0 0833
1662 Akram Shaik DIVISION E
23 573 130 80 50 1833
1663 Ahmed POOL 9
 Qatar Warriors
16 642 110 80 0 0832
1664 Abdullah Khan Ahmed Khan POOL 3
 Vh Warriors
9 732 20 80 0 0832
1665 Jabir Ali K DIVISION E
 Team Lulu
15 661 40 130 0 0831
1666 Sainu Shan DIVISION E
 Qatar Stars
18 391 380 60 0 0831
1667 Sharfidh Asharaf POOL 3
 Token CC
39 -10 670 170 0 0830
1668 Mayuurathan M DIVISION E
 Team Mercury
14 590 180 60 0 0830
1669 Vidyasagar Sasidharan Pillai T
17 330 300 150 50 1830
1670 Vishnusankar Vishnu DIVISION E
 Kkm Warriors
17 449 340 40 0 0829
1671 Shamnad Ubaidh DIVISION E
 Players Xl
9 349 420 10 50 1829
1672 Mahesh Idea POOL 16
 Royal Phoenix
20 639 60 130 0 0829
1673 Affan Deshmuk DIVISION F
 Chennai Cricketers
13 378 310 140 0 0828
1674 Subhash Attingal DIVISION E
 S-thanz XI
28 606 140 80 0 0826
1675 Rajesh Megina DIVISION E
 Ceylonians CC
8 356 320 50 100 2826
1676 Musthafa N POOL 10
 Blue Whales
9 595 190 40 0 0825
1677 Salmu Ad Salmu DIVISION E
 Amigos Qatar
9 425 330 70 0 0825
1678 Terance K POOL 6
 Spartans-qatar CC
14 194 500 130 0 0824
1679 Nithin Suresh DIVISION E
 Doha Spartans
10 823 -20 20 0 0823
1680 Mohammed Aasir DIVISION E
 Blackcaps Cricketers
15 742 40 40 0 0822
1681 Akin Babu P S POOL 7
 Super Heroes
13 482 230 110 0 0822
1682 Irshad Hussain DIVISION E
 Blasters CC
24 662 0 160 0 0822
1683 Jasfer Makkarayil DIVISION E
 Young Sporting Qatar
14 361 280 180 0 0821
1684 Askar Vaisyaravida POOL 10
 Kq Friends
12 331 410 80 0 0821
1685 Razeek Mohammad POOL 14
6 770 -40 90 0 0820
1686 Irfan Darvesh DIVISION E
 Black Panthers
31 40 730 50 0 0820
1687 Mithunsan Antony DIVISION E
 Kanya Kumari Warriors
16 400 320 100 0 0820
1688 Subash B DIVISION E
 Innings Stars
21 488 210 70 50 1818
1689 Shareef Koya DIVISION F
 Doha Dynamos
11 597 130 40 50 1817
1690 Selva Sugan T POOL 6
 Spartans-qatar CC
12 547 40 180 50 1817
1691 Arshad Kunnummal Kandy DIVISION E
 Strikers Xi - Qatar
9 627 90 100 0 0817
1692 Noufel Kassim DIVISION E
 Elegance Qatar
16 527 110 130 50 1817
1693 Vinod Aiyer POOL 3
 Hilal X1
4 686 60 20 50 1816
1694 ERSHAD IbrahimKutty POOL 12
 Q11 Redlions
8 325 480 10 0 0815
1695 Fahad Vk POOL 7
 Royal Strikers
30 574 40 200 0 0814
1696 Rayhan Abdul Mannan POOL 5
 Strikers X1 Qatar
10 173 570 70 0 0813
1697 Thanyeem Valiya Uchumal DIVISION E
 Black Caps CC
17 583 40 190 0 0813
1698 Rafique Bewnak POOL 7
 Aero Dynamos
17 782 0 30 0 0812
1699 Md Rabbie Rabbie DIVISION E
8 512 270 30 0 0812
1700 Abdusamad M DIVISION E
 Beach CC
28 751 -10 70 0 0811
1701 Satheesh Satheesh M POOL 12
 United Warriors
9 351 380 80 0 0811
1702 Renji Sathyan POOL 7
 Golden Knights
18 101 530 130 50 1811
1703 Talha Khan POOL 5
 Ccrc Warriors
4 640 60 10 100 2810
1704 Lixon Leen Robert DIVISION E
 Trivandrum Challengers
21 50 660 100 0 0810
1705 Bilal Jafar Mukadam DIVISION E
 Kokan Boys
7 660 70 30 50 1810
1706 Arif DIVISION E
 Qatar Stars
9 710 10 40 50 1810
1707 Lubaib Au DIVISION E
 Oscar C C
17 489 300 20 0 0809
1708 Arun Nesathurai POOL 5
 Strikers Xi - Doha
11 569 20 220 0 0809
1709 Zakkariya Muhammed DIVISION E
21 649 0 160 0 0809
1710 Mohammed Suaib Asseiyad POOL 9
 Qatar Lions
17 419 300 90 0 0809
1711 Parul Sharma DIVISION E
 Avengers XI
12 428 330 50 0 0808
1712 Shameer Vettupparambil DIVISION E
 Doha United
13 648 -10 170 0 0808
1713 Shireen Gul DIVISION E
 Qatar Blue XI
15 618 50 140 0 0808
1714 Adarsh Mk DIVISION E
 Saltha Boys 11
13 767 0 40 0 0807
1715 Sharaf Muhammed DIVISION E
 Beach CC
30 626 50 130 0 0806
1716 Ashife Jawfer DIVISION E
 Super King Boys C C
17 686 40 80 0 0806
1717 Afnas Chathoth DIVISION E
 Vcc Qatar
18 546 240 20 0 0806
1718 Hanson K Joseph DIVISION E
19 655 100 50 0 0805
1719 Rameez Pathan DIVISION E
 Janjira Sports Club ( Jsc )
12 625 150 30 0 0805
1720 Abdul Nassar DIVISION E
 Western Warriors
9 545 170 40 50 1805
1721 Safarudeen Darar DIVISION E
 Qstar Blue
15 675 0 130 0 0805
 Hitters Qatar Red
22 354 410 40 0 0804
1723 Linu Stanly DIVISION E
 Mix Ileven
21 284 390 130 0 0804
1724 Mohamed Naushad POOL 6
 Qatar Blue X1 Gold
13 702 30 20 50 1802
1725 Jasir Jasi Q
 Jumbo Warriors
20 52 660 90 0 0802
 Vcc Qatar
16 402 380 20 0 0802
1727 Junaid Ibrahim POOL 4
 Victory CC
10 671 70 10 50 1801
1728 Shereef TSK POOL 8
 Chennai Cricketers
11 670 50 30 50 1800
1729 Shejeer Muhammed DIVISION E
 Doha Vikings
21 348 290 160 0 0798
1730 Shameer Muhammed DIVISION E
19 678 10 110 0 0798
1731 Fayez Pullambi DIVISION E
 Combines XI
10 537 180 80 0 0797
1732 Mohammed Fazil Kunnummal DIVISION E
 Blue Commandos
31 365 320 110 0 0795
1733 Sajil Senan POOL 7
 Mall CC
9 775 0 20 0 0795
1734 Faisal A V POOL 8
 Qatar Bruisers
10 655 90 0 50 1795
1735 Raja Ramasamy DIVISION E
 Nysa CC
28 55 530 210 0 0795
1736 Mohammad Razeek Abdul Rehman POOL 12
 Smart Qatar
4 695 60 40 0 0795
1737 Raja Baskar B DIVISION F
 Dejawu C C-dcc
7 634 130 30 0 0794
1738 Ali Abbas DIVISION E
 Mustang XI
37 184 520 90 0 0794
1739 Jokhu Ram DIVISION F
 Nepal XI
9 493 270 30 0 0793
1740 Kalidass Chandran DIVISION E
 Tamil Thalaivas
24 483 0 310 0 0793
1741 Promod Uliyan POOL 8
14 662 0 80 50 1792
1742 Sameer Kannorakandy POOL 9
33 612 50 130 0 0792
1743 Noor Punjavi DIVISION E
 Ezgawa Tigers
11 632 110 50 0 0792
1744 Sameer S DIVISION F
 Amigos Qatar
6 642 110 40 0 0792
1745 Sreejith Sekhar POOL 9
 Boom Boom CC
9 621 60 110 0 0791
1746 Jinto Hitters POOL 10
 Hitters Qatar
6 391 290 10 100 2791
1747 Bijo Thuruthicadu DIVISION E
 Qatar Friends CC
24 631 20 90 50 1791
1748 Rasheed Madavathuruthi Kuni DIVISION F
 Kerala C.c
9 60 590 90 50 1790
1749 Shuhaib Mathath R
 Fighters Qatar
9 500 200 40 50 1790
1750 Mohammed Anas Sangham POOL 8
 Victory C C
8 589 110 40 50 1789
1751 Pankaj Kumar DIVISION E
20 339 410 40 0 0789
1752 Tahir T DIVISION F
 Victory CC
21 448 280 60 0 0788
1753 Syed Yoosaf Munafar DIVISION E
 Royal Strikers
26 808 -40 20 0 0788
1754 Amol Nathuram Kamble DIVISION E
11 448 260 30 50 1788
1755 Rashid Aachi DIVISION E
 Rising Stars
30 127 550 110 0 0787
1756 Sheik Sadi Kawser DIVISION E
 Bd Bullets
5 497 200 40 50 1787
1757 V M Rifas DIVISION E
 Ceylonians CC
22 336 340 60 50 1786
1758 Ibrahim M DIVISION E
 Doha Friends XI
11 486 190 110 0 0786
1759 Mohammed Fauzan . DIVISION E
 Friday CC
8 415 370 0 0 0785
1760 Deekshith Reddy DIVISION E
 Flyers Qatar (f.c.c)
17 235 400 150 0 0785
1761 Rasmi Abdul Salam DIVISION E
 White Tigers
22 635 40 110 0 0785
1762 Adil Chalil POOL 7
 Rayyan Red Lions
8 794 -80 70 0 0784
1763 Mohammad Azad DIVISION E
 Dqct (dulsco Qatar )
15 364 340 80 0 0784
1764 Abdul Basid Legends POOL 3
 Rc Boys
12 434 270 30 50 1784
1765 Baiju Eriyad DIVISION E
 Friday Cricket Sailiya
11 304 400 80 0 0784
1766 Arief Mohammed Kandakkara Ali DIVISION F
 Doha Dynamos
10 664 20 100 0 0784
1767 Nadeer Abdurahman POOL 4
 Sparks X1
24 573 100 60 50 1783
1768 Pushparaj Gopal POOL 3
 Vh Warriors
10 403 330 50 0 0783
1769 Vibin Mohan Q
 Doha United
18 282 380 120 0 0782
1770 Jamsheer Abbas R
 Redwolves Qatar
14 671 0 110 0 0781
1771 Siraj Nalakath POOL 5
 Truth Fighters
10 371 370 40 0 0781
1772 Feroz S
 Rc Boys
8 661 20 50 50 1781
1773 Abdul Rauf DIVISION E
 Doha Fighters
7 631 0 100 50 1781
1774 Sayeem k DIVISION E
 Blasters CC
10 661 90 30 0 0781
1775 Bijo Jose DIVISION E
 Dreams CC
15 540 190 50 0 0780
1776 Nikhil Krishnan S
 Rc Boys
17 280 340 110 50 1780
1777 Kettasiva 27 DIVISION E
 Silent Killers
17 379 290 60 50 1779
1778 Izzath Ahamed POOL 12
 Thunder Strikers Doha
28 589 120 70 0 0779
1779 Lijo George DIVISION E
 Gcc Gladiators
15 409 290 80 0 0779
1780 Fysal Kasim DIVISION E
 Saltha Boys 11
13 159 570 50 0 0779
1781 Midhun Koomullanparambil Babu B DIVISION E
 Alpha Eleven
19 568 130 80 0 0778
1782 Faisal Vp DIVISION E
 Amigos Qatar
10 507 160 60 50 1777
1783 Sajin Haneefa POOL 7
 Friday CC
14 707 60 10 0 0777
1784 THIEEBAN . N. K POOL 15
 Friendship Brothers - Si
37 437 180 160 0 0777
1785 Imran Abubakkar DIVISION E
 Doha Legends
7 526 210 40 0 0776
1786 Asekur Rahman DIVISION E
 Q11 Red Lions
23 536 150 90 0 0776
1787 Noble Simon DIVISION E
 Alpha Eleven
17 146 600 30 0 0776
1788 Varky Pandalam DIVISION E
 Java X1
8 646 90 40 0 0776
1789 Fahim Mukthar DIVISION E
 Doha United
18 455 200 120 0 0775
1790 Anish Arumugam DIVISION E
 Royal Warriors Qatar
16 715 0 60 0 0775
1791 jazul fajaaz S
 Doha Strikers Kunhipalli
18 475 190 110 0 0775
1792 Ajin Chandran DIVISION E
 United Warriors CC
14 785 -50 40 0 0775
1793 Nizar Bdk DIVISION E
 Bdk Sporting
18 354 370 50 0 0774
1794 Abdul Shafeeque DIVISION E
 Bdk Sporting
15 604 140 30 0 0774
1795 Sanjaya Udesh POOL 8
10 534 0 240 0 0774
1796 Sumesh S DIVISION E
17 383 300 90 0 0773
1797 Mohit Kumar DIVISION E
 Angry Bulls
15 223 520 30 0 0773
1798 Mustufa Ghalte DIVISION E
 Kokan Boys
10 392 250 130 0 0772
1799 Anshad A POOL 9
 Thyseen Warriors
15 382 360 30 0 0772
1800 Shameer Shami DIVISION E
 Rising Stars
12 441 300 30 0 0771
1801 Syed Mohd Riaz Baqar POOL 16
 Cric X1
17 81 560 80 50 1771
1802 Jamsheer Pulloonda K DIVISION F
 Blue Commandos
8 310 430 30 0 0770
1803 Shan Vijayan DIVISION E
 Blue Whales
11 260 380 80 50 1770
1804 Arshad Anwar DIVISION E
 Gharrafa XI
7 340 280 50 100 2770
1805 Lijin George U
 Qatar Friends
12 100 580 40 50 1770
1806 Kelinton Edmond DIVISION E
 Black Panthers
7 619 0 100 50 1769
 Jp X1 CC
11 539 100 80 50 1769
1808 Rejimon P R
 G4s Phoenix
14 778 -30 20 0 0768
1809 Nirmal Singh POOL 5
 Jumbo Warriors
24 158 440 70 100 2768
1810 Samir Kanekar DIVISION E
 Kokan Boys
5 688 0 30 50 1768
 Royal Phoenix
16 617 110 40 0 0767
1812 Soyeb Patel DIVISION E
 Doha Tigers
13 557 120 90 0 0767
1813 Shaikh Muhammed Azarudheen POOL 4
 Aldar Blasters
21 465 230 70 0 0765
1814 Pani Joy Solan POOL 12
 Kk Warriors
10 554 140 70 0 0764
1815 Anshad Muhammed DIVISION E
 Q11 Dark Horses
14 724 0 40 0 0764
1816 Anshad HITTERS POOL 3
 Hitters Qatar
15 623 90 50 0 0763
1817 Visakh Vp DIVISION E
 Doha Legends
8 563 70 80 50 1763
1818 Sunil Satyanarayanan POOL 6
30 293 360 110 0 0763
1819 Shaji Mohammed DIVISION E
15 511 0 250 0 0761
1820 Irfan Mujibur Rahman Aga DIVISION E
13 511 210 40 0 0761
1821 Jalal Sha DIVISION E
 Bmc Chargers
6 541 60 110 50 1761
1822 Josh Ravi DIVISION E
 Calicut Blasterz Blue
21 131 560 70 0 0761
1823 Haris Ahsan DIVISION E
 Avengers XI
24 541 60 110 50 1761
1824 Riswan Kasin DIVISION E
 Desert Court
6 531 80 50 100 2761
1825 Sabeel Sha POOL 6
 Qatar Vibrants
12 570 0 190 0 0760
1826 Afsal Muhammad DIVISION E
 Revenge Boys
9 640 60 60 0 0760
1827 Salim Malik DIVISION E
 Lightning Hawks CC
13 560 160 40 0 0760
1828 Muhammad Shamseer Perincheri Meethal DIVISION E
18 539 120 50 50 1759
1829 Joshimuddin Mohammad POOL 8
 Bd Bullets
11 739 -40 60 0 0759
1830 Abid Rehman DIVISION E
 Yuva XI
12 359 310 90 0 0759
1831 Selvin Kurusappan DIVISION E
9 248 440 20 50 1758
1832 Farhan Ahmed Khan DIVISION F
 Doha Friends XI
20 567 140 50 0 0757
1833 Shafi Naduvath DIVISION E
 Master Blasters Qatar
9 307 410 40 0 0757
1834 Muhammad Aslam Karippullil Aslam T
10 207 440 60 50 1757
1835 Anish Kasim DIVISION E
 Masters CC
23 407 310 40 0 0757
1836 Renjith Kumar DIVISION E
10 326 370 60 0 0756
1837 Rasheeq Rashi POOL 3
 Al Khor Warriors
7 725 10 20 0 0755
1838 Shahzur Shaduli DIVISION E
 Black Panthers
15 375 310 70 0 0755
1839 Shaukathali Vettathur POOL 6
 Redbulls C C
22 24 650 30 50 1754
1840 Rehan Ahmad POOL 8
 Doha Friends X1
9 434 260 60 0 0754
1841 Muhamed Shemy DIVISION E
 Black Caps CC
14 644 80 30 0 0754
1842 Karthikeyan S POOL 6
 Spartans-qatar CC
13 574 40 140 0 0754
1843 Sreejith Hari DIVISION F
 Desert Court
26 353 360 40 0 0753
1844 Sarath S.nair DIVISION E
 Unipart 11
17 483 210 60 0 0753
1845 Benijo Edwin POOL 5
 Kanyakumari Warriors
10 612 40 50 50 1752
1846 Gul Zeb R
15 682 0 70 0 0752
1847 Jerin Antony DIVISION E
 Energy Technical Services(ets)
35 530 120 100 0 0750
1848 Faizel Mohamed DIVISION E
 Q11 Red Lions
36 680 30 40 0 0750
1849 Sajid Dukandar DIVISION E
 Doha Tigers
10 640 80 30 0 0750
1850 Mohamed Fardous Mohamed POOL 5
 Ccrc Warriors
9 329 390 30 0 0749
1851 Sabeen Failudeen Sabeen DIVISION E
 Drillers CC
10 658 20 70 0 0748
1852 Emil Moosa DIVISION E
 The Monks
22 707 0 40 0 0747
1853 Vinoth Mahenthiran POOL 13
 Unipart X1
10 657 -20 110 0 0747
1854 Noushad Kadavath POOL 16
 Xiomi City
48 467 150 130 0 0747
1855 Muhammed Ashique KV DIVISION E
 Omrc XI
19 597 0 100 50 1747
1856 Firoj . DIVISION E
29 366 190 190 0 0746
1857 Prasanth Bangera DIVISION E
 Avengers XI
16 376 310 60 0 0746
1858 Iqbal Parkar DIVISION E
 Kokan Boys
11 704 40 0 0 0744
1859 Mansoor Munaser POOL 6
 Super Brothers
11 604 100 40 0 0744
1860 Anil Pillai DIVISION E
 Desert Court
11 493 190 60 0 0743
1861 Mathew J POOL 14
 The Look
35 33 580 130 0 0743
1862 Marakkar MTM DIVISION E
 Friends 11 Doha
24 42 600 50 50 1742
1863 Satheeskumar Jeevarathinam DIVISION E
 Black Panthers
16 182 510 50 0 0742
1864 Sajid Wajid DIVISION E
 Blue Commandos
31 412 180 150 0 0742
1865 Ramesh Dandu DIVISION E
 Qatar Horses
8 501 150 90 0 0741
1866 Priyaranjan Mallick DIVISION E
 E&a Challengers
24 481 20 240 0 0741
1867 Shinu G Abraham DIVISION E
 Rising Stars Doha
11 431 70 240 0 0741
1868 Rasif Rahim DIVISION E
 Super Gillies Team
8 550 140 50 0 0740
1869 Mubeen Thadathil DIVISION E
 Team Ghados
14 330 370 40 0 0740
1870 Mohamed Imsath Mohamed Ilyas DIVISION E
 Royal Dare Warriors Qatar
17 139 530 70 0 0739
1871 Fahad Ukaye DIVISION F
 Kokan Stars
9 629 90 20 0 0739
1872 Sahir Abdul Kader DIVISION E
 Friday Cricket Sailiya
11 298 350 40 50 1738
1873 Arulraj Manivelraj DIVISION E
 Royal Dare Warriors Qatar
18 468 20 200 50 1738
1874 Faisal Muhammad DIVISION E
 Team Of Qatar
16 518 160 60 0 0738
1875 Thiyagrajan P POOL 6
 Spartans-qatar CC
12 438 230 70 0 0738
1876 Riyas Ks DIVISION E
 Doha Spartans
11 387 270 80 0 0737
1877 Ashraf Ycc DIVISION E
 Khalifa Strikers
15 777 -140 100 0 0737
1878 Mohammad Rashid DIVISION E
 Young Sporting Qatar
11 327 370 40 0 0737
1879 Shameer Ummer POOL 8
23 747 -30 20 0 0737
1880 Shaji Eliyas DIVISION E
 Azad Varkala
15 246 420 70 0 0736
1881 Bushad Kp DIVISION E
 Amigos Qatar
6 416 280 40 0 0736
1882 Makesh Kannappan DIVISION E
 Marina CC
11 525 170 40 0 0735
1883 Tausif Yusuf DIVISION E
 Ratnagiri Fighters
6 644 30 10 50 1734
1884 yo Pradeep DIVISION E
 Silent Killers
14 384 220 80 50 1734
 Hitters Qatar Red
18 334 310 90 0 0734
1886 Sharif Kk POOL 15
 Hawks X1
15 313 290 80 50 1733
1887 Vipin V POOL 16
26 243 410 80 0 0733
1888 Vivas V DIVISION E
 Calicut Blasterz Blue
12 652 0 80 0 0732
1889 Aziz Afridi POOL 14
 Spartans X1
5 302 370 10 50 1732
1890 Sabique siddique DIVISION E
 Qstar Blue
14 342 290 100 0 0732
1891 Ragesh Manjakkal Narayanan DIVISION E
35 441 120 170 0 0731
1892 Meaath Atham DIVISION E
 Sun Max CC
6 601 130 0 0 0731
8 530 190 10 0 0730
1894 Shihad Km U
 City Exchange CC
9 430 200 50 50 1730
1895 Abbas Antuley DIVISION E
 Kokan Boys
16 400 280 50 0 0730
1896 Jithin Gokul POOL 8
 Desert Court
17 550 60 120 0 0730
1897 Ruhul Amin U
 Bmc X1
11 639 30 10 50 1729
1898 Mohsin Nadaf POOL 6
 Kokan Stars
8 418 230 80 0 0728
1899 Fainas Cheruvatta DIVISION E
 Doha Sixers
13 468 130 80 50 1728
1900 Rahul Karuvara Poyil DIVISION E
 Palace C C
8 657 40 30 0 0727
1901 Najeeb Aboobacker DIVISION E
 Blue Whales
11 567 70 40 50 1727
1902 Yasier Ali . DIVISION E
 Mahe CC
5 667 50 10 0 0727
1903 Konda Babu Burri DIVISION E
 Qatar Horses
19 627 20 80 0 0727
1904 Sunil Kumar Channappurath DIVISION E
20 626 20 80 0 0726
1905 Aboobaker Sidheeque DIVISION E
 Bdk Sporting
12 466 170 90 0 0726
1906 Imran Patel DIVISION E
 Doha Tigers
14 295 320 110 0 0725
1907 Shanawaz Lokhande DIVISION E
 Ratnagiri Riders
16 364 170 140 50 1724
1908 Lijo Joy DIVISION E
 The Look
18 334 250 90 50 1724
1909 Hameem Koloroth DIVISION E
 Red Lions Rayyan
10 633 0 90 0 0723
1910 Abubakkar Siddik Q
 Oryx Star Cricket
8 613 0 60 50 1723
1911 Jojan Joji POOL 5
 Truth Fighters
13 593 100 30 0 0723
1912 Shajeer Mahmood DIVISION E
10 32 570 20 100 2722
1913 Rupesh Kumaran DIVISION E
 Team Ghados
24 601 60 60 0 0721
1914 Ahmed Basil DIVISION E
 Super Heroes
11 231 430 60 0 0721
1915 Saminda Kusum POOL 9
 Petroserv CC
9 351 260 60 50 1721
1916 Fowsath Mohamed Aniffa Aniffa DIVISION E
 Drillers CC
8 501 180 40 0 0721
1917 Vijeesh V45 POOL 9
 Thyseen Warriors
9 361 290 20 50 1721
1918 Vishnu Rema Chandran DIVISION E
 Uk Xi (united Kerala Eleven)
7 480 170 70 0 0720
1919 Eugine Azar DIVISION E
 Tamil Nadu Cc - Tncc
14 360 220 90 50 1720
1920 Sadiq Fighters POOL 4
 Victory CC
5 320 180 70 150 3720
1921 Najeeb Naju DIVISION E
 Rising Stars
12 519 0 200 0 0719
1922 Shalimar As DIVISION E
 Token CC
24 478 100 90 50 1718
1923 Rohit Kumar Saroj DIVISION E
 Energy Technical Services(ets)
8 288 350 80 0 0718
1924 Jencil Meethal POOL 8
 Victory C C
15 158 410 100 50 1718
1925 Ismail Pm POOL 8
 Qatar Bruisers
12 237 360 120 0 0717
1926 Manickam Thirumalai DIVISION E
 Spartans CC
10 207 420 40 50 1717
1927 Shub Kumar Mehata DIVISION E
 Rising Stars Doha
27 47 610 60 0 0717
 Sun Max CC
11 456 190 70 0 0716
1929 Seyth Omar Ali POOL 5
 Ccrc Warriors
22 336 250 130 0 0716
1930 Sujin Suresh Kumar DIVISION E
23 46 560 110 0 0716
1931 Saravanan Chellaya POOL 6
 Royal Strikers
12 446 200 20 50 1716
 Friends 11 Doha
17 385 230 100 0 0715
1933 Thajudheen T7 DIVISION E
 Yuva XI
16 175 450 90 0 0715
1934 Ranjith Kumar Jawahar DIVISION E
 Qatar Friends
15 685 0 30 0 0715
1935 Unais Puliyulla Valappil DIVISION E
 Omrc XI
8 695 10 10 0 0715
1936 Mohamed Azaruddeen DIVISION F
 Victory CC
8 304 400 10 0 0714
1937 Shafeer Abdul Rasak DIVISION E
 Western Warriors
25 573 -10 150 0 0713
1938 Ansab Kt DIVISION F
 Lagaan Qatar
11 273 320 70 50 1713
1939 Saddiq Ur Rehman Taweez Gul POOL 7
 Doha Fighters
6 612 30 70 0 0712
1940 Liton DIVISION E
 Man Strikers
12 82 550 80 0 0712
1941 Akhil Geethakumari DIVISION E
 United Spartans
23 212 420 80 0 0712
1942 Fazal Amin Gul POOL 14
 Spartans X1
11 201 450 60 0 0711
1943 Ahamed TSK DIVISION E
 Tamil Nadu Super Kings (tsk)
14 151 370 190 0 0711
1944 Rafiqul Islam Ripon DIVISION E
7 241 430 40 0 0711
1945 Rafeeq Cheracham Veettil Kalathil DIVISION E
 Beach CC
18 311 290 110 0 0711
1946 Muhammed Noufal DIVISION E
 Kq Friends
20 750 -40 0 0 0710
1947 Hiyaz Muhammad DIVISION E
 Cofely Challengers
9 580 80 50 0 0710
1948 Arshad Shaikh POOL 3
 Hilal X1
9 520 170 20 0 0710
1949 Dany Thomas DIVISION E
 Royal Warriors Qatar
19 630 0 80 0 0710
1950 Vivek Venu DIVISION E
 Vectra Qatar
19 290 340 30 50 1710
1951 Shamseer Valiyaveettil POOL 11
 Doha Vikings
21 560 130 20 0 0710
1952 Shanoj Hameed DIVISION E
 Azad Varkala
17 599 60 50 0 0709
1953 Mohamad Fahie DIVISION E
 Spartan Kings
15 309 300 100 0 0709
1954 Ansar Hussain POOL 3
 Al Khor Warriors
7 458 230 20 0 0708
1955 Jayaraj Caravan DIVISION E
 The Monks
9 228 410 70 0 0708
1956 Kishor Suresh Kumar DIVISION E
 Marina CC
10 238 420 50 0 0708
1957 Kajan Kaja DIVISION E
 Leaders Qatar
3 707 -20 20 0 0707
1958 Ishara Fernando POOL 6
 Super Brothers
11 507 150 50 0 0707
1959 Rinu Raju POOL 14
 Oscar CC
15 307 340 60 0 0707
1960 Asad Ali DIVISION F
13 457 200 50 0 0707
1961 Fahad K P DIVISION E
 Thadathil CC
7 496 140 20 50 1706
1962 Safal Sainu DIVISION E
 Doha Strikers
35 446 90 170 0 0706
 Sun Max CC
12 616 20 20 50 1706
1964 Satyam Singh DIVISION E
 Oryx Star Cricket
8 596 90 20 0 0706
1965 Shaluka Kuranageperera DIVISION E
 Royal Dare Warriors Qatar
17 566 100 40 0 0706
1966 Sakthivel Subramanian POOL 8
 Chennai Cricketers
9 576 0 130 0 0706
1967 Muhammed Bilal POOL 16
 Unique CC
8 345 310 50 0 0705
1968 Rabin Penchamen S
23 585 20 50 50 1705
1969 Ratheesh Vellani POOL 15
 Q Tec Champions
28 354 270 80 0 0704
1970 Chandana Kumara Dabare DIVISION E
 Deccan Boys
7 594 10 100 0 0704
1971 Sharath Rudrayya DIVISION F
 Chennai Cricketers
5 623 80 0 0 0703
1972 Rikku Mohan DIVISION E
 United Warriors CC
25 -7 620 90 0 0703
1973 Mohamed Ushama POOL 8
 Victory C C
23 593 0 110 0 0703
1974 Abuzar Solkar DIVISION E
 Ratnagiri Riders
4 682 20 0 0 0702
1975 Sayuj Chakiyath Kadan K DIVISION E
12 552 120 30 0 0702
1976 Jimshad Puthiyakath DIVISION E
 Kq Friends
15 602 50 50 0 0702
1977 Abul Hasan U
 Bmc X1
15 552 40 110 0 0702
1978 Aslam Raseed DIVISION E
 Super King Boys C C
6 392 210 50 50 1702
1979 Vishnu SathyAn DIVISION E
 Q11 CC
17 361 160 180 0 0701
1980 Faizal Ibrahim POOL 9
 Blackcaps Cricketers
12 551 -10 110 50 1701
1981 Riyas Perumbilly DIVISION E
 S-thanz XI
27 490 10 200 0 0700
1982 Mhd Zaneer Kochi DIVISION E
 Team Karthiyath
14 179 450 70 0 0699
1983 Nikhil N DIVISION E
 Players Xl
9 419 250 30 0 0699
1984 Basharat K POOL 7
5 518 80 0 100 2698
1985 Rajeesh Vp DIVISION E
 Bails Qatar CC
8 596 40 10 50 1696
1986 Siraj Valiyakath POOL 4
 Caribbeans Qatar
15 206 370 120 0 0696
1987 Ramakrishnan Sreekumar DIVISION E
 Master Blasters Qatar
14 336 300 10 50 1696
1988 Danish Nabi DIVISION E
19 116 510 70 0 0696
1989 Shafeek Algarath Parambil POOL 9
 Qatar Warriors
14 585 50 60 0 0695
1990 Sanofer Ummar Muhammed DIVISION E
 Java X1
10 655 20 20 0 0695
1991 Abdul Nafih POOL 15
 Delhi Capitals
15 565 70 60 0 0695
1992 Naimu Nazz POOL 9
 Studs Of Qatar
19 64 450 180 0 0694
1993 Hari Mohan DIVISION E
 Spikes CC
15 584 10 100 0 0694
1994 R M Farvees Farvees POOL 8
 Unicorns Doha
12 -6 610 90 0 0694
1995 Jalal Kothachira DIVISION E
 Bdk Sporting
2 604 0 40 50 1694
1996 Charles Jose DIVISION E
 United South Elegants
5 344 160 40 150 3694
 Strikers X1 Doha
11 453 90 100 50 1693
1998 Rahul Ramachandrakurup DIVISION E
 Desert Court
21 563 0 130 0 0693
1999 Jithu Sasidharan POOL 3
 Redbulls CC
7 493 100 0 100 2693
2000 Mohammad Rifat DIVISION E
 Abu Nakhla
4 433 200 10 50 1693
2001 Arakshit Thakur POOL 8
 Phoenix X1
12 392 220 80 0 0692
2002 Linu V DIVISION E
 Innings Stars
14 162 420 110 0 0692
2003 Dipak Rajali DIVISION E
 Team Lulu
18 472 120 100 0 0692
2004 Vaisakh K G POOL 3
 Kkm Warriors
23 392 140 160 0 0692
 Tamil Nadu Super Kings (tsk)
21 0 640 50 0 0690
2006 Shafi Nagarji POOL 16
 Cric X1
13 470 170 50 0 0690
2007 Faris Puthiya Purayil POOL 4
 Sparks X1
21 159 380 150 0 0689
2008 Anil Kumar P DIVISION E
 Xiomi City
22 339 240 60 50 1689
2009 Karthik Manoharan . DIVISION E
 Nysa CC
7 519 130 40 0 0689
2010 Ajay Tomer DIVISION E
 Team Doha
18 389 150 150 0 0689
2011 Tijo Varghese DIVISION E
 Gcc Gladiators
13 239 370 80 0 0689
2012 Zahir Dhanse DIVISION E
 Kokan Boys
16 229 400 60 0 0689
2013 Danish Raza Khan DIVISION E
 Phoenix X1
15 589 0 50 50 1689
2014 Prince Ellalis DIVISION E
 Kk Warriors
11 588 50 50 0 0688
2015 Mohsin Deshmukh DIVISION E
 Mumbai Fighters
10 368 270 50 0 0688
2016 Vivin Dhivakaran DIVISION E
 Sand Storm
17 638 -10 60 0 0688
2017 Akhilesh Subhashanan DIVISION E
 G4s Phenoix
26 327 230 130 0 0687
2018 Adil Maruthora Chalil DIVISION E
 Friends 11 Doha
9 247 330 10 100 2687
2019 Ashok Battula DIVISION E
 Gcc Gladiators
12 576 80 30 0 0686
2020 Arul Ashok DIVISION E
 United Warriors CC
20 86 420 180 0 0686
2021 Shaheer Karuthedath Jaghu DIVISION E
 Super Heroes
14 606 0 80 0 0686
2022 Sajeer Sajee DIVISION E
 Rising Stars
13 655 10 20 0 0685
 Doha Dynamos
4 614 0 70 0 0684
2024 Mubashir Elodath POOL 3
 All Rounders Qatar
10 394 120 120 50 1684
2025 Naushad Golden POOL 5
 Strikers Xi - Doha
13 434 170 80 0 0684
2026 Noufal P C DIVISION E
 Q Tec Champions
22 184 420 80 0 0684
2027 Jafar Tp DIVISION E
 Black Mamba
10 433 230 20 0 0683
2028 Ajith Kumar DIVISION E
 Token CC
8 373 190 120 0 0683
2029 Ranjith Kacharla DIVISION E
 Telugu Warriors
16 602 0 30 50 1682
2030 Mohammed Mahir POOL 6
 Super Brothers
9 362 290 30 0 0682
2031 Sugeeth S Pillai DIVISION E
 Spartan Kings
19 21 500 160 0 0681
2032 Benin Chandra Balachandran S
4 371 290 20 0 0681
2033 Sijith Av POOL 3
 Token CC
19 10 570 50 50 1680
2034 P Ajmal Aju DIVISION F
 Calicut Blasterz
15 230 400 50 0 0680
2035 Ehfy Aifaz POOL 15
 Kokan Stars
14 520 110 50 0 0680
2036 Samad Karimbanakkal POOL 8
 Qatar Bruisers
12 239 320 70 50 1679
2037 Mohammed Shabeer R
 Redwolves Qatar
11 509 110 60 0 0679
2038 Abdul Minof Alambath Puthiyapurayil DIVISION E
 Doha Sixers
12 389 220 70 0 0679
2039 Ahmmad Salim DIVISION E
 Boom Boom C C
20 499 10 120 50 1679
2040 Sharafudheen Kuttattuparambil DIVISION E
9 519 130 30 0 0679
2041 Najeem A DIVISION E
 Super Gillies Team
8 589 0 90 0 0679
2042 Moin Akthar.g.s . DIVISION E
 Friday CC
13 238 400 40 0 0678
2043 Abdur Rehman Khan POOL 4
 Qatar Blue X1 Silver
17 618 0 60 0 0678
2044 Sajith Saseendran Q
 Rayyan Boys
11 637 10 30 0 0677
2045 Sumeej DIVISION F
9 626 -30 30 50 1676
2046 Nirmal Arora DIVISION E
 Gcc Gladiators
13 486 140 50 0 0676
2047 Imran Khan khan DIVISION E
 Muaither Titans
10 535 80 60 0 0675
2048 Mohammed Iqbal DIVISION E
 Kq Friends
5 575 90 10 0 0675
2049 Shanawaz Mukkolakkal DIVISION E
 Kings Xi Vadagara
24 535 0 90 50 1675
2050 Arul Dharamraj DIVISION E
 Hawk Squad
11 194 380 100 0 0674
2051 Mohamed Zubairali Abdul Ravoop DIVISION E
 Angry Bulls
10 224 340 60 50 1674
2052 Venkatesh Mannem DIVISION E
 Qatar Horses
20 524 20 130 0 0674
2053 Birendar Kumar DIVISION E
 Lightning Hawks CC
20 533 110 30 0 0673
2054 Mohammad Yeasin POOL 8
 Bd Bullets
11 143 480 50 0 0673
2055 Thanvir Thayyil POOL 13
 Marc Qatar Warriors
10 523 130 20 0 0673
2056 Santhosh Thulaseedharan DIVISION E
 Bright XI
13 633 0 40 0 0673
2057 Afthab Athif DIVISION E
 Mangalore Warriors
8 513 160 0 0 0673
2058 Benny P Thomas POOL 15
 Q Tec Champions
19 383 110 180 0 0673
2059 Sidhique P POOL 6
 Q11 Dark Horses
11 312 240 70 50 1672
2060 Linesh Ali Kizhakke Peedikakkal DIVISION E
 Team Ghados
22 112 460 100 0 0672
2061 Mohammed Rafeeq DIVISION E
 Bdk Sporting
11 602 50 20 0 0672
2062 Mohd Ali . DIVISION E
6 231 370 70 0 0671
2063 Noufal KM DIVISION E
 Spikers X1
13 571 -10 110 0 0671
2064 Noushad P S
 Kerala CC
19 570 80 20 0 0670
2065 Keertharan Nadesamoorthy DIVISION E
 Royal Phoenix
17 209 430 30 0 0669
2066 Ranjith Ranju DIVISION E
21 589 10 70 0 0669
2067 Muhamed Faisal . DIVISION E
7 309 280 80 0 0669
2068 Salaludheen Kv DIVISION E
 Doha Strikers
17 388 270 10 0 0668
2069 Faiyaz Qazi DIVISION E
 Royal Strikers Qatar
11 408 120 140 0 0668
2070 Anees Right POOL 7
8 618 0 50 0 0668
2071 Rasheed Lulu DIVISION E
 Royal Tuskers
9 407 140 70 50 1667
2072 Saleel C DIVISION E
 Strikers Xi - Qatar
12 657 0 10 0 0667
2073 Ibrahim Nalonnil POOL 8
 Qatar Bruisers
10 147 410 60 50 1667
2074 Abu Thahir DIVISION E
 Qatar Champions
8 527 0 140 0 0667
2075 Shameej Sulaiman DIVISION E
 Doha Dynamos
12 507 100 60 0 0667
2076 Ahmed Malik POOL 5
 Dqct (dulsco Qatar )
5 416 220 30 0 0666
2077 Faumi Muhammad POOL 5
 Strikers X1 Qatar
4 426 190 0 50 1666
2078 Jaleel Cmk POOL 6
 Q11 CC
17 296 280 90 0 0666
 Royal Tigers
21 286 250 130 0 0666
2080 Mohamed Rifkan DIVISION E
14 596 0 70 0 0666
2081 Said Muhammed POOL 12
17 175 450 40 0 0665
2082 Ramesh Raju Duraisamy DIVISION E
 Tmq Tigers
21 404 10 250 0 0664
2083 Fairoz Asif POOL 13
 Unipart X1
7 554 0 60 50 1664
2084 Muneer CH POOL 15
 Uk X1
18 164 400 100 0 0664
2085 Mahroof . DIVISION E
 Sparks XI
10 284 290 40 50 1664
2086 Sanoop Kumar Puthukudi POOL 6
 Qatar Friends CC
13 444 0 220 0 0664
2087 Ajnas Puliyanakandi POOL 15
 Matar Kings
10 354 180 130 0 0664
2088 Ratheesh Gopi POOL 8
 Royal Warriors
9 584 -40 120 0 0664
2089 Dilupa Ranjan Fernando POOL 16
11 564 60 40 0 0664
2090 Sajad Hussain DIVISION F
 Q11 Darkhorse
6 403 200 10 50 1663
2091 Naveen P POOL 3
 Jp X1
7 383 210 20 50 1663
2092 Ameer Amy DIVISION E
 Palace C C
11 442 130 90 0 0662
2093 Musthafa Urathodiyil DIVISION E
10 322 180 160 0 0662
2094 Manikandan P POOL 6
 Spartans-qatar CC
7 432 160 70 0 0662
2095 Santhosh S DIVISION E
 Thyssen Warriors
4 192 360 10 100 2662
2096 Shamnaz Khan DIVISION E
 S-thanz XI
21 242 360 60 0 0662
2097 Bivin Wilson POOL 3
 Jp X1
7 461 130 20 50 1661
2098 Venkata Subba Reddy DIVISION E
 Telugu Warriors
21 309 260 90 0 0659
2099 Siddique K DIVISION E
 Golden Knights
10 419 160 30 50 1659
2100 Mr .Al Amin Miah Abu Taher DIVISION E
 Redco Riders
14 579 0 30 50 1659
2101 Azhar Darzi POOL 11
14 578 20 60 0 0658
2102 Hameed Abdul Rahiaman DIVISION E
 Indian Stars XI
8 238 400 20 0 0658
2103 Mohamed Siraj Mohamed Rasheed POOL 16
5 478 160 20 0 0658
2104 Fairoos K POOL 4
 White Tigers
8 538 0 70 50 1658
2105 Manzur Ali POOL 4
 Caribbeans Qatar
15 428 140 90 0 0658
2106 Favas Koloroth DIVISION E
 Red Lions Rayyan
9 518 100 40 0 0658
2107 Modassar Amin POOL 10
 Tata Sports C C
14 556 -30 130 0 0656
2108 Ankit Yadav DIVISION E
 Phoenix X1
15 306 300 50 0 0656
2109 Yakkoob Ktk POOL 12
 Red Wolves Qatar
12 86 450 120 0 0656
2110 Shihab Muhammed DIVISION E
24 336 250 70 0 0656
2111 Muhammad Imran Basheer Ahamad DIVISION E
 Redco Riders
15 565 50 40 0 0655
2112 Rekhin? Lal POOL 3
 Rc Boys
11 655 0 0 0 0655
2113 Srinivasan G DIVISION E
 Angry Bulls
13 565 70 20 0 0655
2114 Srikanthan Sivalinkam DIVISION E
 Black Caps CC
11 465 100 90 0 0655
2115 Abhilash Asokan Pillai POOL 13
 Gharaffa X1
25 554 30 70 0 0654
2116 Shafeeque Siyad POOL 12
 Q11 Redlions
22 513 80 60 0 0653
2117 Syed Yunus Yunus POOL 10
 Unique Cricket Club
13 582 20 50 0 0652
2118 Lareef Mohammed POOL 4
 Vh Warriors
20 82 490 80 0 0652
2119 Najeeb Pp DIVISION E
 Doha Blasters
7 571 80 0 0 0651
2120 Birendra Chand POOL 16
 Tiger CC
14 491 110 50 0 0651
2121 Sreejith Keezheeth Q
 Prakkat Jewellers
6 51 590 10 0 0651
2122 Lisin Leeniah DIVISION E
9 270 310 70 0 0650
2123 Sri Haran POOL 4
 Energy Technical Services
9 319 230 100 0 0649
2124 Amila A DIVISION E
 Thyssen Warriors
4 268 280 50 50 1648
2125 Ansar Nazimudeen DRS DIVISION E
 Doha Revolt Stars
18 518 100 30 0 0648
2126 Anwar Khalidkutty DIVISION E
 Spartan Strickers
18 318 290 40 0 0648
2127 Najeebudheen Nalakath POOL 6
 Qatar Vibrants
18 208 320 70 50 1648
2128 Karthik Pradeep DIVISION E
 Doha Vikings
29 606 -10 50 0 0646
2129 shajeer Ummer POOL 7
4 556 30 60 0 0646
2130 Abdul Asad Assu DIVISION E
 Team Karthiyath
14 426 70 100 50 1646
2131 Shafique Shafi POOL 9
 Victory CC
12 236 280 130 0 0646
2132 Mohamed Rakkees DIVISION E
 Qatar Blue XI
21 145 350 150 0 0645
2133 Pranav Flamingos DIVISION E
6 355 60 180 50 1645
2134 Jaideep Singh DIVISION E
 Ezgawa Tigers
8 125 450 70 0 0645
2135 Subair Vk POOL 14
 Spartans X1
18 485 50 110 0 0645
2136 Lithin Lalji DIVISION E
 Q11 Dark Horses
10 125 450 70 0 0645
2137 Rashan Shafi DIVISION E
 Azad Varkala
22 215 310 120 0 0645
2138 shamsudheen ok DIVISION E
 Royal Tuskers
9 414 160 20 50 1644
2139 Riyas puthen purakkal R
 Redwolves Qatar
8 213 360 70 0 0643
2140 Manjula Sandanayake DIVISION E
6 602 -20 10 50 1642
2141 Shijith Nair POOL 16
11 562 50 30 0 0642
2142 Badusha Kp DIVISION E
 Doha Warriors
14 592 0 50 0 0642
2143 Musthafa Shareef DIVISION E
21 341 100 150 50 1641
2144 Mohamed Rafeeque Codan Palli DIVISION E
 Beach CC
9 301 310 30 0 0641
2145 Anu Vijayan DIVISION E
 Spartan Strickers
19 281 290 70 0 0641
 Sun Max CC
11 381 70 140 50 1641
2147 Mohammed Shareef POOL 6
 Royals X1
5 491 90 10 50 1641
2148 Faisal Shaikh POOL 9
 Omrc X1
6 601 10 30 0 0641
2149 Arun Kattumpuram R
 G4s Phoenix
10 440 110 90 0 0640
2150 Bittu Peter POOL 3
 Rc Boys
10 469 130 40 0 0639
2151 Muhamed Rafi DIVISION E
 Jp X1 CC
7 479 90 20 50 1639
2152 Dinu Nandan DIVISION E
 Royal Warriors Qatar
8 619 0 20 0 0639
2153 Shahid Fraz Abbasi DIVISION E
 Redco Riders
13 397 210 30 0 0637
2154 Elamparithi Mathiyazhagan POOL 8
 Chennai Cricketers
12 617 0 20 0 0637
2155 Sai Kiran Krishnan POOL 9
 Sinan X1
5 397 170 70 0 0637
2156 Mani N R
 Kkm Warriors
11 547 60 30 0 0637
2157 Bensar DIVISION E
 Players Xl
7 586 10 40 0 0636
2158 Shamseer Ot Q
 Doha United
10 286 320 30 0 0636
2159 Vinod Soman Q
 Rayyan Boys
29 415 140 80 0 0635
2160 Thampu Sebastian POOL 13
13 445 20 170 0 0635
2161 Iliyas Babu DIVISION E
 Elegance Qatar
15 385 170 80 0 0635
2162 Hanoop Hassan DIVISION F
 Dejawu C C-dcc
7 435 190 10 0 0635
2163 Juhaid Kunnummal POOL 16
 Desert Warriors
6 404 160 70 0 0634
2164 Ramesh Thottiyil DIVISION E
 Team Ghados
30 554 30 50 0 0634
 Bd Bullets
11 384 180 70 0 0634
2166 Shanavas Thaivalappil Kunjumon . DIVISION E
 Diplomatic C.c
10 293 340 0 0 0633
2167 Sudeer Abdusalam DIVISION E
 Azad Varkala
15 543 -10 100 0 0633
2168 Shamsheer Ak POOL 10
 Mahe CC
25 473 80 80 0 0633
2169 Abid Sayar DIVISION E
 Air Strikers
9 313 270 50 0 0633
2170 Avinash Kumar POOL 3
18 272 250 110 0 0632
2171 Anees Cm POOL 5
 Atc Cbq
13 242 300 90 0 0632
2172 Mohammad Hasan Hosen POOL 8
 Doha Friends X1
14 371 190 70 0 0631
2173 Thanseer Pazhukath DIVISION E
 Sand Storm
17 181 410 40 0 0631
2174 Nitish Mohanan POOL 13
 Unipart X1
21 321 140 170 0 0631
2175 Prajith Ramachandran DIVISION E
 Merac Cc (mcc)
9 481 90 10 50 1631
2176 Mohamed Haseem POOL 7
 Super King Boys CC
17 281 250 100 0 0631
2177 Rasheed Basheer DIVISION E
 Spartan Strickers
28 571 40 20 0 0631
2178 Asif Mohammed Monjurul Kabir POOL 8
 Doha Friends X1
7 241 290 50 50 1631
2179 Nasar Kuruppath DIVISION E
3 580 -10 60 0 0630
2180 Najeeb Hassan POOL 6
21 520 60 50 0 0630
2181 Muhammed Afrar DIVISION E
 Strikers Xi - Qatar
10 270 280 80 0 0630
2182 Israr Hussein DIVISION E
4 430 160 40 0 0630
2183 Didar Alam POOL 8
 Bd Bullets
11 609 0 20 0 0629
2184 Naveen kumar Annadurai POOL 15
 Q Tec Champions
11 459 0 170 0 0629
2185 Ubaid H POOL 15
 Q Tec Champions
7 549 10 20 50 1629
2186 Imran Khan DIVISION E
 Janjira Sports Club ( Jsc )
11 479 100 50 0 0629
2187 Nithesh C T DIVISION E
 Royal Phoenix
19 349 140 140 0 0629
2188 Ferhaan Ali DIVISION E
 Merac Cc (mcc)
14 298 250 80 0 0628
2189 Githu George S
 Al Dar Blasters
31 467 110 50 0 0627
2190 Shadab Deshmukh DIVISION E
 Mumbai Fighters
22 557 20 50 0 0627
2191 Tom Thomas POOL 7
 Doha Knights
30 66 410 150 0 0626
2192 Arjun S S DIVISION E
 Players Xl
10 376 110 90 50 1626
2193 Fauzan Khanzada DIVISION E
 Janjira Sports Club ( Jsc )
12 486 60 80 0 0626
2194 Raza Mulla DIVISION E
 Ratnagiri Riders
19 286 300 40 0 0626
2195 Ajinas Ashraf DIVISION E
12 45 560 20 0 0625
2196 Vijeesh Parapurath Govindan DIVISION E
 Black Caps CC
14 444 160 20 0 0624
2197 Shashikant Bhardwaj DIVISION E
 Indo Warrior
10 384 210 30 0 0624
2198 Ashfaq Aq DIVISION E
 Revenge Boys
11 484 70 70 0 0624
2199 Anthony Deepak DIVISION E
 Dreams CC
16 503 20 100 0 0623
2200 Roby Baby Roby DIVISION E
 R B W
19 243 290 90 0 0623
2201 Aneesh Anju DIVISION E
9 242 310 70 0 0622
2202 Sadik S T
 Doha Cc (dcc)
10 542 10 70 0 0622
2203 Muhammed Faik DIVISION E
 Team Ghados
17 592 -20 50 0 0622
2204 Mohammed Ramzy POOL 7
5 312 220 40 50 1622
2205 Deepudas T K POOL 6
15 531 30 60 0 0621
2206 Dhananjay Singh DIVISION E
 Lightning Hawks CC
16 101 470 50 0 0621
2207 Mujeeb M K DIVISION E
 Merac Cc (mcc)
12 441 140 40 0 0621
2208 Arjun Das DIVISION E
 The Monks
12 70 510 40 0 0620
2209 Shabeeb sb7 DIVISION E
 Ksd11 Qatar
13 540 60 20 0 0620
2210 Rashi Rachu DIVISION E
 Rising Stars
5 459 140 20 0 0619
2211 Nithin Tomy DIVISION E
 Merac Cc (mcc)
14 549 60 10 0 0619
2212 Rakesh Balaparambil POOL 10
11 398 140 80 0 0618
2213 Mahesh Mahendran DIVISION E
 Rayyan Boys
17 468 80 70 0 0618
2214 Yousaf S Hameed DIVISION F
 Gharaffa X1
8 557 0 10 50 1617
2215 Nayeem C POOL 15
 Matar Kings
7 497 90 30 0 0617
2216 Thani Saji R
 Team Of Qatar
23 457 120 40 0 0617
2217 Niraj Sebamalai DIVISION E
 Blasters CC
17 457 90 20 50 1617
2218 Abu Ram DIVISION E
 Saltha Boys 11
15 234 380 0 0 0614
2219 Shinas Shaji DIVISION E
 Players Xl
9 274 290 50 0 0614
2220 Jeevaraj P DIVISION F
 Chennai Cricketers
7 514 80 20 0 0614
2221 Vinod Muketh DIVISION E
 Nash Cricketers
4 294 210 60 50 1614
2222 Shakkir Kassim DIVISION E
 Mahe CC
6 573 30 10 0 0613
2223 Aathif Parkar DIVISION E
 Kokan Boys
17 233 200 130 50 1613
2224 Jyothish Kumar DIVISION F
 Calicut Blasterz
19 443 50 120 0 0613
2225 Thafis Tifas DIVISION E
 Qstar Blue
14 283 300 30 0 0613
2226 Mohamed Wasim DIVISION E
 Maru Champs Qatar
30 313 140 160 0 0613
2227 Haris Madathil DIVISION E
 Toss CC
14 502 60 50 0 0612
2228 Midhundas Dasan DIVISION E
 Drillers CC
8 612 0 0 0 0612
2229 Jerin Joy POOL 3
26 42 540 30 0 0612
2230 M Riaz POOL 13
6 362 220 30 0 0612
2231 Nijeesh Kayyala POOL 4
 Aldar Blasters
24 601 0 10 0 0611
 Desert Court
16 390 60 160 0 0610
2233 Sameer Kandhi DIVISION E
 Team Of Qatar
19 540 10 10 50 1610
2234 Shihab Nadukkandiyil . DIVISION E
7 260 290 60 0 0610
2235 Misbah Ulla Rahman DIVISION E
 Victorian Stars
17 480 110 20 0 0610
2236 Niyas Nizar DIVISION E
 Master Blasters Qatar
11 479 0 130 0 0609
2237 Abdul Basheer DIVISION E
 Shabab Al Wakrah
6 599 0 10 0 0609
2238 Shajahan Sharafudeen DIVISION E
 Players Xl
10 229 290 40 50 1609
2239 Azwar Nizar POOL 5
9 168 380 10 50 1608
2240 Shihab A K DIVISION E
 Doha Vikings
12 578 10 20 0 0608
2241 Firdous Kalandar Abdul Hameed DIVISION E
 Crazy X1
7 467 70 20 50 1607
2242 Razik Razi POOL 3
 Palace C C
18 547 0 60 0 0607
2243 Ashif Ashraf DIVISION E
 Qstar Blue
13 277 260 70 0 0607
2244 Hubaib H DIVISION E
 Sanford XI
19 547 30 30 0 0607
2245 Mohamad Nabeel DIVISION E
 Innings Stars
14 267 190 150 0 0607
2246 Firoz Vm POOL 15
 Friends X1 Doha
11 236 250 120 0 0606
2247 Safi Masood Khan Deshmukh DIVISION E
 Sand Storm
11 526 0 80 0 0606
2248 Pratheeshkumar S DIVISION E
 Team Cricket Buddies
18 475 0 130 0 0605
2249 S. Krishna Prasad DIVISION F
 Doha Dynamos
11 174 360 20 50 1604
2250 Musammil V T DIVISION E
 Kq Friends
10 234 250 70 50 1604
2251 Pinto Abraham DIVISION E
 Red Lions Rayyan
14 524 40 40 0 0604
2252 Dawood Ibrahim POOL 5
 Dqct (dulsco Qatar )
19 353 200 50 0 0603
2253 Rafiq Miah DIVISION E
 Redco Riders
10 543 -10 20 50 1603
2254 Vithurajan Sinnaththurai Mahenthiran DIVISION E
 Unipart 11
15 393 100 110 0 0603
2255 Mufiyas Flamingos DIVISION E
6 383 0 70 150 3603
2256 Risanth Lanka Ris POOL 8
 Chennai Cricketers
4 422 170 10 0 0602
2257 Adhil Ahmed POOL 7
 Thunder Strikers Doha
9 62 440 100 0 0602
2258 Muhammed Riyas DIVISION E
 Spartan Strickers
28 162 340 100 0 0602
2259 Suresh S DIVISION E
 Team Mercury
17 562 -10 50 0 0602
2260 Nusihan Antony POOL 5
 Black Caps Cricketer's
9 191 380 30 0 0601
2261 Akhil K Raj POOL 16
 Tiger CC
23 180 340 80 0 0600
2262 Shakkar Salim POOL 8
18 370 200 30 0 0600
2263 Haja Muyeenudeen POOL 12
 United Warriors
9 59 480 60 0 0599
2264 Rinto Johnson. CASTLE Infra C.C POOL 13
 Blasters CC
8 419 100 80 0 0599
2265 Shanavas Panikkar Veetil POOL 3
 Fighters Qatar
17 239 320 40 0 0599
2266 Muneer Vallath Kuni POOL 11
 Bails Qatar
5 447 50 50 50 1597
2267 Jomon K DIVISION E
 Jp X1 CC
1 447 90 10 50 1597
2268 Anas Rahman Ambalathveettil POOL 9
 Masters CC
17 457 60 80 0 0597
2269 Vijay Sashivije Pushpadeva DIVISION E
 Blasters CC
21 97 420 80 0 0597
2270 Valiyakath Nowfal K DIVISION E
 Super Heroes
21 377 170 50 0 0597
2271 Luqmanul Hakim DIVISION E
 Uk Xi (united Kerala Eleven)
29 286 110 200 0 0596
2272 Ajay Vishnu POOL 15
 Matar Kings
10 306 150 90 50 1596
2273 Nijas A DIVISION E
 Doha Strikers Kunhipalli(dsk)
15 405 60 130 0 0595
2274 Ajmal T DIVISION E
 Youth Forum Companions
19 385 160 50 0 0595
2275 Saad S DIVISION E
 Rising Stars CC
5 365 160 70 0 0595
2276 Yasir P DIVISION E
 Super Heroes
24 515 0 30 50 1595
2277 Maheen Sirajudheen DIVISION E
 Mdt Roadiez
7 245 260 40 50 1595
2278 Manjula Kulathunga DIVISION E
 Smashers 11
37 545 0 50 0 0595
2279 Rahim Salim DIVISION E
 Friday Cricket Sailiya
10 414 20 160 0 0594
2280 Rishath Ahamed DIVISION E
 Gcc Gladiators
11 454 80 60 0 0594
2281 Imran Kundgolkhwath POOL 6
14 533 -40 100 0 0593
2282 Safeer Muhamad POOL 5
 Spartans XI
10 -7 480 70 50 1593
2283 Rahulraj Rajamohanan Pillai DIVISION E
 Qatar Friends CC
34 303 250 40 0 0593
2284 Adarsh Kumar Singh DIVISION E
 Indo Warrior
11 383 90 120 0 0593
2285 Linto DIVISION E
 Young Sporting Qatar
12 383 130 80 0 0593
2286 Abdul Munim Abdul Wahid DIVISION F
 Royal Strikers Qatar
4 593 0 0 0 0593
2287 Mubashir Ejaz T
 Beach CC
6 152 340 0 100 2592
2288 Nurudheen Pp DIVISION E
 Kings Xi Vadagara
12 562 0 30 0 0592
2289 Varun Babu POOL 8
 Oruma Royals
21 462 40 90 0 0592
2290 Samad V DIVISION E
 Amigos Qatar
9 362 150 80 0 0592
2291 Vinod Kumar DIVISION E
 Energy Technical Services(ets)
9 221 250 120 0 0591
2292 Mohammed Sulah Pk R
 Redwolves Qatar
13 321 220 50 0 0591
2293 Sandeep Shetty DIVISION E
 Indian Stars XI
8 480 80 30 0 0590
2294 Vineet Kumar Kg DIVISION E
 Unipart 11
19 170 370 50 0 0590
2295 Bramha Reddy DIVISION E
16 210 310 70 0 0590
2296 Ranjith Chacko DIVISION E
 Merac Cc (mcc)
14 450 20 120 0 0590
2297 Anand Perumayil POOL 16
12 40 450 100 0 0590
2298 Ronak Narkar DIVISION E
18 319 210 60 0 0589
2299 Sajan Soman POOL 5
 Jumbo Warriors
16 549 0 40 0 0589
2300 Jabir Tp POOL 12
 Red Wolves Qatar
4 509 0 30 50 1589
2301 Naveen Baskaran DIVISION E
 Tamil Thalaivas
17 249 200 90 50 1589
2302 Samsudeen S DIVISION E
 Trivandrum Challengers
9 448 70 70 0 0588
2303 Rayees Kp DIVISION E
25 518 0 70 0 0588
2304 Antony Anoob DIVISION E
 Dreams CC
20 338 130 120 0 0588
2305 Sainu Nisam DIVISION E
 Saltha Boys 11
12 388 -10 210 0 0588
2306 Sajeer P M POOL 7
 Lagaan Qatar
12 317 180 40 50 1587
2307 Abbas Abi DIVISION E
 Rising Stars
11 267 260 60 0 0587
2308 Shajad Alam DIVISION E
 Omrc XI
13 327 230 30 0 0587
2309 Anish Mathew POOL 5
 Red Hawks
5 447 120 20 0 0587
2310 Mohd Shafiuddin DIVISION E
 Bmc Chargers
6 497 0 40 50 1587
2311 Lijo Josy POOL 9
 Strikers C C
19 247 120 220 0 0587
2312 Iqbal Muttam DIVISION E
 Bdk Sporting
13 227 330 30 0 0587
2313 Rajeev Rajan POOL 5
 Red Hawks
9 377 140 70 0 0587
2314 Alban Pereira POOL 3
 Bounce Qatar
6 267 210 60 50 1587
 Royal Strikers Qatar
28 227 320 40 0 0587
2316 Gorgie Mathew DIVISION E
 Flyers Qatar (f.c.c)
6 236 260 40 50 1586
2317 Rejith Ravi POOL 16
 Tiger CC
4 446 50 40 50 1586
2318 Fazil Kottakkunnu DIVISION F
 Desert Court
21 335 0 250 0 0585
2319 Simnaj Hassan POOL 8
 Qatar Bruisers
9 335 180 70 0 0585
2320 Zulfiqar Ahmad DIVISION E
 Qatar Blue XI
14 485 60 40 0 0585
 Rising Stars
9 445 70 70 0 0585
2322 Shafeek Ponnambath . POOL 5
12 245 280 60 0 0585
2323 Rehan Karvinkar DIVISION E
 Ratnagiri Riders
11 485 80 20 0 0585
2324 Faisal Muttathichalil DIVISION E
 Yuva XI
6 565 -20 40 0 0585
2325 Gokul Govindan POOL 15
 Ntd Lions
10 384 170 30 0 0584
2326 Raghu R DIVISION E
 Team Mercury
19 284 200 100 0 0584
2327 Visakh Appukuttan DIVISION E
 Mall CC
15 33 500 50 0 0583
2328 Shihas S POOL 10
 Royal Tigers
21 123 350 110 0 0583
2329 Mohamad Habeeb DIVISION E
 Khalifa Strikers
9 263 310 10 0 0583
2330 Miller Sahajan Antony DIVISION E
 Dqct (dulsco Qatar )
9 563 0 20 0 0583
2331 Manoj Prabahar POOL 8
 Prakkat Jewellers CC
25 193 230 160 0 0583
2332 Sujith Sugathan DIVISION E
 Spartan Kings
12 533 0 50 0 0583
2333 Haneef K DIVISION E
 White Tigers
21 83 370 130 0 0583
2334 Ashik Ali POOL 13
 Boyzone Qatar
15 42 490 50 0 0582
2335 Nikhil Krishna pk DIVISION E
19 122 430 30 0 0582
2336 Ismayil . DIVISION E
 Limra Friends
29 262 160 160 0 0582
2337 Murad Ali POOL 7
9 451 70 60 0 0581
2338 Thejas Jose POOL 12
 Elegance Qatar
18 511 20 50 0 0581
2339 Bilal Abdul Latif Arawkar DIVISION E
 Eminant Qatar
5 381 180 20 0 0581
2340 Buddi Kokila DIVISION E
7 431 30 70 50 1581
2341 Mehaboob Tharammal DIVISION E
4 561 20 0 0 0581
2342 Haneef Odiyil DIVISION E
 New Star Dafna
4 530 0 0 50 1580
2343 Satheesh Kumar K Q
 Friends (fct)
18 460 60 60 0 0580
2344 Dhamu Vs DIVISION E
 Marina CC
10 380 0 200 0 0580
2345 Kazim Akthar DIVISION E
 Cofely Challengers
6 299 260 20 0 0579
2346 Rizwan Bhilvan DIVISION E
 Lucky Star
10 538 20 20 0 0578
2347 Joshy POOL 5
 Jumbo Warriors
17 278 100 100 100 2578
2348 Abdul Razik DIVISION E
 Man Strikers
7 498 0 80 0 0578
2349 Shafeeq Vty Shafee POOL 4
8 407 90 30 50 1577
2350 Ranjith Salian DIVISION E
 Avengers XI
14 257 270 50 0 0577
2351 Jacksan Maniyan DIVISION E
 Silent Killers
10 417 150 10 0 0577
2352 Dinesh Sopan Gaikward DIVISION E
 Rising Stars Doha
14 497 0 80 0 0577
2353 Zinthas Zoori DIVISION E
 Spartan Kings
18 407 50 120 0 0577
2354 Nasim . DIVISION E
 Limra Friends
17 287 240 50 0 0577
2355 Jamshid Valiyakth Ismail T
 Doha Cc (dcc)
12 386 80 110 0 0576
2356 Al Ameen DIVISION E
 Q11 Red Lions
15 545 -30 60 0 0575
2357 Vishnu Thulasi DIVISION E
 Mdt Roadiez
11 174 320 80 0 0574
2358 Zuheb Datey POOL 14
13 204 320 50 0 0574
2359 Safwan Moulakariyath POOL 5
 Red Hawks
17 233 290 50 0 0573
2360 Sajan Sahadevan POOL 13
 White Lions Doha
13 123 370 30 50 1573
2361 Shimin Siraj DIVISION E
 Java X1
8 593 -90 70 0 0573
2362 Senthil Kumar DIVISION E
 Friends 11 Doha
17 63 480 30 0 0573
2363 Roshan Sampath DIVISION E
3 192 340 40 0 0572
2364 Anwar Khan DIVISION F
 Gharaffa X1
12 192 240 140 0 0572
2365 Siraju Kunnummal DIVISION E
 Mahe CC
8 372 160 40 0 0572
2366 Shafeeque S POOL 6
 Studs Of Qatar
14 492 10 70 0 0572
2367 Praveen Kumar Koyappat Prasannakumar U
 Qatar Friends
18 391 160 20 0 0571
2368 Prem Kumar DIVISION F
 Calicut Blasterz
14 381 80 110 0 0571
2369 Asad Ullah POOL 3
 Ccrc Warriors
7 360 160 50 0 0570
2370 Abdullah Khan DIVISION E
 Ratnagiri Fighters
10 250 240 80 0 0570
2371 Naizile Dsouza POOL 9
 Omrc X1
10 330 170 70 0 0570
2372 Purusothaman Nk DIVISION E
 Tamil Thalaivas
21 79 450 40 0 0569
2373 Dhanish Rahman DIVISION E
 Kkm Warriors
19 399 40 130 0 0569
2374 Dileesh Chandran DIVISION E
 South Royals
23 349 50 170 0 0569
2375 Dinoj Em POOL 9
 Sinan X1
4 469 40 10 50 1569
2376 Akbar Hitters DIVISION E
 Hitters Qatar Blue
8 308 120 90 50 1568
2377 Nithin Hitters DIVISION E
 Hitters Qatar Blue
10 178 280 60 50 1568
2378 Sheik Abdullah POOL 16
 Blue Warriors
6 468 0 100 0 0568
2379 Mamooty Afthash DIVISION E
 Omrc XI
8 427 50 40 50 1567
2380 Mohammed Asif DIVISION E
 Arabian XI
12 477 30 60 0 0567
2381 Thirumurugan Marimuthu DIVISION E
 11 Indians
30 367 170 30 0 0567
2382 Sajith V S DIVISION E
 Dreamz 11
7 437 110 20 0 0567
2383 Abdul Jaleel A T S
 Al Dar Blasters
19 516 10 40 0 0566
2384 Midhilaj Puthiyarakunnel Nazar DIVISION E
 Beach CC
16 176 220 170 0 0566
2385 Mohsin Razzaque Sangmeshwari POOL 3
 Ccrc Warriors
6 266 210 40 50 1566
2386 Sandeep Mane DIVISION E
 E&a Challengers
17 374 80 60 50 1564
2387 Rony Thomas POOL 16
 Cric X1
11 194 260 110 0 0564
2388 Jiss Mathew DIVISION E
 Qstar Blue
15 294 220 50 0 0564
2389 Ismayil Ichoos POOL 8
 Qatar Bruisers
9 324 220 20 0 0564
2390 Benson Pathrose POOL 6
 Qatar Friends
15 514 -30 80 0 0564
2391 Kaleel Kh DIVISION E
 Team Lulu
18 453 0 110 0 0563
2392 Janoon Mohamed DIVISION E
 Super King Boys C C
12 293 150 70 50 1563
2393 Sadham Khan DIVISION E
 Blue Commandos
7 253 220 40 50 1563
2394 Abilash Sugumar DIVISION E
 United Warriors CC
12 513 0 50 0 0563
2395 Muhammad Raees DIVISION E
 Royal Strikers
18 163 330 70 0 0563
2396 Zahir Ahmad POOL 5
11 242 290 30 0 0562
2397 Subair Machingal POOL 6
 Qatar Vibrants
16 352 130 80 0 0562
2398 Dilesh Thilakan R
 Kkm Warriors
20 122 310 130 0 0562
2399 Ashraf Eshan POOL 8
 Qatar Vibrants
3 451 20 40 50 1561
2400 Shehab Shabu POOL 10
12 231 240 40 50 1561
2401 Linse Paul . DIVISION E
8 501 20 40 0 0561
2402 Shareef Pp DIVISION E
 Saltha Boys 11
15 261 260 40 0 0561
2403 Deepak Babu DIVISION E
 Spikes CC
7 441 30 40 50 1561
2404 Raju Selva DIVISION E
 Smashers 11
40 501 -30 90 0 0561
 Smashers 11
26 321 160 80 0 0561
2406 Vishnu Prasad POOL 7
 Aero Dynamos
7 161 360 40 0 0561
2407 Vineeth Vijayan DIVISION E
 Thadathil CC
8 360 120 80 0 0560
2408 Christy Rajan Dinakaran POOL 13
 Blasters CC
11 400 30 130 0 0560
2409 Suvirthras Sujeeth POOL 10
 Kq Friends
9 480 30 50 0 0560
2410 Ajo Pious. DIVISION E
 Matar Kings
3 570 -30 20 0 0560
2411 Irshad Khan POOL 16
 Aero Dynamos
13 120 310 80 50 1560
2412 M. Vitdhu DIVISION E
 Friendship Brothers - Sl
25 550 0 10 0 0560
2413 Ranjith Kumar Jawahar U
 Qatar Friends
9 470 0 90 0 0560
2414 Russel Richu DIVISION E
 Western Warriors
28 159 280 120 0 0559
 Omrc XI
25 439 20 100 0 0559
2416 Sreerag M P DIVISION F
 Dejawu C C-dcc
12 349 80 130 0 0559
2417 Gaurav Gandhi POOL 5
 Dqct (dulsco Qatar )
13 78 390 40 50 1558
2418 Md Sifat Hossen DIVISION E
10 428 0 80 50 1558
2419 Imran Shaikh DIVISION E
 Blackcaps Cricketers
11 318 180 60 0 0558
2420 Mohammed Saleem Palasseri DIVISION E
 Xiomi City
24 -12 410 160 0 0558
2421 Mohammed Iqbal Aboobacker DIVISION E
 Uk Xi (united Kerala Eleven)
20 498 -30 90 0 0558
2422 Fahad Ali DIVISION E
 The Look
15 427 80 50 0 0557
2423 jogi murali DIVISION E
 Spartans XI
9 247 280 30 0 0557
2424 Mohamed Riyas S T
 Beach CC
7 457 50 50 0 0557
2425 Syed Thangal POOL 6
 Qatar Vibrants
3 396 70 40 50 1556
2426 Shabeel Naduchalil DIVISION E
 Team Of Qatar
22 306 240 10 0 0556
2427 Ismail Aroor DIVISION E
 Doha Blasters
10 386 50 120 0 0556
4 216 330 10 0 0556
 Royal Tuskers
9 505 0 50 0 0555
2430 Mishal Peedikakandy DIVISION E
 Toss CC
15 215 270 70 0 0555
2431 Rajesh V DIVISION E
 Avengers XI
5 405 90 10 50 1555
2432 Mohammed Azam DIVISION E
 Blackcaps Cricketers
22 414 20 120 0 0554
2433 Sinu Abraham POOL 12
 United Spartans
13 73 450 30 0 0553
2434 Ajmal Pv DIVISION E
 Doha Blasters
5 252 260 40 0 0552
2435 Foyzul Alom POOL 6
 Super Brothers
20 202 280 70 0 0552
 Qstar Blue
11 402 40 110 0 0552
2437 Khaleel Kalu DIVISION E
 Eminent Qatar
11 102 320 80 50 1552
2438 Yatheesh Yesodharan POOL 8
 Qatar Bruisers
9 482 0 70 0 0552
2439 Sreekanth Kontu DIVISION E
 Telugu Warriors
19 402 90 60 0 0552
2440 Subramoni Suryanarayanan DIVISION E
 Unipart 11
23 141 280 130 0 0551
2441 Arshad Kelkar POOL 4
 Kokan Boys
18 281 200 70 0 0551
2442 Shanad Shanu POOL 10
 Palace CC
35 400 30 120 0 0550
2443 Sreedhar Thodendula DIVISION E
 Omrc XI
17 380 140 30 0 0550
4 220 240 40 50 1550
2445 Ishaq Pola DIVISION E
 Doha Tigers
7 320 200 30 0 0550
2446 Rony Chacko DIVISION E
 Black Panthers
25 440 80 30 0 0550
2447 Mohammed Riyas Manya Abdulla DIVISION E
15 499 0 50 0 0549
 Bdk Sporting
15 279 210 60 0 0549
2449 Semeer K P DIVISION E
24 418 30 100 0 0548
2450 Abdul Nasar Marzook DIVISION E
7 368 170 10 0 0548
2451 Azath Mohamed DIVISION E
 Super King Boys C C
15 398 -10 110 50 1548
2452 Mohammed Sajeer K C S
 Al Dar Blasters
13 468 0 80 0 0548
2453 Mohamed Siyath POOL 8
 Unicorns Doha
9 508 0 40 0 0548
2454 Raees Erolichalil DIVISION E
 Indian Stars XI
5 267 180 50 50 1547
2455 Shyamsundar T G POOL 6
 Spartans-qatar CC
10 317 180 50 0 0547
2456 Fazil Fazi POOL 4
 Vh Warriors
14 537 -20 30 0 0547
2457 Srikanth Sankar DIVISION E
6 327 200 20 0 0547
2458 Karthik Kothandan DIVISION E
 Marina CC
12 207 330 10 0 0547
2459 Shinoj Rahman DIVISION E
 Rising Stars
12 326 100 120 0 0546
2460 Benijo Edwin DIVISION E
9 196 200 100 50 1546
2461 Noushad A DIVISION E
 Blue Warriors
14 536 0 10 0 0546
2462 Kishil kottilpurakkal R
 Kkm Warriors
10 336 180 30 0 0546
2463 Azeem Khan DIVISION E
 Shabab Al Wakrah
16 395 80 70 0 0545
2464 Mohammed Bazi Madathil DIVISION E
 Indo Qatar Cc - Iqcc
3 515 10 20 0 0545
2465 Darpan Rai R DIVISION E
12 315 180 50 0 0545
2466 Nidhin Madathinkal POOL 9
 Toivo Qatar
19 264 230 50 0 0544
2467 Mehabub M S DIVISION E
 Ratnagiri Fighters
14 324 210 10 0 0544
2468 Subash Othayoth DIVISION E
 Thadathil CC
9 234 180 130 0 0544
2469 Shehin Shanavas POOL 9
 Petroserv CC
11 84 390 70 0 0544
 Mix Ileven
10 493 20 30 0 0543
2471 Navas Chalil DIVISION E
 Doha Legends
7 273 250 20 0 0543
2472 Mohammed Amir DIVISION E
 Weltech Warriors
3 262 210 20 50 1542
2473 Sai Suresh DIVISION E
9 362 170 10 0 0542
2474 VMK Shemeer POOL 12
 Q11 Redlions
5 421 90 30 0 0541
2475 Shyju A DIVISION E
 G4s Phenoix
18 481 0 60 0 0541
2476 Anwar Vp POOL 16
 Desert Warriors
8 451 40 50 0 0541
2477 Jithesh K POOL 10
 Doha Challengers
16 210 230 100 0 0540
2478 Nahas Vilayil Rasheed POOL 11
 Doha Strikers
13 460 30 50 0 0540
2479 Md Saiful Alam . DIVISION E
 Muaither Titans
25 -10 450 100 0 0540
2480 Noufal . DIVISION E
 Qatar Champions
9 260 220 60 0 0540
2481 Lijo Ouseph DIVISION E
5 440 80 20 0 0540
2482 Ameer S
 Rc Boys
9 209 310 20 0 0539
2483 Nishal Pm DIVISION E
9 348 180 10 0 0538
2484 Mohamed Nayeem Meerasahib DIVISION E
 Ceylonians CC
22 218 240 80 0 0538
2485 Irshad DIVISION E
 Ratnagiri Fighters
7 488 40 10 0 0538
2486 Shabeer Basheer POOL 6
 Q11 Dark Horses
26 238 220 80 0 0538
2487 Anam Mujawar POOL 14
9 358 0 180 0 0538
2488 Mohammed Aslam POOL 5
 Toivo Qatar
18 197 270 70 0 0537
2489 Vikas Malayil DIVISION F
 Dejawu C C-dcc
11 346 170 20 0 0536
2490 Sanjay Edathiparambil DIVISION F
 Dejawu C C-dcc
11 406 100 30 0 0536
2491 Tahir Akber DIVISION E
 Leopards Qatar
22 465 50 20 0 0535
2492 Abdul Majeed DIVISION E
 Shabab Al Wakrah
13 315 120 100 0 0535
2493 Jayakrishnan P DIVISION E
 Black Mamba
8 355 120 60 0 0535
2494 Ibrahim Kotawdekar DIVISION E
 Ratnagiri Riders
18 434 80 20 0 0534
 Smashers 11
20 484 30 20 0 0534
2496 Anas AH POOL 10
 Royal Tigers
12 474 0 60 0 0534
2497 Pradeep Dhanapalan DIVISION E
 Bright XI
10 313 140 80 0 0533
2498 Vijayan Palani Achary Retnamma POOL 8
 Prakkat Jewellers CC
6 183 280 20 50 1533
2499 Munusamy Suresh DIVISION E
 Team Mercury
16 433 10 90 0 0533
2500 Kareem Arikady DIVISION F
 Arabian XI
12 12 440 80 0 0532
2501 Mithun Paramban DIVISION E
 Alpha Eleven
14 412 60 60 0 0532
 Classic CC
7 422 80 30 0 0532
2503 Favas Galib POOL 10
6 311 200 20 0 0531
2504 Pragin Prasad DIVISION E
 Doha United
14 71 440 20 0 0531
2505 Nitheen Nath POOL 12
 United Warriors
23 401 0 130 0 0531
2506 Hazrat Bilal DIVISION F
 Delhi Capitals
9 301 160 70 0 0531
2507 Jazeem Uc DIVISION E
 Youth Forum Companions
14 271 140 120 0 0531
2508 Rafi perla DIVISION E
 Ksd11 Qatar
7 330 160 40 0 0530
2509 Mohcin Mokz POOL 6
 Spartans-qatar CC
13 90 340 100 0 0530
2510 Sreejith Veliyatt POOL 5
 Oscar CC
13 300 150 80 0 0530
2511 Mohamed Aasik DIVISION E
 Qatar Blue XI
16 120 370 40 0 0530
2512 Shaheer Kc DIVISION E
 Revenge Boys
11 410 80 40 0 0530
2513 Safeer Davood POOL 12
 Elegance Qatar
11 160 200 170 0 0530
2514 Binosh Chacko POOL 11
19 179 290 60 0 0529
2515 Ravi Teja Pokala P DIVISION E
 Alpha Eleven
11 269 210 50 0 0529
2516 Rohit Sharma DIVISION E
 Abu Nakhla
2 479 0 0 50 1529
2517 Shehzad Kundapura DIVISION E
 Smart Qatar
13 438 70 20 0 0528
2518 Musthafa Mangalore POOL 7
 Aero Dynamos
10 358 140 30 0 0528
2519 Riyas Arakkal POOL 14
 Spartans X1
12 288 40 200 0 0528
2520 Abdul siyal c DIVISION E
 Blackcaps Cricketers
9 248 250 30 0 0528
2521 Charles Vincent DIVISION E
 Spartan Kings
19 257 160 110 0 0527
2522 Saddam Husain DIVISION E
 Muaither Titans
11 197 290 40 0 0527
2523 Karnan Muthaiyan DIVISION E
7 137 380 10 0 0527
2524 Sajan Sahadevan POOL 8
 Unicorns Doha
18 77 390 60 0 0527
2525 Tahir Shah POOL 10
 Unique Cricket Club
14 96 330 100 0 0526
2526 Mohamad Shameer DIVISION E
 Qatar Vibrants
2 326 130 20 50 1526
2527 Rishad Parambath POOL 3
 Al Khor Warriors
8 246 210 20 50 1526
2528 Shijo Thomas DIVISION E
 Saltha Boys 11
9 96 340 90 0 0526
2529 Meeran TSK DIVISION E
 Tamil Nadu Super Kings (tsk)
8 286 170 20 50 1526
2530 Abdul Muthalib Muthu DIVISION E
 Doha Falcons
5 276 240 10 0 0526
2531 Omer Mohammed R
14 286 220 20 0 0526
2532 Harikrishna Koshwar DIVISION E
 Dreamz 11
8 305 180 40 0 0525
2533 Muhamed Insaf POOL 16
 Western Warriors
9 84 360 30 50 1524
2534 Rayees Pathukkalan . DIVISION F
 Kerala C.c
24 414 20 90 0 0524
2535 Shiyas Puthuveettil Muhammed . DIVISION E
 Diplomatic C.c
19 134 270 70 50 1524
2536 Shefrin Siraj DIVISION E
 Java X1
5 484 10 30 0 0524
2537 Rohit Tcv DIVISION E
 Thadathil CC
8 314 190 20 0 0524
 Vcc Qatar
9 94 400 30 0 0524
2539 Nisheed Mansoor DIVISION E
 Muhammadense Qatar
3 353 80 40 50 1523
2540 Daniel Devathas POOL 12
 Kk Warriors
8 223 190 60 50 1523
2541 Sushanth Shetty DIVISION E
 E&a Challengers
7 103 360 60 0 0523
2542 Bilal HITTERS POOL 10
 Hitters Qatar
4 353 100 20 50 1523
2543 Mohammad Arif DIVISION E
 Bd Bullets
2 343 120 10 50 1523
2544 Alan Alexander Q
 Prakkat Jewellers
7 152 310 60 0 0522
2545 Thushara . POOL 15
 Black Caps Cricketers
3 401 100 20 0 0521
2546 Ishan Shanu DIVISION E
 Indo Warrior
10 381 130 10 0 0521
2547 Zafar Ahmed DIVISION E
 Blackcaps Cricketers
15 331 150 40 0 0521
2548 Abdul Shaneed DIVISION E
 Dragon Gym
7 501 0 20 0 0521
2549 Mohamed Burhan POOL 13
 White Lions Doha
12 461 0 60 0 0521
2550 A. Suresh (peter) Peter DIVISION E
 Asian Rhynos
4 360 80 30 50 1520
2551 Shameer Chooriyot DIVISION E
 Toss CC
12 429 0 90 0 0519
2552 Hassan Surve POOL 10
 Unique Cricket Club
3 369 90 10 50 1519
2553 Anees Sakharkar DIVISION E
 Ratnagiri Riders
7 159 280 80 0 0519
2554 Nabeel Kabeer DIVISION E
 Blockades XI
17 489 0 30 0 0519
2555 Abdul Matheen POOL 6
 Super Brothers
11 368 70 80 0 0518
2556 Muhammad Althaf POOL 5
 Dqct (dulsco Qatar )
7 458 0 60 0 0518
2557 Shanavas Shabeerali DIVISION E
4 488 20 10 0 0518
2558 Shihabudeen Olichiyil POOL 11
11 368 0 150 0 0518
2559 Ajmal Ali POOL 4
7 358 0 110 50 1518
2560 Dr Abdur Rehman DIVISION F
 Doha Friends XI
6 457 20 40 0 0517
2561 Abu Thahir DIVISION E
 Doha Warriors
18 347 80 90 0 0517
2562 Dinesh Sopan Gaikward DIVISION E
 Rising Stars Doha
11 447 0 70 0 0517
2563 Mohmmed Ali Adeel POOL 14
 Spartans X1
14 -14 490 40 0 0516
2564 Althaf Ibrahimkutty DIVISION E
 Classic CC
7 366 150 0 0 0516
2565 Afsal Valeeparambil Abdul Kalam POOL 15
 Royal Dare Warriors
17 286 140 90 0 0516
2566 Noufal Chamakalil POOL 3
 Fighters Qatar
13 326 70 70 50 1516
2567 Ratheesh Ashes DIVISION E
18 426 20 70 0 0516
2568 Sanfar Sanu Judo DIVISION E
 Doha Boys
10 145 310 60 0 0515
2569 Malik Parkar POOL 7
 Aero Dynamos
5 165 300 50 0 0515
 Dragon Gym
8 275 220 20 0 0515
2571 Shiju Santhakumar DIVISION E
 Gcc Gladiators
15 485 0 30 0 0515
2572 Kurshith Alam Askar Ali POOL 16
 Blue Warriors
5 495 0 20 0 0515
2573 Fabeer Ali Khan DIVISION E
 Western Warriors
10 415 90 10 0 0515
2574 Faizi Rafique POOL 4
 Super Brothers
11 325 110 80 0 0515
2575 Fahad Ali DIVISION E
 Blue Commandos
17 75 410 30 0 0515
2576 Muhammed Uvais Ali DIVISION E
 Hawks XI
13 204 300 10 0 0514
2577 Sugesh Kumar POOL 14
 Oscar CC
15 394 60 60 0 0514
2578 Krishna Kaviraj Dilan DIVISION E
 United South Elegants
8 464 0 50 0 0514
2579 Muhammad Puravoor R
 Team Of Qatar
10 222 250 40 0 0512
2580 Brainsha Abdul Salam DIVISION E
 Elegance Qatar
10 422 20 70 0 0512
2581 Maqsood Ahmad DIVISION E
 Redco Riders
13 342 140 30 0 0512
2582 Mohammed Abid Rajja Q
 Jumbo Warriors
6 271 200 40 0 0511
2583 Shakil Khan DIVISION E
 Qatar Blue XI
13 231 160 70 50 1511
2584 Md Osman DIVISION E
 Man Strikers
9 430 50 30 0 0510
2585 Ramesh VD DIVISION E
 Team Ghados
25 350 90 70 0 0510
2586 Jaffer Habeeb DIVISION E
 Deccan Boys
8 320 140 50 0 0510
2587 Salman Ukaye POOL 7
 Aero Dynamos
7 300 120 40 50 1510
2588 Raja Hussain DIVISION E
 Rising Stars
8 330 140 40 0 0510
2589 Joshy Jose DIVISION E
 Q Tec Champions
16 440 10 60 0 0510
2590 Jamshid Cheruvalath DIVISION E
 Unipart 11
12 389 50 20 50 1509
2591 idris hossain DIVISION E
 Bmc X1
9 379 130 0 0 0509
2592 Shahin Abdul Majeed DIVISION E
 Qstar Blue
12 329 80 100 0 0509
2593 Kamil Ali DIVISION E
 Omrc XI
11 439 20 50 0 0509
2594 Firos Muringaparmbil DIVISION E
 Dessert Warriors
7 199 280 30 0 0509
2595 Fahad Kp DIVISION E
 Doha Legends
6 418 70 20 0 0508
2596 Ayush Pappinivattath DIVISION E
 Salwa Monsters Qatar
7 258 180 20 50 1508
2597 Ibrahim Muthu POOL 11
 Doha Strikers
4 198 230 30 50 1508
2598 Jafar Sadhik Chullikal DIVISION E
 Doha Warriors
20 158 300 50 0 0508
2599 Shamin Sivaprakasan DIVISION E
 Doha Spartans
10 358 140 10 0 0508
2600 Muhsin Musthafa DIVISION E
 Boom Boom C C
28 88 310 110 0 0508
2601 Rizwan Mohammed DIVISION E
 Bmc Chargers
6 258 210 40 0 0508
2602 Faizan Mohammed U
 Muaither Titans
12 497 -10 20 0 0507
2603 Mohamed Tousif DIVISION E
 Ceylonians CC
19 376 50 80 0 0506
2604 Firos Khan DIVISION E
 Indian Stars XI
7 226 210 20 50 1506
2605 Mafas Mafa DIVISION E
 Desert Court
4 375 130 0 0 0505
2606 Premson POOL 5
 Jumbo Warriors
15 384 60 60 0 0504
2607 Venugopal Ambarish POOL 7
 Doha Strikers
11 324 130 50 0 0504
2608 Muhammed Ibrahim POOL 3
 Al Khor Warriors
8 434 0 20 50 1504
2609 Nithin Vijayan POOL 6
 Royals X1
8 414 30 60 0 0504
2610 Sajir Pallikkuniyil POOL 9
 Tiger CC
9 303 60 90 50 1503
2611 Girish Babu POOL 4
 Energy Technical Services
36 232 130 140 0 0502
2612 Mukesh Muku POOL 13
 Marc Qatar Warriors
11 451 0 50 0 0501
2613 George Sebastian POOL 8
 Prakkat Jewellers CC
12 341 110 50 0 0501
2614 Samantha Walisundara DIVISION E
11 100 320 80 0 0500
2615 Nishad Panintavida U
 City Exchange CC
14 380 50 70 0 0500
2616 Nurudhein B DIVISION E
 Ksd11 Qatar
15 110 330 60 0 0500
2617 shihab ba DIVISION F
 Arabian XI
9 350 20 130 0 0500
2618 Saif Mohammed DIVISION E
 Omrc XI
12 219 250 30 0 0499
2619 Sumesh Ps DIVISION E
 Group Nine 11
10 338 140 20 0 0498
2620 Siraj Moosa DIVISION E
 Qstar Blue
12 408 70 20 0 0498
2621 Naoufal Nadarash DIVISION E
 Dragon Gym
3 328 70 50 50 1498
2622 Shafi Shaji Muhammed POOL 4
 Super Brothers
18 468 -10 40 0 0498
2623 Monith Murali DIVISION E
 Dreamz 11
7 267 140 40 50 1497
2624 Jaya Raman Kesavan DIVISION E
6 467 20 10 0 0497
2625 Talha Shah POOL 6
 Super Brothers
7 407 70 20 0 0497
2626 Haris Nalakath POOL 10
 Salwa Monsters
13 467 -30 60 0 0497
2627 Noufal Salam POOL 7
 Golden Knights
5 427 20 50 0 0497
2628 Aneesh Kumar DIVISION E
13 145 260 90 0 0495
2629 Soumitra Ghosh DIVISION E
 Lightning Hawks CC
10 365 0 130 0 0495
2630 Shameem Sadiq POOL 6
 Royals X1
4 515 -60 40 0 0495
2631 Uzair Sanandwala DIVISION E
 Lucky Star
8 254 230 10 0 0494
2632 Ashkar Kq DIVISION E
 Kq Friends
8 84 330 80 0 0494
2633 Lijon Ahmed DIVISION E
 Muaither Titans
12 44 410 40 0 0494
2634 Ajmal Chalil DIVISION E
 Royals XI
7 353 130 10 0 0493
2635 Dinu Pappini DIVISION E
 Ntd Knights
5 443 0 50 0 0493
2636 Shifas K DIVISION E
 Revenge Boys
11 383 80 30 0 0493
2637 Anu M Anand DIVISION E
 Black Mamba
7 312 90 90 0 0492
2638 Amjath Basheer DIVISION E
 Masters CC
13 451 -10 50 0 0491
2639 Niyas Ali DIVISION E
 Vectra Qatar
16 161 240 90 0 0491
2640 Muhammad Abdul Jaleel POOL 7
 Rayyan Red Lions
5 431 60 0 0 0491
2641 Hamsath Mohammed POOL 12
 Thunder Strikers Doha
19 30 340 120 0 0490
2642 Ricky Jude M DIVISION E
 Spartans CC
10 320 0 170 0 0490
2643 Jubair Shaik DIVISION E
20 300 160 30 0 0490
2644 Abdul Naseer DIVISION E
 Lucky Star
8 369 10 60 50 1489
 Jp X1 CC
10 249 170 70 0 0489
2646 Kuttappan Ragish Rajesh B DIVISION E
 Drillers CC
6 29 410 50 0 0489
2647 Sahnawaj Ahmad Khan POOL 3
 Ccrc Warriors
7 329 130 30 0 0489
2648 Abdul Salam DIVISION E
 Ceylonians CC
22 -22 410 100 0 0488
2649 Sujith Poikayil DIVISION E
 Royal Tuskers
8 38 350 100 0 0488
2650 Aswin Thoppil Sudheesh DIVISION E
14 448 0 40 0 0488
2651 Azeez Vk DIVISION E
 Q11 Dark Horses
7 397 60 30 0 0487
2652 Mohd.munawwar Mubarak DIVISION E
 Mix Ileven
6 457 0 30 0 0487
2653 Anil Kumar Thakuri POOL 3
 Doha Spartans
9 407 70 10 0 0487
2654 Anees Ahmad POOL 4
 Super Brothers
9 387 0 100 0 0487
2655 Sadique Hussain DIVISION E
 Yuva XI
7 237 210 40 0 0487
2656 Shujat Khan POOL 10
 Unique Cricket Club
9 257 170 60 0 0487
2657 Wilfred Dsouza DIVISION E
 Uk Xi (united Kerala Eleven)
9 56 350 80 0 0486
2658 Sujeevan Murugiah DIVISION E
 Air Strikers
6 206 190 40 50 1486
2659 Jafar Parammel DIVISION E
 Super Gillies Team
14 266 130 90 0 0486
2660 Vinoth Kadivasna DIVISION E
 Bmc Chargers
6 166 240 80 0 0486
2661 Shanto Albi R
 G4s Phoenix
11 196 190 50 50 1486
2662 Mohamed Rifkhan DIVISION E
 Desert Court
6 165 290 30 0 0485
2663 Arshad Nhelat DIVISION E
 Black Caps CC
16 265 140 80 0 0485
2664 Mubarak Solkar DIVISION E
 Royal Strikers Qatar
3 415 70 0 0 0485
 Deccan Boys
12 345 50 40 50 1485
2666 Muhammad Rafi DIVISION E
 Royal Warriors Qatar
17 194 240 50 0 0484
2667 Mohamad Nizam DIVISION E
 Tata Sports C C
8 254 160 70 0 0484
2668 Subair Lk DIVISION E
 Ezgawa Tigers
8 354 130 0 0 0484
2669 Dr. Kazim Mohammed POOL 8
 Doha Friends X1
16 474 -50 60 0 0484
2670 Shamsheer Ongalorammal Aboobacker DIVISION E
 Masters CC
10 34 410 40 0 0484
2671 Limesh Ml POOL 3
 Token CC
23 384 40 60 0 0484
2672 Muhammed Irshad Ichu DIVISION E
 Team Karthiyath
15 264 130 90 0 0484
2673 Benin Chandra Balachandran DIVISION E
 Tamil Nadu Cc - Tncc
5 134 340 10 0 0484
2674 Rasheed Madompoyil R
 Fighters Qatar
20 163 270 50 0 0483
2675 Ajesh Sivaprasad DIVISION E
 Token CC
5 202 220 60 0 0482
2676 Rafi Rk DIVISION E
 Western Warriors
27 372 30 80 0 0482
2677 Muhammad Dawood POOL 4
 Ccrc Warriors
6 221 240 20 0 0481
2678 Ansari DIVISION E
 Players Xl
9 321 120 40 0 0481
2679 Afham Kottil POOL 11
 Golden Knights
18 251 170 60 0 0481
2680 Anas Yousuf POOL 5
 Atc Cbq
8 430 10 40 0 0480
2681 Shasshanga Sameera Dias DIVISION E
 Bdk Sporting
6 300 170 10 0 0480
2682 Jamsheer Puthiyapurayil DIVISION E
 Royal Fighters Cricket
5 480 0 0 0 0480
2683 Jasbeer Basheer U
 City Exchange CC
6 149 260 70 0 0479
2684 Fahim Ahmad U
 Bmc X1
15 449 20 10 0 0479
2685 Ridhin Raj DIVISION E
4 359 40 30 50 1479
2686 Sanosh Mathew DIVISION E
13 88 320 70 0 0478
2687 Samsoon Mohammed POOL 7
 Thunder Strikers Doha
9 278 100 50 50 1478
2688 Jassim Siraj POOL 9
8 477 0 0 0 0477
2689 Nahas Aziz Aziz DIVISION E
 Masters CC
11 257 20 200 0 0477
2690 Anas Kazi DIVISION E
 Mumbai Fighters
9 497 -30 10 0 0477
2691 Praveen Kumar POOL 7
 Super Heroes
13 437 0 40 0 0477
2692 Shihad Nalakath POOL 5
 Truth Fighters
8 477 -10 10 0 0477
2693 Abdul saleem Kv DIVISION E
 Royal Tuskers
7 347 20 60 50 1477
2694 Nizam M DIVISION E
14 326 120 30 0 0476
2695 Oli Mohammed DIVISION E
 Spartans CC
9 446 20 10 0 0476
2696 Hamza DIVISION E
 Doha Falcons
6 405 50 20 0 0475
2697 Shijith Raj Rajendran Nair Shijith POOL 7
13 455 0 20 0 0475
2698 Sreejith Gopalakrishnan DIVISION E
 Spikers X1
25 65 310 100 0 0475
2699 Khalandar Mirza DIVISION E
 Bdk Sporting
17 245 60 170 0 0475
2700 Nagoormohideen Shahulhameed DIVISION E
8 465 0 10 0 0475
2701 Rishadh Moideen Koya POOL 9
 Toivo Qatar
21 -5 380 100 0 0475
2702 Rashid Huzein POOL 6
 Qatar Vibrants
5 235 210 30 0 0475
2703 Afsal KVS POOL 10
 Doha Strikers
31 404 50 20 0 0474
2704 Amila POOL 9
 Thyseen Warriors
11 284 160 30 0 0474
2705 Md Didar DIVISION E
 Bd Bullets
6 454 0 20 0 0474
2706 Riyas U Riyas DIVISION E
 Galaxy CC
22 304 0 170 0 0474
2707 Asanka POOL 9
 Thyseen Warriors
5 363 0 60 50 1473
2708 Fasaludheen V Hussain DIVISION E
 Yuva XI
5 293 160 20 0 0473
2709 Mohammed Irshad Ea DIVISION F
 Arabian XI
2 243 180 50 0 0473
2710 Rajesh Unnikrishan DIVISION E
 Doha United
9 463 0 10 0 0473
2711 Rafiq Bajpe POOL 5
 Black Caps Cricketer's
12 413 -10 20 50 1473
2712 Naushad S Xi POOL 5
 Strikers X1 Qatar
10 93 310 70 0 0473
2713 Prince Thankachan DIVISION E
 South Royals
12 273 140 60 0 0473
2714 Karim Abdul Q
 Oryx Star Cricket
28 343 30 100 0 0473
2715 Shanavas M DIVISION E
 Weltech Warriors
3 432 20 20 0 0472
2716 Farshad Ahamed Nazrudeen DIVISION E
 Royal Dare Warriors Qatar
16 342 90 40 0 0472
2717 Imran Khan DIVISION F
 Doha Friends XI
11 432 40 0 0 0472
2718 Nishanth Shyaman DIVISION E
 Qstar Blue
10 402 30 40 0 0472
2719 Sabu Krishnankutty DIVISION F
 Gharaffa X1
6 112 250 60 50 1472
2720 Esa Mohamad Jamal DIVISION E
 Doha Friends XI
8 271 190 10 0 0471
2721 Saalim Babu POOL 3
 All Rounders Qatar
6 400 40 30 0 0470
2722 Tauhid Kazmi Khan DIVISION E
 Tata Sports C C
17 420 10 40 0 0470
2723 Faisal DIVISION E
 Nash Cricketers
3 220 210 40 0 0470
2724 Rasik Reems POOL 3
 Rc Boys
13 30 410 30 0 0470
2725 Shijo Joseph DIVISION E
 Doha Legends
11 470 0 0 0 0470
2726 Sakthivel P DIVISION E
8 440 0 30 0 0470
 Blue Commandos
10 290 90 40 50 1470
2728 Mohammed Jasimuddin DIVISION E
 Cofely Challengers
7 369 0 50 50 1469
2729 Shabeer Basheer DIVISION E
 Ksd11 Qatar
13 339 80 50 0 0469
2730 Shah Alam DIVISION E
 Young Sporting Qatar
12 359 70 40 0 0469
2731 Sagar Mandagiri DIVISION E
 Qatar Horses
11 8 400 60 0 0468
2732 Navas Muhammed Ali POOL 5
 Truth Fighters
12 278 0 190 0 0468
2733 Ufaskhan Ufu DIVISION E
 Palace C C
12 238 190 40 0 0468
2734 RC Shakir POOL 5
 Spartans XI
13 8 410 50 0 0468
2735 Shuhaib Vannathan Veettil POOL 5
9 138 290 40 0 0468
2736 Jithin Janardhanan POOL 9
 Victory CC
15 268 130 70 0 0468
2737 Anoop Ashokan DIVISION E
 Bails Qatar CC
9 367 0 100 0 0467
2738 Madhu Soman DIVISION E
23 417 -10 60 0 0467
2739 vinayak no POOL 12
 Q11 Redlions
8 37 340 40 50 1467
2740 Rizwan Umer DIVISION E
27 207 120 90 50 1467
2741 Avinash Dejappa POOL 3
 Yct Qatar
6 426 0 40 0 0466
2742 Hafeez Ur Rehman DIVISION E
 Victorian Stars
8 366 70 30 0 0466
2743 Salman Faris DIVISION E
 Friends 11 Doha
18 196 210 60 0 0466
2744 Islam Jamshedul POOL 9
9 426 0 40 0 0466
2745 Shemi Mathew POOL 9
 Thyseen Warriors
10 215 230 20 0 0465
2746 Sachin Sachu DIVISION E
 S-thanz XI
11 405 20 40 0 0465
2747 Imran Golden Knights DIVISION E
 Golden Knights
3 325 70 20 50 1465
2748 Rayhan Ahmed DIVISION E
 Oryx Star Cricket
7 454 0 10 0 0464
2749 Allu V POOL 7
 Golden Knights
13 174 190 50 50 1464
2750 Ashkar c DIVISION E
 Doha Blasters
11 264 130 70 0 0464
2751 Bilal Abubakar Dhango DIVISION E
10 274 150 40 0 0464
2752 Abdulrasheed Vakkayil POOL 10
 Salwa Monsters
11 234 190 40 0 0464
2753 Sreekanth Madthil Koliyat DIVISION E
 Thadathil CC
5 174 260 30 0 0464
2754 Adsha Aadhu POOL 5
 Strikers X1 Qatar
9 263 170 30 0 0463
 Mangalore Warriors
5 433 10 20 0 0463
2756 Rahul Mohite DIVISION E
 Alpha Eleven
17 263 110 90 0 0463
 Western Warriors
16 92 250 120 0 0462
2758 Faizal Moossa HITTERS POOL 10
 Hitters Qatar
12 252 140 70 0 0462
2759 Rizwan K Shaikh DIVISION E
 Mcc Qatar
6 302 80 80 0 0462
2760 Ismail DIVISION E
 Boom Boom C C
10 372 30 60 0 0462
2761 Satheesh PV DIVISION E
 Team Doha
8 182 220 60 0 0462
2762 Azaz Ahamed POOL 8
 Phoenix X1
14 161 240 60 0 0461
2763 Siraj V Pappan U
 City Exchange CC
11 111 320 30 0 0461
2764 Abdul Azeez DIVISION E
8 371 0 90 0 0461
2765 Tharik S POOL 10
 Palace CC
13 340 70 50 0 0460
2766 Badhusha M.a. DIVISION E
 Tmq Tigers
23 370 0 90 0 0460
2767 Shadab Pathan DIVISION E
 Victorian Stars Doha
5 369 30 60 0 0459
2768 Imran Bachne DIVISION E
 Ratnagiri Fighters
4 349 110 0 0 0459
2769 Thushanth TL POOL 11
15 9 370 30 50 1459
2770 Arun Deepu POOL 9
 Strikers C C
15 188 130 140 0 0458
2771 Favas Galib DIVISION E
 Redbulls C C
3 268 120 20 50 1458
2772 Vigneshan Muthaiyya DIVISION E
 Flyers Qatar (f.c.c)
9 428 0 30 0 0458
2773 Mujeeb Rahman DIVISION E
 Western Warriors
14 408 10 40 0 0458
2774 Ashraf Kandoth DIVISION E
 Eminant Qatar
10 418 20 20 0 0458
2775 Ansari Pulloonda DIVISION E
 Doha Sixers
12 278 130 50 0 0458
2776 Bharath Kumar DIVISION E
 Jp X1 CC
11 378 50 30 0 0458
2777 Mohammad Saddam Hossen DIVISION E
10 277 130 50 0 0457
2778 saeed Muhammad DIVISION E
 Lemax Riders
9 437 0 20 0 0457
2779 Shahir Shajahan POOL 7
14 257 120 80 0 0457
2780 Yahya Puthan Peedikayil DIVISION E
 Doha United
11 357 30 70 0 0457
2781 Mohamed Nifras DIVISION E
 Boom Boom C C
10 366 50 40 0 0456
2782 Shameem Koloroth POOL 16
 Tiger CC
17 345 50 60 0 0455
2783 Arun Balan POOL 14
 Group Nine 11
14 195 220 40 0 0455
2784 Shaheer Kc DIVISION E
 Doha Blasters
13 145 250 60 0 0455
2785 Parthasarathy Viswanathan DIVISION E
 Sand Storm
9 234 170 50 0 0454
2786 Fahad Fazil DIVISION E
 Mall CC
12 144 250 60 0 0454
2787 Sreejith Sree DIVISION E
 Rising Stars
23 253 130 70 0 0453
2788 Shihab Ubaidu POOL 7
 Q11 CC
11 173 270 10 0 0453
2789 Ummer Cp DIVISION E
 Blasters CC
11 283 0 170 0 0453
2790 Hussain Hussu DIVISION E
 Team Lulu
12 343 80 30 0 0453
2791 Mohd Shiful Sheikh DIVISION E
 Mustang XI
5 433 0 20 0 0453
2792 Arunlal Pillai DIVISION E
 Group Nine 11
17 403 20 30 0 0453
2793 Suhail Ahmed DIVISION E
 Trivandrum Challengers
6 222 150 30 50 1452
2794 Mahammad Noufal T
 Smart Qatar
3 442 0 10 0 0452
2795 Harshad Kuttipran DIVISION E
 Black Caps CC
15 402 0 50 0 0452
2796 Nirmal Shah DIVISION E
 Indo Warrior
9 301 100 50 0 0451
2797 Tanvir . DIVISION E
 Limra Friends
11 331 90 30 0 0451
2798 Edwin Irudayaraj DIVISION E
 Marina CC
4 161 250 40 0 0451
2799 Mohammed Eiyad . DIVISION E
 Hawks XI
11 221 220 10 0 0451
2800 Shameel HITTERS POOL 6
 Hitters Qatar
11 131 270 50 0 0451
2801 Sameer Sami R
 Team Of Qatar
6 411 20 20 0 0451
2802 Mohammed Shuhaib POOL 15
 Delhi Capitals
10 410 20 20 0 0450
2803 Hiran Devaraj POOL 13
 Unipart X1
7 420 0 30 0 0450
2804 Srinivasan Govindaraj DIVISION E
 Angry Bulls
11 260 120 70 0 0450
2805 Shinu Thilakan DIVISION E
 Spartan Strickers
6 280 130 40 0 0450
2806 Rafnas Rehim DIVISION E
 Doha Strikers Kunhipalli(dsk)
9 160 240 50 0 0450
2807 Shanil Babu DIVISION E
 Super Heroes
9 360 20 70 0 0450
2808 Dijo Augustine POOL 3
 Doha Boys
11 70 270 110 0 0450
2809 Sreekanth Chakrath DIVISION E
 Hilal X1
11 229 150 20 50 1449
2810 Shammas Shammu DIVISION E
 Toss CC
10 429 -10 30 0 0449
2811 Sarfaraz Mali POOL 6
 Super Brothers
15 379 10 60 0 0449
2812 Subhilash Keloth Parambil DIVISION E
 The Look
21 399 -10 60 0 0449
2813 Ashik Hussain DIVISION E
22 269 110 20 50 1449
2814 Ansar Ansu POOL 12
5 449 0 0 0 0449
2815 Balasubramanian Selvaraj DIVISION E
 Tmq Tigers
14 158 190 50 50 1448
2816 Saheer Abdulsalam POOL 10
 Palace CC
6 58 360 30 0 0448
2817 Nayas Khaan Mohamad Madikeri DIVISION E
7 128 260 60 0 0448
2818 Leo Jibin DIVISION E
 The Look
17 278 90 80 0 0448
2819 Fakhre Alam DIVISION E
16 87 310 50 0 0447
2820 Manjoth Singh POOL 14
 Group Nine 11
11 147 200 50 50 1447
2821 Nowfal Veluthangodan DIVISION E
 Blue Commandos
16 327 100 20 0 0447
2822 Babu B DIVISION E
 Team Mercury
14 127 260 60 0 0447
2823 Ashraf Ash DIVISION E
 Friends Xi Mangaloreans
7 336 80 30 0 0446
2824 Shuaib Mathath POOL 3
 Fighters Qatar
7 226 210 10 0 0446
2825 Balu Muppathil . DIVISION E
 Mix Ileven
22 335 60 50 0 0445
2826 Nauman Asamadi DIVISION E
 Lucky Star
10 345 90 10 0 0445
2827 Sha Kq Thrissur POOL 10
 Kq Friends
10 25 380 40 0 0445
2828 Firoz Antule POOL 15
 Kokan Stars
2 345 40 10 50 1445
2829 Ranesh S DIVISION E
 Blue Commandos
4 324 110 10 0 0444
2830 Shakaran Shanz DIVISION E
 Black Knights
5 244 170 30 0 0444
2831 Shafeek Arakkal DIVISION E
 Royals XI
3 404 30 10 0 0444
2832 Ashfeer Kannoth DIVISION E
 Toss CC
8 373 50 20 0 0443
2833 Harsha Panchananam DIVISION E
 Qatar Horses
14 93 320 30 0 0443
2834 Mohamed Nifros DIVISION E
 The Look
3 313 80 50 0 0443
2835 Midhun Mm POOL 13
13 372 0 70 0 0442
2836 Shameer Vk R
 Team Of Qatar
5 391 0 0 50 1441
2837 Sangeeth T DIVISION E
 Lulu Battalion CC
11 381 0 10 50 1441
2838 Ashraf Hitters DIVISION E
 Hitters Qatar Green
8 181 190 70 0 0441
2839 Naseeb Valanhi DIVISION E
 Eminant Qatar
7 351 70 20 0 0441
2840 Nishad Nalakath DIVISION E
 Limra Friends
15 61 350 30 0 0441
2841 Alam Shaik DIVISION E
15 161 240 40 0 0441
2842 Muhammad Shafi Muhammad Rafiq POOL 7
 Doha Fighters
5 0 390 50 0 0440
2843 Ajay Jayakumar POOL 5
 The Monks
1 390 -10 10 50 1440
2844 Abu Shuvo POOL 10
 Unique Cricket Club
4 310 50 30 50 1440
2845 Deepu Mohan DIVISION E
 Friends (fct)
16 20 350 70 0 0440
2846 Ajas Sajeev POOL 7
 Lagaan Qatar
15 129 240 70 0 0439
2847 Ajith Raju DIVISION E
 Friends (fct)
14 49 270 120 0 0439
2848 Sakker Av DIVISION E
 Boom Boom C C
11 329 70 40 0 0439
2849 Janeesh Palliyali DIVISION E
 Friends 11 Doha
6 279 90 70 0 0439
2850 Manoj G POOL 6
 Spartans-qatar CC
10 178 160 100 0 0438
2851 Sreejesh Oramundagal DIVISION E
6 238 170 30 0 0438
2852 Sajad Thajudeen DIVISION E
 Gharrafa XI
11 88 280 20 50 1438
2853 Kathiresan Gopalakrishnan POOL 11
 Defenders County Cricket
6 268 100 70 0 0438
2854 Insan Lebbe DIVISION E
 Lucky Star
8 277 120 40 0 0437
2855 Parkar Sarwar Ahmed POOL 7
 Aero Dynamos
13 117 280 40 0 0437
2856 Shaheer Aslam Abdul Vahab Shaheer DIVISION E
 Drillers CC
5 207 200 30 0 0437
2857 Sabir Muhammed Muhammed DIVISION F
16 57 340 40 0 0437
2858 Rasheed . DIVISION E
 Ezgawa Tigers
9 185 210 40 0 0435
2859 Sameer Puliyullathil POOL 12
4 385 0 0 50 1435
2860 Yasir Padiyattu DIVISION E
 Java X1
8 244 190 0 0 0434
2861 Deepak Dileep DIVISION E
 Leopards Qatar
12 104 270 60 0 0434
2862 Sana Ullah POOL 5
 Ccrc Warriors
12 53 270 110 0 0433
2863 Thamjid Panthivayal POOL 7
 Royal Strikers
16 253 20 110 50 1433
2864 Shajeer Kottilinghal DIVISION E
 Kq Friends
8 163 260 10 0 0433
2865 Sajeer Thalakkal DIVISION E
 Mahe CC
4 373 10 50 0 0433
2866 C. Dinesh POOL 15
 Friendship Brothers - Si
21 323 60 50 0 0433
2867 Musthafa Muthu DIVISION E
6 283 100 0 50 1433
2868 Nahas T
 Doha Cc (dcc)
6 403 0 30 0 0433
2869 Asgar Shaik DIVISION E
17 212 170 50 0 0432
2870 Ashif Hameed DIVISION E
 Eminant Qatar
11 412 0 20 0 0432
 Desert Warriors
6 382 0 50 0 0432
2872 Rajmohan Suresh DIVISION E
 Friendship Brothers - Sl
11 291 120 20 0 0431
2873 Muhammed Rahees M DIVISION E
 Doha Sixers
12 381 10 40 0 0431
2874 Abbu Shareef DIVISION E
 Hawk Squad
1 361 70 0 0 0431
2875 Saneesh Soman DIVISION E
 Qatar Super Kings
21 390 30 10 0 0430
2876 Shibili Sha DIVISION E
 Q11 Red Lions
32 150 240 40 0 0430
2877 Salman Hamed DIVISION E
 Cricket Phantoms
3 429 -10 10 0 0429
2878 Jenson John POOL 15
 Matar Kings
11 219 210 0 0 0429
2879 Afroj Khan DIVISION E
 Rc Boys
10 339 40 50 0 0429
2880 Hamsakkutty Mp DIVISION E
 Yct Qatar
1 339 20 20 50 1429
2881 Kun kun Mandal DIVISION E
 Redco Riders
5 159 210 10 50 1429
2882 Megha Withanage DIVISION F
 Delhi Capitals
7 359 20 0 50 1429
2883 Durai R POOL 6
 Spartans-qatar CC
7 69 270 90 0 0429
2884 Ravi Rvs POOL 6
 Spartans-qatar CC
8 248 140 40 0 0428
2885 Thanseer N B POOL 10
19 38 310 30 50 1428
2886 Naveedkhan Pathan DIVISION E
 Doha Tigers
11 158 190 80 0 0428
2887 Sharaf Black POOL 8
 Qatar Bruisers
6 348 0 80 0 0428
2888 Mazharul Islam DIVISION E
 Bmc X1
11 398 20 10 0 0428
2889 Anaz DIVISION E
 Young Sporting Qatar
9 258 130 40 0 0428
2890 Prakash P DIVISION E
 Legends CC
2 338 80 10 0 0428
2891 Mahesh NP DIVISION E
 Team Ghados
22 208 150 70 0 0428
2892 Mohammed Haneefa DIVISION E
 Doha Challengers
12 267 100 60 0 0427
2893 Noushad Bakar DIVISION E
 Qatar Champions
9 257 90 80 0 0427
2894 Rajesh Radhachandran DIVISION E
 Drillers CC
11 347 30 50 0 0427
2895 Mukesh Patil DIVISION E
17 126 190 110 0 0426
2896 Rafi Muhammed POOL 16
 Royal Phoenix
5 226 110 40 50 1426
2897 Deepu Jayadevan DIVISION E
16 106 300 20 0 0426
2898 Javed Khan DIVISION E
13 316 90 20 0 0426
2899 Afnaz Apz DIVISION E
 Kerala CC
6 405 0 20 0 0425
2900 Saji Jacob DIVISION E
 Group Nine 11
11 335 0 90 0 0425
2901 Imran DIVISION E
 Air Strikers
12 365 30 30 0 0425
2902 Mullaithasan B POOL 6
 Spartans-qatar CC
9 184 150 40 50 1424
2903 Askar Anthoora Valappil DIVISION E
 Saltha Boys 11
8 304 50 70 0 0424
2904 Sushant Sharma DIVISION E
 Ntd Knights
10 424 0 0 0 0424
2905 Sameer Illikkal DIVISION E
 Friends (fct)
13 244 100 80 0 0424
2906 Shafeek P U
 City Exchange CC
8 374 20 30 0 0424
2907 Rambharos Raaj Adhikari DIVISION E
 Bin Omran United
7 354 70 0 0 0424
2908 Siju Antony DIVISION E
9 333 -10 100 0 0423
2909 Nahas C Kuyilakath DIVISION E
 Xiomi City
16 203 140 80 0 0423
2910 Firaz Noushad DIVISION E
 Rising Stars CC
6 172 220 30 0 0422
2911 Abdullah Al Mamun POOL 9
3 222 110 40 50 1422
2912 Shereef S DIVISION E
 Royal Strikers Qatar
20 332 80 10 0 0422
2913 Shani Choori POOL 3
 Jp X1
8 302 0 120 0 0422
2914 Arul Ananth Antony POOL 5
 Kanyakumari Warriors
6 332 80 10 0 0422
2915 Mohamed Mohamed Ibrahim . DIVISION E
 Diplomatic C.c
13 252 160 10 0 0422
2916 Abdul Aziz DIVISION E
 Bdk Sporting
14 272 110 40 0 0422
2917 Siraj Gul DIVISION E
 Qatar Blue XI
16 152 240 30 0 0422
2918 Sardar Hassan POOL 3
 Ccrc Warriors
23 12 280 80 50 1422
2919 Shabeer Ali Cherukutty DIVISION E
 Bails Qatar CC
9 372 40 10 0 0422
2920 Musammil PA POOL 15
 Delhi Capitals
21 321 0 100 0 0421
2921 Afsal DIVISION E
 Eminant Qatar
10 211 130 80 0 0421
2922 Wajeed Patel DIVISION E
 Doha Tigers
12 201 190 30 0 0421
2923 Kalandar Kallu DIVISION E
 Team Karthiyath
14 200 130 90 0 0420
2924 Suraj Rajkapoor DIVISION E
 Players Xl
10 170 110 140 0 0420
2925 Yoosaf Shahul Hameed POOL 10
 Gharrafa XI
11 299 60 60 0 0419
2926 Md Gulam Sah DIVISION F
 Nepal XI
12 119 270 30 0 0419
2927 Ajan Ajaa POOL 4
 United Warriors
14 298 20 100 0 0418
2928 M.Casim M.Mujahith POOL 12
 Maru Champs
9 258 90 70 0 0418
2929 Arshu P Q
 Doha United
6 218 150 50 0 0418
2930 Adarsh Pv DIVISION E
 Calicut Blasterz Blue
5 288 80 0 50 1418
2931 Manoj Prabhakaran Nair DIVISION E
 Xiomi City
6 287 100 30 0 0417
2932 Mohammad Zabin POOL 4
 Doha Boys
7 377 0 40 0 0417
2933 Sadikul Islam DIVISION E
 Abu Nakhla
3 217 180 20 0 0417
2934 Mahmud Rayhan DIVISION E
 Bmc X1
11 357 0 60 0 0417
2935 Santh Kumara POOL 14
 Qatar Warriors
4 367 0 0 50 1417
2936 Mohamed Siraj T
6 106 270 40 0 0416
2937 Deepak Davis POOL 5
 Red Hawks
9 256 50 110 0 0416
2938 Radha Krishan DIVISION E
 Sahara .c.c
2 346 0 70 0 0416
2939 Joshi Jebelsen POOL 4
 Strikers X1 Doha
5 286 70 10 50 1416
2940 Muthu Mon DIVISION E
 Western Warriors
9 196 120 100 0 0416
2941 Azhar DIVISION E
 Lemax Riders
5 116 240 60 0 0416
2942 Salik Husaen R DIVISION E
 Limra Friends
7 325 80 10 0 0415
2943 Vineeth Venugopalan DIVISION E
 Friends (fct)
14 35 370 10 0 0415
2944 Shanil Hamee DIVISION E
 Spartan Strickers
7 385 20 10 0 0415
2945 Navas Pv N77 POOL 4
 Doha Boys
9 285 40 90 0 0415
2946 Naresh Tenugu DIVISION E
 Deccan Boys
5 205 200 10 0 0415
2947 Sajid Abdullah POOL 8
 Doha Friends X1
21 285 60 70 0 0415
2948 Parvej Khan POOL 7
 Doha Fighters
10 75 290 50 0 0415
2949 Ateeque Majgaonkar DIVISION E
 Ratnagiri Riders
17 355 30 30 0 0415
2950 Nyjil Abraham DIVISION E
 Lulu Battalion CC
20 154 140 70 50 1414
2951 Abdul Raheem Nk DIVISION E
 Western Warriors
18 404 0 10 0 0414
2952 Jaseed Jasee POOL 6
 Oscar C C
10 374 0 40 0 0414
2953 Shanid Kuttikkattil DIVISION E
10 234 100 30 50 1414
2954 Muhamed Fayaz POOL 5
 Truth Fighters
11 363 0 50 0 0413
2955 Nijaz Ismail POOL 11
4 283 60 20 50 1413
 Qatar Champions
6 103 210 50 50 1413
2957 Saquib Mohamad DIVISION E
 E&a Challengers
20 383 -30 60 0 0413
2958 Naseem Abbas DIVISION E
4 243 160 10 0 0413
2959 Yadava Raju Salian DIVISION E
 Friends (fct)
12 163 90 160 0 0413
2960 Younus Nalakathu DIVISION E
20 353 0 60 0 0413
2961 Ashfaq Salafi DIVISION E
 Lucky Star
9 282 110 20 0 0412
2962 Sohail Shah POOL 15
 Uk X1
16 322 10 80 0 0412
2963 Dhanu Bahadur S DIVISION E
 Lightning Hawks CC
7 272 90 50 0 0412
2964 Shamsudeen P V POOL 4
 Aldar Blasters
8 382 30 0 0 0412
2965 Shameer Shajahan 99 DIVISION E
 Yuva XI
5 361 50 0 0 0411
2966 Renjith Kanjuly DIVISION E
 Markhiya Blasters
3 251 110 0 50 1411
2967 Jeyoslin Jey POOL 5
 Kanyakumari Warriors
31 291 40 80 0 0411
2968 Nisham Sharif POOL 5
14 61 240 110 0 0411
2969 Amjid Khan Gul Said POOL 7
 Doha Fighters
6 161 210 40 0 0411
2970 Mashood Mt POOL 3
 Jp X1
4 190 170 50 0 0410
2971 Mohamed khalid POOL 5
 Ccrc Warriors
8 250 110 50 0 0410
2972 Vipin Ck DIVISION F
 Calicut Blasterz
18 210 130 70 0 0410
2973 Rejinder Madhavan POOL 6
 Royal Strikers
7 250 120 40 0 0410
2974 Pravin Rajaram DIVISION E
6 50 340 20 0 0410
2975 Biju Bobby POOL 3
 Qatar Fighters Club
7 240 0 120 50 1410
2976 Sudheesh Chandran DIVISION E
 Java X1
8 280 70 60 0 0410
2977 Sajeer 30135787 DIVISION E
 Egss Ummsalal
3 250 130 30 0 0410
 Smashers 11
31 469 -120 60 0 0409
2979 Nameer Cheruvot DIVISION E
 Matar Kings
3 269 100 40 0 0409
2980 Shafeeq Vayalil Purayi DIVISION E
 Unipart 11
8 209 90 110 0 0409
2981 Abdul Rahman Adhur DIVISION F
 Kerala C.c
21 -12 310 110 0 0408
2982 Satheesh Monu Pandarikkal Sahu DIVISION E
 Drillers CC
10 158 190 60 0 0408
2983 Saif Shereef DIVISION E
 Mdt Roadiez
11 298 110 0 0 0408
2984 Sagara Madusanka DIVISION E
 Air Strikers
6 237 140 30 0 0407
2985 Sabir Sabi S
 Kerala CC
3 317 60 30 0 0407
2986 Mazhar Ismayl Shekh Q
 Oryx Star Cricket
14 237 150 20 0 0407
2987 Mohammed Fayaz POOL 15
 Delhi Capitals
5 177 150 30 50 1407
2988 Mohamed Noufal Oliyil DIVISION E
 Classic CC
8 17 360 30 0 0407
2989 Katha Muthu Maheshwaram POOL 6
24 317 50 40 0 0407
2990 Jitendra Nayak DIVISION E
 Avengers XI
13 196 150 60 0 0406
2991 Firoskhan Abdulla DIVISION E
 Qatar Champions
6 66 310 30 0 0406
2992 Nisakh Subhash S
 Kerala CC
5 296 30 30 50 1406
2993 Ajmal Kaniyanparambil POOL 15
 Hawks X1
25 136 0 270 0 0406
2994 Sirajudeen Vellakkattu DIVISION E
 Hurricanes Qatar
1 386 0 20 0 0406
2995 Jubin Joy Samuel POOL 4
 Beach CC
15 366 0 40 0 0406
2996 Babu Rajendran DIVISION E
 Cofely Challengers
7 66 270 70 0 0406
2997 Ashraf Moosa POOL 10
 Gharrafa XI
8 306 80 20 0 0406
2998 Abdul Azeez DIVISION E
 Sand Storm
5 365 0 40 0 0405
2999 Sharafu HITTERS POOL 10
 Hitters Qatar
11 55 330 20 0 0405
3000 Badhru Ksd DIVISION E
 Blackcaps Cricketers
10 135 220 50 0 0405
3001 Fayiz K P POOL 4
 Aldar Blasters
17 45 300 60 0 0405
3002 Rasheed Buhari DIVISION E
 Blockades XI
18 265 100 40 0 0405
3003 Hari Mangal POOL 8
 Phoenix X1
9 125 250 30 0 0405
3004 Haziq Mohamad POOL 14
 Spartans X1
9 395 0 10 0 0405
3005 Fahad Ali POOL 10
 Blue Whales
10 255 90 60 0 0405
3006 Haris M N M POOL 9
 Limra Friends
10 14 350 40 0 0404
3007 Shaan Sharaf DIVISION E
 S-thanz XI
10 374 0 30 0 0404
3008 Harshad Pardale DIVISION E
 Ratnagiri Fighters
12 364 -30 70 0 0404
3009 Sinas Vazhayil DIVISION E
 Doha Strikers
11 293 70 40 0 0403
3010 Shameer Vk DIVISION E
 Team Of Qatar
15 373 20 10 0 0403
3011 Mohammed Jaufer Mohammed POOL 12
 Elegance Qatar
7 273 60 70 0 0403
3012 Mohammad Arshad Sharafudeen Hussain DIVISION E
 Tata Sports C C
8 353 40 10 0 0403
3013 Naser Osman DIVISION E
 Royal Strikers Qatar
18 143 240 20 0 0403
3014 Nazeem Soopi DIVISION E
 Combines XI
8 253 100 50 0 0403
3015 Shabeer Abdul Rahiman DIVISION E
 Friday CC
23 182 160 60 0 0402
 Hitters Qatar Green
7 152 160 90 0 0402
3017 Akhil Anil Kumar POOL 5
 Hawks XI
19 102 210 90 0 0402
3018 Shihab Pattammarthodiyil DIVISION E
 Strikers Xi - Doha
9 12 310 30 50 1402
3019 Cikhil piyus POOL 15
 Matar Kings
6 132 250 20 0 0402
3020 Aboobecker Sidiq . DIVISION E
6 331 10 10 50 1401
3021 Akhil Krishnan DIVISION E
 Man Strikers
10 11 370 20 0 0401
3022 Vijithan Vijayarasa DIVISION E
 Team Mercury
14 281 100 20 0 0401
 Sun Max CC
6 241 110 50 0 0401
3024 Mohammed Niyas Cheriya Parambath Manathil DIVISION E
 Beach CC
18 341 30 30 0 0401
3025 Mohamed Nasir POOL 6
9 331 50 20 0 0401
3026 Sooraj K DIVISION E
 Doha Legends
10 341 0 60 0 0401
3027 Patan Mohammed Sawood DIVISION E
 Smart Qatar
8 350 20 30 0 0400
3028 Imran khan T
 Smart Qatar
4 369 0 30 0 0399
3029 Karthik Raveendra DIVISION E
 Trivandrum Challengers
9 349 20 30 0 0399
3030 Irshad S Xi DIVISION E
 Strikers Xi - Qatar
6 369 20 10 0 0399
3031 Subash Theyyarkandiyil DIVISION E
 Q11 CC
4 269 80 0 50 1399
3032 Thushar Datir DIVISION E
 Kokan Boys
3 359 20 20 0 0399
3033 Nisar Khan DIVISION E
 Muaither Titans
10 129 200 70 0 0399
3034 Hari Krishnan DIVISION E
 Combines XI
9 159 170 70 0 0399
3035 Ashwin varma DIVISION E
18 358 -40 80 0 0398
3036 Mustaq Bengre DIVISION E
 Avengers XI
9 238 140 20 0 0398
3037 Byju Kakkoth POOL 5
 Atc Cbq
6 278 100 20 0 0398
3038 Obaidulla Asamdi DIVISION E
 Khalifa Strikers
9 398 -10 10 0 0398
3039 Anees Ameri DIVISION E
 Toss CC
9 198 150 50 0 0398
3040 Mohamed Fardous Mohamed Rafeek POOL 3
 Ccrc Warriors
11 167 180 50 0 0397
3041 Praveesh Vijayan DIVISION E
14 337 20 40 0 0397
13 217 130 50 0 0397
3043 Muhammed Rafeeke DIVISION E
 Royal Fighters Cricket
4 297 70 30 0 0397
3044 Niyas kasim Legends S
 Rc Boys
8 347 10 40 0 0397
3045 Mohamed Siraj DIVISION E
 Master Blasters Qatar
16 237 120 40 0 0397
3046 Samad Chammu DIVISION E
 Smart Qatar
7 326 0 70 0 0396
3047 Nisar Nk DIVISION E
 Royal Warriors Qatar
6 46 330 20 0 0396
3048 Raman Kulasekaran DIVISION E
 Spartans CC
10 296 -20 70 50 1396
3049 Farhan Jahagirdar DIVISION E
 Ratnagiri Riders
13 286 80 30 0 0396
3050 Janarthanan Vijayakumar DIVISION E
 Asian Rhynos
5 115 260 20 0 0395
3051 Ajmal N DIVISION E
 Asian Rhynos
9 274 0 120 0 0394
3052 Sayyid Hisham R
 Redwolves Qatar
14 344 50 0 0 0394
3053 Rajkumar Gunsekaran DIVISION E
 Angry Bulls
15 54 260 80 0 0394
3054 Abdulla Rafi Ahamed DIVISION E
10 144 210 40 0 0394
3055 Khaja Hussain DIVISION E
 Qatar Vibrants
12 254 20 70 50 1394
3056 Siddhik Nakashe DIVISION E
 Omrc XI
7 304 -10 50 50 1394
3057 Kulothungan Bala Muthu DIVISION E
8 323 0 70 0 0393
3058 Shiras Kakkadavan DIVISION E
 Youth Forum Companions
7 233 120 40 0 0393
3059 Ali Mohammed DIVISION E
 Doha Risers CC
3 353 0 40 0 0393
3060 Vipin S.V DIVISION E
 Kombans CC
6 233 100 60 0 0393
3061 Rolly Dsilva DIVISION E
 The Monks
11 233 0 160 0 0393
3062 Askar Ali DIVISION E
6 303 0 90 0 0393
3063 Shiha Budheen DIVISION E
 New Star Dafna
4 402 -30 20 0 0392
3064 Himanshu Tyagi POOL 6
 Super Brothers
11 292 20 30 50 1392
3065 Kadir Parkar DIVISION E
 Ratnagiri Fighters
8 292 60 40 0 0392
3066 Amaludheen A DIVISION E
 Royals XI
8 242 130 20 0 0392
3067 Rahul Bhatrai DIVISION F
 Nepal XI
9 302 0 90 0 0392
3068 Muhamed Faisal DIVISION E
 Combines XI
3 192 160 40 0 0392
3069 Imran Khan POOL 8
 Phoenix X1
12 112 220 60 0 0392
3070 Mubash . DIVISION E
 Sparks XI
10 232 110 50 0 0392
3071 Ajith Peedikapurath DIVISION E
 The Look
18 321 0 70 0 0391
3072 Mirsab TVM Vinod Kumar DIVISION E
 Trivandrum Challengers
3 371 10 10 0 0391
3073 Mirza Adnan POOL 9
 Kokan Stars
9 11 320 60 0 0391
3074 Inshaf Musthafa Rawther POOL 7
 Lagaan Qatar
27 160 110 120 0 0390
3075 Santosh M.n POOL 13
 Unipart X1
10 160 180 50 0 0390
3076 Mohamad Asharf DIVISION E
 Indo Qatar Cc - Iqcc
5 250 120 20 0 0390
3077 Abdul Basith DIVISION E
 Eminent Qatar
10 40 310 40 0 0390
3078 Rashid Davood K DIVISION E
 Spartan Strickers
13 300 70 20 0 0390
3079 Jithendra Kumar Yadav POOL 5
 Strikers X1 Qatar
5 319 50 20 0 0389
3080 Abdul Razak pp POOL 14
 Oscar CC
11 109 240 40 0 0389
3081 Roshan Mandal POOL 15
 Delhi Capitals
14 89 220 30 50 1389
3082 Mohamed Fasil Abdul Gaffar POOL 8
 Team Cricket Buddies
13 249 120 20 0 0389
3083 Baab Salam DIVISION E
 Palace C C
2 369 10 10 0 0389
3084 Shibin Mohammed POOL 16
 Western Warriors
15 169 160 60 0 0389
3085 Aravind Radhakrishnan T
 Doha Cc (dcc)
8 169 140 30 50 1389
3086 Joseph Ommen DIVISION E
13 189 110 90 0 0389
3087 Shajahan Ayikkattil DIVISION E
 Strikers Xi - Doha
8 328 30 30 0 0388
3088 Nijas Ahammed POOL 5
 Strikers X1 Qatar
4 308 50 30 0 0388
3089 A Rahman DIVISION E
 Yuva XI
12 238 60 40 50 1388
3090 Mohamed Rasheed POOL 9
 Sinan X1
5 118 190 80 0 0388
3091 Ahsan Habib POOL 9
6 348 0 40 0 0388
3092 Ajaj Khan DIVISION E
15 37 230 120 0 0387
3093 Arun Soosa DIVISION E
 Trivandrum Challengers
9 137 170 30 50 1387
3094 Shemeer Pulakkal POOL 10
 Salwa Monsters
12 247 0 140 0 0387
3095 Suhail Salim DIVISION E
 Gharrafa XI
10 97 240 50 0 0387
 Rising Stars
4 196 150 40 0 0386
3097 Vishal More DIVISION E
 Torpedos Striker
1 136 180 20 50 1386
3098 Suhail Eravath POOL 6
 Royal Strikers
25 106 170 110 0 0386
 Amigos Qatar
6 236 90 60 0 0386
3100 Noushad L L DIVISION E
 Lemax Riders
11 145 140 100 0 0385
3101 Fayaz Ummer DIVISION E
4 5 310 20 50 1385
3102 Sabir Bappanthakath DIVISION E
 The Monks
7 95 260 30 0 0385
3103 Jeeva R.S DIVISION E
 Friendship Brothers - Sl
29 355 0 30 0 0385
3104 Niyas Ali U
 Vectra Qatar
9 -5 360 30 0 0385
3105 Karthik Voory DIVISION E
 Lightning Hawks CC
21 274 60 50 0 0384
3106 Mohamed Ismail DIVISION E
 Silent Killers
10 254 100 30 0 0384
3107 Afrar Mohammed R
 G4s Phoenix
1 314 10 10 50 1384
3108 Ahmed Toky POOL 8
 Bd Bullets
13 204 20 160 0 0384
3109 Firos Khan RT POOL 10
 Royal Tigers
10 223 90 70 0 0383
3110 Shakir Pattil DIVISION E
 Innings Stars
4 273 100 10 0 0383
3111 Vijay Pramod POOL 12
9 363 0 20 0 0383
3112 Nawaz B K DIVISION F
 Arabian XI
15 373 0 10 0 0383
3113 Fayis Kalleri DIVISION E
 Sparks XI
16 103 170 110 0 0383
3114 Mahesh Mangalore DIVISION E
 Blackcaps Cricketers
12 293 60 30 0 0383
3115 Sreejith Sivarama Pillai DIVISION E
11 163 180 40 0 0383
3116 Faslin Mohamed Ismail POOL 3
 Ccrc Warriors
6 312 60 10 0 0382
3117 Messi Robben POOL 5
13 152 180 50 0 0382
3118 Gafoor Abdul POOL 13
 Marc Qatar Warriors
8 222 60 100 0 0382
3119 Ahmed Hassan DIVISION E
 Black Panthers
10 91 250 40 0 0381
3120 Ramees Mohammed POOL 4
 Caribbeans Qatar
6 201 160 20 0 0381
3121 Arshad Nc R
 Team Of Qatar
11 191 150 40 0 0381
3122 Anees Allodath POOL 3
 All Rounders Qatar
9 101 240 40 0 0381
3123 Hasker Arangathil DIVISION E
 Q11 Dark Horses
20 331 20 30 0 0381
3124 Shamiur Rahman DIVISION E
 Friends CC
6 161 190 30 0 0381
3125 Subair Puliyullakandy DIVISION E
7 220 120 40 0 0380
3126 Iqbal Moideen Kunhi DIVISION E
 Sand Storm
2 360 20 0 0 0380
3127 Abdulla Abdu POOL 9
 Qatar Warriors
9 90 180 110 0 0380
3128 Fahad Bin Sultan DIVISION E
 Hyderabadi Nawab's Super 11
5 220 100 60 0 0380
3129 Abdul Haq Muhammed DIVISION E
 Sand Storm
8 90 270 20 0 0380
3130 Mohammed Hafeez DIVISION E
 Bdk Sporting
7 349 30 0 0 0379
3131 Nabil Ummer DIVISION E
 Beach CC
7 319 -20 30 50 1379
3132 Rajeesh K.p DIVISION E
 Calicut Blasterz Blue
2 379 0 0 0 0379
3133 Maseeuddin Ahmed DIVISION E
 Lucky XI
8 339 20 20 0 0379
3134 Shefeek Cheppu POOL 3
 Redbulls CC
4 189 120 70 0 0379
3135 Sabari prasad DIVISION E
 Kkm Warriors
20 199 130 50 0 0379
3136 Ratheesh Chandran POOL 10
 Fcs Qatar
10 268 100 10 0 0378
3137 Salim Khan POOL 4
 Energy Technical Services
6 167 130 30 50 1377
3138 Mohammed Masmil DIVISION E
 Qatar Lions
3 247 80 0 50 1377
3139 Subramaniyam Sahathevan DIVISION E
 Master Blasters Qatar
8 107 220 50 0 0377
3140 Haris Manjeri POOL 3
 Redbulls CC
4 276 40 10 50 1376
3141 Sameer Khader DIVISION E
 Combines XI
10 346 0 30 0 0376
3142 Baques Wahab POOL 8
 Doha Challengers
4 326 0 0 50 1376
3143 Fazal Mohamed DIVISION E
 Royal Strikers Qatar
14 186 140 50 0 0376
3144 Muhammad Hizar POOL 4
 Qatar Blue X1 Silver
11 255 50 20 50 1375
3145 Manick Raj POOL 4
 Energy Technical Services
20 325 20 30 0 0375
3146 Rajakumaran Rajan POOL 16
 Toivo Qatar
5 124 170 80 0 0374
3147 Jinto James Uzhuvathu DIVISION E
15 104 200 70 0 0374
3148 Abid Kettungal DIVISION E
23 214 70 90 0 0374
3149 Siraj Kozhikkott Kandy . DIVISION E
 Diplomatic C.c
11 354 -10 30 0 0374
3150 Thair Haidri DIVISION E
 Khalifa Strikers
15 244 0 130 0 0374
3151 Noushad Np POOL 3
 Fighters Qatar
6 372 0 0 0 0372
3152 Janzy Fareed DIVISION E
5 102 200 70 0 0372
3153 Abdullah Ayyoob DIVISION E
 Calicut Blasterz Blue
5 242 30 50 50 1372
3154 Rizwan Patel POOL 4
 Kokan Boys
15 52 260 60 0 0372
3155 Saleh Ahmed DIVISION E
 Doha Spartans
10 241 80 50 0 0371
3156 Safvan Cheppu DIVISION E
 Yct Qatar
3 241 60 20 50 1371
3157 Radha Krishnan DIVISION E
 Khalifa Strikers
8 331 40 0 0 0371
3158 Jasim Kv DIVISION E
 Doha Strikers
15 311 30 30 0 0371
3159 Gafoor Pv DIVISION E
 Bails Qatar CC
7 111 240 20 0 0371
3160 Jithin G Jithu S
 Rc Boys
7 241 110 20 0 0371
3161 Monir Sikdar DIVISION E
 Muaither Titans
13 231 100 40 0 0371
3162 Nadeem Sherwan DIVISION E
 Java X1
13 220 100 50 0 0370
3163 Mian Farhan DIVISION E
 Redco Riders
12 240 60 70 0 0370
3164 Muhammed Fayik DIVISION E
 Team Ghados
14 330 0 40 0 0370
3165 Surenthar Srenthar DIVISION E
8 100 210 60 0 0370
3166 Shabeer Pk DIVISION E
 Bails Qatar CC
10 260 60 50 0 0370
3167 Noufal Koloroth DIVISION E
 Red Lions Rayyan
7 300 50 20 0 0370
3168 Shanavas Muhammed DIVISION E
 Team Lulu
15 10 310 50 0 0370
3169 Althaf Anthule DIVISION E
 Kokan Boys
12 229 90 50 0 0369
3170 Amar Kader Shinu DIVISION E
 Hitters Qatar Red
2 249 50 20 50 1369
3171 Sameer Shaikh DIVISION E
 Mustang XI
6 149 170 50 0 0369
3172 Vipin Chacko DIVISION E
3 278 80 10 0 0368
3173 Syed Mohammad Dilshad DIVISION E
 Tata Sports C C
18 298 0 70 0 0368
3174 Shafeeque Chalil DIVISION E
 Nash Cricketers
2 268 40 10 50 1368
3175 Arsth Atham Lebee POOL 9
 Qatar Lions
7 288 0 80 0 0368
3176 Robin Thankachan DIVISION E
 Java X1
10 318 50 0 0 0368
3177 Ramshad C P POOL 5
 Spartans XI
14 77 240 50 0 0367
3178 Hamza H POOL 9
 Thyseen Warriors
13 347 0 20 0 0367
3179 Tharves Meeran DIVISION E
 Friends CC
5 217 100 50 0 0367
3180 Sreejith K Raju DIVISION E
 Doha Challengers
15 37 240 90 0 0367
3181 Anbalagan Dhivagaran DIVISION E
13 187 110 70 0 0367
3182 Selva Kumar Manickam DIVISION E
 Tmq Tigers
12 126 180 60 0 0366
3183 Krishna Vazeer DIVISION E
 Telugu Warriors
9 316 -20 70 0 0366
3184 Veera Rvs POOL 6
 Spartans-qatar CC
7 206 100 60 0 0366
3185 Saleem Abdul Azees DIVISION E
 Qatar Friends CC
16 236 60 70 0 0366
3186 Mubarack Assainar DIVISION E
 Friends 11 Doha
6 176 150 40 0 0366
3187 Hadi Khorasani POOL 3
 Ccrc Warriors
6 256 80 30 0 0366
3188 Jamsheer Kv POOL 5
 Atc Cbq
7 325 0 40 0 0365
3189 Rajeeshkumar Pirarath POOL 13
16 225 120 20 0 0365
3190 Sudev Chembayil DIVISION E
 Kombans CC
5 305 0 60 0 0365
 Dreamz 11
4 215 140 10 0 0365
3192 Kareem Abdul Hameed POOL 12
 Smart Qatar
9 344 0 20 0 0364
3193 Hithayath S S
 Qatar Lions
13 254 70 40 0 0364
3194 Shabeer Mohamed TVM DIVISION E
 Trivandrum Challengers
16 84 230 50 0 0364
3195 Sarath Sivan DIVISION E
 Kombans CC
3 94 230 40 0 0364
3196 Musthafa Peedikakandy DIVISION E
 Toss CC
11 174 100 90 0 0364
3197 Abdul Hameed Ka DIVISION E
 Arabian XI
3 244 120 0 0 0364
3198 Hari Chaulagai POOL 6
 Q11 Dark Horses
6 124 200 40 0 0364
3199 Venkatachalam Arunachalam DIVISION E
 Marina CC
8 54 220 90 0 0364
3200 Amal T Nair DIVISION E
 Royal Warriors Qatar
5 173 140 50 0 0363
3201 Sebin Joseph POOL 7
 Lagaan Qatar
17 153 160 50 0 0363
3202 Jijo Joshy DIVISION E
 Drillers CC
11 333 0 30 0 0363
 Rc Boys
2 273 0 40 50 1363
 Rising Stars CC
4 273 80 10 0 0363
3205 Anoop Appu DIVISION E
 Team Doha
8 213 110 40 0 0363
3206 Sarfaraz Berekar POOL 7
 Aero Dynamos
14 272 0 90 0 0362
3207 Muhammed Jansil POOL 11
 Doha Strikers
10 182 150 30 0 0362
3208 Shadab Nawade DIVISION E
 Ratnagiri Riders
3 262 100 0 0 0362
3209 Abdul Jabar DIVISION E
 Sun Max CC
6 142 110 110 0 0362
3210 Tamim Ansari POOL 12
17 1 290 70 0 0361
3211 Kabir Mohammed DIVISION E
 Falcon XI
7 351 10 0 0 0361
3212 Saifudheen N K DIVISION E
 Qatar Champions
8 231 100 30 0 0361
3213 Ajmal Abubacker DIVISION E
4 291 0 20 50 1361
3214 Fairoz Purayil DIVISION E
 Ntd Knights
10 321 0 40 0 0361
3215 Al Ifraj Abdul Hafeel DIVISION E
 Friends CC
4 281 70 10 0 0361
3216 Kadar Meera Rabi Ahamad DIVISION E
 Red Lions Rayyan
4 191 140 30 0 0361
3217 Shamseer Kaavil DIVISION E
 Vcc Qatar
10 310 20 30 0 0360
3218 Sumith Mohanan DIVISION E
 The Monks
8 330 20 10 0 0360
3219 Nassar Kp T
 Doha Cc (dcc)
9 220 0 140 0 0360
3220 Muhammed Shafeek POOL 7
 Golden Knights
1 300 0 10 50 1360
3221 Abdul Mansoor DIVISION E
 Doha United
12 -1 260 100 0 0359
3222 Farvez Rahman DIVISION E
 Friends Xi Mangaloreans
7 169 160 30 0 0359
3223 Siddiq Edathil DIVISION E
 Doha Eagles
8 9 340 10 0 0359
3224 Abid Bava DIVISION E
 Qatar Stars
12 249 60 50 0 0359
3225 Shamil Majeed DIVISION E
 Doha Falcons
5 219 120 20 0 0359
3226 Vineet Singh DIVISION E
 E&a Challengers
18 218 130 10 0 0358
3227 Hardev Singh DIVISION E
 Redco Riders
4 338 0 20 0 0358
3228 Rayees Padiyil Ruthalath DIVISION E
 Doha Sixers
10 158 120 80 0 0358
3229 Purushothama Raju Poojary POOL 16
 Gcc Gladiators
15 248 40 70 0 0358
3230 Imran Ashraf DIVISION E
 Galaxy CC
9 238 100 20 0 0358
3231 Saifudeen Saifu T
 Doha Cc (dcc)
10 328 10 20 0 0358
3232 Sarief Shaikh DIVISION E
 Bhopal Hunters
12 388 -30 0 0 0358
3233 Mohaideen Mohamed DIVISION E
 Silent Killers
9 338 0 20 0 0358
3234 Nishad Kulsu DIVISION F
 Amigos Qatar
6 208 140 10 0 0358
3235 Jamsheer Cheriya Chinnapantavida POOL 14
 Hilal X1
10 318 0 40 0 0358
3236 Shaji Kumar POOL 11
 Qatar Warriors
2 98 260 0 0 0358
3237 Sreeraj Sree POOL 5
 Doha Challengers
4 167 130 60 0 0357
3238 Prakash Kumar DIVISION E
 Man Strikers
11 267 40 50 0 0357
3239 Rabeesh Century POOL 13
 Boyzone Qatar
5 347 0 10 0 0357
3240 Firoz K DIVISION E
 G4s Phenoix
3 327 20 10 0 0357
3241 Nithin M M DIVISION E
 Indian Stars XI
7 227 80 50 0 0357
3242 Abdul Hakeem DIVISION E
 Friends Xi Mangaloreans
2 227 100 30 0 0357
3243 Anuranj Ka DIVISION E
 Merac Cc (mcc)
13 257 60 40 0 0357
3244 M Yahyakhan DIVISION E
 Qatar Blue XI
3 247 80 30 0 0357
3245 Nihas Mohamed DIVISION E
7 246 100 10 0 0356
3246 Shafi S DIVISION E
 Eminent Qatar
8 306 30 20 0 0356
3247 Ashik Muhammed R
 Fighters Qatar
5 226 120 10 0 0356
3248 Ahamad Kabeer(fasmin) POOL 5
 Truth Fighters
6 346 0 10 0 0356
3249 Mohammed Ghouse DIVISION F
 Doha Friends XI
13 126 40 190 0 0356
3250 Vijendra Prasad POOL 7
7 346 0 10 0 0356
3251 Patrique Veda DIVISION E
 Tmq Tigers
6 226 40 90 0 0356
3252 Nilojan Jeyanatharasa DIVISION E
 Blasters CC
7 106 220 30 0 0356
3253 Shoaib Mohammed Multani DIVISION E
 Doha Tigers
5 296 0 10 50 1356
3254 Mashkur Ahmed DIVISION E
 Doha Fighters
10 175 90 40 50 1355
3255 Shameer Musliyam Veetil DIVISION E
 Qatar Vibrants
9 285 50 20 0 0355
3256 Jagadeesh Kumar DIVISION E
 Qatar Vibrants
3 245 40 20 50 1355
3257 Syed Shehzad DIVISION E
 Bhopal Hunters
10 105 200 50 0 0355
3258 Mahin Hussain DIVISION E
 Royals XI
8 274 50 30 0 0354
3259 Jayapalan Yasotharan POOL 3
 Fighters Qatar
8 284 20 0 50 1354
3260 Anvar Sadath Kuniyil DIVISION E
 Galaxy CC
6 264 70 20 0 0354
3261 Naushad Talwalkar DIVISION E
 Ratnagiri Fighters
18 224 50 80 0 0354
3262 Roshan George DIVISION E
7 294 20 40 0 0354
3263 Pramod Sivasankaran Q
 Rayyan Boys
13 284 60 10 0 0354
3264 Edison Antony DIVISION E
 Kk Warriors
7 164 90 100 0 0354
3265 Ramashish Shani Q
 Oryx Star Cricket
8 203 50 100 0 0353
3266 Siyadh Hameed DIVISION E
 Hitters Qatar Red
5 253 90 10 0 0353
3267 Ranees Kuwkilithukhan DIVISION E
 Falcon XI
6 333 -10 30 0 0353
3268 Riju Thettamapparambil Gopalakrishnan DIVISION E
 Spartan Kings
9 273 50 30 0 0353
3269 Muhammed Ali DIVISION E
 Norva CC
7 102 240 10 0 0352
3270 Samsi Abdul DIVISION E
 Kingsmen Cricketers (kmc)
8 262 20 70 0 0352
3271 Lishoy George POOL 6
 Q11 CC
9 32 290 30 0 0352
3272 Riyas Saida DIVISION E
 Al Anees Strikers
6 292 50 10 0 0352
3273 Riyas Bava DIVISION E
 Combines XI
14 132 210 10 0 0352
3274 Shebin Thrissur DIVISION E
 Blue Warriors
13 312 30 10 0 0352
3275 Kartik Khatri DIVISION E
 Unipart 11
9 292 30 30 0 0352
3276 Sahad Ali T
 Beach CC
3 172 140 40 0 0352
3277 Rayees Meethal DIVISION E
 Qstar Blue
14 12 270 70 0 0352
3278 Zuheb Bijle DIVISION E
 Ratnagiri Fighters
2 92 190 20 50 1352
3279 H. Niyaz Ahamed POOL 12
 Kk Warriors
2 322 20 10 0 0352
3280 Meaath Atham Lebee POOL 9
 Qatar Lions
9 91 250 10 0 0351
3281 Syed Zohaad Mehboob Ali DIVISION E
 Deccan Boys
12 271 20 60 0 0351
3282 Ashfakh Kunjumohamed DIVISION E
 Red Lions Rayyan
9 221 90 40 0 0351
3283 Mohammad Rafi Cp DIVISION E
 Doha Strikers Kunhipalli(dsk)
6 291 10 50 0 0351
3284 Mohammed Helaluddin POOL 8
 Bd Bullets
10 281 70 0 0 0351
3285 Mohammed Shabil . DIVISION E
 Ksd11 Qatar
16 71 180 100 0 0351
3286 Kiyas M DIVISION E
1 281 0 20 50 1351
3287 Krishnan K DIVISION E
 Team Mercury
12 230 100 20 0 0350
3288 Samad Ps POOL 6
 Kkm Warriors
13 80 240 30 0 0350
3289 Rifan Samsudeen DIVISION E
 Super King Boys C C
17 270 -10 90 0 0350
3290 Shafakath Subaidha Manzil DIVISION E
 Doha Falcons
9 330 0 20 0 0350
3291 Vasantha Kumar Dola POOL 6
 Kq Friends
10 340 -50 60 0 0350
3292 Harshad Moosa DIVISION E
 Doha Strikers
20 250 30 70 0 0350
3293 Niyas Azeez DIVISION E
7 339 0 10 0 0349
3294 Ahamad Fareed DIVISION E
 Ceylonians CC
8 289 40 20 0 0349
3295 Shibin Moorkoth DIVISION E
 Doha Falcons
5 349 0 0 0 0349
3296 Mohamed Rasha Sahul Hameed DIVISION E
 Royal Dare Warriors Qatar
6 9 310 30 0 0349
3297 Akbar Nadaf DIVISION F
 Nepal XI
8 49 260 40 0 0349
3298 Faisal Spartans DIVISION E
 Qecc Spartans
4 268 0 30 50 1348
3299 Mohammad Shaheer DIVISION E
 Toss CC
4 348 0 0 0 0348
3300 Noufal Ennisseri DIVISION E
 Friday Cricket Sailiya
7 68 220 60 0 0348
3301 Mujeeb Kakkattummal POOL 8
 Qatar Vibrants
23 -22 260 110 0 0348
3302 Shafeek Pallikkalakath DIVISION E
 Royal Strikers
12 138 160 50 0 0348
3303 Krupal Gj DIVISION E
 Blue Whales
2 288 60 0 0 0348
3304 Mohamed Rashid POOL 3
9 278 20 50 0 0348
3305 Anoop Bannatheth DIVISION E
 Ntd Knights
8 108 180 60 0 0348
3306 Mohammed Aslam DIVISION E
 Limra Friends
15 288 0 60 0 0348
3307 Shameer Ck DIVISION E
 Black Caps CC
9 177 160 10 0 0347
3308 Hamsakutty Mukkoth DIVISION E
 Strikers Xi - Doha
7 337 0 10 0 0347
3309 Leji Mon POOL 5
 Q11 Red Lions
18 227 100 20 0 0347
3310 Nadeem Cricket DIVISION E
 Doha Sixers
13 266 50 30 0 0346
3311 Sulaiman Ellias Sulaiman DIVISION E
 Drillers CC
11 56 250 40 0 0346
3312 Mustaqeem Bin Abdul Samad DIVISION E
 Angry Bulls
4 166 160 20 0 0346
3313 Yusuf Sahibole DIVISION F
 Kokan Stars
11 316 0 30 0 0346
3314 Rameez Mohammad Rami DIVISION E
 Kerala Strikers
2 336 0 10 0 0346
3315 Muhammad Momi POOL 12
5 305 20 20 0 0345
3316 Mukesh Singh DIVISION E
 Indo Warrior
9 145 70 130 0 0345
3317 Favas Chungath DIVISION E
 Saltha Boys 11
8 95 230 20 0 0345
3318 Ihsan Pathan POOL 7
7 154 110 80 0 0344
3319 Kishor Krishna DIVISION E
 Dessert Warriors
8 234 20 90 0 0344
 Uk Xi (united Kerala Eleven)
23 14 240 40 50 1344
3321 Alvin Paul DIVISION E
 Thadathil CC
6 284 30 30 0 0344
3322 Sameer Sharafudheen DIVISION E
 Doha Eagles
8 234 0 110 0 0344
3323 Abdul Majeed DIVISION E
 Dragon Gym
7 354 -40 30 0 0344
3324 Hashim Shahul DIVISION E
 Ezgawa Tigers
12 294 10 40 0 0344
3325 Narendra Babu DIVISION E
 Marina CC
8 313 0 30 0 0343
3326 Salamullah Mohd Ayub DIVISION E
 Victorian Stars
7 133 140 20 50 1343
3327 Arsheed FCC DIVISION E
 Friday CC
18 273 20 50 0 0343
3328 Mehsan Muhammed P.k POOL 5
 Red Hawks
2 183 130 30 0 0343
3329 Vijith Tp POOL 11
 Doha Strikers
8 313 20 10 0 0343
3330 Shebi S DIVISION E
 Doha Warriors
14 172 40 130 0 0342
3331 Husainar Chathanad POOL 13
6 292 -50 50 50 1342
3332 Nasar Mp POOL 3
 Jp X1
4 302 10 30 0 0342
3333 Antony Varghese DIVISION E
 Roadiez Cricket X1
4 202 60 30 50 1342
3334 Junaib UM POOL 5
19 61 180 100 0 0341
3335 Faisal Rahman DIVISION E
 Qatar Vibrants
14 131 110 100 0 0341
3336 Mohammad Haroon POOL 10
 Tata Sports C C
19 81 200 60 0 0341
3337 Salim Asharaf POOL 12
 Elegance Qatar
8 60 270 10 0 0340
3338 Shanif Mohammed POOL 10
 Salwa Monsters
7 200 110 30 0 0340
3339 Jayaghosh Gopinathan Jayan DIVISION E
 Drillers CC
7 170 150 20 0 0340
3340 Attarul Rahman POOL 7
5 140 130 20 50 1340
3341 Sreehari Reghu DIVISION E
 Qatar Winners
6 240 40 60 0 0340
3342 Usman Ck POOL 8
 Doha Challengers
13 59 230 50 0 0339
3343 Wasim Akram DIVISION E
 Kingsmen Cricketers (kmc)
4 269 0 20 50 1339
3344 Reyaz Ahmed Malik DIVISION E
 Rc Boys
4 69 210 10 50 1339
3345 Mohammad Yeasin DIVISION E
 Bd Bullets
6 159 130 0 50 1339
3346 Inayat Rahman DIVISION E
 Falcon XI
7 239 80 20 0 0339
3347 S. Ruban DIVISION E
 Friendship Brothers - Sl
19 198 30 110 0 0338
3348 Niju Rajan DIVISION E
 Unipart 11
21 188 50 100 0 0338
3349 Manoj V DIVISION E
 Doha Warriors
12 308 0 30 0 0338
3350 Aytulla Khan POOL 3
8 68 230 40 0 0338
3351 Ramesh Babu DIVISION E
 Ntd Knights
6 308 -30 60 0 0338
3352 Sujesh Joy POOL 6
 Oscar C C
12 138 40 160 0 0338
3353 Riyas Sixers DIVISION E
 Doha Sixers
10 237 60 40 0 0337
3354 moshin khan murshid T
8 77 180 80 0 0337
3355 Sayeed Chombakadath S
 Doha Strikers Kunhipalli
10 207 110 20 0 0337
3356 Shefeek Hanan DIVISION F
5 217 70 50 0 0337
3357 Afsar Beg DIVISION F
 Nepal XI
7 237 70 30 0 0337
3358 Asab Keralam POOL 10
 Hitters Qatar
13 257 20 60 0 0337
 Dreamz 11
6 247 0 90 0 0337
3360 Unni Dasan Santha POOL 11
9 197 70 70 0 0337
3361 Siya Siyath DIVISION E
 United Spartans
18 267 40 30 0 0337
3362 Mukthar Sable DIVISION E
 Ratnagiri Fighters
19 217 60 60 0 0337
3363 Shakir . DIVISION E
 Sparks XI
11 307 0 30 0 0337
3364 Renjith Babu DIVISION E
 Qatar Friends CC
8 327 0 10 0 0337
3365 Mohammed Shahid DIVISION E
 Java X1
3 276 60 0 0 0336
3366 Naseek N POOL 9
 Limra Friends
9 296 0 40 0 0336
3367 Prinu Mohan Laila DIVISION E
9 306 0 30 0 0336
3368 Sagar Bisen DIVISION E
 Kokan Boys
3 236 80 20 0 0336
3369 Silvadasan Siluvadima DIVISION E
 Mustang XI
21 275 0 60 0 0335
3370 Althaf Ashraf POOL 14
 Golden Knights
5 305 0 30 0 0335
3371 Nadim Hossain DIVISION E
6 5 330 0 0 0335
3372 Mahadevan Jayaraman POOL 9
 Omrc X1
7 165 120 50 0 0335
3373 Gireesh Kumar DIVISION E
 Defenders CC
2 365 -30 0 0 0335
3374 Muntasir Hussain POOL 3
 Palace C C
4 264 20 50 0 0334
3375 Vishnu Dhivakaran DIVISION E
 Sand Storm
11 244 40 50 0 0334
3376 Nafees N POOL 14
6 284 0 50 0 0334
3377 Abdel Jalil DIVISION F
 Unique CC
4 74 230 30 0 0334
3378 Shamsudheen Javeedh DIVISION E
 Marina CC
6 323 0 10 0 0333
3379 Ajmal DIVISION E
 Lulu Battalion CC
2 273 0 10 50 1333
3380 Shiraz Thacharakkal Pudukkody POOL 10
 Mahe CC
6 253 0 30 50 1333
3381 Shan Sainudeen POOL 10
 Gharrafa XI
5 112 160 60 0 0332
3382 Abdul Shukoor DIVISION E
 Arabian XI
14 252 0 80 0 0332
3383 Ragu R DIVISION E
 Lightning Hawks CC
17 302 0 30 0 0332
3384 Reji Hitters DIVISION E
 Hitters Qatar Blue
6 191 50 90 0 0331
3385 Jerald M DIVISION E
 Thadathil CC
6 271 50 10 0 0331
 Sand Storm
11 101 180 50 0 0331
3387 Muhammed Sajeer DIVISION E
 Cofely Challengers
7 201 50 30 50 1331
3388 Shanfeek DIVISION E
 Lulu Battalion CC
9 61 230 40 0 0331
3389 Sangeeth Mk DIVISION E
 Markhiya Blasters
7 110 190 30 0 0330
 Thyseen Warriors
6 170 120 40 0 0330
3391 Muhammad Naseef DIVISION E
 Doha Blasters
4 130 190 10 0 0330
3392 Imran Haddadi DIVISION E
 Khalifa Strikers
10 200 120 10 0 0330
3393 Raneesh Sasidharan DIVISION E
 Royal Phoenix
4 319 0 10 0 0329
3394 Shoukath Ali POOL 9
 Studs Of Qatar
14 9 230 40 50 1329
3395 Sameer Abdul Samad DIVISION E
 Norva CC
16 48 270 10 0 0328
3396 Yoosaf Nalakath POOL 10
 Salwa Monsters
10 278 0 50 0 0328
3397 Saleem Khani DIVISION E
 Revenge Boys
10 118 180 30 0 0328
3398 Prasanth Suresh DIVISION E
 South Royals
20 148 130 50 0 0328
3399 Muhammed Jaseel Meethale POOL 12
 Elegance Qatar
8 168 140 20 0 0328
3400 Manoj Kumar POOL 5
 The Monks
4 196 130 0 0 0326
3401 Naeem Aslam DIVISION E
 Rising Stars CC
3 106 190 30 0 0326
3402 Shakil Deshmukh DIVISION E
 Mumbai Fighters
22 176 80 70 0 0326
3403 Nithya Kumar Bhuvaneswaran DIVISION E
 Qatar Super Kings
16 205 90 30 0 0325
3404 Sibu Baby DIVISION E
 Khalifa Strikers
11 75 210 40 0 0325
3405 Jabakumar Rajasekaran DIVISION E
 Qatar Winners
5 265 0 60 0 0325
 Sun Max CC
4 295 20 10 0 0325
3407 Albin Tom POOL 11
15 164 130 30 0 0324
3408 Arashad Ansari DIVISION E
 Q Tec Champions
8 54 220 50 0 0324
3409 Khan Ayyub DIVISION F
 Victory CC
9 74 210 40 0 0324
3410 Emon Kuzhanthai Yesu Arokkiadoss Y DIVISION E
 Alpha Eleven
7 184 130 10 0 0324
3411 Md Alamin Hossen DIVISION E
3 184 90 50 0 0324
3412 Prasanth Subas DIVISION E
6 163 160 0 0 0323
3413 Dileep S DIVISION E
 Qatar Friends
6 203 110 10 0 0323
3414 Zahid Nawaz POOL 4
 Ccrc Warriors
7 13 270 40 0 0323
3415 Siyab Basheer POOL 4
8 73 210 40 0 0323
 Kombans CC
5 242 50 30 0 0322
3417 Pankaj Kumar Singh POOL 3
 Yct Qatar
7 192 110 20 0 0322
3418 Gafoor Musthsfa DIVISION E
 Palace C C
4 222 100 0 0 0322
3419 Nizam Muhammed DIVISION E
 Sanford XI
14 242 40 40 0 0322
3420 Saju Thomas DIVISION E
17 161 150 10 0 0321
3421 Vishnu Shivan POOL 7
9 151 20 150 0 0321
3422 Sarfraz Kt DIVISION E
 Revenge Boys
11 221 40 60 0 0321
3423 Aboo Backer T
 Beach CC
6 271 0 50 0 0321
3424 Syed Mohamed Sameer C K R
 Redwolves Qatar
9 81 190 50 0 0321
3425 Jibin Varghese Samuel DIVISION E
 Dreamz 11
7 281 10 30 0 0321
3426 Mohd Saif DIVISION F
5 251 0 70 0 0321
3427 Abdul Azziz Moideen DIVISION E
4 261 60 0 0 0321
3428 Rahul Yuva DIVISION E
 Yuva XI
7 311 10 0 0 0321
3429 Azeez Abdul DIVISION F
8 241 0 80 0 0321
3430 Rabeeh Baboo P M DIVISION E
 Super Heroes
19 130 150 40 0 0320
3431 Ravi Govindan DIVISION E
 Lightning Hawks CC
19 110 150 60 0 0320
3432 Adil Ccrc DIVISION E
6 170 50 50 50 1320
3433 Rasool TSK DIVISION E
 Tamil Nadu Super Kings (tsk)
19 289 -30 60 0 0319
3434 Mehboob Alangadan DIVISION E
 Leaders Qatar
3 309 0 10 0 0319
3435 Abdul Sayeed Abdul Sattar DIVISION E
 Tata Sports C C
3 209 70 40 0 0319
3436 Harisingh Divabsingh Gosai Hari POOL 8
5 309 0 10 0 0319
3437 Asokan Durisamy Asokan DIVISION E
 United South Elegants
8 79 130 110 0 0319
3438 Sivalingam Ramalingam POOL 3
 Qatar Fighters Club
7 299 0 20 0 0319
3439 Mohamad Rihan DIVISION E
 Mangalore Warriors
6 249 60 10 0 0319
3440 Naveed AJ DIVISION E
 Rising Stars CC
5 148 110 60 0 0318
3441 Ajnas Alungal DIVISION E
 Strikers Xi - Doha
9 38 220 60 0 0318
3442 Bobin Davis DIVISION E
10 288 20 10 0 0318
3443 Nifras M.N DIVISION F
 Desert Court
23 88 150 80 0 0318
3444 Ramshid A DIVISION E
 Combines XI
6 228 50 40 0 0318
 Legends CC
2 108 200 10 0 0318
3446 Suleesh Kumar DIVISION E
 Kombans CC
6 197 100 20 0 0317
3447 Gokulnath Rajagopalan DIVISION E
 Royal Warriors Qatar
12 57 240 20 0 0317
3448 Balesh Balan POOL 4
 Doha Boys
5 237 30 50 0 0317
3449 Abhilash Abhi POOL 11
 Defenders County Cricket
4 227 60 30 0 0317
3450 Fairoz Parkar POOL 7
 Aero Dynamos
10 297 0 20 0 0317
3451 Shaheer Mohammed DIVISION E
 Hilal X1
6 297 0 20 0 0317
3452 Shijo Mohan POOL 4
 Vh Warriors
14 137 150 30 0 0317
3453 Sulaiman Nasir Sha DIVISION E
 Doha Eagles
3 296 0 20 0 0316
3454 Mahammadumar Bhoyara DIVISION E
 E&a Challengers
14 146 110 60 0 0316
3455 Manesh Perumbilavil POOL 5
 Doha Challengers
15 66 230 20 0 0316
 Friday CC
11 175 0 140 0 0315
3457 Salahudeen Sahari DIVISION E
 Azad Varkala
14 175 100 40 0 0315
3458 Shabeerali Enayath Ali DIVISION E
 Tamil Thalaivas
14 255 0 60 0 0315
3459 Shahas Shereef POOL 3
 Palace C C
3 165 140 10 0 0315
3460 Fasil Usman DIVISION E
 Oscar C C
6 255 20 40 0 0315
3461 Rasiq Abdul Hameed DIVISION E
12 204 90 20 0 0314
3462 Shiraz Siddiqui POOL 6
 Super Brothers
10 174 0 140 0 0314
3463 Nisar Thamarakkulam DIVISION E
 Saltha Boys 11
4 84 190 40 0 0314
3464 Razik Hussain . DIVISION E
 Friday CC
14 234 40 40 0 0314
3465 Rinu Rapheal DIVISION E
 Vectra Qatar
10 84 170 60 0 0314
3466 Nathan Pandian POOL 4
 United Warriors
23 264 10 40 0 0314
3467 Naeem Falahi DIVISION E
 Lucky Star
10 104 210 0 0 0314
3468 Fyzel Fyzi POOL 15
10 214 60 40 0 0314
3469 Yuvraj Ravichandran DIVISION E
 11 Indians
17 264 -20 70 0 0314
3470 Tasnim Alam DIVISION E
 Bmc X1
7 294 0 20 0 0314
3471 Sam Daniel DIVISION E
 Tamil Nadu Cc - Tncc
5 123 130 60 0 0313
3472 Naina Mohamed DIVISION E
 Mcc Qatar
6 143 140 30 0 0313
3473 Ramesh Ramakrishnan DIVISION E
 Doha Legends
7 323 -20 10 0 0313
3474 Prabin KC DIVISION E
 Super Heroes
7 193 100 20 0 0313
3475 Razeem Rasheed DIVISION E
 Mdt Roadiez
8 253 0 60 0 0313
3476 Anoop Kareem DIVISION E
 Q11 Dark Horses
8 313 0 0 0 0313
3477 Vidu Chandran DIVISION E
 Thadathil CC
7 253 40 20 0 0313
3478 Md Habibur Rahaman POOL 8
 Doha Friends X1
5 273 40 0 0 0313
3479 Abdullah Al Maruf DIVISION E
 Bd Bullets
8 253 0 10 50 1313
3480 Fawaz Ahamed DIVISION F
 Team Doha
8 342 -80 50 0 0312
3481 Arun Shibu DIVISION E
 Master Blasters Qatar
9 232 -30 10 100 2312
3482 Rahul Reddy DIVISION E
 Telugu Warriors
10 292 0 20 0 0312
3483 Manoj Madhavan DIVISION E
 Doha Legends
4 172 100 40 0 0312
3484 Zakir Husain DIVISION E
3 92 210 10 0 0312
3485 Sarwer Khan DIVISION E
 Jsr Warriors
2 242 70 0 0 0312
3486 Deepak Antony DIVISION E
 Dreams CC
8 62 240 10 0 0312
3487 Rajashekar Angari DIVISION E
 Team Raptors
7 162 120 30 0 0312
3488 Jismon John DIVISION E
 Strikers Xi - Doha
8 112 140 60 0 0312
3489 Renjith Kariparambil Ravindran DIVISION E
15 272 30 10 0 0312
3490 kareem Cbk DIVISION E
 Dreamer Ksd
2 291 0 20 0 0311
3491 Ovais Muhammad DIVISION E
 Brothers Cricket
1 261 0 0 50 1311
3492 Sujith Surandran DIVISION E
 Man Strikers
5 41 210 60 0 0311
3493 Shafeek Razak DIVISION E
12 151 160 0 0 0311
3494 Zubairu Abdul Rahuman DIVISION E
 Ntd Knights
7 181 80 50 0 0311
3495 Mohammad Julker Nayeem POOL 8
 Bd Bullets
2 341 -40 10 0 0311
3496 Vinayakan HITTERS POOL 3
 Hitters Qatar
6 80 190 40 0 0310
3497 Muhammed Hafis POOL 3
 Doha Boys
6 290 0 20 0 0310
3498 Bobin Thomas DIVISION E
3 260 50 0 0 0310
3499 Musthapha Manangath Badarudheen Musthapha DIVISION E
 Dragon Gym
6 90 150 70 0 0310
3500 Movin Pereira POOL 3
 Qatar Fighters Club
6 170 130 10 0 0310
3501 Afzal M.S DIVISION E
 S-thanz XI
6 230 0 30 50 1310
3502 Manoj Kumara POOL 12
 Dqct (dulsco Qatar)
3 290 20 0 0 0310
3503 Siddique Koyante Thoduka DIVISION E
 Diplomatic C.c
8 330 -40 20 0 0310
3504 FAISAL Ep POOL 10
 Kq Friends
7 290 0 20 0 0310
3505 Ashiq Hamza POOL 9
 Sinan X1
5 180 100 30 0 0310
3506 Harris Baker DIVISION E
 Yuva XI
12 209 60 40 0 0309
3507 Irshad Bombrana . DIVISION E
 Lemax Riders
5 89 160 60 0 0309
3508 Shihab S DIVISION E
 Kombans CC
4 89 200 20 0 0309
 Kombans CC
5 209 80 20 0 0309
3510 Ziyadul Rahim DIVISION E
 Qstar Blue
10 149 130 30 0 0309
3511 Vinoth Kumar DIVISION E
 Avengers XI
4 198 110 0 0 0308
3512 Mohammed Salam Miah DIVISION E
 Muaither Titans
9 58 230 20 0 0308
3513 Arif Khan DIVISION E
 Gharrafa XI
8 198 20 40 50 1308
3514 Sayed Mohammad Faiz DIVISION E
 Bhopal Hunters
9 238 0 70 0 0308
3515 Najeeb K DIVISION E
 Jp X1 CC
4 277 20 10 0 0307
3516 Najad Kaplikandy POOL 13
 Marc Qatar Warriors
10 197 0 110 0 0307
3517 Shafikh Shaikh POOL 5
 Ccrc Warriors
8 77 200 30 0 0307
3518 Macksood Rahiman DIVISION E
 Combines XI
7 277 0 30 0 0307
3519 Sameer Kuttiyil R
 Fighters Qatar
6 247 20 40 0 0307
3520 Jibran Antule DIVISION E
 Kokan Boys
10 307 0 0 0 0307
3521 Rafeek Alora Chalil DIVISION E
2 256 10 40 0 0306
3522 SULFI K.N KL10 POOL 9
 Thyseen Warriors
13 186 0 120 0 0306
3523 FAIZI Km POOL 10
 Blue Whales
6 166 110 30 0 0306
3524 Shameer Ali DIVISION E
5 105 200 0 0 0305
3525 Tabish Jamrutkhani POOL 13
11 165 70 20 50 1305
3526 Safwan Abdullah POOL 5
 Q11 Red Lions
8 255 0 50 0 0305
3527 Ibaad DIVISION E
 Doha Fighters
15 235 60 10 0 0305
3528 Nizamuddeen Mohammad DIVISION E
 Iqvans Qatar
1 304 0 0 0 0304
3529 Abhishek Patwari POOL 9
 Omrc X1
10 134 100 70 0 0304
3530 Sumith Hc DIVISION E
 Hitters Qatar Red
4 284 0 20 0 0304
3531 Ishan Sha POOL 8
 Chennai Cricketers
11 154 60 90 0 0304
3532 Sawahir . POOL 9
 Limra Friends
29 124 170 10 0 0304
3533 Raja Krishnamoorthy DIVISION E
 Silent Killers
6 174 90 40 0 0304
3534 Sarath S DIVISION E
 Qatar Bouncers
2 223 20 10 50 1303
3535 Noufal Ts DIVISION E
 Jp X1 CC
3 273 20 10 0 0303
3536 Vincent Shirva POOL 3
4 223 60 20 0 0303
 Kq Friends
8 132 0 170 0 0302
3538 Mohammed Shahid Nakhuda DIVISION E
 Chennai CC
1 292 0 10 0 0302
3539 Vijay Kumar Narayanappa DIVISION E
 Team Raptors
8 262 20 20 0 0302
3540 Anver Sadath R
4 62 150 40 50 1302
3541 Fareed DIVISION F
 Doha Dynamos
7 172 60 70 0 0302
3542 Muhammed Iqbal DIVISION E
 Western Warriors
17 192 80 30 0 0302
3543 Rajiv Nambiar DIVISION E
 Jp X1 CC
27 141 110 50 0 0301
3544 Abhishek Gupta DIVISION E
 Phoenix X1
12 261 0 40 0 0301
3545 Afsal Yousuf POOL 5
 Atc Cbq
8 241 0 10 50 1301
3546 Shareef Puzankarayillath POOL 6
 Qatar Vibrants
11 231 30 40 0 0301
3547 Sabeer Ibrahim DIVISION E
 Eminant Qatar
7 41 240 20 0 0301
3548 Shemeer Puthenpeedikayil M DIVISION E
 Blue Commandos
24 271 0 30 0 0301
3549 Shafique Khan DIVISION E
 Victorian Stars Doha
4 270 0 30 0 0300
3550 Mohammed Ishaque DIVISION F
 U C T
4 210 80 10 0 0300
3551 Roshin Roshu DIVISION E
 Yct Qatar
3 280 0 20 0 0300
3552 Shamseer Moidu POOL 10
 Mahe CC
22 130 120 50 0 0300
3553 Salim Shaikh POOL 16
 Aero Dynamos
7 250 0 50 0 0300
3554 Ramesh Chandran POOL 8
8 270 0 30 0 0300
3555 Gohul Kumar DIVISION E
 Tamil Thalaivas
13 190 70 40 0 0300
3556 Saad Kudekar POOL 14
9 59 160 80 0 0299
3557 Mohamed Rasha Sahul Hameed POOL 15
 Royal Dare Warriors
5 209 60 30 0 0299
3558 Sadiq Mk R
 Fighters Qatar
5 98 170 30 0 0298
3559 Shilpi Yerramsetti POOL 3
 Rc Boys
12 228 40 30 0 0298
3560 Sakeer Arakkal POOL 3
11 268 0 30 0 0298
3561 Nadeem Sheikh DIVISION E
 Tata Sports C C
8 88 160 50 0 0298
3562 Zainul Abid DIVISION F
 Dejawu C C-dcc
8 138 20 90 50 1298
3563 Lithin Augustine DIVISION E
 Strikers Xi - Qatar
3 287 -20 30 0 0297
3564 Ruwan Sampath DIVISION E
 Weltech Warriors
3 227 50 20 0 0297
3565 Ameer E K POOL 4
 Energy Technical Services
11 107 90 100 0 0297
3566 Faizal Mohammed POOL 9
 Toivo Qatar
13 177 70 50 0 0297
3567 Shafeel Mohd POOL 10
 Dejawu CC
7 247 0 50 0 0297
3568 Gopan Manikkoth DIVISION F
 Kerala C.c
9 157 0 140 0 0297
3569 Liben A DIVISION E
 Bright XI
9 247 40 10 0 0297
3570 Ayaz Ahmed DIVISION E
 Bhopal Hunters
11 206 0 90 0 0296
3571 Ashok Rajakumara DIVISION E
 Bmc Chargers
6 196 80 20 0 0296
3572 Azarudden Mohamed DIVISION E
 Mcc Qatar
6 176 80 40 0 0296
3573 Arun K S DIVISION E
 Desert Court
8 206 50 40 0 0296
3574 Boopathy Raj DIVISION E
 Flyers Qatar (f.c.c)
19 56 170 70 0 0296
3575 Akhil K C DIVISION E
 Desert Court
10 255 -30 70 0 0295
3576 Murad Talukder DIVISION E
 Doha Risers CC
2 275 20 0 0 0295
3577 Jayash Madhavan DIVISION E
 E&a Challengers
15 235 20 40 0 0295
3578 Subin Sajeevan DIVISION E
 South Royals
11 175 90 30 0 0295
3579 Pratheepan Sivanesan DIVISION E
2 235 40 20 0 0295
3580 Jamsheer Parambil Peedika DIVISION E
7 45 230 20 0 0295
3581 Ismail Hossain DIVISION E
6 154 130 10 0 0294
3582 Jothish R POOL 3
 Innings Stars
27 184 60 50 0 0294
3583 Fahad Chougule DIVISION E
 Ratnagiri Fighters
8 274 10 10 0 0294
3584 Shanmugha Sundaram POOL 3
 Vh Warriors
15 254 0 40 0 0294
3585 Abdul Riyab DIVISION E
 Indian Stars XI
6 134 100 60 0 0294
3586 Farooq K.p. DIVISION F
 Doha Dynamos
9 183 110 0 0 0293
3587 Muhammed Afsal. ksd DIVISION E
 Indo Qatar Cc - Iqcc
4 213 20 60 0 0293
3588 Munawar Malique DIVISION E
 Royal Warriors Qatar
5 83 130 30 50 1293
3589 Mufiyas Nambinichamcandy POOL 11
 Qatar Warriors
6 153 110 30 0 0293
3590 Renjith Murali POOL 6
11 283 -50 60 0 0293
3591 Mahateer Anwar DIVISION E
 Silent Killers
6 202 40 50 0 0292
3592 Nayeem Shaik POOL 9
 Sinan X1
5 202 0 40 50 1292
3593 Munab Mohamed Mahir DIVISION E
 Mcc Qatar
8 232 0 60 0 0292
3594 Tharik Ajis DIVISION E
 Silent Killers
7 22 230 40 0 0292
3595 Mohammed Ali DIVISION E
 Bdk Sporting
4 182 100 10 0 0292
3596 Arul James POOL 6
18 182 50 60 0 0292
3597 Somashekar Raja Gopal DIVISION E
 Tmq Tigers
17 192 70 30 0 0292
3598 Md Sajal DIVISION E
 Bmc X1
8 72 220 0 0 0292
3599 Christinraj Arulthasan POOL 13
 Unipart X1
9 -8 280 20 0 0292
3600 Ahfaz Shah DIVISION F
 Doha Friends XI
6 171 120 0 0 0291
3601 Renute Dsouza POOL 5
 Dqct (dulsco Qatar )
8 161 110 20 0 0291
3602 Ashif Ashraf POOL 13
 Boyzone Qatar
4 261 20 10 0 0291
3603 Jabir Moidhu DIVISION E
 Super Heroes
4 240 50 0 0 0290
3604 Santosh Kumar Q
 Oryx Star Cricket
35 260 20 10 0 0290
3605 Afsal Ideal Warriors POOL 3
 Ideal Warriors
4 0 230 10 50 1290
3606 Jaison Daniel POOL 4
14 110 150 30 0 0290
3607 Nayef Muhajir DIVISION E
 Gharrafa XI
6 120 150 20 0 0290
3608 Fias Ahmed DIVISION E
 Doha Fighters
4 279 0 10 0 0289
3609 Vipindas Sukumaran DIVISION E
6 189 70 30 0 0289
3610 Nalla Narendhar DIVISION E
 Deccan Boys
4 149 130 10 0 0289
3611 Mustaqeem Hajika POOL 5
 Red Hawks
6 169 110 10 0 0289
3612 Hisamiddin Mohammed POOL 9
 Sinan X1
5 179 90 20 0 0289
3613 Prokash Chandra Das DIVISION E
 Angry Bulls
9 259 0 30 0 0289
3614 Habeeb Rahman POOL 7
 Blasters CC
8 169 100 20 0 0289
3615 Aswin Dinesan DIVISION E
 United South Elegants
5 78 130 30 50 1288
 Trivandrum Challengers
4 108 140 40 0 0288
3617 Shihas Ali DIVISION F
 U C T
6 247 30 10 0 0287
3618 Arshu Nisar DIVISION E
 Sahara .c.c
2 117 120 0 50 1287
3619 Irfan . POOL 13
 Sj Sports
1 237 0 0 50 1287
3620 Sarfaraz Khalil Shirgaonkar POOL 5
4 127 140 20 0 0287
3621 Shemi S DIVISION E
 Thyssen Warriors
4 87 170 30 0 0287
3622 Mohammed Yasir POOL 9
 Petroserv CC
11 197 0 90 0 0287
3623 abu thahir DIVISION E
 Arabian XI
8 147 90 50 0 0287
3624 Haneefa KH DIVISION E
 Doha Warriors
10 186 60 40 0 0286
3625 Pankaj Shahi DIVISION E
 Oryx Star Cricket
19 256 0 30 0 0286
3626 Anirudh Das DIVISION E
 Royal Fighters Cricket
5 236 50 0 0 0286
3627 Sharat Sudarsanan DIVISION E
 Gharrafa XI
5 96 160 30 0 0286
3628 hashim paravakkal DIVISION E
 Al Anees Strikers
6 26 200 60 0 0286
3629 Arul Ananth DIVISION E
5 276 10 0 0 0286
3630 Salim Babu S
 Rc Boys
3 285 0 0 0 0285
3631 Thomas James Q
 Prakkat Jewellers
9 285 0 0 0 0285
3632 Anoop Chandran DIVISION E
 Group Nine 11
7 95 130 60 0 0285
3633 Jawad Antule DIVISION E
 Janjira Sports Club ( Jsc )
10 115 120 50 0 0285
3634 Shaheer Babu DIVISION E
 Dragon Gym
5 215 30 40 0 0285
3635 Safeeq M DIVISION E
 Ksd11 Qatar
7 235 20 30 0 0285
3636 Mohammed Nisar Malik DIVISION E
 Hitters Qatar Blue
8 64 190 30 0 0284
3637 Lithin Thankachan POOL 11
6 64 190 30 0 0284
3638 Mohammed Naseeb DIVISION E
 Omrc XI
6 204 40 40 0 0284
3639 Ramshad P DIVISION E
 Amigos Qatar
6 54 150 80 0 0284
3640 Noufal Menath DIVISION E
 Indo Qatar Cc - Iqcc
4 254 20 10 0 0284
3641 Gokulnath Gopi DIVISION E
 Qatar Winners
5 274 0 10 0 0284
3642 Ashik Azeez DIVISION E
 Palace C C
10 254 -10 40 0 0284
3643 Firoz Puthanpurayil POOL 5
 Spartans XI
8 164 70 50 0 0284
3644 Nitheesh Muraleedharan DIVISION E
 Spartan Kings
7 223 0 60 0 0283
3645 Nikil Varghese DIVISION E
 Team Doha
5 153 70 60 0 0283
3646 Junaid Kattil Valappil POOL 7
 Lagaan Qatar
16 123 100 60 0 0283
3647 Tausif Ahmad DIVISION E
 E&a Challengers
6 153 110 20 0 0283
3648 Jihath Mohammad DIVISION E
 Trophy Fighters
5 263 -10 30 0 0283
3649 Anandu. Mk DIVISION E
 Saltha Boys 11
10 2 250 30 0 0282
3650 Arif Pedekar DIVISION E
 Kokan Boys
1 212 10 10 50 1282
3651 Sajeer Kabeer Kutty DIVISION E
 Doha Eagles
8 232 40 10 0 0282
3652 Daleen Aslam Palliparamban POOL 13
19 222 20 40 0 0282
3653 Shihab Pallipadth Ibrahim POOL 6
7 241 0 40 0 0281
3654 Vishnu Nair DIVISION E
 Saltha Boys 11
11 241 20 20 0 0281
3655 Amay Pune DIVISION E
 Saltha Boys 11
3 271 0 10 0 0281
3656 Kowaseehan K POOL 7
 Mahe CC
8 131 110 40 0 0281
3657 Kaushik Satyanarayana Addepalli DIVISION E
 Omrc XI
4 281 -20 20 0 0281
3658 Parvez Pajju DIVISION F
 Cric X1
4 231 0 0 50 1281
3659 Rijesh Ponnempara Pankajakshan DIVISION E
 South Royals
9 291 -40 30 0 0281
3660 Aboo Backer DIVISION E
 Dragon Gym
3 191 70 20 0 0281
3661 Muhammed Cp POOL 3
 Fighters Qatar
9 221 60 0 0 0281
3662 Junaid Ibrahim POOL 8
 Victory C C
5 101 180 0 0 0281
3663 Sameer Kuttassery DIVISION E
 Friday Cricket Sailiya
6 121 150 10 0 0281
3664 Arshad Khan Khan DIVISION E
 Strikers Xi - Qatar
4 221 0 60 0 0281
3665 Subesh Kumar Singh DIVISION E
 Q Tec Champions
6 91 150 40 0 0281
3666 Muhammad Hassan POOL 7
7 200 50 30 0 0280
3667 Yasir Mansoor DIVISION E
 Java X1
7 90 160 30 0 0280
3668 kadafi mohamed POOL 10
 Palace CC
7 190 80 10 0 0280
3669 Kaimas Solkar DIVISION F
 Kokan Stars
11 140 120 20 0 0280
3670 Afsal Comines DIVISION E
 Combines XI
2 240 20 20 0 0280
3671 Arshad Pv DIVISION E
 Revenge Boys
10 260 -30 50 0 0280
3672 Fasil Nalakath DIVISION E
 New Star Dafna
4 70 190 20 0 0280
3673 Jithin Gopalakrishnan DIVISION E
 Spikes CC
10 19 220 40 0 0279
3674 Sagar DIVISION E
 Redbulls C C
7 89 180 10 0 0279
3675 Johnes Alexander DIVISION E
 Team Mercury
18 239 -50 90 0 0279
3676 Titto Philip POOL 7
 Golden Knights
3 169 50 60 0 0279
3677 Ajmal Aboobacker DIVISION E
 Calicut Blasterz Blue
4 269 -10 20 0 0279
3678 Arun Padmanabhan POOL 9
 Toivo Qatar
15 199 40 40 0 0279
3679 Afsal Tharayil POOL 15
 Friends X1 Doha
6 -1 250 30 0 0279
3680 Shoaib Haider POOL 16
 Gcc Gladiators
6 88 190 0 0 0278
3681 Ajith Gopi DIVISION E
 Ntd Knights
9 248 10 20 0 0278
3682 Fayaz Khan DIVISION E
 Lucky Star
11 138 80 60 0 0278
3683 Renji Scariah DIVISION E
 Black Mamba
5 138 120 20 0 0278
3684 Alex Reuben POOL 12
 Kk Warriors
6 108 170 0 0 0278
3685 Arif Ullah DIVISION E
 Lucky Star
6 217 40 20 0 0277
 Naseem Commandos
3 127 120 30 0 0277
3687 Abdul Rahman Adhoor DIVISION E
 Arabian XI
2 67 190 20 0 0277
3688 Shafeeq Karayil Peedikayil DIVISION E
 Doha Strikers Kunhipalli(dsk)
6 207 40 30 0 0277
3689 Renjith Km DIVISION E
 Blockades XI
9 187 80 10 0 0277
3690 Salmankhan Kamal Khan DIVISION E
 Angry Bulls
8 177 80 20 0 0277
3691 Muhammed Hanees POOL 15
 Hawks X1
10 237 0 40 0 0277
3692 Anand Krishnan . DIVISION E
 Mix Ileven
17 267 0 10 0 0277
3693 Shibabudheen S DIVISION F
 Delhi Capitals
5 166 80 30 0 0276
3694 Vivek Radhan R
9 186 30 60 0 0276
3695 Fairoz Asif DIVISION E
 Unipart 11
7 276 0 0 0 0276
3696 Anas Puttur POOL 4
 Strikers X1 Doha
8 236 0 40 0 0276
3697 Rohit Krishanan DIVISION E
 Qatar Winners
6 76 90 110 0 0276
3698 Abdul Mohamin Alvi DIVISION E
 Black Mamba
8 -4 270 10 0 0276
3699 Ameer Hamza DIVISION E
 Brandbox Ads Friends X1
3 236 0 40 0 0276
3700 Manaf Muhammed Kunju DIVISION E
 Mall CC
4 216 20 40 0 0276
3701 Adnan Ahmed Khan DIVISION F
 Doha Friends XI
7 206 40 30 0 0276
3702 Binumon Ramakrishnan DIVISION E
 Qatar Winners
6 165 70 40 0 0275
3703 Asmal Aroor DIVISION E
 Doha Blasters
5 215 10 50 0 0275
3704 Anzeer Salim DIVISION E
 Blue Warriors
6 265 -30 40 0 0275
 Qatar Amigos
3 245 0 30 0 0275
3706 Kuljith Singh DIVISION E
 Victorian Stars Doha
2 275 0 0 0 0275
3707 Rohan Sathis Q
 Prakkat Jewellers
11 245 -20 50 0 0275
3708 Russel Abdulla DIVISION E
 Spikes CC
9 175 40 60 0 0275
3709 Illyas Pm DIVISION E
 Spikers X1
6 25 170 80 0 0275
3710 Nadeem Mukhtar DIVISION E
 Ratnagiri Riders
14 224 20 30 0 0274
3711 Sanoop Cp POOL 6
3 204 0 20 50 1274
3712 Vinay Giri DIVISION E
 Saltha Boys 11
7 164 60 50 0 0274
 Hitters Qatar Blue
8 84 120 70 0 0274
3714 Shahir Mayin POOL 10
 Blue Whales
10 244 20 10 0 0274
3715 Abin V POOL 3
 Yct Qatar
7 144 80 50 0 0274
3716 Midhun Simon POOL 3
 City Group Oscar CC
3 203 0 20 50 1273
3717 Anshad Khan DIVISION E
7 223 0 50 0 0273
3718 Sanil Sabu Q
 Prakkat Jewellers
9 243 0 30 0 0273
3719 Shihab Thattarathodiyil DIVISION E
 Blue Warriors
12 172 80 20 0 0272
3720 Mukarram Syed DIVISION E
 Hiq CC
1 112 140 20 0 0272
3721 Mahees Ahamed POOL 7
 Thunder Strikers Doha
16 122 90 60 0 0272
3722 Deepak Ks DIVISION E
 Jp X1 CC
4 272 0 0 0 0272
3723 Arun Kumar DIVISION E
 Telugu Warriors
9 -8 230 50 0 0272
3724 Raies Muhammed POOL 3
 Al Khor Warriors
3 42 180 0 50 1272
3725 Shabeer Basheer DIVISION E
 Blockades XI
6 192 70 10 0 0272
3726 Ajas Azeez DIVISION F
 Doha Dynamos
10 111 30 130 0 0271
 Friends CC
6 201 30 40 0 0271
3728 Ayoob Mudavankattil DIVISION E
 Friends 11 Doha
11 251 -10 30 0 0271
3729 Shijoy Babu DIVISION E
 Qatar Winners
6 121 90 60 0 0271
3730 Mohammed Fayaz DIVISION E
 Smart Qatar
8 231 10 30 0 0271
3731 Afzal Manan DIVISION E
 Shabab Al Wakrah
20 131 90 50 0 0271
3732 Shefeek TV DIVISION E
 Hitters Qatar Red
4 181 70 20 0 0271
3733 Bhanu Chandra Parapati DIVISION E
4 180 40 50 0 0270
3734 Asmathali Abdal Khadar Saheb T
 Smart Qatar
23 160 110 0 0 0270
3735 Femin Francis DIVISION E
 South Royals
12 100 130 40 0 0270
3736 Mathew DIVISION E
 Brandbox Ads Friends X1
3 210 0 10 50 1270
3737 Mohamed Riyad POOL 15
 Super Brothers
4 270 0 0 0 0270
3738 Haris R DIVISION E
 Black Panthers
4 110 130 30 0 0270
3739 Hans Hitters POOL 8
 Qatar Bruisers
11 250 10 10 0 0270
3740 Nishad Rafi Nishad DIVISION E
 Qatar Amigos
4 110 150 10 0 0270
3741 Rashid Raashy DIVISION E
 Qatar Amigos
5 100 140 30 0 0270
3742 Noushad Moideenkunhi POOL 12
 Q11 Redlions
5 270 0 0 0 0270
3743 Anoop Cheruvara Balan R
 Redwolves Qatar
4 70 190 10 0 0270
3744 Khadeer Siddique POOL 5
 Dqct (dulsco Qatar )
6 79 160 30 0 0269
3745 Lijumon Appddan Subramanian DIVISION E
 Energy Technical Services(ets)
12 249 -30 50 0 0269
3746 Fairoos Moideen POOL 5
 Strikers Xi - Doha
14 209 -30 90 0 0269
3747 Yasir Mohammad DIVISION E
 Friends CC
4 109 140 20 0 0269
3748 Mansoor Mohammed POOL 9
 Studs Of Qatar
5 268 0 0 0 0268
3749 Shamsudheen T K . DIVISION E
 Team Lulu
5 98 140 30 0 0268
3750 Mohammed Sajad . DIVISION E
 Ksd11 Qatar
7 148 110 10 0 0268
3751 Sree Harshan DIVISION E
 Kkm Warriors
21 58 180 30 0 0268
3752 Nidhil Rahman DIVISION E
 Doha Falcons
7 118 50 100 0 0268
3753 Mirsab Usman DIVISION E
 Trivandrum Challengers
6 178 50 40 0 0268
3754 Junaideen Arsath DIVISION E
 Sun Max CC
5 267 0 0 0 0267
3755 Mohd Ali DIVISION E
6 117 90 10 50 1267
3756 Ansar Muhammad POOL 11
 Defenders County Cricket
4 267 0 0 0 0267
3757 Sandeep Sandeep DIVISION E
 Bin Omran United
6 57 120 90 0 0267
3758 Mohamed Fabin DIVISION E
 Doha Blasters
7 237 10 20 0 0267
3759 Noushad Ali DIVISION E
 Kq Friends
7 227 10 30 0 0267
3760 Bushad Kp DIVISION F
 Amigos Qatar
6 186 20 60 0 0266
3761 Sarjoon Joon POOL 7
 Thunder Strikers Doha
6 116 130 20 0 0266
3762 Thahir Mohammed DIVISION E
 Super Heroes
12 256 10 0 0 0266
3763 Bazeer Koya Thangal POOL 15
 Q Tec Champions
8 146 110 10 0 0266
3764 Firos Ali POOL 11
10 106 70 90 0 0266
3765 Anwer DIVISION E
 Royal Fighters Cricket
3 106 160 0 0 0266
3766 Lareesh Latheef DIVISION E
 Doha Falcons
7 185 50 30 0 0265
3767 Nadeer Kunhiparambath POOL 12
6 235 -10 40 0 0265
3768 Sanjeev Kumar Somnath POOL 14
 Group Nine 11
18 205 20 40 0 0265
3769 Nafeel Uthuma Lebbe DIVISION E
 Qatar Lions
6 315 -70 20 0 0265
3770 Jaffer Khan DIVISION E
 E&a Challengers
11 245 0 20 0 0265
3771 Raj Mahamad POOL 10
 Unique Cricket Club
6 145 40 80 0 0265
3772 Aashique Ashique DIVISION E
 Rising Stars
4 185 60 20 0 0265
3773 Haris Palliparamb POOL 9
 Studs Of Qatar
6 255 0 10 0 0265
3774 Muhamad Sadik Karathodi DIVISION E
 Doha Eagles
7 225 0 40 0 0265
3775 Rahim Mohammed POOL 7
8 264 -20 20 0 0264
3776 Faisal M M .faisu POOL 4
 Team Lulu
10 234 10 20 0 0264
3777 Mohammed Riyad POOL 9
10 124 120 20 0 0264
3778 Gyan Chander Pandey T
 White Tigers
6 -6 270 0 0 0264
3779 Sharafudeen Ponnandi DIVISION E
 Black Caps CC
11 254 0 10 0 0264
3780 Mohsin Deshmukh DIVISION E
 Sand Storm
2 184 70 10 0 0264
3781 Ishakh P K DIVISION E
 Kq Friends
10 154 70 40 0 0264
3782 Anish Pillai POOL 7
4 254 0 10 0 0264
3783 Minhaj Vilakuni POOL 11
 Bails Qatar
9 93 160 10 0 0263
3784 Shafi Chalil DIVISION E
 New Star Dafna
4 223 -50 40 50 1263
3785 Shaheen Akhtar DIVISION E
 Cofely Challengers
9 163 70 30 0 0263
3786 Ratheesh Chandran DIVISION E
 Royal Phoenix
2 53 200 10 0 0263
3787 Baiju Kassim POOL 5
 Truth Fighters
11 3 220 40 0 0263
3788 Ubais Kannadian POOL 10
 Doha Strikers
7 113 100 50 0 0263
3789 Rashid Puthur POOL 3
 Ideal Warriors
4 222 0 40 0 0262
3790 Faseesh V V DIVISION F
 Calicut Blasterz
7 122 110 30 0 0262
3791 Selvaramu Duraipandi POOL 8
 Qatar Bruisers
8 241 -50 70 0 0261
3792 Abdul Latheef Karipal DIVISION E
 Combines XI
5 71 130 60 0 0261
3793 Askar Ali DIVISION E
 Lulu Battalion CC
17 21 150 90 0 0261
3794 Mahesh Babu DIVISION F
 Doha Dynamos
9 101 100 60 0 0261
3795 Krishna Prasad DIVISION E
 Boom Boom C C
10 191 40 30 0 0261
3796 Niyas DIVISION E
 Sparks XI
13 101 130 30 0 0261
3797 Sreemon Thaniyath DIVISION E
 Qatar Winners
6 231 30 0 0 0261
3798 Abdul Fayiz Machinchery Thoombil DIVISION E
 Team Ghados
6 151 90 20 0 0261
3799 Muhammed MP DIVISION E
 Uk Xi (united Kerala Eleven)
11 -20 230 50 0 0260
3800 Azharuddeen AA POOL 4
 White Tigers
6 50 200 10 0 0260
3801 Jirash P.c DIVISION E
 Blue Warriors
4 280 -30 10 0 0260
 Kombans CC
4 190 -10 80 0 0260
3803 Shanu Kolanthara DIVISION E
 Thadathil CC
7 130 80 50 0 0260
3804 Jafar Karuni Chalil T
9 -20 220 60 0 0260
3805 Muhammad Niyas DIVISION E
 Bin Omran United
7 79 140 40 0 0259
3806 Arun George DIVISION E
 Pearl Eleven CC
1 129 60 20 50 1259
3807 Mujeeb Basheer DIVISION E
 Marina CC
9 29 170 60 0 0259
3808 Ameer Khan DIVISION E
 Deccan Boys
9 209 0 50 0 0259
3809 Mashhood Kunnath DIVISION E
 Royal Fighters Cricket
4 219 40 0 0 0259
3810 Abdul Saleem DIVISION E
 Friends 11 Doha
4 249 0 10 0 0259
3811 Afthab Athif DIVISION E
 Mangalore Warriors
5 198 60 0 0 0258
3812 Nakeeb Hussain DIVISION E
 Blackcaps Cricketers
7 128 90 40 0 0258
3813 Yasar Chanthramthodi DIVISION E
 Blue Commandos
4 128 120 10 0 0258
3814 Rahul Rajan DIVISION E
 Innings Stars
6 108 60 90 0 0258
3815 Shanu S DIVISION E
 Ezgawa Tigers
10 108 120 30 0 0258
3816 Irsath I POOL 9
 Limra Friends
5 28 180 50 0 0258
3817 Rohith Sharma DIVISION E
3 8 230 20 0 0258
3818 Vasu Palapala DIVISION E
 E&a Challengers
8 17 170 70 0 0257
3819 Syed Salimmuddin DIVISION E
 Tata Sports C C
5 217 30 10 0 0257
3820 Amal Ravi DIVISION E
 Calicut Blasterz Blue
8 267 -40 30 0 0257
3821 Shamshad Mohammed DIVISION E
 Lemax Riders
8 277 -30 10 0 0257
3822 Mohamed Ilyas POOL 7
 Super King Boys CC
20 7 220 30 0 0257
3823 Anwar Sheikh POOL 4
 Jumbo Warriors
4 207 40 10 0 0257
3824 Jismon Kuliruplackal James DIVISION E
 Royal Dare Warriors Qatar
5 -3 240 20 0 0257
3825 Faisal M POOL 7
 Mall CC
7 186 20 50 0 0256
3826 Jasim jasu POOL 15
 Matar Kings
8 46 190 20 0 0256
3827 Nadeem Knights DIVISION E
 Qecc Knights
4 236 0 20 0 0256
3828 Azhar Abdulla DIVISION F
 Kerala C.c
8 16 210 30 0 0256
3829 Ashwin Raj POOL 5
 Red Hawks
21 246 -60 70 0 0256
3830 Varinder Singh DIVISION E
 Oryx Star Cricket
6 55 170 30 0 0255
3831 Sarath Kumar DIVISION E
 Pearl Eleven CC
3 235 0 20 0 0255
3832 Nibu Pillai POOL 6
34 94 30 130 0 0254
3833 Abhilash PP DIVISION E
 Team Ghados
18 144 30 80 0 0254
3834 Sooraj Kallaniyil POOL 11
 Defenders County Cricket
4 214 20 20 0 0254
3835 Shafeeq SV DIVISION E
 Arabian XI
2 214 30 10 0 0254
3836 Jaisal Ellath DIVISION E
 Doha Sixers
13 134 60 60 0 0254
3837 Ansar S DIVISION E
 Token CC
13 184 30 40 0 0254
3838 Navneet Sinha DIVISION E
 Indo Warrior
9 203 40 10 0 0253
3839 M D Roshidul Islam DIVISION E
 Limra Friends
7 243 10 0 0 0253
3840 Azeem Asharaf DIVISION E
 Doha Falcons
6 243 0 10 0 0253
3841 Fawsul Jihath POOL 10
 Thunder Strikers
6 253 0 0 0 0253
3842 Ibrahim Jeelani DIVISION E
 Bmc Chargers
6 133 20 50 50 1253
3843 Rasheen 04 DIVISION E
 Al Anees Strikers
5 243 0 10 0 0253
3844 Abdul Rahuman DIVISION E
 Trophy Fighters
5 233 -20 40 0 0253
3845 Faisal S POOL 3
 All Rounders Qatar
1 143 50 10 50 1253
3846 Razik Hitters DIVISION E
 Hitters Qatar Red
5 242 -10 20 0 0252
3847 Anwar Kadavath . DIVISION E
 Ksd11 Qatar
7 242 0 10 0 0252
3848 Fuzail Nazeer POOL 7
6 212 40 0 0 0252
3849 Rajesh Kumar DIVISION E
6 232 -20 40 0 0252
3850 Shafeer Poochakandy DIVISION E
 Toss CC
14 32 170 50 0 0252
3851 Anil S POOL 12
 Q11 Redlions
7 62 150 40 0 0252
3852 Mohanathan Piratheep DIVISION E
 Qatar Lions
8 1 230 20 0 0251
3853 Ibrahim N.k DIVISION E
 Calicut Blasterz Blue
4 141 80 30 0 0251
3854 Sivakumar Radhakrishnan POOL 8
 Team Cricket Buddies
10 241 0 10 0 0251
3855 Ashraf Padappil POOL 3
 All Rounders Qatar
9 121 100 30 0 0251
3856 Faisal Kizhuvana DIVISION E
 Kq Friends
12 150 40 60 0 0250
3857 Tharun S DIVISION E
 Strikers Xi - Doha
3 230 20 0 0 0250
3858 Shamseer K DIVISION E
 Yct Qatar
8 210 40 0 0 0250
3859 Haris K DIVISION E
 Friends Xi Mangaloreans
4 200 50 0 0 0250
3860 Mithun Mithu DIVISION E
 Markhiya Blasters
6 130 80 40 0 0250
3861 Rajesh TSK POOL 12
15 130 80 40 0 0250
3862 Salman Khan DIVISION E
 Master Blasters Qatar
2 0 250 0 0 0250
3863 Shaju Shafi DIVISION E
 S-thanz XI
4 219 10 20 0 0249
3864 Abdul Nashif DIVISION E
 New Star Dafna
4 89 120 40 0 0249
3865 Shafeequ Niyas Palamadathil Kozhisseri DIVISION E
 Team Ghados
5 189 10 50 0 0249
3866 Fardous Ccrc DIVISION E
6 69 110 20 50 1249
3867 Sayyid Sabir POOL 12
 Red Wolves Qatar
14 239 0 10 0 0249
3868 Shibin Kallulla Parambth DIVISION E
13 59 140 50 0 0249
3869 Vishnu Thampi DIVISION E
 Doha Challengers
4 79 150 20 0 0249
3870 Vaishakh Ratnakaran DIVISION E
 South Royals
14 69 170 10 0 0249
3871 Anoop Sisodia DIVISION E
 Ntd Knights
6 229 0 20 0 0249
3872 Niroshan Vairamuth DIVISION E
6 9 220 20 0 0249
3873 Shanid Abdullah DIVISION E
 Leaders Qatar
3 149 70 30 0 0249
3874 Narayanan Achuthan DIVISION E
 Mall CC
5 28 170 0 50 1248
3875 Noman Orkzai POOL 7
11 168 40 40 0 0248
3876 Faheem R POOL 7
7 228 -20 40 0 0248
3 218 0 30 0 0248
3878 Karthikeyan K DIVISION E
 Team Cricket Buddies
9 68 170 10 0 0248
3879 Nakrudhin N DIVISION E
 Weltech Warriors
2 238 0 10 0 0248
3880 Asish Alex DIVISION E
 Doha Legends
10 8 170 70 0 0248
3881 Arun Radhakrishnan Radhakrishnan DIVISION E
 Palace C C
9 188 40 20 0 0248
3882 Maqsood Kazi POOL 7
 Doha Fighters
7 68 130 50 0 0248
3883 Riyas Sathakkulebee DIVISION E
 Qatar Lions
8 107 120 20 0 0247
3884 Firados Pp DIVISION E
 Rc Boys
4 117 90 40 0 0247
3885 Mohamed Mafas DIVISION F
 Chennai Cricketers
3 127 90 30 0 0247
3886 Jasir Jazi POOL 16
 Western Warriors
4 147 80 20 0 0247
3887 Jyothish Kv DIVISION F
 Dejawu C C-dcc
10 137 0 110 0 0247
3888 Sazzad Hossin DIVISION F
 Doha Friends XI
2 157 50 40 0 0247
3889 Akbar Ali Ghalte DIVISION E
 Kokan Boys
6 157 80 10 0 0247
3890 Fayas Mohammed DIVISION E
 Friends CC
5 156 80 10 0 0246
3891 Sahad Mohammed POOL 15
 Matar Kings
7 156 60 30 0 0246
3892 Afsal Kassim POOL 14
 Qatar Warriors
11 126 70 50 0 0246
3893 Asif Ali DIVISION E
 Falcon XI
7 296 -60 10 0 0246
3894 Vijay Kumar DIVISION E
 Bmc Chargers
6 226 0 20 0 0246
3895 Rimzan M DIVISION E
 Sun Max CC
10 125 100 20 0 0245
3896 Surya Ravi POOL 11
 Defenders County Cricket
5 205 20 20 0 0245
3897 Abdullah Al Mamun DIVISION E
 Bd Bullets
3 165 0 30 50 1245
3898 Manoj Kumar DIVISION E
 Thadathil CC
8 205 20 20 0 0245
3899 Joseph Antony DIVISION E
4 234 0 10 0 0244
3900 Vipin Vipi DIVISION E
 Combines XI
4 194 0 0 50 1244
3901 Jaleel Kalanther DIVISION E
 Team Cricket Buddies
13 254 -20 10 0 0244
3902 MD .Joshim DIVISION E
 Bd Bullets
4 224 0 20 0 0244
3903 Muhammed Azhar Nhelat DIVISION E
 Black Caps CC
15 104 80 60 0 0244
3904 Cinu Ravindran DIVISION E
 Spartans CC
9 74 150 20 0 0244
3905 Jenshad Ismail T
 Doha Cc (dcc)
8 244 0 0 0 0244
3906 Thejus Vazhappilly SanathKumar DIVISION E
 Falcon XI
5 194 50 0 0 0244
3907 Anil Shrestha POOL 3
 Doha Spartans
3 223 0 20 0 0243
3908 Ajmal Pk R
 Team Of Qatar
9 103 90 50 0 0243
3909 Namees Ahamed DIVISION E
 Egale Red Boys
2 -17 250 10 0 0243
3910 Manoj Varghese DIVISION E
 Falcon XI
2 242 0 0 0 0242
3911 Arshad Vk R
 Team Of Qatar
5 192 0 0 50 1242
3912 Sadik Ibrahim DIVISION E
2 122 90 30 0 0242
3913 Siraj S DIVISION E
 Friends Xi Mangaloreans
3 172 60 10 0 0242
3914 Muhamed Faisal DIVISION E
 Gharrafa XI
4 42 120 80 0 0242
3915 Taj Mohamad Ansari Shahzada DIVISION E
 Tata Sports C C
14 132 80 30 0 0242
3916 Ganesh Pandi Sundarraj DIVISION E
 Qatar Super Kings
8 121 90 30 0 0241
3917 Ashker Konnothvalappil POOL 8
 Qatar Bruisers
12 201 0 40 0 0241
3918 Ishaq Thurakkal POOL 9
 Galaxy CC
4 71 100 70 0 0241
3919 Praveen Kumar Sidharthan POOL 16
 Royal Phoenix
7 151 20 20 50 1241
 Matar Kings
5 221 0 20 0 0241
3921 Mohammed Aseemuddin DIVISION E
 Hyderabadi Nawab's Super 11
3 221 -30 0 50 1241
3922 Shammas Victory Cc POOL 4
 Victory CC
4 191 0 0 50 1241
3923 Mohamed Junaid Cholengal DIVISION E
 Nash Cricketers
12 141 80 20 0 0241
3924 Santosh Kumar DIVISION E
 Lightning Hawks CC
14 101 90 50 0 0241
3925 Vijay Kumar DIVISION F
 Calicut Blasterz
3 221 0 20 0 0241
3926 Shanavas Nalakath Karim . POOL 9
 Limra Friends
9 50 160 30 0 0240
3927 Mohammed Shivan Abdul Latheef DIVISION E
 Royal Warriors Qatar
5 110 120 10 0 0240
3928 Karthik Iyer DIVISION E
 Falcon XI
6 240 0 0 0 0240
3929 Manoraj Udayakumar POOL 6
 Kkm Warriors
6 200 20 20 0 0240
3930 Sathiya Shiva DIVISION E
 Air Strikers
7 130 60 50 0 0240
3931 Abdul Azeez Azi DIVISION E
 Team Karthiyath
14 150 60 30 0 0240
 Trivandrum Challengers
9 70 100 70 0 0240
3933 Ansar Ansu POOL 3
 Eco Fresh
3 160 20 10 50 1240
3934 Jafar Ali DIVISION E
 Silent Killers
15 80 50 110 0 0240
3935 Sameer Thayyil Ammad DIVISION E
 Doha Sixers
7 219 20 0 0 0239
3936 Ajmal Hussain DIVISION E
 Rising Stars Doha
5 89 140 10 0 0239
3937 Jareesh Makkannari POOL 7
 Royal Strikers
6 79 130 30 0 0239
3938 Rajan Ks DIVISION E
 Salwa Monsters Qatar
4 169 -10 80 0 0239
3939 Ganesh G DIVISION E
 Thadathil CC
9 229 -10 20 0 0239
3940 Viren Fernando DIVISION E
 Smashers 11
31 209 10 20 0 0239
3941 Sreedesh Nallur POOL 9
9 58 180 0 0 0238
3942 Jokhu Ram DIVISION E
 White Tigers
13 68 110 60 0 0238
3943 Shah Jawad DIVISION E
 Khalifa Strikers
14 18 160 60 0 0238
3944 Suresh Chandran DIVISION E
9 -2 180 60 0 0238
3945 Nadir Hussain DIVISION E
 Lucky Star
10 138 0 100 0 0238
3946 M Safrin S
 Qatar Lions
8 118 90 30 0 0238
3947 Rayees DIVISION E
 Galaxy CC
8 198 -20 10 50 1238
3948 Kabeer Oallat DIVISION E
 Super Heroes
18 208 10 20 0 0238
3949 Jasim Mk DIVISION E
 White Tigers
7 158 50 30 0 0238
3950 Shajahan S DIVISION E
 Ezgawa Tigers
12 178 40 20 0 0238
3951 Mohammed Anisur Rahman DIVISION E
 Victorian Stars
4 157 80 0 0 0237
3952 Thanseer Ekkalayullathil DIVISION E
 Royal Strikers
11 -3 190 50 0 0237
3953 Muthu M DIVISION E
 Team Mercury
10 177 10 50 0 0237
3954 Shameer Chakkalakkal DIVISION E
 Qstar Blue
11 216 0 20 0 0236
3955 Ziyad Mohammed Q
 Friends (fct)
14 36 160 40 0 0236
3956 Mohamed Ajmeer Mohamed Kahan POOL 4
 Salwa Monsters
10 156 50 30 0 0236
3957 Pallipadi Sarath DIVISION E
 Bright XI
5 236 0 0 0 0236
3958 Prince Eco Fresh POOL 3
 Eco Fresh
3 205 0 30 0 0235
3959 Kabeer Cheroor DIVISION E
 Elegance Qatar
3 235 0 0 0 0235
3960 Hayas Nazr DIVISION E
 Dreamz 11
7 175 10 50 0 0235
3961 Najeeb Pj DIVISION E
 Classic CC
8 95 0 140 0 0235
3962 Manmohan Madathil Koliyatt DIVISION E
 Thadathil CC
7 45 190 0 0 0235
3963 Nifros Mohamed POOL 3
 Qatar Blue X1
9 115 100 20 0 0235
3964 Sajid Ahsan DIVISION E
 Angry Bulls
10 95 100 40 0 0235
3965 Mahdi al Mahmud DIVISION E
 Bmc X1
10 234 -20 20 0 0234
3966 Shammas Warriors DIVISION E
 Qecc Warriors
3 174 0 10 50 1234
3967 Shameem Warriors DIVISION E
 Qecc Warriors
3 104 100 30 0 0234
3968 Debashis Patra DIVISION E
 Cofely Challengers
5 4 170 10 50 1234
3969 Faizal m DIVISION E
21 204 0 30 0 0234
3970 Sunil John DIVISION E
27 94 140 0 0 0234
3971 Nafsal Nelatt Ethantevalap POOL 6
 Redbulls C C
4 134 70 30 0 0234
3972 Shameermon Muhammed Shameer DIVISION E
 Drillers CC
5 123 30 80 0 0233
3973 Shaul Hameed Mohamed Ismail DIVISION E
 Friendship Brothers - Sl
2 183 50 0 0 0233
3974 Chandana Kumara Dabare Arachchige POOL 16
3 233 0 0 0 0233
3975 Mohamed Ansaf POOL 13
 White Lions Doha
10 43 160 30 0 0233
3976 Riyas Mansoor DIVISION E
 Black Cat Fosters
1 73 110 0 50 1233
3977 Ajith Krishnan DIVISION E
 Royal Phoenix
6 143 20 70 0 0233
3978 Shakeer V A DIVISION E
 Team Lulu
13 213 0 20 0 0233
3979 Anoop Augustine DIVISION E
8 112 100 20 0 0232
3980 Prasath Vimal DIVISION E
5 92 130 10 0 0232
3981 Shaji Niyas DIVISION E
 Q11 Red Lions
18 182 10 40 0 0232
3982 Muhammed Ali POOL 11
14 212 0 20 0 0232
3983 Junaid Thazhe Parakkal POOL 12
10 12 200 20 0 0232
 Mcc Qatar
8 232 -10 10 0 0232
3985 Anil Kumar DIVISION E
 R B W
16 111 20 100 0 0231
3986 Yoosuf Y DIVISION E
 Ezgawa Tigers
9 141 50 40 0 0231
3987 Sheheen Salim POOL 8
5 31 170 30 0 0231
3988 Subash Nagarathinam DIVISION E
 Team Cricket Buddies
8 171 50 10 0 0231
3989 Faizal Abdu Azeez POOL 14
 Spartans X1
12 -9 210 30 0 0231
3990 Emmanuel Jacob DIVISION E
 Oscar C C
5 140 30 60 0 0230
3991 Gopinath Jayaraman DIVISION E
 Qatar Super Kings
14 180 40 10 0 0230
3992 Muhamed Sudheer POOL 3
 All Rounders Qatar
2 70 150 10 0 0230
3993 Shameem Caribeans POOL 4
 Jumbo Warriors
4 120 50 10 50 1230
3994 Anurudda Lakmal DIVISION E
 Angry Bulls - B
3 199 -20 50 0 0229
3995 Abhilash Kannan DIVISION E
 Jp X1 CC
4 229 0 0 0 0229
3996 Shejin Hyder DIVISION E
 Classic CC
6 129 80 20 0 0229
3997 Biju Kb DIVISION E
 Strikers Xi - Doha
7 69 120 40 0 0229
3998 Mohamed Basheer Jaffer POOL 7
 Lagaan Qatar
5 219 -10 20 0 0229
3999 Akbar Ali Akthar Ali DIVISION E
 Strikers Xi - Qatar
3 169 0 60 0 0229
4000 Shareek Sheikh DIVISION E
 Indo Qatar Cc - Iqcc
2 169 60 0 0 0229
4001 Suranji Sivalingam Perumal POOL 6
 United Spartans
4 169 0 60 0 0229
4002 sumesh madhavan DIVISION E
 Qatar Winners
3 199 0 30 0 0229
4003 Chari B POOL 6
 Spartans-qatar CC
4 218 0 10 0 0228
4004 Ribin Kolangarakath Abdul Rakkeeb T
 Doha Cc (dcc)
8 18 160 50 0 0228
4005 Rajeev Kumar DIVISION E
 Gharrafa XI
5 188 40 0 0 0228
4006 Vishal Chehtri DIVISION E
 Petroserv CC
11 8 210 10 0 0228
4007 Midhun M DIVISION E
3 238 -20 10 0 0228
4008 Sadiq Khanjee DIVISION E
 Doha Fighters
4 118 20 90 0 0228
4009 Ravinath Madathil DIVISION E
 Boom Boom C C
14 178 20 30 0 0228
4010 Sampath Kumar DIVISION E
 Marina CC
10 8 200 20 0 0228
4011 Surjan Ajith DIVISION E
 Tamil Nadu Cc - Tncc
17 57 90 80 0 0227
4012 Arif Khan Q
 Jumbo Warriors
5 187 -10 50 0 0227
4013 Sijo Thomas DIVISION E
 United South Elegants
9 77 120 30 0 0227
4014 Prashanth Kumaravadivel POOL 13
 Blasters CC
4 156 30 40 0 0226
4015 Sesu Raja POOL 9
 Victory CC
2 96 120 10 0 0226
4016 Charles Jose DIVISION E
 Nash Cricketers
2 86 120 20 0 0226
4017 Azhar PN POOL 16
5 206 10 10 0 0226
4018 Gopu Rajasekhar POOL 5
 Doha Challengers
9 186 0 40 0 0226
4019 Vishnu S Kumar POOL 9
 Petroserv CC
9 216 0 10 0 0226
4020 Arumugam Manivannan DIVISION E
 Qatar Blue XI
2 215 0 10 0 0225
4021 Jeyanantharasa Nilojan DIVISION E
 Blasters CC
5 165 10 50 0 0225
4022 Mohan Raj POOL 7
2 234 -10 0 0 0224
4023 Iqbal Kochanad DIVISION E
 Dreamer Ksd
2 164 0 60 0 0224
4024 Rijad Ahmad DIVISION E
 Super Gillies Team
7 164 0 60 0 0224
 Kkm Warriors
4 174 10 40 0 0224
4026 Ismail Ashfaq T
 Smart Qatar
4 194 0 30 0 0224
4027 Afsal Salam Afsal DIVISION E
 Qatar Amigos
5 134 30 60 0 0224
4028 Sajeer Kochi DIVISION E
 Q Star
1 103 120 0 0 0223
4029 Rameez Mohammed DIVISION E
12 163 40 20 0 0223
4030 Sabeel Ahmed DIVISION E
 Deccan Boys
10 23 120 80 0 0223
4031 Ahilash Anilkumar Kukku DIVISION E
 Drillers CC
5 183 40 0 0 0223
4032 Satheesh Neerchalparambil . DIVISION E
7 212 0 10 0 0222
4033 Shahnad Shani DIVISION E
5 152 60 10 0 0222
4034 Faheem Cheelan DIVISION E
 Leaders Qatar
1 222 0 0 0 0222
4035 Rino Arachi DIVISION E
 Tmq Tigers
14 172 0 50 0 0222
4036 Rajkumar Unni POOL 7
 Golden Knights
4 91 80 50 0 0221
4037 Aneesh Tg DIVISION E
 Java X1
7 91 90 40 0 0221
4038 Mohammad Azim POOL 8
 Bd Bullets
9 171 20 30 0 0221
4039 Abdul Rahuman POOL 10
 Thunder Strikers
4 171 40 10 0 0221
4040 Anand Govindan POOL 15
 Hawks X1
9 101 40 80 0 0221
4041 Mohammed Ahssan DIVISION E
 Hyderabadi Nawab's Super 11
4 211 0 10 0 0221
4042 Muhammad Shafeek Marakkatteri DIVISION E
 Kerala CC
1 101 100 20 0 0221
4043 Siva Kumar R POOL 9
 Aldar Blasters
17 181 0 40 0 0221
4044 Arun Menon DIVISION E
 Black Panthers
6 0 210 10 0 0220
4045 Saiju Zainudheen POOL 5
 Red Hawks
13 90 60 70 0 0220
4046 Najim Kp DIVISION E
 Qatar Champions
6 90 70 60 0 0220
4047 Azaruddeen Hussain DIVISION E
 Sand Storm
9 160 -10 70 0 0220
4048 Siddique Aboobacker POOL 10
 Gharrafa XI
14 200 -10 30 0 0220
4049 Shahul Hameed DIVISION E
 Doha Legends
8 110 90 20 0 0220
4050 Ali Kt DIVISION E
 Royal Tuskers
3 10 180 30 0 0220
 Spartans XI
14 129 0 90 0 0219
4052 Shibi Sadanandan DIVISION E
 Doha Legends
11 39 160 20 0 0219
4053 Salam T I DIVISION E
 Java X1
8 139 60 20 0 0219
4054 Arunkumar Sundaram DIVISION E
 United Warriors CC
3 179 20 20 0 0219
4055 Haseeb Butt POOL 9
 Omrc X1
3 219 0 0 0 0219
4056 Anamul Haque POOL 11
 Muaither Titans
5 179 20 20 0 0219
4057 Sheik Mohamed Razak DIVISION E
 Mcc Qatar
6 219 0 0 0 0219
4058 Kaja Mohideen DIVISION E
 Spartans CC
9 208 0 10 0 0218
4059 Siva Elango Kumaresh DIVISION E
 Qatar Horses
7 198 0 20 0 0218
4060 Azfin Rahim DIVISION E
 Mdt Roadiez
10 98 80 40 0 0218
4061 Jamaluddin Mohamed POOL 8
 Team Cricket Buddies
13 128 20 70 0 0218
4062 Muhammed Ansar POOL 10
 Blue Whales
3 128 80 10 0 0218
4063 Navas Khalid POOL 4
6 8 160 50 0 0218
4064 Shaji Saleem DIVISION E
 Doha United
7 47 150 20 0 0217
4065 Sinukumar Stephen DIVISION E
20 107 50 60 0 0217
4066 Aneesh Kumar DIVISION E
 Friday Cricket Sailiya
5 177 -10 50 0 0217
4067 Silib Kumar POOL 16
 Royal Phoenix
6 17 140 60 0 0217
4068 Sarath Meleppat DIVISION E
 The Monks
10 76 130 10 0 0216
4069 Suresh Bantu Bantupalli DIVISION E
 Qatar Horses
10 36 150 30 0 0216
4070 Thanseer E DIVISION E
 Yct Qatar
5 146 50 20 0 0216
4071 Mohamed Thaha Mohamed Lafran DIVISION E
 Friends CC
3 26 180 10 0 0216
4072 Jawad Izzath DIVISION E
 Blue Warriors
4 156 50 10 0 0216
4073 Rajesh Menon DIVISION E
 Royal Warriors Qatar
9 85 100 30 0 0215
4074 Pradeep Raja S POOL 3
 Doha Boys
5 15 160 40 0 0215
4075 Navas Ashraf DIVISION E
 Telugu Warriors
17 195 -30 50 0 0215
4076 Abdul Rehman POOL 7
 Aero Dynamos
9 155 0 60 0 0215
4077 Mohamed Careem Nasrudeen DIVISION E
 Royal Dare Warriors Qatar
1 195 10 10 0 0215
4078 Yahya Puthan Peedikayil Q
 Doha United
6 75 100 40 0 0215
4079 Hamsakutty Mukkoth POOL 11
 Golden Knights
1 224 -30 20 0 0214
4080 Sanal K DIVISION E
 Weltech Warriors
3 64 140 10 0 0214
4081 Sibi Kp DIVISION E
 Jp X1 CC
5 154 30 30 0 0214
4082 Satheeshkumar Ramadas DIVISION E
 Doha Legends
4 194 20 0 0 0214
 Kombans CC
4 44 140 30 0 0214
4084 Ahmed Bhatti . DIVISION E
 Muaither Titans
5 44 140 30 0 0214
4085 Ysiman Hewage Rasitha Madushan Silva POOL 6
 United Spartans
5 84 100 30 0 0214
4086 Fasin Abubacker DIVISION E
 Engineers XI
1 194 20 0 0 0214
4087 Muhammed Nihal Parambathkandi DIVISION E
 Kings Xi Vadagara
4 214 0 0 0 0214
4088 Arshad Ali DIVISION F
 Calicut Blasterz
3 114 90 10 0 0214
4089 Nasir Sha DIVISION E
 Friends Xi Mangaloreans
8 253 -40 0 0 0213
4090 Salam Mohammad Abbas DIVISION E
 Muaither Titans
1 183 20 10 0 0213
4091 Shanavas Karim DIVISION E
 Limra Friends
17 133 40 40 0 0213
4092 Dilip Mandal POOL 14
 Group Nine 11
13 203 0 10 0 0213
4093 Muneer Np Sf R
 Team Of Qatar
10 123 90 0 0 0213
4094 Shinto Jose DIVISION E
 Desert Court
4 193 0 20 0 0213
4095 Faizan Mohamad DIVISION E
 Muaither Titans
9 82 120 10 0 0212
4096 Darshana Priyantha DIVISION E
 Smashers 11
5 162 30 20 0 0212
4097 Shahid Shah DIVISION E
 Hitters Qatar Red
8 102 80 30 0 0212
4098 Imran Malik POOL 10
 Unique Cricket Club
6 172 10 30 0 0212
 Hitters Qatar Red
4 12 180 20 0 0212
4100 Mahesh J DIVISION E
 Super Gillies Team
6 132 70 10 0 0212
4101 Rabeeh POOL 7
 Rayyan Red Lions
3 92 100 20 0 0212
4102 Kannan Saseendran POOL 3
 Rc Boys
5 132 0 80 0 0212
4103 Tabrez Ahmad POOL 7
3 181 20 10 0 0211
4104 Amir Hasan DIVISION E
 Abu Nakhla
4 201 0 10 0 0211
4105 Arun Xavier POOL 11
 Defenders County Cricket
4 91 110 10 0 0211
4106 Isadkhan Mohamed POOL 13
 White Lions Doha
7 201 0 10 0 0211
4107 Zameer Ahmed DIVISION E
 Friends Xi Mangaloreans
7 121 70 20 0 0211
4108 Abdul Sawad DIVISION E
 Bdk Sporting
6 80 100 30 0 0210
4109 Abhishek Pratap. ( Ab ) DIVISION E
 Indo Warrior
5 200 0 10 0 0210
4110 Monu Sahu DIVISION E
 Indo Warrior
9 100 90 20 0 0210
4111 M D Sakib Sakib DIVISION E
 Oryx Star Cricket
2 210 -10 10 0 0210
4112 Sunil Suni DIVISION E
 Jp X1 CC
2 80 70 10 50 1210
4113 Navid Nawaz DIVISION E
4 160 10 40 0 0210
4114 Subhendu Majhi DIVISION E
 Falcon XI
3 150 20 40 0 0210
4115 Ilham Ilyaseen POOL 7
 Thunder Strikers Doha
13 210 0 0 0 0210
4116 Sharafu QA DIVISION E
 Kombans CC
3 0 210 0 0 0210
4117 Mohammed Jassim POOL 8
 Qatar Bruisers
3 110 70 30 0 0210
4118 Jamsheer Chooriot DIVISION E
 Toss CC
11 210 -20 20 0 0210
4119 Sarvin Santosh DIVISION E
 United Spartans
14 120 10 80 0 0210
4120 Gafoor N P DIVISION E
 Markhiya Blasters
22 190 -20 40 0 0210
4121 Sumesh Thygarajan DIVISION F
 U C T
8 180 0 30 0 0210
4122 Tavvab Ali POOL 4
 Super Brothers
7 89 80 40 0 0209
4123 Sunil Chandran POOL 5
 Truth Fighters
9 89 90 30 0 0209
4124 Muhammad Ali DIVISION E
 Uk Xi (united Kerala Eleven)
4 169 20 20 0 0209
4125 Mohammed Naziruddin Naziruddin DIVISION E
 Limra Friends
7 199 0 10 0 0209
4126 Sadakat Shahin Q
 Jumbo Warriors
5 39 160 10 0 0209
4127 Mohamed Hasik Kp POOL 8
 Chennai Cricketers
10 48 130 30 0 0208
4128 Prabin Prakasan POOL 9
7 138 0 70 0 0208
4129 Noushad Bappu POOL 6
 Kq Friends
15 8 170 30 0 0208
 Rising Stars CC
2 208 0 0 0 0208
4131 Mahfoos Karikkadan Poyil . DIVISION E
 Hawks XI
3 78 60 20 50 1208
4132 Gulamgaush Shaik DIVISION E
10 18 160 30 0 0208
4133 Jojis George DIVISION E
 Omrc XI
6 148 40 20 0 0208
4134 Faizal Qatar Warriors DIVISION F
 D-grill Rockers
3 188 0 20 0 0208
4135 Joshi John DIVISION E
 Trivandrum Challengers
5 48 150 10 0 0208
4136 Dinil V Varghese DIVISION E
 Dreams CC
2 138 40 30 0 0208
4137 Sajan Warriors DIVISION E
 Qecc Warriors
3 97 60 0 50 1207
4138 Irshad Ali DIVISION E
 Falcon XI
6 116 80 10 0 0206
4139 subil ponnaraseri DIVISION E
 Spikes CC
16 116 50 40 0 0206
4140 Sant Vijay DIVISION E
 Gcc Gladiators
10 106 40 60 0 0206
4141 Adhil Azeez DIVISION E
 Blockades XI
9 56 80 70 0 0206
4142 Mohasin Mohammed Ali U
 Vectra Qatar
4 206 0 0 0 0206
4143 Priyaviraj Darmara Thana DIVISION E
 Air Strikers
4 106 100 0 0 0206
4144 Xujith Ek POOL 3
 Qatar Fighters Club
4 95 110 0 0 0205
4145 Sheheer bin ali DIVISION E
 Royals XI
7 85 60 60 0 0205
4146 Abdul Rahim POOL 8
 Qatar Bruisers
8 195 10 0 0 0205
4147 Najeeb Pk DIVISION E
 Oscar C C
13 165 20 20 0 0205
4148 Vyshak Vichu POOL 14
 Qatar Warriors
2 185 -10 30 0 0205
4149 Luckwin Immanuel POOL 11
 Flyers Qatar
6 195 0 10 0 0205
4150 Abdul Rafeeq DIVISION E
 Royal Warriors Qatar
4 45 100 60 0 0205
4151 Shakeer R POOL 13
 Sj Sports
4 155 50 0 0 0205
4152 Santha Gunasekera Widana POOL 16
5 165 30 10 0 0205
4153 Mohammed Shereef Haneef DIVISION E
 Doha Strikers Kunhipalli(dsk)
11 45 90 70 0 0205
4154 Sameer M DIVISION E
 Amigos Qatar
3 184 10 10 0 0204
4155 Vinothkumar Rathnakumar DIVISION E
 Blasters CC
6 174 0 30 0 0204
4156 Asif Tp DIVISION E
 Black Knights
4 124 40 40 0 0204
4157 Abdul salam Kanny poyilthazhakuniyil DIVISION E
 Sand Storm
13 24 170 10 0 0204
4158 Midhun Ck POOL 6
 Q11 Dark Horses
9 154 20 30 0 0204
4159 Kunhabdulla Sixers DIVISION E
 Doha Sixers
10 94 90 20 0 0204
4160 Lahiru Sampath DIVISION E
 Smashers 11
8 84 80 40 0 0204
4161 Mohammed Ali POOL 7
 Doha Fighters
5 104 90 10 0 0204
4162 Mohamad Azar POOL 9
 Victory CC
4 104 90 10 0 0204
4163 Sreerag Thayattu Meethal DIVISION E
 Dessert Warriors
6 154 30 20 0 0204
4164 Mohamed Illiyas Mohamed Mubarak POOL 16
3 123 60 20 0 0203
4165 Arun P DIVISION E
 Deep Blues
2 33 170 0 0 0203
4166 Sikandar Ali POOL 5
 Dqct (dulsco Qatar )
10 103 -40 140 0 0203
4167 Saiful Islam Badsha DIVISION E
 Rising Stars CC
4 193 10 0 0 0203
4168 Saif Khandaker POOL 8
 Bd Bullets
4 53 130 20 0 0203
4169 Abdulla Mohamed Poovadan DIVISION E
 Al Anees Strikers
4 153 50 0 0 0203
4170 Jelin Panengadan Jose Q
 Prakkat Jewellers
5 102 100 0 0 0202
4171 Mohammed Basheer Narayanath DIVISION E
 Hyderabadi Nawab's Super 11
4 122 70 10 0 0202
4172 Vineesh Vijayan DIVISION E
 Uk Xi (united Kerala Eleven)
4 32 170 0 0 0202
4173 Aazan Khan DIVISION E
 Bhopal Hunters
6 62 100 40 0 0202
4174 Shameer Sayed DIVISION E
 Kkm Warriors
17 132 10 60 0 0202
4175 Abdul Khader Mak T
 Doha Cc (dcc)
8 142 20 40 0 0202
4176 Shajal Hameed POOL 14
 Spartans X1
6 62 70 70 0 0202
4177 Sunesh Mani DIVISION F
 Delhi Capitals
12 142 20 40 0 0202
4178 Sajas Thalathil Kottammal DIVISION F
 Kerala C.c
7 11 170 20 0 0201
4179 Jipin Mohan POOL 8
 Royal Warriors
14 101 80 20 0 0201
4180 Satheesh Ponnampalam POOL 3
4 151 0 50 0 0201
4181 Shabeer Hassan DIVISION E
 Strikers Xi - Qatar
8 71 100 30 0 0201
4182 Arun A DIVISION E
 Friends Xi Mangaloreans
6 111 50 40 0 0201
4183 Praveen Hk DIVISION E
 Muhammadense Qatar
3 130 60 10 0 0200
4184 Abdul Aseez Kammulliparambil Hamza . DIVISION E
 Diplomatic C.c
7 190 0 10 0 0200
4185 Jassin Shafi POOL 3
 Al Khor Warriors
6 30 130 40 0 0200
4186 Yonus Y POOL 4
 Caribbeans Qatar
6 200 0 0 0 0200
4187 Hilmy Mohamad DIVISION E
 Trophy Fighters
4 110 60 30 0 0200
4188 Ashraf Knights DIVISION E
 Qecc Knights
4 0 150 0 50 1200
4189 mujeeb muchu DIVISION F
 Calicut Blasterz
2 140 40 20 0 0200
4190 Anees K POOL 5
 Atc Cbq
8 150 50 0 0 0200
4191 S Sahul Rahim DIVISION E
 Friends CC
3 150 20 30 0 0200
4192 Fiyas Ahamad Abubacker POOL 7
 Doha Fighters
5 180 0 20 0 0200
4193 S. Pushba DIVISION E
 Friendship Brothers - Sl
13 90 100 10 0 0200
4194 Shanavas Ahamed POOL 12
5 160 0 40 0 0200
4195 Venkatesan Ravi POOL 11
 Defenders County Cricket
6 199 0 0 0 0199
4196 Vijith Vp DIVISION E
 Doha Legends
7 119 60 20 0 0199
4197 Muhammed Jassil DIVISION E
 Doha Sixers
13 129 40 30 0 0199
4198 Sasi Kiran Poola DIVISION E
2 119 20 10 50 1199
4199 Muhammed Ansari DIVISION E
 Azad Varkala
8 169 -20 50 0 0199
4200 Jeetendra Jithu DIVISION E
 Strikers Xi - Qatar
3 -1 180 20 0 0199
4201 Prabhu Vb DIVISION E
10 79 100 20 0 0199
4202 Shahid Ali POOL 8
7 178 0 20 0 0198
4203 Abdulla Angadiyullathil POOL 5
4 198 0 0 0 0198
4204 Ajas Elamana DIVISION E
 Qatar Bouncers
3 178 10 10 0 0198
4205 Sridhar Reddy Mula DIVISION E
2 198 0 0 0 0198
4206 Maheen Hussain DIVISION E
 Players Xl
5 78 90 30 0 0198
4207 Prosenjeet Mutsudey DIVISION E
 Bd Bullets
5 78 100 20 0 0198
4208 Ali Nawaz DIVISION E
 Mustang XI
7 78 110 10 0 0198
4209 Arif Ali DIVISION E
 Mustang XI
1 118 70 10 0 0198
4210 Jasir Mohammed DIVISION E
 Saltha Boys 11
2 57 120 20 0 0197
4211 Jamil MJ DIVISION E
 Ratnagiri Fighters
3 127 50 20 0 0197
4212 Jamshi J POOL 4
 Q11 Profixo
3 107 40 0 50 1197
4213 Vinoth Kumar Subbaiah POOL 11
 Defenders County Cricket
3 187 0 10 0 0197
4214 Daminda Silva POOL 14
 Group Nine 11
7 107 0 90 0 0197
4215 Sileeb Kumar POOL 6
5 87 60 50 0 0197
4216 Sajivan Saji DIVISION E
7 247 -60 10 0 0197
4217 Virendara Yadav DIVISION E
 Gcc Gladiators
10 116 30 50 0 0196
4218 Vishnu Balachandran DIVISION E
8 146 -20 70 0 0196
4219 Sterleen S DIVISION E
 Kanya Kumari Warriors
1 186 0 10 0 0196
4220 Abdul Muthaleef DIVISION E
 Blockades X1
5 156 0 40 0 0196
4221 Vishnu Vijayakumar DIVISION E
 Strikers Xi - Doha
8 -14 200 10 0 0196
4222 Saneesh T DIVISION E
 Oscar C C
7 126 70 0 0 0196
4223 Vipin Nair POOL 3
 Jp X1
5 146 20 30 0 0196
4224 Shahanoob Cheriyath DIVISION E
 Black Caps CC
8 146 30 20 0 0196
4225 Shameer karim DIVISION E
 Mdt Roadiez
10 146 0 50 0 0196
4226 Sahad Crick X1 DIVISION F
 Cric X1
4 95 80 20 0 0195
4227 Anas Hussain DIVISION E
 Mdt Roadiez
9 35 80 80 0 0195
4228 Sagar P POOL 7
 Mall CC
10 55 110 30 0 0195
4229 Mujeeb Basheer DIVISION E
 Blockades X1
19 205 -90 80 0 0195
4230 Ismail Abdullah Makkan DIVISION E
 Doha Tigers
12 35 100 60 0 0195
 Vcc Qatar
10 35 120 40 0 0195
 Revenge Boys
10 15 160 20 0 0195
4233 Asharaf Sha DIVISION E
9 125 0 70 0 0195
4234 Aswar NAM U
 City Exchange CC
3 95 90 10 0 0195
4235 Sham Stars DIVISION E
 Qecc Stars
3 134 60 0 0 0194
4236 Sidhiq Sharafudheen POOL 3
 Al Khor Warriors
8 -16 0 210 0 0194
4237 Nazar Vysamveettil Abdulla POOL 10
 Salwa Monsters
13 164 20 10 0 0194
4238 Maharoof Ka U
 Vectra Qatar
8 124 30 40 0 0194
4239 Akber Kabeer DIVISION E
11 184 0 10 0 0194
4240 Nasil C DIVISION E
6 173 20 0 0 0193
4241 Nizam Abdul Latheef DIVISION E
 Doha Eagles
3 43 140 10 0 0193
4242 Ebin John POOL 11
 Flyers Qatar
18 83 50 60 0 0193
4243 Vadivel Rajappan DIVISION E
 Nysa CC
5 13 160 20 0 0193
4244 Boobesh TSK DIVISION E
 Tamil Nadu Super Kings (tsk)
6 183 0 10 0 0193
4245 Shince Mathew DIVISION E
 Bin Omran United
7 113 20 60 0 0193
4246 Saj Thomas POOL 5
 Red Hawks
16 153 0 40 0 0193
4247 Nikhil Mohandas DIVISION E
 Boom Boom C C
2 183 0 10 0 0193
4248 Suneesh Nd POOL 9
 Petroserv CC
10 -7 120 80 0 0193
4249 Sazzad Hossain DIVISION E
 Victorian Stars Doha
3 72 120 0 0 0192
4250 Khaleel Mohammed DIVISION E
 Bhopal Hunters
12 172 -10 30 0 0192
4251 Manimaran DIVISION E
 Silent Killers
4 132 50 10 0 0192
4252 Shanavas Shana R
 Fighters Qatar
5 72 80 40 0 0192
4253 Mohammad Helal DIVISION E
 Bd Bullets
5 132 40 20 0 0192
4254 Salim Kutty POOL 10
 Gharrafa XI
4 -8 190 10 0 0192
4255 Shabeerali Munakkal Shamsu POOL 9
 Masters CC
10 2 180 10 0 0192
4256 Vinish Kumar DIVISION E
3 22 130 40 0 0192
4257 Yasin Mastan DIVISION E
 Ratnagiri Riders
5 182 0 10 0 0192
4258 Mohamed Rifkhan POOL 6
8 152 0 40 0 0192
4259 Arun K Jayan DIVISION E
 Jp X1 CC
2 102 90 0 0 0192
4260 Saddam Hussain POOL 8
 Phoenix X1
7 191 0 0 0 0191
4261 Jassim Siraj R
8 151 40 0 0 0191
4262 Mufeed Legends DIVISION E
 Rc Boys
12 61 100 30 0 0191
4263 Kumara Singha DIVISION E
 Bmc Chargers
4 161 30 0 0 0191
4264 Gowthaman Balasubramanian DIVISION E
 11 Indians
18 141 0 50 0 0191
4265 mmm Mm POOL 15
 Delhi Capitals
2 81 90 20 0 0191
4266 Sijo Thomas POOL 5
 Truth Fighters
6 41 90 60 0 0191
4267 Ramees Valiya Parambath DIVISION E
 Vectra Qatar
6 70 60 60 0 0190
4268 Ajmal Kk DIVISION E
 Team Of Qatar
14 100 30 60 0 0190
4269 Hussain Hatim DIVISION E
 Blockades X1
6 20 140 30 0 0190
4270 Sunil Kumar DIVISION E
 Friends Xi Mangaloreans
3 130 30 30 0 0190
4271 Shijil LK DIVISION F
 Calicut Blasterz
3 130 30 30 0 0190
4272 Jude Reginold DIVISION E
 Sanford XI
11 110 10 70 0 0190
4273 Sachin Pradeep POOL 5
 The Monks
9 0 160 30 0 0190
4274 Ramal Rais DIVISION E
 Sun Max CC
6 -10 160 40 0 0190
4275 Abdul Karim Ansari DIVISION E
 Lucky Star
5 100 50 40 0 0190
4276 Mirza Tarique POOL 9
 Kokan Stars
4 0 150 40 0 0190
4277 Muhammed Faisal POOL 4
 Q11 Profixo
3 150 20 20 0 0190
4278 Renjith Ravidran DIVISION E
 Rising Stars Doha
14 160 10 20 0 0190
4279 Fasil Mezhathur DIVISION E
 Jp X1 CC
2 130 60 0 0 0190
4280 Roushif Abdul POOL 5
 Red Hawks
6 79 80 30 0 0189
4281 Basit Khattak POOL 7
9 109 40 40 0 0189
4282 Irshad S U POOL 4
 Aldar Blasters
9 179 0 10 0 0189
4283 Sunil Ks DIVISION F
 Dejawu C C-dcc
6 179 0 10 0 0189
4284 Sakthivel Ramasamy POOL 7
 Telugu Warriors
10 159 10 20 0 0189
4285 Jyothish Krishnan Kochukrishnan DIVISION E
 Team Raptors
9 29 120 40 0 0189
4286 Ajish Paul Valookaran Pual DIVISION E
 Rising Stars Doha
5 69 80 40 0 0189
4287 Sajeer Tb DIVISION F
9 139 30 20 0 0189
4288 Jeevan Panikar DIVISION E
 Doha Challengers
4 129 50 10 0 0189
4289 Riyaz Mohamed POOL 11
 Defenders County Cricket
9 39 120 30 0 0189
4290 Noushad Hitters DIVISION E
 Hitters Qatar Green
10 -12 100 100 0 0188
4291 Tanveen Mohammed DIVISION E
 Mangalore Warriors
8 38 120 30 0 0188
4292 Adam Badeghar DIVISION E
 Defenders CC
3 188 0 0 0 0188
4293 Sabu Baburaj POOL 5
 Toivo Qatar
13 138 0 50 0 0188
4294 Ziya Ul Haq DIVISION E
 Lemax Riders
3 148 40 0 0 0188
4295 Afsal Karim U
 Vectra Qatar
12 -12 170 30 0 0188
4296 Christo Mathew DIVISION E
 Uk Xi (united Kerala Eleven)
2 88 100 0 0 0188
4297 Asif Muzaffar DIVISION E
 Cofely Challengers
7 118 20 50 0 0188
4298 Shiva Rajkumar DIVISION E
 Bmc Chargers
6 188 0 0 0 0188
4299 Babban Khan DIVISION E
 Victorian Stars Doha
2 138 50 0 0 0188
4300 Harshad Kasim Dadu DIVISION E
 Mahe CC
1 118 70 0 0 0188
4301 Shamsad Alam DIVISION F
 Nepal XI
7 188 0 0 0 0188
4302 Rinshad Muthu POOL 11
5 118 50 20 0 0188
4303 Rashith Mohamed DIVISION E
 Mcc Qatar
5 157 10 20 0 0187
4304 Mohammed Haneefa POOL 13
 Boyzone Qatar
4 177 0 10 0 0187
 Hitters Qatar Blue
2 137 40 10 0 0187
4306 Rajendran Chellasamy DIVISION E
 Friends CC
3 127 30 30 0 0187
4307 Anas K 73 POOL 7
 Golden Knights
8 97 50 40 0 0187
4308 Ibrahim Muthu DIVISION E
 Crazy X1
2 97 90 0 0 0187
4309 Noushad Kp POOL 3
 Fighters Qatar
6 -3 170 20 0 0187
4310 Waseem Sharrif POOL 5
 Dqct (dulsco Qatar )
7 27 110 50 0 0187
4311 Praveen M DIVISION E
 Doha Vikings
5 156 20 10 0 0186
4312 Mohammed Siyam Sattar POOL 4
 White Tigers
2 166 0 20 0 0186
4313 Alex Thomas Vayalattu DIVISION E
 Qatar Super Kings
18 -24 110 100 0 0186
4314 Sumesh Surendran DIVISION E
 Ntd Knights
10 36 110 40 0 0186
4315 Anas Kanjayi DIVISION E
 Team Of Qatar
16 166 -10 30 0 0186
4316 Bhuvaneshwar Ashokan DIVISION E
 11 Indians
8 155 10 20 0 0185
4317 Mohammad Hamid Khan Hamid POOL 10
 Tata Sports C C
4 185 0 0 0 0185
4318 Nyjil Joy DIVISION E
6 165 20 0 0 0185
4319 Sadiq Kadavath DIVISION E
 Ksd11 Qatar
6 65 90 30 0 0185
4320 Ali Akbar DIVISION E
 Vcc Qatar
6 155 20 10 0 0185
4321 Roshith Urundolil DIVISION E
 Team Raptors
2 85 70 30 0 0185
4322 Anand Rajan DIVISION E
 Doha Vikings
2 125 60 0 0 0185
4323 Janoos Abdul Majeed DIVISION E
 Qatar Lions
8 115 40 30 0 0185
4324 Vinu Varghese DIVISION E
 Dreams CC
10 144 40 0 0 0184
4325 Danil Sukumaran DIVISION E
 Itelligent CC
2 134 30 20 0 0184
4326 Chanthu Karan POOL 7
7 154 30 0 0 0184
4327 Rajif Mahe DIVISION E
 Sanford XI
11 144 20 20 0 0184
4328 Naiyum Hussain POOL 5
 Jumbo Warriors
18 -6 60 130 0 0184
4329 Imran Khan DIVISION E
 G4s Phenoix
12 84 70 30 0 0184
4330 Saran Raj DIVISION E
 Blue Warriors
3 4 160 20 0 0184
4331 Ziyad Ali POOL 11
 Youthforum Companions
8 124 60 0 0 0184
4332 Prajith Girijan DIVISION E
 Royal Warriors Qatar
5 163 0 20 0 0183
4333 Afsal Pk R
 Fighters Qatar
11 73 60 50 0 0183
4334 Rishil Pk DIVISION E
 Unipart 11
13 153 20 10 0 0183
4335 Jameel Ag DIVISION E
 Calicut Blasterz
4 43 140 0 0 0183
4336 Rejith Arumughan POOL 7
4 43 130 10 0 0183
4337 Waseem DIVISION E
 Cofely Challengers
4 133 30 20 0 0183
4338 Mohammed Tasleem DIVISION E
 Smart Qatar
4 133 20 30 0 0183
4339 Nitesh Kumar Dutt DIVISION E
 Cofely Challengers
5 -7 170 20 0 0183
4340 Vishnu Saseendran POOL 6
5 13 140 30 0 0183
4341 Sanju Sajeesh POOL 7
10 183 0 0 0 0183
4342 Karthi K POOL 6
 Spartans-qatar CC
5 102 40 40 0 0182
4343 Tharindu A T DIVISION E
 Air Tech CC
5 72 80 30 0 0182
4344 Adinarayana Vakkapatla POOL 10
 Salwa Monsters
4 2 130 50 0 0182
4345 Mohammed Niyas? DIVISION E
 Rc Boys
3 182 0 0 0 0182
4346 Prajeesh Preman DIVISION E
12 112 50 20 0 0182
4347 Sidheeq Thayale Mottammal DIVISION E
10 172 -30 40 0 0182
4348 Shafeek As U
 City Exchange CC
7 122 30 30 0 0182
4349 Ummar Farooq POOL 4
 Strikers X1 Doha
8 122 0 60 0 0182
4350 Riyaz Gee DIVISION E
 Bin Omran United
7 142 20 20 0 0182
4351 Ashiq Ali DIVISION E
 Super Heroes
22 101 10 70 0 0181
4352 Niyas Kallikkal T
 Beach CC
8 131 30 20 0 0181
4353 Ajmal Dgrill DIVISION F
 D-grill Rockers
2 131 0 0 50 1181
 Q11 Red Lions
18 111 40 30 0 0181
4355 Ashker Mv DIVISION E
 Super Heroes
11 11 90 80 0 0181
4356 Faiyaz Ali DIVISION E
 Man Strikers
9 71 90 20 0 0181
4357 Mohammed Tariq Iqbal POOL 9
3 171 0 10 0 0181
4358 Sajeer Kollam DIVISION F
 Amigos Qatar
6 91 90 0 0 0181
4359 Sabu S DIVISION E
 S-thanz XI
11 151 0 30 0 0181
4360 Kawsar 30445494 DIVISION E
 Egss Ummsalal
3 1 180 0 0 0181
4361 Midhun Krishnanivas DIVISION E
 Doha Challengers
9 140 10 30 0 0180
4362 Ahmad Siraj DIVISION E
 Ksd11 Qatar
4 -10 150 40 0 0180
4363 Saddam Mansuri DIVISION E
11 160 0 20 0 0180
4364 Rahil Chathoth Kandiyil POOL 11
2 130 0 50 0 0180
4365 Nishad Boomerlla DIVISION E
 Qatar Vibrants
8 -10 190 0 0 0180
4366 Soman kumar DIVISION F
 Nepal XI
8 70 90 20 0 0180
4367 Shinju S POOL 4
 Innings Star
5 0 160 20 0 0180
4368 Gafoor Vattakandiyil DIVISION E
 Dreamer Ksd
2 0 160 20 0 0180
4369 Muhammed Jemnas DIVISION E
 Friends 11 Doha
3 120 0 60 0 0180
4370 Riyaz Rahim DIVISION E
 Mangalore Warriors
2 -10 180 10 0 0180
4371 Ahsan Jamil DIVISION E
 Bmc X1
3 129 10 40 0 0179
4372 Anas A T
 Kerala Strikers
4 139 30 10 0 0179
4373 Samsudeen A Ifam DIVISION E
 Qatar Lions
2 119 30 30 0 0179
4374 Muhammed Riyas POOL 9
 Toivo Qatar
5 49 110 20 0 0179
4375 Nasar POOL 4
 Hitters Qatar
4 149 20 10 0 0179
4376 Afzal Shaik DIVISION E
10 79 50 50 0 0179
4377 Fawas siyavudheen DIVISION E
 Mdt Roadiez
6 69 60 50 0 0179
4378 Kamal Gyawali DIVISION E
 Bmc Chargers
6 9 120 50 0 0179
4379 Brahmaiah Vemula Venkateswarlu Vemula DIVISION E
6 98 50 30 0 0178
4380 Alex Mathew DIVISION E
 Rising Stars Doha
3 168 10 0 0 0178
4381 Arun Jayan N POOL 3
 Jp X1
3 108 70 0 0 0178
4382 Mohamed Imran DIVISION E
 Silent Killers
5 158 0 20 0 0178
4383 Sajuvan Sainulabdeen DIVISION E
 Indo Qatar Cc - Iqcc
2 188 -20 10 0 0178
4384 Saheer Mallali DIVISION E
 Combines XI
9 58 20 100 0 0178
4385 Shihad Koleentavida DIVISION F
2 158 10 10 0 0178
4386 Tanveer Hurzuk POOL 6
 Kokan Stars
5 78 70 30 0 0178
4387 Muthalif Abdul DIVISION E
 Blockades XI
6 147 0 30 0 0177
4388 V. Balamurali DIVISION E
 Spartans CC
2 117 0 10 50 1177
4389 Ashan Bonso DIVISION E
 Super King Boys C C
10 -13 80 110 0 0177
4390 Vinoth Nagarajan Kumar DIVISION E
 Mcc Qatar
2 177 0 0 0 0177
4391 Shoaib H DIVISION E
 Q11 Dark Horses
3 137 30 10 0 0177
4392 Visakh Kumar Sasidharan Nair DIVISION E
 Doha Eagles
7 67 100 10 0 0177
4393 Shameer Korakkakodan Majeed DIVISION E
 Salwa Monsters Qatar
4 87 80 10 0 0177
4394 Shahabas Shabu DIVISION E
5 76 60 40 0 0176
4395 Shiju John DIVISION E
 Mall CC
9 116 40 20 0 0176
4396 Suvidh A S DIVISION E
14 155 0 20 0 0175
4397 Mohamed Dilhan DIVISION E
 Egale Red Boys
2 155 0 20 0 0175
4398 Altaf Mukadam POOL 6
 Kokan Stars
10 105 30 40 0 0175
4399 Safran Mohamed DIVISION E
 Blasters CC
4 125 20 30 0 0175
4400 Shaabin Mohamed DIVISION E
 Super Heroes
5 115 20 40 0 0175
4401 Sadiq Ahamad DIVISION E
 Kingsmen Cricketers (kmc)
4 165 10 0 0 0175
4402 Akhil Anand DIVISION E
 Uk Xi (united Kerala Eleven)
4 105 0 70 0 0175
4403 Anil Pratap POOL 9
 Thyseen Warriors
7 155 0 20 0 0175
4404 Arun A DIVISION E
15 164 0 10 0 0174
4405 Nithesh C T DIVISION E
2 134 20 20 0 0174
4406 Siddiq Haneefa DIVISION E
 Golden Knights
3 174 0 0 0 0174
4407 Muhammed Shareef POOL 8
6 74 80 20 0 0174
4408 Indika Rajakarunage DIVISION E
 Dragon Gym
2 164 0 10 0 0174
4409 Haris K POOL 3
 Fighters Qatar
9 143 0 30 0 0173
4410 Dinesh Kumar DIVISION E
5 133 10 30 0 0173
4411 Muhammed Vazayil POOL 15
 Hawks X1
3 63 110 0 0 0173
4412 Suhail Mahammad POOL 4
 Strikers X1 Doha
8 -7 140 40 0 0173
4413 Thanver Hurzuk POOL 3
4 -17 120 70 0 0173
4414 Athif Ali DIVISION E
 Rising Stars CC
3 143 20 10 0 0173
4415 Jamsheer A DIVISION E
 Combines XI
6 173 -10 10 0 0173
4416 Anuram Kailas DIVISION E
5 62 90 20 0 0172
4417 Aftab Zafar POOL 7
 Royal Strikers
2 2 170 0 0 0172
4418 Shakeel Mohamed DIVISION E
 Cofely Challengers
7 142 0 30 0 0172
4419 Madhu Soman (c ) DIVISION E
 Rayyan Boys
5 -18 130 60 0 0172
4420 Ramees Hanan DIVISION F
5 42 110 20 0 0172
4421 Babu Palagiri DIVISION E
 Spartans XI
2 52 120 0 0 0172
 All Rounders Qatar
7 62 90 20 0 0172
4423 Jijin M DIVISION E
 Engineers XI
1 72 100 0 0 0172
4424 Jigesh Kansara DIVISION E
 Khalifa Strikers
7 182 -20 10 0 0172
4425 Imran M.i.a DIVISION E
 Smashers 11
4 132 20 20 0 0172
4426 Manaf Cherukunninakath POOL 3
 Hilal X1
8 172 -20 20 0 0172
4427 Sinish Sivadasan . DIVISION E
8 71 40 60 0 0171
4428 Noufal Noufu POOL 5
9 81 70 20 0 0171
4429 Salahudheen Ameen DIVISION E
 Diplomatic C.c
6 161 10 0 0 0171
4430 Shareef Azeez POOL 3
 Qatar Fighters Club
4 111 30 30 0 0171
4431 Mofar Mohammad Muffar DIVISION E
 Red Lions Rayyan
7 151 0 20 0 0171
4432 Sukatharsan Subramaniam POOL 8
 Chennai Cricketers
3 111 40 20 0 0171
4433 Shaik Sadik DIVISION E
3 61 90 20 0 0171
4434 Aabid Farooq Mir U
 Mustang XI
10 81 20 70 0 0171
4435 Harikrishnan Nair Krishnankutty DIVISION E
 Token CC
5 1 140 30 0 0171
4436 Mohamed Hameem POOL 13
 White Lions Doha
8 150 0 20 0 0170
4437 Henry Jayahar John Bosco POOL 8
 Team Cricket Buddies
1 100 60 10 0 0170
4438 Dikshith Nambiar DIVISION E
 Lemax Riders
5 150 10 10 0 0170
4439 Mohammed Yaseen DIVISION E
 Bdk Sporting
4 170 0 0 0 0170
4440 Khizar Deshmukh DIVISION E
 Mumbai Fighters
2 90 70 10 0 0170
4441 Amsoor N DIVISION E
 Q11 Dark Horses
4 10 150 10 0 0170
4442 Shajeer Sha POOL 3
 Qatar Fighters Club
6 80 70 20 0 0170
4443 Noushad Chalil DIVISION E
 Rising Stars Doha
5 170 -30 30 0 0170
4444 Shahabudeen Mohamad Salhudeen POOL 10
 Tata Sports C C
6 130 20 20 0 0170
4445 Sabith Valappil POOL 4
 Sparks XI
5 160 0 10 0 0170
4446 Pringle Preman DIVISION E
 Token CC
4 0 120 50 0 0170
4447 Shafi Muhammed POOL 14
 Masters CC
3 100 0 70 0 0170
4448 Sandeep S DIVISION E
 Java X1
3 0 150 20 0 0170
4449 Shaheer Ahamed DIVISION E
 Muhammadense Qatar
2 9 160 0 0 0169
4450 Vyshakh Kp . DIVISION E
3 159 0 10 0 0169
4451 Ismail Ashfaq DIVISION E
 Doha Eagles
3 109 40 20 0 0169
4452 Chalinda Gayan DIVISION E
 Smashers 11
5 -1 160 10 0 0169
4453 Bijendra Vijayan POOL 4
 Vh Warriors
13 -1 150 20 0 0169
4454 Subeesh Vilakkathara Thankappan DIVISION E
 Spartan Kings
9 109 50 10 0 0169
4455 Suhail Khani DIVISION E
 Uk Xi (united Kerala Eleven)
4 109 20 40 0 0169
4456 Jagan Nimmagadda POOL 7
 Telugu Warriors
4 129 30 10 0 0169
4457 Irshad I T
 Kerala Strikers
4 108 50 10 0 0168
4458 Afsal achu DIVISION E
 Amigos Qatar
4 128 0 40 0 0168
4459 Chanakya C DIVISION F
 Calicut Blasterz
1 108 60 0 0 0168
4460 Ajith Babu DIVISION E
 Dreamz 11
6 168 0 0 0 0168
4461 Mohamad Shafeeq DIVISION E
 Indo Qatar Cc - Iqcc
4 168 -10 10 0 0168
4462 Thivesan Vivekananthan DIVISION E
1 98 60 10 0 0168
4463 Alby M P DIVISION E
 Indo Warrior
5 38 100 30 0 0168
4464 Nyas Jabbar DIVISION E
 Drillers CC
6 168 -30 30 0 0168
4465 Muhamed Shahid Mc DIVISION E
 Blasters CC
1 98 30 40 0 0168
 Studs Of Qatar
3 158 0 10 0 0168
4467 Vijil Katyath DIVISION E
 Black Knights
4 168 -10 10 0 0168
4468 Anseer Mp DIVISION E
6 97 60 10 0 0167
4469 Ramsik Ramsi DIVISION E
 Planners Qatar CC
1 117 50 0 0 0167
4470 Aneesh Kumar DIVISION E
13 67 0 100 0 0167
4471 Noushad Mp R
 Fighters Qatar
5 57 60 50 0 0167
4472 Arun Varghese DIVISION E
 Flyers Qatar (f.c.c)
3 137 -10 40 0 0167
4473 Sanoob S POOL 11
4 37 90 40 0 0167
4474 Rasheed V M DIVISION E
 Doha Dynamos
5 -3 130 40 0 0167
4475 Binu Suku DIVISION E
 Rising Stars
10 117 40 10 0 0167
4476 Shanavas Nadeera POOL 4
 Strikers X1 Doha
13 117 20 30 0 0167
4477 Remjith Premjith DIVISION E
 Crazy X1
1 6 100 10 50 1166
4478 Afsal Pa DIVISION E
5 186 -30 10 0 0166
4479 Ramesh Krishna DIVISION E
 Spartans CC
4 56 80 30 0 0166
4480 Nooh Hameed POOL 10
 Royal Tigers
9 146 0 20 0 0166
4481 Manu Mohan DIVISION E
 Black Mamba
7 96 30 40 0 0166
4482 M D Dilshad Khan DIVISION E
 Oryx Star Cricket
2 126 20 20 0 0166
4483 Imran Khan Imran DIVISION E
 Galaxy CC
4 116 10 40 0 0166
4484 Renjith R DIVISION E
 G4s Phenoix
3 196 -30 0 0 0166
4485 Sadham Husain K DIVISION E
 Kq Friends
13 116 40 10 0 0166
4486 Mohamed Rifkhan DIVISION E
 Qatar Blue XI
7 126 0 40 0 0166
4487 Abdul Rifayis DIVISION E
 Dragon Gym
4 165 0 0 0 0165
4488 Mohamed Nafris POOL 13
 White Lions Doha
10 125 10 30 0 0165
4489 Shamas Din Zulfiqar POOL 5
 Ccrc Warriors
3 85 80 0 0 0165
4490 Mohammed Afsal DIVISION E
 Royals XI
6 115 40 10 0 0165
4491 Mohammaed Haris DIVISION E
 Bdk Sporting
3 184 -20 0 0 0164
4492 Jimthash Ayathayil Moidunny DIVISION E
 Diplomatic C.c
8 74 0 90 0 0164
4493 Jahangir Ali DIVISION E
 Kingsmen Cricketers (kmc)
4 54 80 30 0 0164
4494 Mohammed Suhail DIVISION E
 Dreams CC
7 54 100 10 0 0164
4495 Khan Sakib DIVISION E
 Victorian Stars Doha
5 124 -10 50 0 0164
4496 Abdul Fahis B.n . DIVISION E
 Ksd11 Qatar
10 74 60 30 0 0164
4497 Muneeb Rahman Keedakkadan . DIVISION E
 Friday CC
6 74 70 20 0 0164
4498 Nishanth Puthiyakandam POOL 6
4 124 40 0 0 0164
4499 Bijoy Rajan DIVISION E
10 4 150 10 0 0164
4500 Rifas Gillies DIVISION E
 Super Gillies Team
6 54 110 0 0 0164
4501 Amin Sha POOL 15
 Matar Kings
10 14 100 50 0 0164
4502 Sanu Gopi S
 Rc Boys
4 74 50 40 0 0164
4503 Mohammed Tajamul Hussain DIVISION E
 Hyderabadi Nawab's Super 11
5 -6 140 30 0 0164
4504 Abdul Manaf DIVISION E
 Q11 Red Lions
4 53 60 50 0 0163
4505 Saurav Ravindran R DIVISION E
9 43 60 60 0 0163
4506 Pradeep Puliyanmana DIVISION E
5 33 100 30 0 0163
4507 Ismail K DIVISION E
 Oscar C C
5 113 20 30 0 0163
4508 Mahmudur Rahman DIVISION E
 Bd Bullets
5 53 90 20 0 0163
4509 Abdul Kader Nellikkunnu Salam . DIVISION E
 Friday CC
10 133 0 30 0 0163
4510 Anto Mathew DIVISION E
 Classic CC
2 52 100 10 0 0162
4511 Raghuram Lakshmansamy DIVISION E
 Java X1
11 42 90 30 0 0162
4512 Muthu Kumar DIVISION E
 Pearl Eleven CC
9 62 100 0 0 0162
4513 Sahaya Sathish DIVISION E
 Kk Warriors
3 72 90 0 0 0162
4514 Farhad Qadeer DIVISION E
 Black Panthers
7 32 130 0 0 0162
4515 Alameen 66082066 DIVISION E
 Egss Ummsalal
2 152 0 10 0 0162
4516 Saifudheen K DIVISION E
 Kq Friends
14 71 60 30 0 0161
4517 Shabeer SRK POOL 3
 All Rounders Qatar
4 151 0 10 0 0161
4518 Mohammed Jassim DIVISION E
 Doha Blasters
8 121 -20 60 0 0161
4519 Ganti Shravan Kumar DIVISION E
 Omrc XI
6 111 40 10 0 0161
4520 Yousuf Abdul Rahman DIVISION F
 Victory CC
1 121 40 0 0 0161
4521 Krishna Prasaad Radhakrishnan DIVISION E
 Team Ghados
6 141 0 20 0 0161
4522 Prabith Prabhakaran POOL 12
4 131 20 10 0 0161
4523 Aneesh Muralidharan DIVISION E
2 50 100 10 0 0160
4524 Irfan Maldar DIVISION E
 Ratnagiri Fighters
4 160 -10 10 0 0160
4525 Yaseer Arafath POOL 5
 Jumbo Warriors
3 110 40 10 0 0160
4526 Sadiq Moideen POOL 7
 Friday CC
3 120 40 0 0 0160
4527 Sumudu Dulan POOL 9
 Thyseen Warriors
6 70 70 20 0 0160
4528 Noushad Md Basheer DIVISION E
 Qatar Winners
4 120 10 30 0 0160
4529 Sabrin Mohammed DIVISION E
 Trophy Fighters
3 -10 160 10 0 0160
4530 Nihab hussain DIVISION E
 Gcc Gladiators
9 60 80 20 0 0160
4531 Md Sani POOL 16
 Blue Warriors
6 0 90 70 0 0160
4532 Akash Unnikuttan DIVISION E
 Spikes CC
8 -1 130 30 0 0159
4533 Jashim 66745531 DIVISION E
 Egss Ummsalal
3 49 100 10 0 0159
4534 Dharamvir Divaker DIVISION E
 Indo Warrior
4 129 0 30 0 0159
4535 Shaik Chanbasha DIVISION E
 Hyderabadi Nawab's Super 11
4 59 100 0 0 0159
4536 Abdul Cader (Thahseen) DIVISION E
 Qatar Lions
3 29 130 0 0 0159
4537 Thaju Dheen POOL 3
 Doha Boys
4 149 0 10 0 0159
4538 Thousef Kadakulath POOL 11
 Muaither Titans
6 -11 160 10 0 0159
4539 Hamras Tmh POOL 4
 Caribbeans Qatar
3 129 10 20 0 0159
4540 Irfan Mohd DIVISION E
 Hiq CC
1 99 50 10 0 0159
 Vcc Qatar
7 209 -60 10 0 0159
4542 Baskaran Thamarai Selvam DIVISION E
 Qatar Super Kings
21 -11 80 90 0 0159
4543 Saif Muhammed DIVISION E
4 128 0 30 0 0158
4544 Shibin K P POOL 5
 Spartans XI
1 128 0 30 0 0158
4545 Rafeeq M Ibrahim R
 Team Of Qatar
9 18 130 10 0 0158
4546 Rifas Mohamad DIVISION E
 Ceylonians CC
14 128 20 10 0 0158
4547 Vimod Chandran DIVISION E
19 128 0 30 0 0158
4548 Manu Murali DIVISION E
 Qatar Bouncers
3 118 0 40 0 0158
4549 Jifnoon Abdeen POOL 7
 Super King Boys CC
4 108 40 10 0 0158
4550 Ramesh k DIVISION F
 Amigos Qatar
5 118 0 40 0 0158
4551 Arif Ullah POOL 9
5 138 0 20 0 0158
4552 Unni Jithin POOL 3
 Yct Qatar
8 87 60 10 0 0157
4553 SP. Nathan POOL 15
 Friendship Brothers - Si
10 187 -40 10 0 0157
4554 Shakil Khan POOL 11
 Muaither Titans
4 127 10 20 0 0157
4555 Nisam Zak DIVISION E
 Royal Fighters Cricket
5 147 0 10 0 0157
4556 Mohamed Salick DIVISION E
 Silent Killers
7 97 30 30 0 0157
4557 Hari Krishnan Vijayan Pillai Hari T
 Doha Cc (dcc)
11 37 70 50 0 0157
4558 Lucky Riar DIVISION E
 Abu Nakhla
3 157 0 0 0 0157
4559 DHARMALINGAM Darmaraja POOL 4
 Salwa Monsters
6 -3 100 60 0 0157
4560 Thangamaheswaran DIVISION E
 Pearl Eleven CC
3 117 30 10 0 0157
4561 Nithin Mohanan DIVISION E
 Black Knights
2 107 0 50 0 0157
4562 Afrar Mohamed DIVISION E
 Friends CC
3 147 0 10 0 0157
4563 Ameen Muhammed DIVISION E
 Spartan Strickers
7 127 0 30 0 0157
4564 Aneesh DIVISION E
 Salwa Monsters Qatar
7 156 0 0 0 0156
4565 Yousaf Safarulla POOL 3
 Al Khor Warriors
4 -14 170 0 0 0156
4566 Shaan Khan DIVISION F
 Unique CC
1 116 30 10 0 0156
4567 Aboobakar Siddiq POOL 14
 The Look
5 86 60 10 0 0156
4568 Suresh Thangam POOL 9
 Petroserv CC
7 106 -10 60 0 0156
4569 Mohammed Ali DIVISION E
 Doha Fighters
3 165 -40 30 0 0155
4570 Thansar Thajudeen DIVISION E
4 65 70 20 0 0155
4571 Nikhil Balakrishna POOL 9
 Petroserv CC
8 105 40 10 0 0155
4572 Nousheed M P DIVISION E
 Leaders Qatar
3 145 0 10 0 0155
4573 Rajan Kovil Thekkevalappil Shanmughan POOL 10
 Fcs Qatar
5 155 0 0 0 0155
 Bmc X1
7 35 90 30 0 0155
4575 Suhail Subair T
 Smart Qatar
4 155 0 0 0 0155
4576 Navanit Tiwari DIVISION E
3 44 90 20 0 0154
4577 Vikesh A DIVISION E
 Kk Warriors
6 94 20 40 0 0154
4578 Wasim Khan DIVISION E
 Janjira Sports Club ( Jsc )
2 104 50 0 0 0154
4579 Samir Fahim DIVISION E
 Janjira Sports Club ( Jsc )
4 64 40 50 0 0154
4580 Pintu Bhardwaj DIVISION E
 Ezgawa Tigers
9 24 70 60 0 0154
4581 Haris Yarikkal DIVISION E
6 4 110 40 0 0154
4582 Nadeem Usman DIVISION F
 Chennai Cricketers
3 64 60 30 0 0154
4583 Mohammed Thaha Shuhaib.u.b . DIVISION E
 Friday CC
10 64 60 30 0 0154
4584 Nafih Haneefa POOL 4
7 154 0 0 0 0154
4585 Affan Deshmukh DIVISION E
 Mumbai Fighters
3 104 -20 70 0 0154
4586 Siraj Barka POOL 4
5 154 0 0 0 0154
4587 Md Iqbal Hossain DIVISION E
 Doha Friends XI
1 103 0 0 50 1153
4588 Mohamed Kani DIVISION E
 Defenders CC
1 33 70 50 0 0153
4589 Sudhakara Hariyappa Shetty POOL 16
 Gcc Gladiators
2 153 0 0 0 0153
4590 Thaju A K DIVISION E
 Classic CC
6 43 90 20 0 0153
4591 Shamsh Badar DIVISION E
 Jsr Warriors
2 93 50 10 0 0153
4592 Mohamed Shuhaib DIVISION E
 Blue Whales
5 123 20 10 0 0153
4593 Selvanathan A. DIVISION E
 Energy Technical Services(ets)
5 133 10 10 0 0153
4594 Mohammed Shareef DIVISION E
 Smart Qatar
1 152 0 0 0 0152
4595 Mohammed Arif DIVISION E
 Ratnagiri Riders
3 52 100 0 0 0152
4596 Kaimas Moinuddin DIVISION E
 Rising Stars CC
1 102 50 0 0 0152
4597 Sakthivel Samuthirapandi POOL 8
 Team Cricket Buddies
10 92 50 10 0 0152
4598 Anvar Moossa DIVISION E
 Doha Vikings
1 152 0 0 0 0152
4599 Rahul Raju DIVISION E
 Black Knights
1 42 70 40 0 0152
4600 Akshan Surve POOL 4
 Kokan Boys
5 142 -10 20 0 0152
4601 Sarjoon Rahmathullah DIVISION E
 Friends CC
3 32 80 40 0 0152
4602 Bineesh Mk DIVISION E
 Calicut Blasterz Blue
11 112 0 40 0 0152
4603 Acquib Javid DIVISION E
 Defenders CC
2 142 -10 20 0 0152
4604 Samir Hasware DIVISION E
 Janjira Sports Club ( Jsc )
4 92 50 10 0 0152
4605 Ajayan Jana DIVISION E
4 11 110 30 0 0151
 Doha Warriors
7 141 10 0 0 0151
4607 Nihad M DIVISION E
 Team Lulu
18 41 60 50 0 0151
4608 Aroof Ali POOL 4
 Vh Warriors
1 151 0 0 0 0151
4609 Kausar Ishaq DIVISION E
 Mangalore Warriors
5 91 30 30 0 0151
4610 AbuZakwan Manasiya DIVISION E
 Khalifa Strikers
12 161 -20 10 0 0151
4611 Ramshad R P DIVISION E
 Dominoz Qatar
1 61 90 0 0 0151
4612 Shajin Arulrose DIVISION E
8 -9 110 50 0 0151
4613 Riyaz Kolliyil DIVISION E
 Qatar Winners
6 141 0 10 0 0151
4614 Tinu Jose DIVISION E
 Dreams CC
9 121 30 0 0 0151
4615 Jithin J POOL 13
 Marc Qatar Warriors
6 141 -10 20 0 0151
4616 Athaullah Kalandar POOL 12
 Dqct (dulsco Qatar)
3 210 -60 0 0 0150
4617 Muhammed Fasal DIVISION E
 Qatar Bouncers
2 -10 120 40 0 0150
4618 Firoz Khan (animon) DIVISION E
6 -10 150 10 0 0150
4619 Shameel Ashraf DIVISION E
6 140 0 10 0 0150
4620 Akhil K Johnson DIVISION E
 Spartan Strickers
5 90 30 30 0 0150
4621 Mirash Thoovadathil . DIVISION E
4 120 0 30 0 0150
4622 Sathar Melkar DIVISION E
 Mangalore Warriors
3 120 20 10 0 0150
4623 Vimalan Pakkiyanathan DIVISION E
 Weltech Warriors
3 80 70 0 0 0150
4624 Shani Carribeans POOL 4
 Caribbeans Qatar
2 120 20 10 0 0150
 Bmc X1
14 140 -20 30 0 0150
4626 Rameez Raja T
 Smart Qatar
1 120 0 30 0 0150
4627 Nowfal Knights DIVISION E
 Qecc Knights
4 0 90 10 50 1150
4628 Pradeep Mathew POOL 11
 Flyers Qatar
6 79 50 20 0 0149
4629 Mohammad Shareef Kolamban DIVISION E
 Al Anees Strikers
6 129 0 20 0 0149
4630 Rafeek K.m POOL 4
 Sparks XI
19 79 40 30 0 0149
 Uk X1
4 149 0 0 0 0149
4632 Chand Khan Chand POOL 16
 Tata Sports
4 89 0 60 0 0149
4633 Banassim K DIVISION E
 Deep Blues
2 99 30 20 0 0149
4634 Sajeer Ac POOL 13
2 39 110 0 0 0149
4635 Nishad Chamabalam DIVISION E
9 89 50 10 0 0149
4636 Shaikh Munir Habib DIVISION E
 Royal Strikers Qatar
19 138 0 10 0 0148
4637 Moorthy Dhanush POOL 15
 Q Tec Champions
21 18 10 120 0 0148
4638 Akbar Ahmad DIVISION E
 Friday CC
6 128 0 20 0 0148
4639 Shaju Ahmed DIVISION E
 Muaither Titans
10 118 20 10 0 0148
4640 swaminathan MSD7 POOL 15
 Matar Kings
5 38 70 40 0 0148
4641 Akram . DIVISION E
 Limra Friends
7 128 -10 30 0 0148
4642 Faseed DIVISION E
 Sparks XI
8 138 -10 20 0 0148
4643 Anis POOL 8
 Doha Friends X1
2 148 0 0 0 0148
4644 Bushair Ahamed POOL 14
 Masters CC
3 148 0 0 0 0148
4645 Muhammad Basheer POOL 16
 Desert Warriors
7 48 90 10 0 0148
4646 Habeeb Koya POOL 4
 Jumbo Warriors
3 148 0 0 0 0148
4647 Muthu Kumar Ganesan POOL 11
 Defenders County Cricket
5 68 40 40 0 0148
4648 Mohamed Misbah Mohamed Juheer DIVISION E
 Royal Dare Warriors Qatar
5 77 40 30 0 0147
4649 Hassan Shihabali POOL 13
 Marc Qatar Warriors
4 57 80 10 0 0147
 Group Nine 11
6 147 0 0 0 0147
4651 Thamarai Kannan Tamil POOL 14
 Qatar Warriors
5 27 120 0 0 0147
4652 Sameer Sharafudeen R
 Kkm Warriors
3 106 0 40 0 0146
4653 Mahees Ahamed DIVISION E
 Trophy Fighters
4 46 100 0 0 0146
4654 Sidharth kartik POOL 3
 Vh Warriors
1 6 140 0 0 0146
4655 Adhiraj Ramesh DIVISION E
 Nysa CC
9 56 40 50 0 0146
4656 Rizwan Shaikh POOL 10
 Unique Cricket Club
2 76 20 50 0 0146
4657 Shebin Thomas DIVISION E
 Young Sporting Qatar
12 126 10 10 0 0146
4658 Sreekant S DIVISION E
 Team Mercury
3 146 0 0 0 0146
4659 Firosh Cap DIVISION E
 Kings Xi Vadagara
5 56 80 10 0 0146
4660 Akilan Nadarasa POOL 8
 Chennai Cricketers
2 26 110 10 0 0146
4661 Amjad MA DIVISION E
 Black Mamba
3 106 40 0 0 0146
4662 Midhun Mohanan DIVISION E
 Jp X1 CC
7 136 -20 30 0 0146
4663 Ayaz Manzar DIVISION E
 Itelligent CC
2 135 10 0 0 0145
4664 Sabir Uppala DIVISION E
 Royal Fighters Cricket
5 95 50 0 0 0145
4665 Francis Grinson DIVISION E
 Crazy X1
2 95 0 50 0 0145
4666 Shamal Puthaneda Thummal DIVISION E
 Diplomatic C.c
6 95 20 30 0 0145
4667 Tom Raj Mathew DIVISION E
 Energy Technical Services(ets)
14 25 90 30 0 0145
4668 Shahul H DIVISION E
 Spartan Strickers
3 125 10 10 0 0145
4669 Jefrin Thomas POOL 5
 Truth Fighters
4 155 -10 0 0 0145
4670 Nowfal Pv DIVISION E
 Gharrafa XI
5 105 -10 50 0 0145
4671 Saravanan Nithyanandam DIVISION E
 Marina CC
9 135 10 0 0 0145
4672 Bijo Mathew DIVISION E
 Hitters Qatar Green
2 14 130 0 0 0144
4673 Sam Jacob DIVISION E
 Strikers Xi - Doha
5 144 -10 10 0 0144
4674 Jafer P K Puthiya Pura DIVISION E
 Toss CC
3 84 40 20 0 0144
4675 Soji G J DIVISION E
 Qatar Friends CC
2 74 50 20 0 0144
4676 Mohamed Nisam DIVISION E
 Blockades X1
4 134 0 10 0 0144
4677 Nijeesh Krishnan DIVISION E
 Young Sporting Qatar
8 124 -10 30 0 0144
4678 Najeem M. I POOL 7
 Super King Boys CC
14 113 0 30 0 0143
4679 Jamshi 99 DIVISION E
 Doha United
11 33 80 30 0 0143
4680 Abdul Shameer Sajipa Konimar T
 Smart Qatar
2 83 50 10 0 0143
4681 Ramia Yowan DIVISION E
 Friendship Brothers - Sl
4 153 -30 20 0 0143
4682 Shabeer Redbulls POOL 3
 Redbulls CC
3 133 0 10 0 0143
4683 Jahid Hussain DIVISION E
 Abu Nakhla
4 3 110 30 0 0143
4684 Faisal Muhammed R
 Team Of Qatar
5 93 50 0 0 0143
4685 Fazil Abdul Kareem POOL 13
 Marc Qatar Warriors
8 -7 110 40 0 0143
4686 Antony P DIVISION E
 Bdk Sporting
2 113 10 20 0 0143
4687 Niyas Bayankara DIVISION E
 Indo Qatar Cc - Iqcc
7 93 0 50 0 0143
4688 Sreelesh Das POOL 6
 Hitters Qatar
10 13 70 60 0 0143
4689 Sheen Makkariouse DIVISION E
 Royal Warriors Qatar
7 3 140 0 0 0143
4690 Praveen Pallath POOL 10
 All Rounders
1 63 70 10 0 0143
4691 Anish Chacko DIVISION E
 Black Cat Fosters
1 33 100 10 0 0143
4692 Thalhath Thallu POOL 9
 Qatar Warriors
4 123 -10 30 0 0143
4693 Ac Fowser POOL 8
 Unicorns Doha
8 63 0 80 0 0143
4694 Ateef Hushye DIVISION E
 Ratnagiri Riders
1 83 0 60 0 0143
4695 Shabeer Shelbi POOL 9
 Qatar Warriors
6 72 40 30 0 0142
4696 Kabil Raj DIVISION E
 Indo Qatar Cc - Iqcc
4 92 40 10 0 0142
4697 Altamash Basith Shaikh DIVISION E
 Black Knights
4 92 0 0 50 1142
4698 Mohammed Azarudeen DIVISION E
 Doha Eagles
2 132 -10 20 0 0142
4699 Dileep Chevayil DIVISION E
 Merac Cc (mcc)
14 22 70 50 0 0142
4700 Saneer Mohamed POOL 16
4 162 -30 10 0 0142
4701 Shan Muhammed Rawthar DIVISION E
 Mdt Roadiez
9 42 70 30 0 0142
4702 Sonu Padman POOL 10
 Oruma Royals
10 72 0 70 0 0142
4703 Nisam Mohammed POOL 10
 Thunder Strikers
11 12 30 100 0 0142
4704 Sajeev Rajradnam Sajee POOL 8
 Unicorns Doha
9 122 20 0 0 0142
4705 Arsalan Nuraji DIVISION E
 Janjira Sports Club ( Jsc )
2 122 0 20 0 0142
4706 Tarsan Tarmarasa DIVISION E
 Blasters CC
1 142 0 0 0 0142
4707 Balasubramanian Bala DIVISION E
 Friends CC
2 111 20 10 0 0141
4708 Mahroof V DIVISION E
 Blue Warriors
1 91 50 0 0 0141
4709 Finan Abdul Kader POOL 8
 Qatar Bruisers
6 -9 130 20 0 0141
4710 Gomathinayagam Subramanian DIVISION E
 The Monks
2 61 80 0 0 0141
4711 Zuheb Redbulls POOL 3
 Redbulls CC
4 71 60 10 0 0141
4712 Abdul Shukoor DIVISION E
2 121 0 20 0 0141
4713 Ahammed Shareef . DIVISION E
 Lemax Riders
2 51 90 0 0 0141
4714 Shafeer Abdulkareem DIVISION E
 Master Blasters Qatar
6 121 0 20 0 0141
3 1 100 40 0 0141
4716 Jismon Kuliruplackal James POOL 15
 Royal Dare Warriors
6 10 90 40 0 0140
4717 Shanto Anto POOL 13
 Blasters CC
3 0 140 0 0 0140
4718 Naujas Puthiya Madathummal DIVISION E
3 0 140 0 0 0140
4719 Sree Mohan DIVISION E
 Team Cricket Buddies
17 130 0 10 0 0140
4720 Zameel Z DIVISION E
 R B W Old
7 60 80 0 0 0140
4721 Ashraf Maaji DIVISION E
 Blockades XI
9 110 20 10 0 0140
4722 Saad Amin DIVISION E
 Bhopal Hunters
8 60 70 10 0 0140
4723 Ehan Khan DIVISION E
11 40 90 10 0 0140
4724 Binu Thomas POOL 3
 City Group Oscar CC
3 10 130 0 0 0140
4725 Mohamed Sayan Ilayathambi DIVISION E
 Royal Dare Warriors Qatar
11 140 0 0 0 0140
4726 Fayas Fay POOL 5
 Strikers X1 Qatar
2 130 0 10 0 0140
4727 Ichu . DIVISION E
3 139 0 0 0 0139
4728 Yasar Arabath G POOL 6
 Spartans-qatar CC
3 79 50 10 0 0139
4729 Navas Mk DIVISION E
 Super Heroes
7 59 40 40 0 0139
4730 Qamar Jutt DIVISION E
 Brothers Cricket
1 139 0 0 0 0139
4731 Siyad Ismail DIVISION E
 Indian Stars XI
4 39 100 0 0 0139
4732 Naseeb Rahman DIVISION E
 Super Gillies Team
2 79 60 0 0 0139
4733 Haseen T DIVISION E
 Revenge Boys
7 79 30 30 0 0139
4734 Rambabu Kapar POOL 15
 Delhi Capitals
5 129 0 10 0 0139
4735 Mujeeb Rahman M N M POOL 9
 Limra Friends
6 119 0 20 0 0139
4736 Babu Shinemon POOL 11
 Doha Strikers
4 99 20 20 0 0139
4737 Noufal Kolothum Thodi DIVISION E
 Black Mamba
3 139 0 0 0 0139
4738 Razik Pavoor POOL 13
1 9 130 0 0 0139
4739 Anoop Asokan POOL 4
 Jumbo Warriors
3 78 0 60 0 0138
4740 Usama Victory Cc POOL 4
 Victory CC
4 138 0 0 0 0138
4741 Muhammad Ajas POOL 6
 Royal Strikers
8 98 0 40 0 0138
4742 Sabeesh Gabbana DIVISION E
 Combines XI
4 -2 140 0 0 0138
4743 Nowshad Subyda POOL 7
 Lagaan Qatar
8 68 40 30 0 0138
4744 Irshad Khan S Xi DIVISION E
 Strikers Xi - Qatar
4 78 50 10 0 0138
4745 Noor Muhamed DIVISION E
 Toss CC
5 108 20 10 0 0138
4746 Nazim Rahman DIVISION E
 Hitters Qatar Blue
3 88 50 0 0 0138
4747 Manowar Alam DIVISION E
 Gcc Gladiators
6 138 -10 10 0 0138
4748 Binsil POOL 9
 Thyseen Warriors
8 -22 130 30 0 0138
4749 Raza Safeer POOL 5
 Truth Fighters
7 -2 120 20 0 0138
4750 Sadakath Ali T
6 18 110 10 0 0138
4751 Manoraj Udayakumar POOL 16
 Royal Phoenix
4 128 0 10 0 0138
4752 Firos Kondath POOL 3
 Jp X1
5 138 0 0 0 0138
4753 Justus Anto DIVISION E
7 88 0 50 0 0138
4754 Moses Medona DIVISION E
 Trivandrum Challengers
4 108 0 30 0 0138
4755 Nahas Knights DIVISION E
 Qecc Knights
4 138 0 0 0 0138
4756 Antony Jenifer DIVISION E
9 97 0 40 0 0137
4757 Moosa Ambar DIVISION E
 Bin Omran United
1 7 110 20 0 0137
4758 Nisam INTERTECH POOL 14
 Group Nine 11
2 107 20 10 0 0137
 Mangalore Warriors
8 107 20 10 0 0137
4760 Ismail Kv POOL 15
 Friends X1 Doha
3 127 0 10 0 0137
4761 Salman Sayed DIVISION E
 Angry Bulls
2 77 50 10 0 0137
4762 Mohit Kumar DIVISION E
 Angry Bulls - B
3 7 130 0 0 0137
4763 Huda Sulhan DIVISION E
 Dessert Warriors
8 67 10 60 0 0137
4764 Prasanth K. Anto DIVISION E
3 137 0 0 0 0137
4765 Muhammad Anees Narontavida DIVISION E
 Super Gillies Team
4 117 -10 30 0 0137
4766 Rojish Roji DIVISION E
 Rising Stars
10 107 10 20 0 0137
4767 Jobin Abraham DIVISION E
 Q11 Dark Horses
6 17 110 10 0 0137
4768 Shebi Reemer DIVISION E
 Dreamer Ksd
2 116 0 20 0 0136
 Sun Max CC
11 86 -30 80 0 0136
4770 Noor Alam DIVISION E
 Man Strikers
2 96 40 0 0 0136
4771 Siva K A Kumar DIVISION E
3 16 100 20 0 0136
4772 Shaik Razak DIVISION E
 Hyderabadi Nawab's Super 11
5 96 0 40 0 0136
4773 Shafeeq Sf DIVISION E
 Blue Commandos
3 126 0 10 0 0136
4774 Jijo Mathew Jijo DIVISION E
 Galaxy CC
2 75 50 10 0 0135
4775 Adil Afridi DIVISION E
 Q11 Red Lions
1 75 50 10 0 0135
4776 Unni Meloth Unni DIVISION E
5 15 120 0 0 0135
4777 Razib 66916885 DIVISION E
 Egss Ummsalal
3 95 0 40 0 0135
4778 Midhun Francis DIVISION E
 Team Doha
13 115 -10 30 0 0135
4779 Ibrahim Sayed DIVISION E
 Victorian Stars
5 155 -30 10 0 0135
4780 Shobin Raj P POOL 12
 Kk Warriors
10 45 70 20 0 0135
4781 Shafeek Vu DIVISION E
 Jp X1 CC
4 85 30 20 0 0135
4782 Nusky Ahamed DIVISION E
 Maru Champs Qatar
4 5 110 20 0 0135
4783 Moideen Sha DIVISION E
 Young Sporting Qatar
7 -26 120 40 0 0134
4784 Diljith Kunnath DIVISION E
 Classic CC
3 34 90 10 0 0134
4785 Mohammed Yaseen DIVISION E
 Smart Qatar
1 94 20 20 0 0134
4786 Govind Sahani DIVISION E
 Oryx Star Cricket
1 34 70 30 0 0134
4787 Ibrahim Kaleel Bejja DIVISION E
 Royal Fighters Cricket
4 114 0 20 0 0134
4788 Jibin Mathew DIVISION E
 Xiomi City
6 74 40 20 0 0134
4789 Sideeque Ali DIVISION E
6 114 0 20 0 0134
4790 Afsal Farook POOL 4
4 114 0 20 0 0134
4791 Sali Aviyil DIVISION E
 Markhiya Blasters
2 94 0 40 0 0134
4792 Afroj . DIVISION E
 Limra Friends
6 134 0 0 0 0134
4793 Shybu Enchakkattu John Shybu DIVISION E
 Qatar Amigos
5 104 30 0 0 0134
4794 Rehmat Ullah Khan Faqir POOL 16
 Cric X1
5 84 30 20 0 0134
4795 Shine SG POOL 14
 Qatar Warriors
3 114 0 20 0 0134
4796 Jijo John DIVISION E
 Desert Court
2 44 90 0 0 0134
4797 Navas Kh DIVISION E
 Royal Tuskers
7 93 0 40 0 0133
4798 Fasil K POOL 3
 Jp X1
2 43 80 10 0 0133
4799 Praveen P POOL 9
 Thyseen Warriors
7 103 20 10 0 0133
4800 Hazali Spartans DIVISION E
 Qecc Spartans
4 83 40 10 0 0133
4801 Abdul Karim DIVISION E
 Q11 Red Lions
3 83 40 10 0 0133
4802 Raqeeb Sakharkar DIVISION E
 Ratnagiri Riders
3 13 110 10 0 0133
4803 Fainas Cheruvatta DIVISION E
 Hawks XI
10 43 70 20 0 0133
4804 Abdumanaf Madathil Ahammed POOL 13
14 3 90 40 0 0133
4805 Dilru Praveen DIVISION E
6 143 -30 20 0 0133
4806 Vipin Eco Fresh POOL 3
 Eco Fresh
3 73 50 10 0 0133
4807 Rajinthiran Yogendiran DIVISION E
 Star Al Nasariya Club
1 123 0 10 0 0133
4808 Rasheed Dobu POOL 5
 Atc Cbq
3 143 -20 10 0 0133
4809 Faiyaz Khan POOL 11
 Jsr Warriors
4 113 0 20 0 0133
4810 Famiz Mohammed DIVISION E
 Mahe CC
2 103 20 10 0 0133
4811 Asif Ghulam DIVISION E
 Deccan Boys
11 83 30 20 0 0133
4812 Yousaf Safarullah POOL 10
 Royal Tigers
4 -8 130 10 0 0132
4813 Faisal Asees HITTERS DIVISION E
 Hitters Qatar Green
2 52 60 20 0 0132
4814 Rana DIVISION E
 Rising Stars
2 2 130 0 0 0132
4815 Vineeth Kc POOL 3
 Innings Stars
15 2 110 20 0 0132
4816 Vinod Kittu Vinu DIVISION E
 Drillers CC
3 122 10 0 0 0132
4817 Sukesh Nellery POOL 3
9 122 0 10 0 0132
4818 Amol Stars DIVISION E
 Qecc Stars
3 62 20 0 50 1132
4819 Umar U POOL 4
 Caribbeans Qatar
10 122 0 10 0 0132
4820 Parvez Karvinkar POOL 8
 Chennai Cricketers
2 2 120 10 0 0132
4821 Samjipth Golden Knights DIVISION E
 Golden Knights
2 132 0 0 0 0132
4822 Latheef Redbulls POOL 3
 Redbulls CC
4 102 0 30 0 0132
4823 Sarhan Mohamed POOL 3
 Qatar Blue X1
7 121 0 10 0 0131
4824 Shinu DIVISION E
 Tamil Nadu Cc - Tncc
15 51 60 20 0 0131
4825 Wasim Abbas POOL 7
 Lagaan Qatar
2 111 10 10 0 0131
4826 Shihas K M DIVISION E
 Palace C C
5 11 100 20 0 0131
4827 Muthukumar S POOL 6
 Spartans-qatar CC
6 111 0 20 0 0131
4828 Abdul Afsal Bovikanam DIVISION E
4 -9 130 10 0 0131
4829 Sameer Abdulsalam DIVISION E
5 71 40 20 0 0131
4830 Titus P Mathew POOL 4
 Aldar Blasters
11 71 50 10 0 0131
4831 Sreejith Murali DIVISION F
 Doha Dynamos
9 91 20 20 0 0131
4832 Shoaib Ahmad DIVISION E
 Q11 Red Lions
1 60 70 0 0 0130
4833 sayed Abdul wahid DIVISION E
 Angry Bulls - B
2 90 20 20 0 0130
4834 Chanthu Retnakumar DIVISION E
 Players Xl
7 40 60 30 0 0130
4835 Adil Nhelat DIVISION E
 Black Caps CC
5 110 0 20 0 0130
4836 Kamarudheen Kamaru DIVISION E
 Red Lions Rayyan
5 150 -40 20 0 0130
4837 Arun Avinash DIVISION E
 Qatar Amigos
4 110 0 20 0 0130
4838 Zubair Kabeer DIVISION E
 Indian Stars XI
3 120 -10 20 0 0130
4839 Rajesh M DIVISION E
 Sultan XI
1 110 20 0 0 0130
4840 Nrupan Eco Fresh POOL 3
 Eco Fresh
3 0 130 0 0 0130
4841 Mohamed Aslam DIVISION E
 Egale Red Boys
2 40 80 10 0 0130
4842 Al Ameen Ikbal DIVISION E
 Master Blasters Qatar
3 0 100 30 0 0130
4843 Siddeeq Keyathkuni DIVISION E
 Blue Commandos
3 80 30 20 0 0130
4844 Sahaj Thattan Kandy DIVISION E
 Dreamer Ksd
2 0 110 20 0 0130
4845 Retheesh Raj POOL 10
 Blue Whales
11 110 0 20 0 0130
4846 Madhan K DIVISION E
 Tmq Tigers
4 110 0 20 0 0130
4847 Manaf Madathil DIVISION E
 Markhiya Blasters
5 59 30 40 0 0129
4848 Laljith Kulamullathil DIVISION E
 The Look
17 149 -50 30 0 0129
4849 Shivprakash Soni DIVISION E
 Black Knights
4 129 0 0 0 0129
4850 Bilal Chatha POOL 6
 United Spartans
5 109 0 20 0 0129
4851 Anil Ashes DIVISION E
2 9 100 20 0 0129
4852 Firoz Khan POOL 14
9 189 -70 10 0 0129
4853 Raees Mujawar POOL 6
 Kokan Stars
3 129 0 0 0 0129
4854 Rakesh rai POOL 5
 Black Caps Cricketer's
5 79 40 10 0 0129
4855 Najeeb masood DIVISION E
 Q Star
1 68 50 10 0 0128
4856 Shibil Aboobakkar DIVISION E
3 78 10 40 0 0128
 Mcc Qatar
1 128 0 0 0 0128
4858 Riyas Aboobacker DIVISION E
 Royal Phoenix
2 108 0 20 0 0128
4859 Nishad Asharaf POOL 14
 Spartans X1
7 77 20 30 0 0127
4860 Munsiff Hasan DC DIVISION E
 Air Strikers
1 77 50 0 0 0127
 Bdk Sporting
2 47 30 50 0 0127
4862 Abhilash Sreekumar DIVISION E
 Torpedos Striker
1 67 10 50 0 0127
4863 Raju battini DIVISION E
 Cricket Phantoms
3 107 0 20 0 0127
4864 Unaiz K DIVISION E
 Lemax Riders
5 57 50 20 0 0127
4865 Fazal Jamal DIVISION E
2 77 50 0 0 0127
4866 Rashik Athikkattil DIVISION E
 New Star Dafna
4 107 0 20 0 0127
4867 Rizuwan Kareem DIVISION E
 Black Mamba
1 97 30 0 0 0127
4868 Saddam Shaik DIVISION E
12 137 -30 20 0 0127
4869 Shamanaf Backer DIVISION E
 Doha Falcons
5 47 70 10 0 0127
4870 Siddiq K POOL 3
 Ideal Warriors
3 97 20 10 0 0127
4871 Hum Bahadur DIVISION E
 Falcon XI
4 107 20 0 0 0127
4872 Muneeb Kp DIVISION F
 Cric X1
3 126 0 0 0 0126
4873 Sajid S DIVISION E
 Eminent Qatar
5 6 90 30 0 0126
4874 Nasar Kunji Mohammed DIVISION E
 Friday Cricket Sailiya
5 106 0 20 0 0126
4875 Abdul Najeem POOL 3
6 116 0 10 0 0126
4876 Vivekanandan Pandiyan Pandiyan T
 Smart Qatar
4 96 20 10 0 0126
4877 Halthas Hitters DIVISION E
 Hitters Qatar Green
4 126 0 0 0 0126
4878 Mohammed Fuad . DIVISION E
 Friday CC
5 105 10 10 0 0125
4879 shameer 7 DIVISION E
 Redbulls C C
3 95 20 10 0 0125
4880 Umer Fayyaz DIVISION E
 Mustang XI
1 45 70 10 0 0125
4881 Kasim mohamed DIVISION E
 Mcc Qatar
5 155 -50 20 0 0125
4882 Ajay Chauhan DIVISION E
 Indo Warrior
1 125 0 0 0 0125
4883 Manshal Gt DIVISION E
 Bails Qatar CC
8 45 40 40 0 0125
4884 Azhar Hameed DIVISION E
 Eminant Qatar
2 5 120 0 0 0125
4885 Fahim Rahman POOL 3
 Innings Stars
1 85 0 40 0 0125
4886 Srejith. S . DIVISION E
 G4s Phenoix
4 65 50 10 0 0125
4887 Shafeek Mk DIVISION E
 Markhiya Blasters
3 5 100 20 0 0125
4888 Ranju Rathnakaran DIVISION E
 Friends (fct)
7 65 60 0 0 0125
4889 Nabeel Kabeer DIVISION E
 Blockades X1
6 115 0 10 0 0125
4890 Hisham Thangal POOL 10
1 55 70 0 0 0125
4891 Dhinil Surendran POOL 5
 The Monks
5 75 20 30 0 0125
4892 Nidhin Ravi Thekkedavan DIVISION E
 Royal Qatar
2 5 110 10 0 0125
4893 Riyas Ca DIVISION E
 Asian Rhynos
5 14 100 10 0 0124
4894 Anand Appu POOL 11
 Doha Vikings
5 34 80 10 0 0124
4895 Srinivasan Ganeshan DIVISION E
 Unipart 11
7 74 20 30 0 0124
4896 Rashid Poovullathil DIVISION E
 New Star Dafna
4 44 70 10 0 0124
4897 David Udaya Sooriyan DIVISION E
 Defenders CC
3 64 50 10 0 0124
4898 Lithin Thankachan DIVISION E
 Red Lions Rayyan
1 74 50 0 0 0124
4899 Binshad Kv DIVISION E
 Black Cat Fosters
1 124 0 0 0 0124
4900 Ibraheemkutty Mansoor Cholayil DIVISION E
 Prince Eleven Gharafa
1 4 110 10 0 0124
4901 Nitesh Kumar DIVISION E
 Spikes CC
2 4 100 20 0 0124
4902 Bino Raj George Rajan POOL 8
 Prakkat Jewellers CC
5 -6 130 0 0 0124
4903 Fahad Ali Ambhalath Veettil DIVISION F
 Blue Commandos
6 13 110 0 0 0123
4904 Muhammad Saqlain DIVISION E
 Redco Riders
3 13 90 20 0 0123
4905 Mohammad Khan DIVISION E
 Mumbai X1
1 73 50 0 0 0123
4906 Anees Confident DIVISION E
 Confident CC
1 83 40 0 0 0123
4907 Haris Kk Confident DIVISION E
 Confident CC
1 63 40 20 0 0123
4908 Bijesh Payangapadan DIVISION E
 Uk Xi (united Kerala Eleven)
3 113 10 0 0 0123
4909 Arshad Salahudeen DIVISION E
 Crazy X1
1 123 0 0 0 0123
4910 Noufal Ali DIVISION E
 Nash Cricketers
3 93 -10 40 0 0123
4911 Jobins K DIVISION E
 United South Elegants
6 -7 130 0 0 0123
4912 Sabran Mohammed DIVISION E
 Trophy Fighters
2 83 30 10 0 0123
4913 Mohammed Asadullah Khan Amer DIVISION E
 Hyderabadi Nawab's Super 11
4 73 20 30 0 0123
4914 Abdul Salam DIVISION E
 Dreamer Ksd
1 123 0 0 0 0123
4915 Vineeth Thomas DIVISION E
 Bright XI
4 83 20 20 0 0123
4916 Prakash A DIVISION E
 Yct Qatar
3 3 120 0 0 0123
4917 Midhun Raveendran POOL 3
16 63 30 30 0 0123
4918 Lijesh Lijo DIVISION E
 Sahara .c.c
2 2 80 40 0 0122
4919 Rajesh Thangaswamy DIVISION E
 Oscar C C
2 2 110 10 0 0122
4920 Krishna Jith POOL 9
10 92 30 0 0 0122
4921 Arif Munna DIVISION E
 Friends Xi Mangaloreans
7 92 0 30 0 0122
4922 Shabin Sharaf DIVISION E
 S-thanz XI
14 62 40 20 0 0122
4923 Jaseel Ali.p Jaseel DIVISION E
 Omrc XI
7 52 0 70 0 0122
4924 Binish Menchery Balakrishnan POOL 8
 Team Ghados
5 42 40 40 0 0122
4925 Jasim Badarudeen POOL 10
 Fcs Qatar
4 52 60 10 0 0122
4926 Dilshad K V POOL 14
 The Look
2 122 0 0 0 0122
4927 Ashraf . DIVISION E
 Bd Bullets
2 122 0 0 0 0122
4928 Ajay Kapoor DIVISION E
 Phoenix X1
4 122 0 0 0 0122
4929 Fayas Nalakath DIVISION E
 Nash Cricketers
4 -8 120 10 0 0122
4930 Samad Abdul DIVISION E
 Cricket Phantoms
3 132 -10 0 0 0122
4931 Tribhuwan Chauhan DIVISION E
 E&a Challengers
10 -8 60 20 50 1122
4932 Shafeer Kunhimon POOL 13
 Boyzone Qatar
10 112 0 10 0 0122
4933 Dinju Joseph POOL 15
 Matar Kings
10 52 10 60 0 0122
4934 Jithash Jithu DIVISION E
 Qatar Stars
2 82 40 0 0 0122
4935 Sohel Akhtar POOL 3
 Vh Warriors
2 92 20 10 0 0122
4936 Nabib Nadaf POOL 12
 Kk Warriors
3 72 20 30 0 0122
4937 Faizan Akthar POOL 13
 Marc Qatar Warriors
4 52 60 10 0 0122
4938 Rasheed Buhari DIVISION E
 Blockades X1
8 71 10 40 0 0121
4939 Elavarasan Elangovan DIVISION E
 Indian Stars XI
3 11 100 10 0 0121
4940 Waseem Akram Abdul Majeed DIVISION E
 Blasters CC
3 71 0 50 0 0121
4941 Prabeesh Koolimundayil . DIVISION E
6 131 -10 0 0 0121
4942 Shahin Majeed DIVISION E
 Master Blasters Qatar
2 71 50 0 0 0121
4943 Tinoj Tinu DIVISION E
 Blue Warriors
1 121 0 0 0 0121
4944 Akash Venu DIVISION E
 Q Star
1 121 0 0 0 0121
4945 Aquib Javed Aquib POOL 16
 Tata Sports
5 101 20 0 0 0121
4946 Saju Hq DIVISION E
 Hitters Qatar Red
3 11 90 20 0 0121
4947 Pradeep Legends DIVISION E
 Black Mamba
1 1 120 0 0 0121
4948 Jineesh Jinu DIVISION E
 Q Star
1 121 0 0 0 0121
4949 Sreejith Balakrishnan DIVISION E
 Doha Boys
3 91 30 0 0 0121
4950 Junaid Kuttiyil DIVISION E
 Royals XI
8 121 0 0 0 0121
4951 Bilal Badarudheen DIVISION F
 Gharaffa X1
9 81 20 20 0 0121
4952 Jassir Vk DIVISION E
 Black Knights
3 51 60 10 0 0121
4953 Dadu Shehin DIVISION E
 Hitters Qatar Green
4 110 -10 20 0 0120
4954 Faraz Tp DIVISION E
 Kingsmen Cricketers (kmc)
4 -10 90 40 0 0120
4955 Junaid Iqbal DIVISION E
 Khalifa XI
2 70 30 20 0 0120
4956 Ruwan Sampath DIVISION E
 Crazy X1
2 120 0 0 0 0120
4957 Shanith Maheen DIVISION E
 Spartans CC
9 140 -30 10 0 0120
4958 Mirza Sawood DIVISION E
 Smart Qatar
13 110 0 10 0 0120
4959 Nithin Sanil DIVISION E
 Itelligent CC
2 -10 110 20 0 0120
4960 Unnikannan Ps DIVISION E
 Legends CC
2 110 0 10 0 0120
4961 Mohamed Umar POOL 16
 Unique CC
4 -10 100 30 0 0120
4962 Chidananda k m DIVISION E
 Black Mamba
5 9 80 30 0 0119
4963 Aneesh S DIVISION E
 Qatar Bouncers
3 99 10 10 0 0119
4964 Christil Jerom DIVISION E
 Trivandrum Challengers
15 59 40 20 0 0119
4965 Liyas Vv DIVISION E
 Master Blasters Qatar
3 89 0 30 0 0119
4966 Suresh S DIVISION E
 Avengers XI
3 89 10 20 0 0119
4967 Mohamed Bakthiyar Nechikkandan DIVISION E
 Al Anees Strikers
6 19 70 30 0 0119
4968 Rashik Muhammed DIVISION E
7 69 20 30 0 0119
4969 Thahir Ali DIVISION E
 Qatar Champions
5 109 0 10 0 0119
4970 Sadheer Abu Sali POOL 3
 Al Khor Warriors
8 39 60 20 0 0119
4971 Shabin Valappil POOL 3
6 119 -20 20 0 0119
4972 Nabeel Ahammed KP POOL 10
5 9 90 20 0 0119
4973 Noushad Nalakath DIVISION E
 Kq Friends
5 59 20 40 0 0119
4974 Ajith Va DIVISION E
 S-thanz XI
4 98 0 20 0 0118
4975 Md Safiq POOL 8
 Phoenix X1
6 128 -10 0 0 0118
4976 Siyath Abdul Jabbar S
 Qatar Lions
3 78 20 20 0 0118
4977 Mithunsan A POOL 12
 Dqct (dulsco Qatar)
3 148 -40 10 0 0118
4978 Mohan Patel POOL 7
 Doha Fighters
5 68 30 20 0 0118
4979 Anson Rajan DIVISION E
9 48 40 30 0 0118
4980 Rahman Sageer DIVISION E
 Muhammadense Qatar
3 38 80 0 0 0118
4981 Haleel K.a DIVISION E
8 58 0 60 0 0118
4982 Jinu Mon Thomas DIVISION E
4 37 40 40 0 0117
4983 Wazir Mohammed POOL 16
 Cric X1
22 57 20 40 0 0117
4984 Nijesh Rajen DIVISION E
 Spikes CC
3 97 20 0 0 0117
4985 S. Udayakumar DIVISION E
 Spartans CC
10 7 90 20 0 0117
4986 Nitharshan Thampi DIVISION E
 Indo Qatar Cc - Iqcc
1 7 90 20 0 0117
4987 Mohamed Thoufeeq S POOL 3
 Qatar Fighters Club
4 7 100 10 0 0117
4988 Nousheer Mustafa POOL 5
4 117 0 0 0 0117
4989 Joslin Alen Q
 Prakkat Jewellers
1 107 0 10 0 0117
4990 Mohammed Rafas DIVISION E
 Black Knights
3 87 20 10 0 0117
4991 Sumesh GS DIVISION E
 Spartans XI
2 47 50 20 0 0117
4992 Ashim Padassery DIVISION E
 Royals XI
5 67 10 40 0 0117
4993 Thajidheen Chattentavida DIVISION E
 Blue Warriors
3 36 60 20 0 0116
4994 Muhammed Sajid POOL 8
 Qatar Bruisers
8 16 80 20 0 0116
4995 Vishnu . POOL 9
 Galaxy CC
6 96 0 20 0 0116
4996 Mohammed Hussain Khan DIVISION E
 Hyderabad Smashers Cc (hscc)
1 116 0 0 0 0116
4997 Nishad Rahman DIVISION E
 Hitters Qatar Green
5 96 10 10 0 0116
4998 Rajeev Pillai DIVISION E
 Doha Boys
7 66 10 40 0 0116
4999 Rizwan Shaikh DIVISION E
 Doha Tigers
7 -4 110 10 0 0116
5000 Ansar Oscar Cc POOL 3
 City Group Oscar CC
3 96 0 20 0 0116
5001 Ameer DIVISION E
 Redbulls C C
2 76 0 40 0 0116
5002 Farook Sulthan DIVISION E
 Silent Killers
6 106 0 10 0 0116
5003 Noufal N T
 Kerala Strikers
3 66 30 20 0 0116
5004 Vishnu Balan DIVISION E
 Muhammadense Qatar
3 66 40 10 0 0116
5005 Abid Mir POOL 4
 Super Brothers
7 25 50 40 0 0115
5006 Mubarak Moideen Kutty DIVISION E
3 95 20 0 0 0115
5007 Sajil Shamsudheen POOL 10
8 -15 110 20 0 0115
5008 Faiz Ahmad DIVISION E
 Jsr Warriors
2 115 0 0 0 0115
5009 Sajir P POOL 14
 Qatar Warriors
3 65 10 40 0 0115
5010 Murshad Aboobacker DIVISION E
 Spartan Strickers
1 115 0 0 0 0115
5011 Arif POOL 15
 Hawks X1
10 45 60 10 0 0115
5012 Shijith N DIVISION E
 Uk Xi (united Kerala Eleven)
5 65 30 20 0 0115
5013 Mohammed Sharjun Baseerali DIVISION F
 Victory CC
2 65 50 0 0 0115
5014 Waseem Ahmed DIVISION E
 Hyderabadi Nawab's Super 11
3 115 0 0 0 0115
5015 Mohammad Imran POOL 11
 Jsr Warriors
2 125 -20 10 0 0115
5016 Ajmal Manamkery Moideen POOL 12
3 105 0 10 0 0115
5017 Rafeeq Mohammed DIVISION E
 Deep Blues
2 135 -20 0 0 0115
5018 Ramesh Nair DIVISION E
 Cofely Challengers
11 44 30 40 0 0114
5019 Rinesh Moyacheri POOL 15
 Ntd Lions
4 124 -10 0 0 0114
5020 Moidu Lashi Nambiyath DIVISION E
 Team Ghados
4 84 20 10 0 0114
5021 Anoob Kappamavunkal Raghavan DIVISION E
 Team Ghados
3 84 30 0 0 0114
5022 Rakesh Singh DIVISION E
 Abu Nakhla
4 94 0 20 0 0114
5023 Sajad Hameed DIVISION E
 Mdt Roadiez
9 94 20 0 0 0114
5024 Rashid R DIVISION E
 Q11 CC
19 84 -20 50 0 0114
5025 Nimesh An DIVISION E
 Strikers Xi - Doha
4 114 0 0 0 0114
5026 Muneer Abdul Rahman DIVISION E
 Doha Blasters
5 54 20 40 0 0114
5027 Srijith S DIVISION F
 Dejawu C C-dcc
7 14 80 20 0 0114
5028 Nishad Ali DIVISION E
 Q11 CC
2 114 0 0 0 0114
5029 Fawad Ansari U
 Mustang XI
6 54 60 0 0 0114
5030 Ajith Kumar Akkaravila DIVISION E
 Royal Qatar
3 64 20 30 0 0114
5031 Abdul Jaleel Jaleel DIVISION E
 Planners Qatar CC
1 94 20 0 0 0114
5032 Sijeesh Preman DIVISION E
 Young Sporting Qatar
12 84 30 0 0 0114
5033 Shuhaib Confident DIVISION E
 Confident CC
1 104 -10 20 0 0114
5034 Chandraraj Shetty DIVISION E
 Kingsmen Cricketers (kmc)
4 64 50 0 0 0114
5035 Mohammad Shabaz DIVISION E
 Rising Stars CC
2 34 80 0 0 0114
5036 Jeelani Mohammed DIVISION E
 Cricket Phantoms
3 23 60 30 0 0113
5037 Sreemon DIVISION E
6 43 50 20 0 0113
5038 Siddik Sidhi DIVISION E
 Rising Stars
2 113 0 0 0 0113
5039 Nishad POOL 3
 Kings X1 Vadagara
5 73 -10 50 0 0113
5040 Rajesh POOL 12
 Kk Warriors
5 3 70 40 0 0113
5041 Ameer Khan POOL 4
 Q11 Profixo
3 3 90 20 0 0113
5042 Murshed Alam Chowdery DIVISION E
 Mcc Qatar
4 73 40 0 0 0113
5043 Shalu Joseph POOL 4
 Energy Technical Services
5 113 0 0 0 0113
5044 Nithin Balakrishnan POOL 10
3 3 80 30 0 0113
5045 Sajith Rajan POOL 8
 Oruma Royals
5 53 0 10 50 1113
5046 Nisar O H POOL 6
 Hitters Qatar
6 -7 90 30 0 0113
5047 Prasob Pappini POOL 3
 Qatar Fighters Club
3 102 0 10 0 0112
5048 Jidin Bcc POOL 3
 Ideal Warriors
4 92 0 20 0 0112
5049 Rishat Ziad DIVISION E
 Doha Spartans
10 52 0 60 0 0112
5050 Parmatma Yadav Q
 Oryx Star Cricket
5 32 70 10 0 0112
5051 Siju Manielethu Samuel R
1 62 30 20 0 0112
5052 Bobsy Stars DIVISION E
 Qecc Stars
3 82 20 10 0 0112
5053 Antony Abhilash DIVISION E
 Defenders CC
1 82 20 10 0 0112
5054 Godwin Rajan DIVISION E
4 112 -50 0 50 1112
5055 Haneefa Mk DIVISION E
 Smart Qatar
2 81 0 30 0 0111
5056 Rizwan Mohammed DIVISION E
 Mumbai Fighters
2 41 70 0 0 0111
5057 Sathik Ali POOL 12
 Maru Champs
2 1 110 0 0 0111
5058 Yunus Hussain DIVISION E
 Youth Forum Companions
13 31 60 20 0 0111
5059 Shaheer Aboobacker POOL 5
 Q11 Red Lions
1 101 10 0 0 0111
5060 Usman Ellu DIVISION E
 Sahara .c.c
2 91 0 20 0 0111
5061 Sinan Ali DIVISION E
 Iqvans Qatar
1 121 -10 0 0 0111
5062 Ramshad Latheef DIVISION E
 Qstar Blue
3 1 110 0 0 0111
5063 Siddarth Remanan POOL 7
4 111 -20 20 0 0111
5064 Riyas Aboobacker DIVISION E
2 101 0 10 0 0111
5065 Azeemuddin Shaik DIVISION E
4 1 100 10 0 0111
5066 Avinash Kadam DIVISION E
 Itelligent CC
2 1 110 0 0 0111
5067 Najeeb Moosa POOL 4
 Jumbo Warriors
3 111 0 0 0 0111
5068 Shamju Kochuthottathil Shahul Hameed POOL 10
 Blue Commandos
7 21 90 0 0 0111
5069 Mohammed Rameez POOL 12
 Smart Qatar
1 81 30 0 0 0111
5070 Musthak Sohail Sanawaz T
 Smart Qatar
2 91 0 20 0 0111
5071 Jofin Jkj DIVISION E
 United South Elegants
6 71 30 10 0 0111
5072 Rifas Mohomed DIVISION E
 Smashers 11
6 101 0 10 0 0111
5073 Israfeel Khan POOL 7
 Doha Fighters
3 0 90 20 0 0110
5074 Sabesh Krishna POOL 3
 Hitters Qatar
2 -10 120 0 0 0110
5075 Kannan Muthulinkam DIVISION E
 Blasters CC
1 50 50 10 0 0110
5076 Mubeen Ahmed DIVISION E
1 0 110 0 0 0110
5077 Irfan Kk T
4 0 90 20 0 0110
 Dejawu C C-dcc
11 0 100 10 0 0110
5079 Shiyas Shaheer DIVISION E
 Java X1
11 80 0 30 0 0110
5080 Rosh Mathew DIVISION E
 Indo Qatar Cc - Iqcc
2 110 0 0 0 0110
5081 Alby Alex DIVISION E
 Spikes CC
2 100 0 10 0 0110
5082 Anooj Ramakrishnan DIVISION E
 Omrc XI
2 90 20 0 0 0110
5083 Rahul Rajan POOL 3
 Ideal Warriors
3 0 100 10 0 0110
 Mumbai X1
1 10 80 20 0 0110
5085 Mahammad Khadeer Khan DIVISION E
 Cofely Challengers
2 89 0 20 0 0109
5086 Muhammad Khalid DIVISION E
 Black Mamba
5 109 0 0 0 0109
5087 Anas Kp Muhammed POOL 4
 Caribbeans Qatar
5 79 20 10 0 0109
5088 Junaid Nambodan Kandi DIVISION E
 Eminent Qatar
4 79 20 10 0 0109
5089 Shamnad Rasheed DIVISION E
 Royals XI
4 39 50 20 0 0109
5090 Jesil Joy DIVISION E
 Royal Qatar
3 89 20 0 0 0109
5091 Mohd Shariq Khan DIVISION E
 Khalifa XI
2 39 70 0 0 0109
5092 Sajeer Kalandan DIVISION E
 Engineers XI
1 59 50 0 0 0109
 Kombans CC
6 59 20 30 0 0109
5094 Samantha Wijesekara DIVISION E
 Air Tech CC
1 119 -10 0 0 0109
5095 Hameed Sathar DIVISION E
 Royal Strikers
5 19 60 30 0 0109
5096 Sathish Kumar DIVISION E
3 79 -40 20 50 1109
5097 Sadiq Ali. K.h DIVISION E
 Doha Dynamos
6 9 80 20 0 0109
5098 Rifayi Hassainar POOL 4
 White Tigers
4 78 0 30 0 0108
5099 Haris vanimel DIVISION E
 Amigos Qatar
2 78 10 20 0 0108
5100 Jithin Johnson DIVISION E
 Gharrafa XI
1 88 20 0 0 0108
5101 Mohammed Jasir DIVISION E
 Dreamz 11
8 88 0 20 0 0108
5102 Rifkhan Raezeek DIVISION E
 Hyderabad Smashers Cc (hscc)
1 48 50 10 0 0108
5103 Shabbir Patel DIVISION E
 Mumbai X1
1 8 90 10 0 0108
5104 Shameem DIVISION E
 Nadukani CC
1 78 20 10 0 0108
5105 Jayendra Preyatheezan DIVISION F
 Chennai Cricketers
2 98 0 10 0 0108
5106 Mohamed Ismhat DIVISION E
 Ceylonians CC
6 88 20 0 0 0108
5107 Rasel Ahmed DIVISION E
 Black Mamba
3 98 0 10 0 0108
5108 Navas Kabeer DIVISION E
 Blasters CC
4 8 100 0 0 0108
5109 Hafsal V H POOL 11
 Doha Vikings
14 28 40 40 0 0108
5110 Shuhail Moothedath POOL 7
 Boom Boom CC
3 8 80 20 0 0108
5111 Ismail Tuan DIVISION E
 Air Strikers
4 77 20 10 0 0107
5112 Samjad Olakara DIVISION E
9 97 0 10 0 0107
5113 Mawmed Infas DIVISION E
 Dessert Warriors
4 47 0 60 0 0107
5114 Shibu Rajendran POOL 3
 Ideal Warriors
4 7 100 0 0 0107
5115 Sourav Biswas DIVISION E
 Qatar Horses
7 7 50 50 0 0107
5116 Keshav Chandra Giri DIVISION E
 Royal Dare Warriors Qatar
1 97 0 10 0 0107
5117 Harshad Vellathingal Moidunny DIVISION E
 Diplomatic C.c
10 7 80 20 0 0107
5118 Mehaboob afkaf POOL 3
 Al Khor Warriors
1 107 0 0 0 0107
5119 Rafeeq Hitters DIVISION E
 Hitters Qatar Green
3 97 -10 20 0 0107
5120 Fiaz Ansari DIVISION E
 Nysa CC
4 77 0 30 0 0107
5121 Bejon Nampoozhyil Bejo DIVISION E
 R B W
2 7 60 40 0 0107
5122 Muhammedshameer Pokker POOL 5
 Red Hawks
5 107 0 0 0 0107
5123 Kameer Hameed POOL 4
 Salwa Monsters
10 27 10 70 0 0107
5124 Cherish Kurian DIVISION E
 Hilal X1
10 16 60 30 0 0106
5125 Rafique Mangalore DIVISION E
 Blackcaps Cricketers
9 46 20 40 0 0106
5126 Nihas Nisam DRS DIVISION E
 Doha Revolt Stars
14 96 0 10 0 0106
5127 Jasim J DIVISION E
 Eminent Qatar
4 16 90 0 0 0106
5128 Salman Muhammad Ayub POOL 7
 Lagaan Qatar
1 96 10 0 0 0106
5129 Tajammul Kaskar DIVISION E
 Janjira Sports Club ( Jsc )
1 96 0 10 0 0106
5130 Sajeer Cholakath DIVISION E
 Friday Cricket Sailiya
3 86 0 20 0 0106
5131 Nuwan Ranathunga DIVISION E
 Matar Strikers
1 56 30 20 0 0106
5132 Ananth Babu POOL 11
 Defenders County Cricket
5 76 0 30 0 0106
5133 Shaan Shahul POOL 16
 Blue Warriors
4 76 20 10 0 0106
5134 Rameez R T
 Kerala Strikers
4 96 0 10 0 0106
5135 Syed Abul Fazal DIVISION E
 Al Anees Strikers
1 106 0 0 0 0106
5136 Ali Zain POOL 5
 Ccrc Warriors
6 75 20 10 0 0105
5137 Saravanan Velu DIVISION E
 Asian Rhynos
2 95 0 10 0 0105
5138 Sehir Knights DIVISION E
 Qecc Knights
4 85 20 0 0 0105
5139 Jithu Stars DIVISION E
 Qecc Stars
3 55 30 20 0 0105
5140 Mohammed Sadeq Hussain DIVISION E
 Deccan Boys
14 75 10 20 0 0105
5141 Faisal Etp DIVISION E
 Leaders Qatar
1 75 30 0 0 0105
5142 Noor Rahman DIVISION E
 Shabab Al Wakrah
9 75 30 0 0 0105
5143 Venkat Srenivasan DIVISION E
 Gcc Gladiators
4 75 0 30 0 0105
5144 Haisam Sham DIVISION E
 S-thanz XI
13 75 0 30 0 0105
5145 Ebadulla Fakeer Saheb DIVISION E
 Smart Qatar
2 105 0 0 0 0105
5146 Rashid Hameed DIVISION E
3 94 0 10 0 0104
5147 Mohamad Majid Imran DIVISION E
 Rising Stars CC
5 4 90 10 0 0104
5148 Ajmal Nelliyottupoyil DIVISION E
 Black Caps CC
1 54 50 0 0 0104
5149 Muhammad Irfan DIVISION E
 Blockades X1
6 24 70 10 0 0104
5150 Shahed Saad DIVISION E
 Hyderabadi Nawab's Super 11
1 54 -10 60 0 0104
5151 Sindushan Rasakumar DIVISION E
 Blasters CC
12 -6 70 40 0 0104
5152 Jigneshkumar Patel POOL 6
 Oscar C C
3 94 10 0 0 0104
5153 Sreeju Raveendran POOL 9
 Strikers C C
5 74 20 10 0 0104
5154 Santhosh Verghese . DIVISION E
 Royal Strikers Qatar
9 133 -30 0 0 0103
5155 Habib Abdul POOL 10
 Unique Cricket Club
6 23 70 10 0 0103
5156 Tony Thomas POOL 14
 Spartans X1
12 -27 50 80 0 0103
5157 Ismayil Manammal POOL 4
 Salwa Monsters
4 13 80 10 0 0103
5158 Jamsheer Navath POOL 3
 Innings Stars
6 23 40 40 0 0103
5159 Ajithkumar POOL 12
 Kk Warriors
3 93 0 10 0 0103
5160 Vineesh Mc DIVISION E
6 3 70 30 0 0103
5161 Anas Mullakkara Abdul Kareem DIVISION E
 Vectra Qatar
10 53 0 50 0 0103
5162 Semeer Parapurath R
4 43 50 10 0 0103
5163 Vibin Jega DIVISION E
 X1 Star
1 53 40 10 0 0103
5164 Ajith Sunny DIVISION E
 Bin Omran United
3 -7 90 20 0 0103
5165 Vijesh Madhavan DIVISION E
 Group Nine 11
5 72 0 30 0 0102
5166 Arun V T
 Kerala Strikers
3 42 0 60 0 0102
5167 Muhamed Sudeer S
 Kerala CC
4 12 40 50 0 0102
5168 Amit Stars DIVISION E
 Qecc Stars
3 32 60 10 0 0102
5169 Amir Khan DIVISION E
 Omrc XI
7 52 10 40 0 0102
5170 Rifan Sha POOL 5
 Strikers X1 Qatar
4 82 0 20 0 0102
5171 Jafar Jamaludheen POOL 8
 Team Cricket Buddies
10 2 70 30 0 0102
5172 Shefeed Tv POOL 3
 Qatar Fighters Club
3 42 50 10 0 0102
5173 Muhammed Basheer Thalakkal DIVISION E
 Vcc Qatar
5 72 20 10 0 0102
5174 Suhaim Mohamed Ayaz Khan POOL 16
 Unique CC
15 -38 80 60 0 0102
5175 Adil Ahmed DIVISION E
 Deccan Boys
3 12 60 30 0 0102
5176 Saif Ali Parakkott DIVISION E
 Qatar Amigos
4 22 70 10 0 0102
5177 Fajis Mp DIVISION E
 Bails Qatar CC
8 91 0 10 0 0101
5178 Jayaprasad Retnakaran DIVISION E
4 61 10 30 0 0101
5179 Anoop Raveendran POOL 6
 Hitters Qatar
2 1 100 0 0 0101
5180 Harihara Suthan DIVISION E
 Ntd Knights
6 91 0 10 0 0101
5181 Kiran Jayaram Q
 Friends (fct)
4 1 70 30 0 0101
5182 Umesh Babu DIVISION E
4 1 60 40 0 0101
5183 Md Abdul Malek POOL 9
5 71 20 10 0 0101
5184 Rasmin Ecc POOL 16
 Western Warriors
2 81 0 20 0 0101
5185 Ubald Antony POOL 12
 Kk Warriors
3 41 60 0 0 0101
5186 Fazul Jazee POOL 7
 Thunder Strikers Doha
7 61 0 40 0 0101
5187 Tamil S DIVISION E
 Bdk Sporting
3 101 -30 30 0 0101
5188 Sreedharan S DIVISION E
 Team Mercury
11 111 -10 0 0 0101
 Mangalore Warriors
4 11 80 10 0 0101
5190 Akbar Khan DIVISION E
 Victorian Stars Doha
3 -19 90 30 0 0101
5191 Prashant Pandey DIVISION E
 Indo Warrior
9 11 70 20 0 0101
5192 Sooraj Nair DIVISION E
 Master Blasters Qatar
1 80 20 0 0 0100
5193 Sumudu Dulan DIVISION E
 Thyssen Warriors
4 40 30 30 0 0100
5194 Hanifur Rehman DIVISION E
 Mangalore Warriors
2 90 10 0 0 0100
5195 Arlent Mohana Sundara Dhas S
2 -10 110 0 0 0100
5196 Mohammed Ashfaq Ahmed DIVISION E
3 70 0 30 0 0100
5197 Mansoor Calicut DIVISION E
 Kingsmen Cricketers (kmc)
4 -10 90 20 0 0100
5198 Azar Kattilakath DIVISION E
 Qatar Champions
1 100 0 0 0 0100
5199 Mohammed Riswan DIVISION E
 Qatar Vibrants
2 -10 110 0 0 0100
5200 Rihan Razzak DIVISION E
 Boom Boom C C
4 100 0 0 0 0100
5201 Sideeq Aboobacker DIVISION E
 Kombans CC
1 0 90 10 0 0100
5202 Sameeh Muhammed DIVISION E
 Super Heroes
4 70 20 10 0 0100
5203 Muhammad T T
 Doha Cc (dcc)
4 50 20 30 0 0100
5204 Najeeb Koorara DIVISION E
 Doha Falcons
1 0 70 30 0 0100
5205 Siva Kumar DIVISION F
 Spartans X1
3 80 0 20 0 0100
5206 Sarath Nair POOL 13
 Unipart X1
8 90 0 10 0 0100
5207 Mohammed Jishan POOL 12
 Smart Qatar
6 90 0 10 0 0100
5208 Sabir P.m POOL 5
 Strikers X1 Qatar
2 70 20 10 0 0100
5209 Manohar Chowdary DIVISION E
 Qatar Horses
16 10 50 40 0 0100
5210 Nijad Subairkutty DIVISION E
 Oscar C C
1 0 90 10 0 0100
5211 Madhan Kumar POOL 5
 The Monks
8 79 0 20 0 099
5212 Jonnakuti Sai Amarnadh DIVISION E
 Doha Super Kings
1 99 0 0 0 099
5213 Abhishek Nandan DIVISION F
 Cric X1
4 69 0 30 0 099
5214 Aswak POOL 14
 Victoria Travels
1 79 20 0 0 099
5215 Tharik Aliyar DIVISION E
 Doha Legends
5 99 -30 30 0 099
5216 Ajmal P DIVISION E
 Deep Blues
1 89 0 10 0 099
5217 Rahul Islam DIVISION E
 Abu Nakhla
4 99 0 0 0 099
5218 Raja Shankar DIVISION E
 Kk Warriors
2 9 80 10 0 099
5219 Mohammed Imran . DIVISION E
 Lemax Riders
4 59 30 10 0 099
5220 Bijulal A DIVISION E
4 9 80 10 0 099
5221 Fayaz Asamdi DIVISION E
 Khalifa Strikers
10 29 50 20 0 099
5222 Abdul Sajid M POOL 3
 Jp X1
3 59 0 40 0 099
5223 Abdul Latheef DIVISION E
 Blockades X1
6 -11 110 0 0 099
5224 Rohith Mohan DIVISION E
4 19 80 0 0 099
5225 Serma Lingam DIVISION E
3 9 40 50 0 099
5226 Shameem Kanjirathingal Nasser DIVISION E
 Spartan Kings
2 98 0 0 0 098
5227 Jamshar Kizhakkinakath DIVISION E
 Friday CC
1 38 60 0 0 098
5228 Mani Kp DIVISION E
 Spikes CC
7 98 0 0 0 098
5229 Ismail Ichu DIVISION E
 Blockades XI
6 28 60 10 0 098
5230 Firos Vayalil . DIVISION E
 Diplomatic C.c
4 48 30 20 0 098
5231 Shaheer Tk DIVISION E
 Dreamer Ksd
1 98 0 0 0 098
5232 Vipin V DIVISION E
 Thyssen Warriors
1 78 20 0 0 098
5233 Haneefa Muhammad DIVISION E
 New Star Dafna
2 98 0 0 0 098
5234 Mohamed Rikas POOL 9
 Maru Champs Qatar
1 48 50 0 0 098
5235 Nasimudeen Mohamad Noufal Nawfi DIVISION E
 Kerala Strikers
2 87 10 0 0 097
5236 Thanseer Thansi T
 Kerala Strikers
2 47 50 0 0 097
5237 Muhiyudheen Rashid DIVISION E
 New Star Dafna
1 97 0 0 0 097
5238 Sahad Basheer Hassan POOL 16
 Desert Warriors
7 97 0 0 0 097
5239 Bibindev K DIVISION F
 Oruma Royals
4 87 0 10 0 097
5240 Sajid Talwalkar POOL 16
 Aero Dynamos
1 87 0 10 0 097
5241 Afsal Vilangil DIVISION E
 Doha Boys
1 97 0 0 0 097
5242 Anwar P DIVISION E
4 27 70 0 0 097
5243 Mohammed Yazeer DIVISION E
 Air Strikers
4 -3 100 0 0 097
5244 Mohamadu Jiman Abdulkadar DIVISION E
 Salwa Monsters Qatar
1 97 0 0 0 097
5245 Akber Choudary DIVISION E
 Khalifa Strikers
1 97 0 0 0 097
5246 Clement G Kureekattil DIVISION E
 Crazy X1
2 7 90 0 0 097
5247 Ashref Abdul Rahman DIVISION E
 Palace C C
1 77 0 20 0 097
5248 Shanker Kumar DIVISION E
 Marina CC
8 57 30 10 0 097
5249 Naser Puthuveettil POOL 9
 Toivo Qatar
4 47 0 50 0 097
5250 Farzan Mohamed Haneefa POOL 4
 Salwa Monsters
7 87 0 10 0 097
5251 Shibin Ps DIVISION E
 Royal Tuskers
9 46 0 50 0 096
5252 Thasthigeer Thasta DIVISION E
 Friends CC
3 56 20 20 0 096
5253 Vinod Velayudhan DIVISION F
 Dejawu C C-dcc
1 96 0 0 0 096
5254 Shamseer Sm DIVISION F
 Spartans X1
2 76 20 0 0 096
5255 Faisal Koghad DIVISION E
 Jp X1 CC
3 96 0 0 0 096
5256 Rajeev Dubey DIVISION E
 Indo Warrior
1 36 60 0 0 096
5257 Shaikh Jeelani DIVISION E
 Hyderabad Smashers Cc (hscc)
1 86 0 10 0 096
5258 Harshad Hakeem DIVISION E
 Sanford XI
1 96 0 0 0 096
5259 Harilal Sundaresan Pillai DIVISION E
 Bright XI
2 96 0 0 0 096
5260 Sajid Pattarathil DIVISION E
 Beach CC
3 86 0 10 0 096
5261 Muneer Vanicheri POOL 9
 Toivo Qatar
1 75 20 0 0 095
5262 Muneer 33256373 DIVISION E
 Egss Ummsalal
2 35 50 10 0 095
5263 Salek Hussain DIVISION E
14 5 60 30 0 095
5264 Sainthamby Jasmeer POOL 7
 Super King Boys CC
3 145 -60 10 0 095
5265 Anas DIVISION E
 Redbulls C C
1 95 0 0 0 095
5266 Rafaideen R POOL 9
 Limra Friends
5 -15 110 0 0 095
5267 Nivas John U
 Qatar Friends
4 -5 80 20 0 095
5268 Noufal Mt DIVISION E
 Doha Blasters
2 45 20 30 0 095
5269 Afthab Puthur POOL 12
4 55 10 30 0 095
5270 Rifas B U
 City Exchange CC
6 15 50 30 0 095
5271 Jaseer Jalal POOL 10
 Fcs Qatar
5 85 0 10 0 095
5272 Devendra Thapa DIVISION E
 Unipart 11
2 15 70 10 0 095
5273 Moideenkunhi Cherkalam Abdulla POOL 8
 Chennai Cricketers
2 5 90 0 0 095
5274 Rashik Raazi DIVISION E
 Hitters Qatar Green
2 75 20 0 0 095
5275 Zakkaria Kannorakandiyil DIVISION E
6 75 10 10 0 095
5276 Zakariya Pulkuzhiyil POOL 7
 Youth Forum Companions
7 25 0 70 0 095
5277 Anfas Sha POOL 9
 Petroserv CC
6 35 0 60 0 095
5278 Rahim Kasim DIVISION E
 Doha Vikings
5 54 20 20 0 094
5279 Deepu Kacheri Kacheri DIVISION E
 Planners Qatar CC
1 94 0 0 0 094
5280 Muhammed Shabeer POOL 8
 Red Bulls C C
1 64 0 30 0 094
5281 Rahul Rajeev Rajeev Balakrishna R
 Redwolves Qatar
4 34 20 40 0 094
5282 Jaleel POOL 16
 Western Warriors
2 84 0 10 0 094
5283 Shafeeek A A DIVISION E
 Western Warriors
3 -16 100 10 0 094
5284 Denny Jacob DIVISION E
 The Look
6 94 0 0 0 094
5285 Shibin Murali DIVISION E
 S-thanz XI
6 44 0 50 0 094
5286 Sanju J DIVISION E
 Sultan XI
1 84 0 10 0 094
5287 Bilal Durrani POOL 16
 Unique CC
3 64 0 30 0 094
5288 Rahmat Khan DIVISION E
 White Tigers
2 84 0 10 0 094
5289 Anser Anver DIVISION E
 Air Strikers
3 44 0 50 0 094
5290 Mohammed Rashid DIVISION E
 United South Elegants
7 64 10 20 0 094
5291 Saif Rahman Saif DIVISION E
 Sahara .c.c
2 123 -30 0 0 093
5292 Deepu DIVISION E
 Sahara .c.c
2 43 40 10 0 093
5293 Jasil Kalarikkandy DIVISION E
 Royal Strikers
5 3 70 20 0 093
5294 Mohammad Altaf DIVISION E
 Cricket Phantoms
1 83 0 10 0 093
5295 Srimanikandan Kuniyil DIVISION E
2 -7 80 20 0 093
5296 Kuttan Sajin DIVISION E
 Rising Stars
3 73 20 0 0 093
5297 Shalbin Joseph DIVISION E
 Black Caps CC
9 13 40 40 0 093
5298 Mr Al Amin Miah Abu Taher DIVISION E
 Redco Riders
2 83 0 10 0 093
5299 Imran Moazom DIVISION E
 Victorian Stars Doha
1 93 0 0 0 093
5300 Sayeed Chombakadath . DIVISION E
5 23 70 0 0 093
 Mangalore Warriors
4 93 0 0 0 093
5302 Sabeer Hussain POOL 4
 Salwa Monsters
6 53 0 40 0 093
5303 Jithin Pushpa Raj DIVISION E
 Team Raptors
1 83 -10 20 0 093
5304 Belayetullah Hadi DIVISION E
 Bmc X1
3 -7 80 20 0 093
5305 Aslaf Ac R
 Team Of Qatar
1 83 0 10 0 093
5306 Jacob Varghese DIVISION E
 Qatar Winners
4 63 20 10 0 093
5307 Moideen Irshad DIVISION E
 Bin Omran United
3 3 80 10 0 093
5308 Ninto Varghese DIVISION E
 Indian Stars XI
7 13 70 10 0 093
5309 Jamsheer Biyathu Abdulla DIVISION E
 Spartans XI
4 -7 70 30 0 093
5310 Muneer Nadu Veettil POOL 10
 Salwa Monsters
6 93 0 0 0 093
5311 Vipin Nair DIVISION E
 Jp X1 CC
10 53 20 20 0 093
5312 Asharaf Sayed POOL 9
 Toivo Qatar
3 12 60 20 0 092
5313 Muhammed Harsat DIVISION E
 Royal Fighters Cricket
5 -8 90 10 0 092
5314 CP Redbulls POOL 3
 Redbulls CC
3 82 0 10 0 092
5315 Prajeesh Babu POOL 5
 G4s Phoenix
3 92 0 0 0 092
5316 Shahanas Avarankath DIVISION E
 Master Blasters Qatar
3 2 90 0 0 092
5317 Aji Kayamkulam DIVISION E
 Indian Stars XI
2 82 0 10 0 092
5318 Lijo Jacob DIVISION E
7 -18 60 50 0 092
5319 Mansoor machu kp DIVISION E
 Qatar Bruisers
1 92 0 0 0 092
5320 Dwibeesh Kallingal POOL 12
 Elegance Qatar
9 -28 100 20 0 092
5321 Karthik K G DIVISION E
 Dominoz Qatar
1 72 0 20 0 092
5322 Faqeehuddin Ahmed DIVISION E
 Ntd Knights
3 92 0 0 0 092
5323 Shijith Jacob DIVISION E
 Uk Xi (united Kerala Eleven)
4 32 60 0 0 092
 Kingsmen Cricketers (kmc)
3 82 0 10 0 092
5325 Jiraj Perumbilavil POOL 5
 Doha Challengers
1 2 90 0 0 092
5326 Amzad Hossain Foysal POOL 8
 Bd Bullets
4 61 0 30 0 091
5327 Abdul Hameed POOL 7
4 1 90 0 0 091
5328 Habib Sultan POOL 4
 Salwa Monsters
2 1 70 20 0 091
5329 Mubarak Kt POOL 11
 Bails Qatar
2 81 0 10 0 091
5330 Fahad Puliyath DIVISION E
 Doha Blasters
6 111 -20 0 0 091
5331 Dilhan Pradeepkumara DIVISION E
 Dragon Gym
1 91 0 0 0 091
5332 Inthikhab Alam DIVISION E
 Smart Qatar
3 1 80 10 0 091
5333 Sunehit Gupta DIVISION E
8 41 30 20 0 091
5334 Sajeev Oscar Cc POOL 3
 City Group Oscar CC
3 61 0 30 0 091
5335 Ashraf Baikady Mohammed POOL 5
 Toivo Qatar
1 11 80 0 0 091
 Mdt Roadiez
1 91 0 0 0 091
5337 Arun Raja POOL 12
 Kk Warriors
3 71 20 0 0 091
5338 Mohamed Nasoordin Mohmad DIVISION E
 Salwa Monsters Qatar
1 1 70 20 0 091
5339 Aslam K DIVISION E
 Indian Stars XI
4 41 40 10 0 091
5340 Abdul Niyas POOL 5
 Red Hawks
2 21 50 20 0 091
5341 Abdul Muthalib Cherachamveettil Kalathil DIVISION E
 Beach CC
2 61 30 0 0 091
5342 Irfan Shareef DIVISION E
 Doha Risers CC
3 81 0 10 0 091
5343 Subash Chandran DIVISION E
 Energy Technical Services(ets)
9 80 0 10 0 090
5344 Jitendra Paswan DIVISION E
 Kokan Boys
1 0 90 0 0 090
5345 Unnikrishnan Reghukumar Unni POOL 3
 Doha Spartans
4 70 20 0 0 090
5346 T.Manikandan . DIVISION E
2 90 0 0 0 090
5347 Alamgir H DIVISION E
 Hurricanes Qatar
1 0 80 10 0 090
5348 Shuhaib Av DIVISION E
 Jp X1 CC
2 90 -30 30 0 090
5349 Asarudhin Anwar Basha . DIVISION E
 Nysa CC
2 0 70 20 0 090
5350 Shefi Shornur DIVISION E
 Dominoz Qatar
1 10 80 0 0 090
5351 Shihab A V DIVISION E
 Dominoz Qatar
1 -10 100 0 0 090
5352 Binu Markose DIVISION F
 Cric X1
3 0 90 0 0 090
5353 Abdul Rahman POOL 4
 Victory CC
5 0 90 0 0 090
5354 Shamnad Alathayil POOL 15
 Matar Kings
4 80 0 10 0 090
5355 Mohamed Rupak POOL 14
 Victoria Travels
1 120 -30 0 0 090
5356 Ajmatullah Nur DIVISION E
 Bmc X1
2 90 0 0 0 090
5357 Biju Varghese DIVISION E
 Royal Qatar
2 70 20 0 0 090
5358 Fazal Rehman DIVISION E
 Mangalore Warriors
5 80 0 10 0 090
5359 Nizam Nizu POOL 9
 Studs Of Qatar
6 20 70 0 0 090
5360 Franklin D Antony DIVISION E
 Marina CC
1 0 60 30 0 090
5361 Shiju Kambrath Shiju DIVISION E
 Qatar Amigos
5 110 -40 20 0 090
5362 SirAj Siru POOL 7
 Rayyan Red Lions
3 20 70 0 0 090
5363 Jishnu Krishna Ramakrishnan DIVISION E
 Doha Spartans
4 70 0 20 0 090
5364 Farhan Surve DIVISION E
 Blue Warriors
2 10 40 40 0 090
5365 Asif Patel DIVISION E
 Doha Tigers
10 70 -10 30 0 090
5366 Mohamed Risly POOL 13
 White Lions Doha
6 89 0 0 0 089
5367 Girish Iyer DIVISION E
 Bin Omran United
2 59 30 0 0 089
5368 Mushtak . DIVISION E
 Mumbai X1
1 69 20 0 0 089
5369 Muhammed Salah DIVISION E
 Innings Stars
4 49 30 10 0 089
5370 Moideen Kunhi Mohammad Althaf DIVISION E
 Bdk Sporting
5 69 20 0 0 089
5371 Saikiran Tripuramalla DIVISION E
 Doha Super Kings
1 79 0 10 0 089
5372 Mohamed Nazeer Mohamed Sarifu POOL 10
 Salwa Monsters
3 19 60 10 0 089
5373 Amjad Amju T
 Doha Cc (dcc)
1 69 10 10 0 089
5374 Imran Samath DIVISION E
 Air Strikers
2 49 0 40 0 089
5375 Sanjay Bahadur Darjee DIVISION E
 Unipart 11
6 79 0 10 0 089
5376 Fayas Fayu DIVISION E
 Dragon Gym
3 59 20 10 0 089
5377 Safeer S
 Rc Boys
1 68 20 0 0 088
5378 Lohit Tata DIVISION F
 Doha Dynamos
6 78 0 10 0 088
5379 Mohammed Shafeek DIVISION E
 Hyderabadi Nawab's Super 11
4 68 0 20 0 088
5380 Muhammed Basheer Kariyaparamban DIVISION E
 Doha Strikers Kunhipalli(dsk)
2 88 0 0 0 088
5381 Shafiuddin 77,363,841.00 DIVISION E
 Egss Ummsalal
3 18 70 0 0 088
5382 Vineeth Vinod DIVISION E
 Crazy X1
2 78 0 10 0 088
5383 Karthik Kandaiah POOL 10
 Dejawu CC
8 18 70 0 0 088
5384 Ramsheed Ramshi DIVISION E
 Team Karthiyath
6 28 20 40 0 088
5385 Sampath Herath DIVISION F
 Unique CC
3 78 0 10 0 088
5386 Ifaj Kt DIVISION E
 Black Mamba
1 87 0 0 0 087
5387 Anuprakash CP DIVISION E
 Black Knights
3 7 70 10 0 087
5388 Mohammed Siddique DIVISION E
 Smart Qatar
12 57 20 10 0 087
5389 Vysakh Harikumar DIVISION E
 Merac Cc (mcc)
11 77 0 10 0 087
5390 Rashid Usman DIVISION E
 Q11 CC
3 27 60 0 0 087
5391 Farhan Kalbasaker POOL 14
2 97 -10 0 0 087
5392 Rajendher Tatipally DIVISION E
 Qatar Horses
12 57 20 10 0 087
5393 Brijnandan Thakur DIVISION E
 Rising Stars Doha
10 67 -10 30 0 087
5394 George Kutty DIVISION E
 Friday Cricket Sailiya
3 77 0 10 0 087
5395 Rikkas R T
 Kerala Strikers
2 -3 90 0 0 087
5396 John Varkey DIVISION E
 Bin Omran United
1 7 80 0 0 087
5397 Mayank Saxena DIVISION E
 Torpedos Striker
1 67 20 0 0 087
5398 Rajaa DIVISION E
 X1 Star
1 7 50 30 0 087
5399 Njas Puthiyaveetil Majeed DIVISION E
 Friends 11 Doha
3 67 0 20 0 087
5400 Biju Sebastin DIVISION E
 Khalifa Strikers
5 67 0 20 0 087
5401 Sumesh DIVISION E
 Sahara .c.c
2 6 50 30 0 086
5402 Mohammed Risfar DIVISION E
4 86 -10 10 0 086
5403 Shoaib Shah DIVISION E
 Blue Warriors
3 86 0 0 0 086
5404 Manikandan Murugan DIVISION E
 Rayyan Boys
2 66 0 20 0 086
5405 Mohammed Rizwan DIVISION E
 Khalifa XI
3 66 0 20 0 086
5406 Shaju Shajahan POOL 3
 Al Khor Warriors
6 76 0 10 0 086
5407 Asharaf Sainudeen POOL 3
 Al Khor Warriors
3 86 0 0 0 086
5408 Rajesh Kumar DIVISION E
 Legends CC
1 76 0 10 0 086
5409 Binesh S DIVISION E
8 -4 90 0 0 086
5410 Ashiq Kandhi DIVISION E
 Team Of Qatar
11 136 -70 20 0 086
5411 Sharfu Nk DIVISION E
 Hiq CC
1 75 0 10 0 085
5412 Mable Abraham DIVISION E
5 25 50 10 0 085
5413 Mushtaq Ahamad DIVISION E
 Tata Sports C C
2 85 0 0 0 085
5414 Abu Thahir DIVISION E
 Doha Boys
9 -5 40 50 0 085
5415 Thoufeeq Nt DIVISION E
 Muhammadense Qatar
3 75 10 0 0 085
5416 Nithin Chakkumparambil DIVISION E
 Doha United
6 -5 90 0 0 085
5417 Riyas Mondummal DIVISION E
 Doha United
11 65 0 20 0 085
5418 Md Rashid DIVISION E
 Oscar C C
2 75 0 10 0 085
5419 Khalid Hussain DIVISION E
 Brothers Cricket
1 75 0 10 0 085
5420 Shrikant Nayak POOL 3
 Hilal X1
1 85 -30 30 0 085
5421 Riju Ramathpoyil DIVISION E
 South Royals
6 35 50 0 0 085
5422 Midhun Mani DIVISION E
3 5 70 10 0 085
5423 Safran Sahabdeen DIVISION E
 Silent Killers
7 5 10 70 0 085
5424 Shihan Muthaliph POOL 16
 Aero Dynamos
1 35 50 0 0 085
5425 Shafeek P K POOL 13
 Marc Qatar Warriors
8 35 40 10 0 085
5426 Shinu Alexander S
6 55 20 10 0 085
5427 Saiju Gopalan T
 Kerala Strikers
2 65 20 0 0 085
5428 Ajeesh Arjunan DIVISION E
 Qatar Winners
5 85 0 0 0 085
5429 Sineth Tharindu DIVISION E
 Smashers 11
5 14 60 10 0 084
5430 Midhilaj Basha POOL 9
 Strikers C C
13 4 20 60 0 084
5431 Syed Rehaman DIVISION E
 Hyderabad Smashers Cc (hscc)
1 64 0 20 0 084
5432 Mujeeb Vp DIVISION E
 Black Cat Fosters
1 24 50 10 0 084
 Cricket Phantoms
3 104 -30 10 0 084
5434 Bebsen Robin DIVISION E
 Kanya Kumari Warriors
8 64 0 20 0 084
5435 FREE Bandara DIVISION E
 Smashers 11
12 54 20 10 0 084
5436 Shahul Hameed (Naju) DIVISION E
 Black Knights
4 74 0 10 0 084
5437 Mushtaq Ali POOL 14
 Spartans X1
9 64 0 20 0 084
5438 Ibrahim Aravalath R
 Fighters Qatar
3 64 20 0 0 084
5439 Mohammad Tousif Khan DIVISION E
 Bhopal Hunters
6 84 0 0 0 084
5440 Mervyn Patrao POOL 9
 Omrc X1
9 23 40 20 0 083
5441 Lasantha Roshan Buddhika Meriggnalage DIVISION E
 Nysa CC
3 -7 80 10 0 083
5442 Prajith Au POOL 5
 Red Hawks
10 53 0 30 0 083
5443 Sabir Hurzuk DIVISION E
 Mumbai X1
1 33 20 30 0 083
5444 Ajmal Habeeb DIVISION E
 Classic CC
1 83 0 0 0 083
5445 Ravi Shankar Singh Q
 Oryx Star Cricket
3 83 0 0 0 083
5446 Stephan Paul Durai DIVISION E
3 83 0 0 0 083
5447 Robin Roy DIVISION E
 Roadiez Cricket X1
4 13 60 10 0 083
5448 Nasry Mohamed DIVISION E
 Trophy Fighters
4 73 0 10 0 083
5449 Mabin Davis POOL 5
 Red Hawks
6 83 0 0 0 083
5450 Hashim Ra DIVISION E
 Muhammadense Qatar
2 3 50 30 0 083
5451 Aneef V POOL 9
 Studs Of Qatar
8 63 0 20 0 083
5452 Shahid Riaz DIVISION E
 Brothers Cricket
1 83 0 0 0 083
5453 Safad V P DIVISION E
 Weltech Warriors
2 83 0 0 0 083
 Rising Stars
3 43 10 30 0 083
5455 Jasheek Kottil DIVISION E
4 73 0 10 0 083
5456 Sajeer Sha DIVISION E
 Q Star
1 63 10 10 0 083
5457 Rasheed Muhammed Rashi R
 Kkm Warriors
4 63 20 0 0 083
5458 Anoop Kumar DIVISION E
 Royal Warriors Qatar
12 12 50 20 0 082
5459 Binu Kumar DIVISION E
7 2 60 20 0 082
5460 Sreekesh Sree DIVISION E
 Blue Warriors
8 2 50 30 0 082
5461 Akhil Sreekumar DIVISION E
 Black Knights
2 112 -30 0 0 082
5462 Salman Faris POOL 11
 Youthforum Companions
3 82 0 0 0 082
5463 Mishal Vahab DIVISION E
 Xiomi City
2 62 0 20 0 082
5464 Noushad DIVISION E
 Spartan Strickers
6 52 20 10 0 082
5465 Ranjeet Singh DIVISION E
 Oryx Star Cricket
2 12 50 20 0 082
5466 Zaharan Ccrc DIVISION E
6 82 0 0 0 082
5467 Rustam Khan DIVISION E
 Star Al Nasariya Club
1 2 80 0 0 082
5468 Nidheesh Mk DIVISION E
 Calicut Blasterz
10 82 0 0 0 082
5469 Abdul R M Rimas POOL 4
 Aldar Blasters
9 72 0 10 0 082
5470 Ashar Vallamprath DIVISION E
 Eminent Qatar
2 42 30 10 0 082
5471 Abdul Muneer Yk DIVISION E
 Dreamer Ksd
1 82 0 0 0 082
5472 Vipin Rajan DIVISION E
 Planners Qatar CC
1 41 30 10 0 081
5473 Sahaya Prasath DIVISION E
4 81 0 0 0 081
5474 Zewar Khan DIVISION E
 Qatar Blue XI
2 1 80 0 0 081
5475 Murali Panchaman POOL 9
 Cofely Challengers
3 61 20 0 0 081
5476 Suni Ambalathingal Verungal DIVISION E
 Doha Super Kings
1 41 20 20 0 081
5477 Syed Askar Ali ( C ) DIVISION E
 Star Al Nasariya Club
1 81 0 0 0 081
5478 Hafshid Hanif POOL 13
 Boyzone Qatar
5 1 70 10 0 081
5479 Sidheeque Sidhu DIVISION E
 Strikers Xi - Qatar
4 41 30 10 0 081
5480 Aseem Km Asim POOL 10
 Dejawu CC
9 21 20 40 0 081
5481 Vipin Spartans DIVISION E
 Qecc Spartans
4 1 70 10 0 081
5482 Shawad Amigos DIVISION E
 Amigos Qatar
3 21 60 0 0 081
5483 Razik Vp POOL 5
 Atc Cbq
5 71 10 0 0 081
5484 Nishad N POOL 9
 Kokan Stars
4 30 20 30 0 080
5485 Vignesh Pithaipandian DIVISION E
 Metrorail Group Of Cricketers
1 80 -10 10 0 080
5486 Nasir Ali DIVISION E
 Cricket Phantoms
3 40 0 40 0 080
5487 Gopakumar Vasukurup DIVISION E
 Hurricanes Qatar
1 0 80 0 0 080
5488 Syed Imthias DIVISION E
 Angry Bulls
8 30 30 20 0 080
5489 Irshad Ns DIVISION E
 Muhammadense Qatar
2 -10 70 20 0 080
5490 Gafar Abdul Jabbar DIVISION E
 Java X1
5 0 60 20 0 080
5491 Anas Anz DIVISION E
 Qatar Stars
2 70 0 10 0 080
5492 Lithesh Kunder POOL 6
7 10 70 0 0 080
5493 Bhanu Dhawan DIVISION E
6 20 0 60 0 080
5494 Mathi DIVISION E
 Weltech Warriors
3 -10 80 10 0 080
5495 Shemeen Sadiq DIVISION E
 Doha Revolt Stars
3 40 40 0 0 080
5496 Arun Somanath POOL 3
1 10 30 40 0 080
5497 Ritesh Rajput DIVISION E
 Bhopal Hunters
4 0 60 20 0 080
5498 Shinod Kandiruthy DIVISION E
1 80 -10 10 0 080
5499 Muksith A POOL 3
 Yct Qatar
6 60 0 20 0 080
5500 Vishnu Radhakrishnan DIVISION E
 Qatar Bouncers
2 70 0 10 0 080
5501 Aji Stephen DIVISION E
 Royals XI
4 -10 80 10 0 080
5502 Rijas Marackar DIVISION E
 Dessert Warriors
4 0 60 20 0 080
5503 Varghese V DIVISION E
 Sultan XI
1 0 80 0 0 080
5504 Manesh Madhavan POOL 11
 Defenders County Cricket
1 0 80 0 0 080
5505 Roop Lal POOL 8
 Phoenix X1
12 80 0 0 0 080
5506 Mohamed Asif Khan POOL 14
 Victoria Travels
1 -10 70 20 0 080
5507 Ansar Km POOL 5
 Truth Fighters
3 80 0 0 0 080
5508 Harikrishna Nair POOL 3
 Hilal X1
10 10 10 60 0 080
5509 Ikram Hussain Q
 Jumbo Warriors
4 20 50 10 0 080
5510 Jeya Seelan Emilies POOL 15
 Hawks X1
3 70 -10 20 0 080
5511 Sohail Aslam Dabir DIVISION E
 Desert Court
1 80 0 0 0 080
5512 Vishnu Madhusoodhanan Pillai POOL 12
 United Warriors
1 79 0 0 0 079
5513 arun bhashkar bhashkar DIVISION E
 Lemax Riders
6 79 0 0 0 079
5514 Noufal Muhammed Ka DIVISION E
 Java X1
2 59 20 0 0 079
5515 Aneesh Asokan DIVISION E
 Doha Vikings
4 79 -20 20 0 079
5516 Shafeeq Abdul Khader DIVISION E
1 79 0 0 0 079
5517 Ramshad R.r DIVISION E
 Salwa Monsters Qatar
1 89 -10 0 0 079
5518 Razhip Abdul Cader DIVISION E
 Maru Champs Qatar
3 79 0 0 0 079
5519 Sabir Mohammed Sakharkar DIVISION E
 Ratnagiri Riders
7 79 -30 30 0 079
5520 Bibin Cletus Joseph DIVISION E
 Legends CC
1 69 0 10 0 079
5521 Afsal Mannara Tharayil DIVISION E
 Bails Qatar CC
1 89 -10 0 0 079
5522 Uvais Panchavadi DIVISION E
 Red Lions Rayyan
8 89 -10 0 0 079
5523 Nishad Abdul Salam Nishad DIVISION E
 Qatar Amigos
4 69 0 10 0 079
5524 Nishanth Shyaman DIVISION E
 Qstar Blue
6 19 50 10 0 079
5525 Abdul Rahim DIVISION E
 S-thanz XI
3 19 60 0 0 079
5526 Rehan Mohammad DIVISION E
 Bhopal Hunters
7 29 20 30 0 079
5527 Arshad Ahmed DIVISION E
 Brandbox Ads Friends X1
3 79 0 0 0 079
5528 Ramesh Pulikkal POOL 13
 Blasters CC
1 69 0 10 0 079
5529 Ahmed Rashid POOL 9
 Omrc X1
3 79 0 0 0 079
5530 Akash A DIVISION E
 Rising Stars CC
2 68 0 10 0 078
5531 Ajmal Arangil DIVISION E
 Doha Falcons
6 -2 70 10 0 078
5532 Gobinath Velmurugan DIVISION E
 Doha Falcons
3 8 50 20 0 078
5533 Nowfeer Hamsa DIVISION E
 Nash Cricketers
1 78 0 0 0 078
5534 Abdul Basith Poolakkal POOL 8
 Team Ghados
7 138 -110 50 0 078
 Doha Boys
3 8 50 20 0 078
5536 Jamsher Mammath DIVISION E
 Prince Eleven Gharafa
1 58 20 0 0 078
5537 Majeesh Dev POOL 7
 Youth Forum Companions
5 48 30 0 0 078
5538 Azeez Carribeans POOL 4
 Caribbeans Qatar
3 58 0 20 0 078
5539 Anand Balaji DIVISION E
3 -2 80 0 0 078
5540 Arif Knights DIVISION E
 Qecc Knights
4 8 0 70 0 078
5541 Sherif Muhammed DIVISION E
 Bright XI
6 38 20 20 0 078
5542 Aslam Valiyakath Paliyil DIVISION E
 Kombans CC
2 48 0 30 0 078
5543 Yasin Patel DIVISION E
 Doha Tigers
8 78 0 0 0 078
5544 Althaf Ashraf POOL 5
 Atc Cbq
2 78 0 0 0 078
5545 Haris Kottakandi DIVISION E
 Toss CC
1 78 0 0 0 078
5546 Sajil Palliparambil Hamza DIVISION E
 Palace C C
21 28 0 50 0 078
5547 Ashik Hisham DIVISION E
 Redbulls C C
5 48 20 10 0 078
5548 Tafseer Alam DIVISION E
 Jsr Warriors
2 78 0 0 0 078
5549 Rayees Puliyullathil DIVISION E
 Friday Cricket Sailiya
5 -12 60 30 0 078
5550 Shukoor Mahammad DIVISION E
 Friday Cricket Sailiya
8 67 0 10 0 077
5551 Nadun Mendis POOL 8
4 27 -10 60 0 077
5552 Mohamed Irshad POOL 14
 Victoria Travels
1 27 50 0 0 077
5553 Santhosh Kulappurakkal DIVISION E
 South Royals
9 27 10 40 0 077
5554 Muhammad Aslam Vayaroli Meethal DIVISION E
 Doha Falcons
2 27 20 30 0 077
5555 Thaheer Saheep POOL 6
 Royals X1
8 -3 50 30 0 077
5556 Sajeer Rasheed POOL 14
 Hilal X1
1 67 0 10 0 077
5557 Fenin Jerald POOL 15
 Mix Ileven
3 57 0 20 0 077
5558 Mugira Alam POOL 9
 Limra Friends
11 -3 60 20 0 077
5559 Amal Gangadharan DIVISION E
 Uk Xi (united Kerala Eleven)
5 17 40 20 0 077
5560 Joseph J DIVISION E
 Engineers XI
1 37 30 10 0 077
5561 Abdul Aziz Moideen DIVISION E
 Iqvans Qatar
1 67 10 0 0 077
5562 Aneesh Km DIVISION E
 Thyssen Warriors
3 77 -20 20 0 077
5563 Sasikumar Ramasamy Sasi DIVISION E
 Hitters Qatar Red
3 76 0 0 0 076
5564 Ahammed Tufail DIVISION E
 Iqvans Qatar
1 66 0 10 0 076
5565 Sindushan Resakumar DIVISION E
 Blasters CC
8 56 -20 40 0 076
5566 Thoufic Ahammed POOL 12
 Smart Qatar
3 16 50 10 0 076
5567 Feminas Vc DIVISION E
 Rc Boys
1 6 50 20 0 076
5568 Vivek M DIVISION E
 Sultan XI
1 66 0 10 0 076
5569 Sathis Kumar Sengamalai DIVISION E
 Star Al Nasariya Club
1 6 50 20 0 076
5570 Mohammad Shahnawaz Khan DIVISION E
 Jsr Warriors
2 76 -10 10 0 076
5571 Rejin Raveendran DIVISION E
 Royal Phoenix
11 76 0 0 0 076
5572 Mohamed Azhar POOL 13
 White Lions Doha
2 76 0 0 0 076
5573 Robin DIVISION F
 Doha Dynamos
6 66 0 10 0 076
 Al Anees Strikers
6 56 10 10 0 076
5575 Sanaullah A DIVISION E
 Spartan Strickers
13 76 0 0 0 076
5576 Muneer Cheriyakunnath DIVISION E
 Desert Court
7 -5 20 60 0 075
5577 Samad Kunnil DIVISION E
 Friday CC
3 35 40 0 0 075
5578 Shahbaz Hunerkar DIVISION E
 Ratnagiri Riders
2 75 0 0 0 075
5579 Sameer Khardekar DIVISION E
 Indo Warrior
8 35 40 0 0 075
5580 Mohammad Rizwan Akther Khan POOL 10
 Tata Sports C C
11 55 0 20 0 075
5581 Sheheem Mk DIVISION E
 Hitters Qatar Green
5 -15 90 0 0 075
5582 Dr Umair Misbah DIVISION E
 Doha Friends XI
1 55 10 10 0 075
5583 Riswan Coc DIVISION E
 Blue Warriors
1 75 0 0 0 075
5584 Mohamed Ikram DIVISION E
 Ceylonians CC
3 -5 80 0 0 075
5585 Prashanth Parameswaran DIVISION E
 Black Mamba
2 85 -20 10 0 075
5586 Waseem Mohammed DIVISION E
 Lucky Star
5 25 20 30 0 075
5587 Shajeer Shamsudheen DIVISION E
 Mdt Roadiez
5 55 10 10 0 075
5588 Praveenraj Achattil DIVISION E
 Nash Cricketers
3 85 -10 0 0 075
5589 Silvadasan Siluvadima U
 Mustang XI
5 65 10 0 0 075
5590 Ravi Teja Valla DIVISION E
3 -5 50 30 0 075
5591 Sofiullah Rakib DIVISION E
 Bmc X1
1 5 50 20 0 075
5592 Pallav Shetty POOL 4
 Super Brothers
1 24 50 0 0 074
5593 Sajid Khalil Shirdekar POOL 5
 Ccrc Warriors
2 34 40 0 0 074
5594 Jamsheer Hamza T
 Kerala Strikers
1 104 -30 0 0 074
5595 Mohsin Sayyed DIVISION E
 E&a Challengers
3 54 0 20 0 074
5596 Sandeep Soman S
 Rc Boys
4 34 30 10 0 074
 Doha Boys
1 84 -10 0 0 074
5598 Mohamed Rameez C.a DIVISION E
 Qstar Blue
1 74 0 0 0 074
5599 Abdul Salim Shemsudheen DIVISION E
 Qstar Blue
1 74 0 0 0 074
5600 Aneesh Muralidharan DIVISION E
 Royal Phoenix
5 4 70 0 0 074
5601 Anwar Mahmud DIVISION E
 Doha Spartans
6 64 0 10 0 074
5602 Venu Gopal DIVISION E
1 74 0 0 0 074
5603 Najeeb N POOL 10
 Unique Cricket Club
3 54 20 0 0 074
5604 Mohammad Modassir Iqbal DIVISION E
 Cricket Phantoms
2 64 10 0 0 074
5605 Priyesh Purayil POOL 6
 Oscar C C
5 54 -10 30 0 074
5606 Nidhish Chandran DIVISION E
 Doha Vikings
3 34 40 0 0 074
5607 Sivaprakasam Mani DIVISION E
 Angry Bulls - B
3 14 30 30 0 074
5608 Mohammed Yaseen DIVISION F
 D-grill Rockers
3 34 20 20 0 074
5609 Vikram Joshi DIVISION E
 Doha Fighters
2 4 30 40 0 074
5610 Jassin Shafie DIVISION E
 Kerala Strikers
1 73 0 0 0 073
5611 Jabir Parankiyil DIVISION E
 Doha Super Kings
1 93 -20 0 0 073
5612 Riyas Rehiman DIVISION E
 Royal Fighters Cricket
4 63 0 10 0 073
5613 Naseeb Eco Fresh POOL 3
 Eco Fresh
3 73 0 0 0 073
5614 Mohd Raja DIVISION E
 Doha Risers CC
3 63 0 10 0 073
5615 Sankarkannan M DIVISION E
 Team Cricket Buddies
14 73 0 0 0 073
5616 Siraj DIVISION F
 Doha Dynamos
1 23 40 10 0 073
5617 Sinan Chamba Kadath DIVISION E
 Al Anees Strikers
6 23 0 50 0 073
5618 Anish Thambi DIVISION E
 Royal Qatar
3 73 -10 10 0 073
5619 Satheesh Kurup DIVISION E
 Torpedos Striker
1 53 10 10 0 073
5620 Mohammed Najeem DIVISION E
1 63 0 10 0 073
5621 Showbeez KP DIVISION E
3 23 30 20 0 073
5622 Saad Sawail DIVISION E
 Janjira Sports Club ( Jsc )
3 3 70 0 0 073
5623 Sumitha Fernado DIVISION E
 Air Strikers
3 -8 80 0 0 072
5624 Mahmood Khan DIVISION E
 Hawk Squad
1 2 60 10 0 072
5625 Muhammed Salem Sayeed DIVISION E
 Hawks XI
6 62 10 0 0 072
5626 rameez mohammed POOL 7
 Friday CC
2 72 0 0 0 072
5627 Taki Osmani. DIVISION E
 Bmc X1
3 72 0 0 0 072
5628 Mohammad Ibrahim POOL 8
 Bd Bullets
1 52 20 0 0 072
5629 Jamshid Vakkethodi T
 Beach CC
2 72 0 0 0 072
5630 Abbas Hamza DIVISION E
 Dreams CC
1 72 0 0 0 072
5631 Waseem U
 Mustang XI
1 32 40 0 0 072
5632 Prem Kunar DIVISION E
12 42 0 30 0 072
5633 Gnana Prasanth K.k DIVISION E
 Spartans CC
5 62 0 10 0 072
5634 Lakshman Sri Kaluarachchi DIVISION E
 Cofely Challengers
10 12 60 0 0 072
5635 Mohamed Aseem POOL 12
 Maru Champs
3 62 0 10 0 072
5636 Prashanth P DIVISION E
 Rising Stars Doha
5 -8 80 0 0 072
5637 Raza Ahmad Khan Raza POOL 16
 Tata Sports
4 2 40 30 0 072
5638 Hari Mangal DIVISION E
 Phoenix X1
6 102 -50 20 0 072
5639 Nishal Mappilakath POOL 9
 Toivo Qatar
3 2 70 0 0 072
5640 Anas Abdur Rahman DIVISION E
 Doha Risers CC
3 22 50 0 0 072
5641 Nisar Basheer DIVISION E
 Classic CC
8 22 20 30 0 072
5642 Shihab P DIVISION E
 Bright XI
5 72 0 0 0 072
5643 Hemanth Parayil DIVISION E
 Vectra Qatar
1 1 50 20 0 071
5644 Praveen Tk POOL 3
 Innings Stars
10 21 50 0 0 071
5645 Inayathulla Khan DIVISION E
 Angry Bulls - B
2 1 70 0 0 071
5646 Mohamed Aarifeen DIVISION E
 Super King Boys C C
2 11 30 30 0 071
5647 Sandun Chamara Withanage POOL 3
1 31 0 40 0 071
5648 Janardhan Devi Prasad Jandhyala DIVISION E
 Doha Super Kings
1 11 60 0 0 071
5649 Wasim Raza POOL 14
 The Look
1 1 70 0 0 071
5650 Arifur Rahman DIVISION E
 Bd Bullets
2 91 -30 10 0 071
5651 Anshad Basheer DIVISION E
 Mdt Roadiez
6 41 0 30 0 071
5652 Shaji Thazhayil DIVISION E
 Oscar C C
9 31 10 30 0 071
5653 Gromico George DIVISION E
9 1 30 40 0 071
5654 Shabeerali Munakkal Shamsu POOL 14
 Masters CC
4 1 50 20 0 071
5655 Rashid K R
 Team Of Qatar
4 21 20 30 0 071
5656 Binish Michael POOL 12
 Kk Warriors
2 71 0 0 0 071
5657 Kabilash Piramaiah DIVISION E
 Smashers 11
5 61 0 10 0 071
5658 Rajkumar Anbazhagan DIVISION E
 Metrorail Group Of Cricketers
1 71 0 0 0 071
5659 Abdul Anoob DIVISION F
 Doha Dynamos
3 51 0 20 0 071
5660 Robin Mathew George Robsz DIVISION E
6 -9 60 20 0 071
5661 Faizal Mahaboob Thaiparambil DIVISION E
 Prince Eleven Gharafa
1 71 0 0 0 071
5662 Anoop Chembangol DIVISION E
 Xiomi City
3 50 10 10 0 070
5663 Jamaludheen Cholayil DIVISION E
 Prince Eleven Gharafa
1 0 70 0 0 070
5664 Jyothy Thekkiniyedeth Kunhimon POOL 3
 Qatar Fighters Club
3 -10 70 10 0 070
5665 Haneefa Moidu POOL 5
 Doha Challengers
1 0 70 0 0 070
5666 Anees Om DIVISION E
 Q Star
1 0 50 20 0 070
5667 Midhun Ck POOL 9
 Strikers C C
2 0 70 0 0 070
5668 Shiva Narayan DIVISION E
 Marina CC
5 0 50 20 0 070
5669 Ansaf Ameer . DIVISION E
 Lemax Riders
6 -10 70 10 0 070
5670 Anas Abdul Khader DIVISION E
 Team Sparrows
1 50 20 0 0 070
5671 NavabKhan MagaboobKhan DIVISION E
 Angry Bulls - B
2 10 60 0 0 070
5672 Shuaib Shakoor Divekar POOL 16
 Aero Dynamos
4 70 0 0 0 070
5673 Siva Ragothaman POOL 11
 Bails Qatar
3 0 60 10 0 070
5674 Safran Mohamed POOL 16
 Western Warriors
3 80 -10 0 0 070
5675 Imran Khan POOL 5
 Ccrc Warriors
1 0 50 20 0 070
5676 Kameer Warriors DIVISION E
 Qecc Warriors
2 0 50 20 0 070
5677 Ashib T Ashib DIVISION E
 Galaxy CC
3 -1 50 20 0 069
5678 Waseem Akram POOL 13
 White Lions Doha
11 39 20 10 0 069
5679 Ismail Kooterintavida DIVISION E
 Royal Warriors Qatar
5 69 0 0 0 069
5680 Kiran Prasad DIVISION E
 Royal Qatar
2 69 0 0 0 069
5681 Mahi Vaas DIVISION E
 Sahara .c.c
2 9 50 10 0 069
5682 Mohammed Jafran DIVISION E
4 9 50 10 0 069
5683 Loganathan Ponnusamy DIVISION E
 Hurricanes Qatar
1 79 -10 0 0 069
5684 Edwin Babu POOL 4
 Vh Warriors
11 19 0 50 0 069
5685 Masiullah . DIVISION E
 Limra Friends
6 19 -10 60 0 069
5686 Gunavendhan Srinivasan DIVISION E
 United Warriors CC
5 -1 30 40 0 069
5687 Marjas Nv POOL 9
 Sinan X1
4 19 30 20 0 069
5688 Akhiljith Ajida Kumar DIVISION E
2 59 0 10 0 069
5689 Sufiyan Ahmed DIVISION E
 Omrc XI
5 29 20 20 0 069
5690 Gangaram Vithu POOL 7
3 68 0 0 0 068
5691 R Raja Ravi POOL 7
2 48 0 20 0 068
 Tamil Nadu Super Kings (tsk)
1 28 40 0 0 068
5693 Fazal Jannan POOL 11
 Defenders County Cricket
1 8 50 10 0 068
5694 Binassim K DIVISION E
 Deep Blues
2 8 50 10 0 068
5695 Subhash Chandran DIVISION E
 Friends (fct)
4 58 -10 20 0 068
5696 Shafikh Shaikh DIVISION E
 Chennai CC
1 8 50 10 0 068
5697 Suneesh S DIVISION E
3 68 0 0 0 068
5698 Muhammad Sulenma POOL 7
5 8 50 10 0 068
5699 Maheen Abdul Majeed DIVISION E
 Qatar Lions
3 18 0 50 0 068
5700 Deepu Sivan DIVISION E
 Royal Qatar
3 8 60 0 0 068
5701 Aneesh Kumar DIVISION E
 Mall CC
1 58 0 10 0 068
5702 Nihal Ahmed DIVISION E
 Doha Fighters
2 58 0 10 0 068
5703 Ali Aslam Mohamedali DIVISION E
 Q11 Dark Horses
3 18 50 0 0 068
5704 Faisal Ck DIVISION E
 Doha Warriors
13 78 -10 0 0 068
5705 Ziya ur rehman khan POOL 7
 Doha Fighters
7 37 0 30 0 067
5706 Harihara Sudhakar DIVISION E
 Marina CC
9 17 20 30 0 067
5707 Chanthruh Vicknethiran POOL 11
 Flyers Qatar
13 47 0 20 0 067
5708 Ashiq Maraikhar Amn DIVISION E
 Tmq Tigers
13 77 -20 10 0 067
5709 thasleem kader DIVISION E
 Super Heroes
5 77 -10 0 0 067
5710 Ansar DIVISION E
 Redbulls C C
1 67 0 0 0 067
5711 Samad K . DIVISION E
 Lemax Riders
1 27 20 20 0 067
5712 Khalid Khan DIVISION E
 Victorian Stars Doha
3 7 50 10 0 067
5713 Krishna Das Kazhanipaiathil POOL 9
 Petroserv CC
4 57 0 10 0 067
5714 Noushad Kp POOL 6
 Genserve Fighters
6 -3 40 30 0 067
5715 Krishnakumar K S
 Doha Strikers Kunhipalli
3 57 0 10 0 067
5716 Ilyas Kp Ilyas DIVISION E
 R B W
6 37 0 30 0 067
5717 Chinna Durai DIVISION E
3 57 0 10 0 067
5718 M Rinoj (C) POOL 6
 Royal Strikers
6 47 10 10 0 067
5719 Sandeep Raj DIVISION E
 Al Anees Strikers
3 37 30 0 0 067
5720 Shabeer DIVISION E
 Nadukani CC
1 67 0 0 0 067
5721 Shemeer Hitters DIVISION E
 Hitters Qatar Blue
2 67 0 0 0 067
5722 Hafnaz Haris POOL 13
 Marc Qatar Warriors
4 136 -70 0 0 066
5723 Pavithran Gopalasingham DIVISION E
 United South Elegants
9 66 -30 30 0 066
5724 Nadeer DIVISION E
 Nadukani CC
1 66 -10 10 0 066
5725 Sarath Kumar DIVISION E
 Cofely Challengers
4 66 0 0 0 066
5726 Mohamad Riyaz Sultan DIVISION E
 Smart Qatar
3 46 20 0 0 066
5727 Mohammed Muhsin DIVISION E
4 56 10 0 0 066
5728 Shaji Kumar Kanakappan Q
 Rayyan Boys
5 66 0 0 0 066
5729 Mahesh Mahendran Q
 Rayyan Boys
2 66 0 0 0 066
5730 Shoiab - Konkan Stars POOL 4
 Sunrisers Of Qecc
3 6 50 10 0 066
5731 Haroon Mohammed Munthasir POOL 5
3 6 60 0 0 066
5732 Nahas Koottungal DIVISION E
 Qatar Bouncers
2 26 30 10 0 066
5733 MS MUBARAK Sadik basha POOL 12
 Kk Warriors
5 66 0 0 0 066
5734 Jimshad J DIVISION E
 Boom Boom C C
3 26 30 10 0 066
5735 Fuzail Khan POOL 16
 Unique CC
10 46 0 20 0 066
5736 Akhil Nasim POOL 13
 Boyzone Qatar
4 46 0 20 0 066
5737 Mohammad Jafar POOL 8
 Bd Bullets
10 -4 40 30 0 066
5738 Paul Joseph DIVISION E
 Rising Stars
3 6 60 0 0 066
5739 Dixon Ashok . DIVISION E
1 6 50 10 0 066
5740 Usman Baloch DIVISION E
 Doha Vikings
2 96 -30 0 0 066
5741 Mohd Tahir DIVISION E
 Defenders CC
1 6 50 10 0 066
5742 Nishad Hitters DIVISION E
 Hitters Qatar Blue
2 45 20 0 0 065
5743 Aslam Narangali DIVISION E
 Strikers Xi - Doha
2 55 0 10 0 065
5744 Prajeesh Pappini DIVISION E
 Young Sporting Qatar
6 45 0 20 0 065
5745 Akil Afsar DIVISION E
 Mangalore Warriors
2 55 0 10 0 065
5746 Abdulla Abooty DIVISION E
 Planners Qatar CC
1 65 0 0 0 065
5747 Vinoth Kumar DIVISION E
 Avengers XI
1 65 0 0 0 065
5748 Kunhabdulla Anjillath U
 City Exchange CC
1 65 0 0 0 065
5749 Sreenath Ikea DIVISION E
 Royal Qatar
3 25 30 10 0 065
5750 Siras Warriors DIVISION E
 Qecc Warriors
3 65 0 0 0 065
5751 Prashant . POOL 5
 Oscar CC
1 75 -10 0 0 065
5752 Prabin Palakkal DIVISION E
 Merac Cc (mcc)
9 -5 50 20 0 065
5753 Shukoor Q11 POOL 4
 Q11 Profixo
2 15 50 0 0 065
5754 Shah Aslam Abbas Ali DIVISION E
 Star Al Nasariya Club
1 65 0 0 0 065
5755 Tausif Shaikh DIVISION E
 Royal Dare Warriors Qatar
5 65 0 0 0 065
5756 Vinoth Villi DIVISION E
 Metrorail Group Of Cricketers
1 65 0 0 0 065
5757 Karthi Dx DIVISION E
 Mix Ileven
16 5 50 10 0 065
5758 Sabin Sabu DIVISION E
 Golden Knights
7 55 0 10 0 065
5759 Kalfan Muhammedsali POOL 3
 Al Khor Warriors
4 34 10 20 0 064
5760 Mohamad Imran DIVISION E
4 -6 50 20 0 064
5761 Majroof Mohamed POOL 6
 Q11 CC
10 14 40 10 0 064
5762 Mohamed Ayaz Khan POOL 10
 Unique Cricket Club
7 64 0 0 0 064
5763 Ginoj James Jinu DIVISION E
 Palace C C
4 54 0 10 0 064
5764 Abushauman Abdul Slam Abu DIVISION E
 Kerala Strikers
2 54 -20 30 0 064
5765 Zahid Deshmukh DIVISION E
 Mumbai Fighters
2 84 -20 0 0 064
5766 Neeraj Jayaprakash DIVISION E
 Blasters CC
7 4 50 10 0 064
5767 Basheer Puthan POOL 4
 Jumbo Warriors
4 44 20 0 0 064
5768 Shebeer shebeer DIVISION E
 Nash Cricketers
3 4 50 10 0 064
5769 Syed Imthiyas syed kareem DIVISION E
 Angry Bulls - B
3 63 0 0 0 063
5770 Santosh Barel POOL 4
 Q11 Profixo
3 43 0 20 0 063
5771 Bikrant Rana DIVISION F
 Royal Strikers Qatar
1 53 0 10 0 063
5772 Istiyak Ahmed DIVISION F
 Royal Strikers Qatar
2 43 0 20 0 063
5773 Abdul Majeeth POOL 12
 Kk Warriors
2 63 0 0 0 063
5774 Binu DIVISION E
 Doha Boys
1 63 0 0 0 063
5775 Ashraf Athambawa DIVISION E
 Salwa Monsters Qatar
5 3 0 60 0 063
5776 Vishnu Venugopal Nair R
 Kkm Warriors
1 23 20 20 0 063
5777 Muhammad Rafi DIVISION E
 Karaitiyath Strikers
1 33 20 10 0 063
5778 Jasim DIVISION E
 Nadukani CC
1 3 30 30 0 063
5779 Ovian Kalaiselvan POOL 8
 Chennai Cricketers
4 -7 50 20 0 063
5780 Arun V DIVISION E
 Kerala Strikers
1 83 -30 10 0 063
5781 Sumesh Kumar K DIVISION E
 Legends CC
2 -8 0 70 0 062
5782 Mohamed Asad POOL 3
 Qatar Blue X1
2 -8 30 40 0 062
5783 Thaha POOL 14
6 52 0 10 0 062
5784 Anish Murukkuvelil Gopinathan DIVISION E
 Royal Qatar
1 62 0 0 0 062
5785 Ishak Farook DIVISION E
 Team Cricket Buddies
7 132 -80 10 0 062
5786 Dhaneesh Rajan DIVISION E
 Black Mamba
2 62 0 0 0 062
5787 Sameer FAHAD POOL 14
 Victoria Travels
1 62 0 0 0 062
5788 Sayth Mytheen DIVISION E
 Flyers Qatar (f.c.c)
1 62 0 0 0 062
5789 Vageesh C V DIVISION E
 Salwa Monsters Qatar
6 22 10 30 0 062
5790 Ajmal A DIVISION E
 Dreamer Ksd
2 2 40 20 0 062
5791 Abdul Nasar DIVISION E
 Friday CC
1 42 0 20 0 062
5792 Hamid Khan DIVISION E
 Jsr Warriors
2 62 0 0 0 062
5793 Aruna A POOL 6
 Super Brothers
5 1 50 10 0 061
5794 Anoop Sharafudeen DIVISION E
 Indo Qatar Cc - Iqcc
4 51 0 10 0 061
5795 Mubashir Mubi DIVISION E
 Planners Qatar CC
1 1 50 10 0 061
5796 Dilshad Ali DIVISION E
 Jsr Warriors
2 61 0 0 0 061
5797 Kannan . DIVISION E
7 61 0 0 0 061
5798 Mahin Hussain DIVISION E
 Kerala Strikers
1 11 40 10 0 061
5799 Ansil Golden Knights DIVISION E
 Golden Knights
3 61 0 0 0 061
5800 Tasvin Lambe POOL 7
 Aero Dynamos
11 -29 70 20 0 061
5801 Adarsh Nikarthil DIVISION E
2 1 40 20 0 061
5802 Muneer Muni DIVISION E
 Leopards Qatar
5 41 -10 30 0 061
5803 Jahan Ahad POOL 3
 Al Khor Warriors
2 51 0 10 0 061
5804 Sebin Sathar DIVISION E
 Dreamz 11
1 1 50 10 0 061
5805 Muhammed Faumy DIVISION E
 Strikers Xi - Qatar
4 -9 60 10 0 061
5806 Shivin Kunnath DIVISION E
 Kombans CC
5 21 20 20 0 061
5807 Syed Faiz T
 Kerala Strikers
1 1 50 10 0 061
5808 Arul Ajith DIVISION E
 X1 Star
1 1 60 0 0 061
5809 Ajmal Ali POOL 12
 Elegance Qatar
2 41 0 20 0 061
5810 Ajay Kumar Naranjan Dass DIVISION E
 Bdk Sporting
1 0 60 0 0 060
5811 Muhammed Fazil POOL 12
 Q11 Redlions
5 -10 70 0 0 060
5812 Sooraj S T
 Kerala Strikers
2 60 -30 30 0 060
5813 Ahmed Saeed DIVISION E
 Hyderabadi Nawab's Super 11
1 0 50 10 0 060
5814 Muhammadu Jawsath DIVISION E
 Hyderabad Smashers Cc (hscc)
1 0 50 10 0 060
5815 Hasrudeen Mohamed DIVISION E
 Hurricanes Qatar
1 0 40 20 0 060
5816 Nibu Thomas DIVISION E
 Calicut Blasterz
1 0 60 0 0 060
5817 Mukhtar Mahroof DIVISION E
 Blockades XI
3 70 -10 0 0 060
5818 Yasotharan Yasho DIVISION E
 Strikers Xi - Qatar
4 50 0 10 0 060
5819 Abdul Azeez DIVISION E
 Lemax Riders
2 0 40 20 0 060
5820 Afsal Hussain POOL 5
 Red Hawks
2 -10 70 0 0 060
5821 Sandipkumar . POOL 14
 Oscar CC
2 70 -10 0 0 060
5822 Muhammad Shabeer Mk DIVISION E
 Itelligent CC
2 -10 50 20 0 060
5823 Sayed Hassan Hasir DIVISION E
 Royal Fighters Cricket
1 0 60 0 0 060
5824 Shamseer K POOL 3
 Redbulls CC
4 0 60 0 0 060
5825 Torikul . DIVISION E
 Bd Bullets
1 10 30 20 0 060
5826 Fredy Francis DIVISION E
 Indian Stars XI
6 30 20 10 0 060
5827 Abu Sayeed DIVISION E
 Thadathil CC
1 9 20 30 0 059
5828 Manish Madhavan DIVISION E
 Defenders CC
1 29 20 10 0 059
5829 Fazal Vengodan Veettil DIVISION E
 Black Caps CC
1 59 0 0 0 059
5830 Mohammad Fargan POOL 13
 Marc Qatar Warriors
1 59 0 0 0 059
5831 Parthipan Periyathambi DIVISION E
 11 Indians
7 59 -10 10 0 059
5832 Shemeer Basheer POOL 3
 Al Khor Warriors
7 49 0 10 0 059
5833 Sulthan Karengal Abdulkadar DIVISION E
 Western Warriors
4 49 -10 20 0 059
5834 Suheb Bhatkar DIVISION E
 Ratnagiri Riders
3 -1 50 10 0 059
5835 Manoj M POOL 15
 Mix Ileven
1 59 0 0 0 059
5836 Sunthararasah Alagarathinam POOL 4
 Prakkat Jewellers
4 19 30 10 0 059
5837 Sandheep Kulappurakkal DIVISION E
 South Royals
8 49 0 10 0 059
5838 Jahanghir Khan DIVISION E
 Angry Bulls - B
2 9 30 20 0 059
5839 Muhammed Zabin POOL 3
 Doha Boys
4 49 0 10 0 059
5840 Aarif Dange DIVISION E
 Vfs Champions
2 49 0 10 0 059
5841 Ibrahim Rashad Sadiq POOL 16
 Unique CC
6 18 0 40 0 058
5842 Irfan MM POOL 14
 Victoria Travels
1 28 0 30 0 058
5843 Rafiqul Islam POOL 9
5 58 0 0 0 058
5844 Monirul Haque Farhan U
 Bmc X1
4 48 0 10 0 058
5845 Mohamed Jalaluddin DIVISION E
 Bdk Sporting
2 58 0 0 0 058
5846 Selvaraj Sundar R
3 58 0 0 0 058
5847 Ajaz Ahamed DIVISION E
 Mangalore Warriors
1 28 20 10 0 058
5848 Noushad Baladka DIVISION E
 Arabian XI
2 28 0 30 0 058
5849 Khalid Thattankandy Kallu DIVISION E
 Red Lions Rayyan
2 38 0 20 0 058
5850 Bijoy Vasudevan Nair DIVISION E
 Mall CC
1 38 20 0 0 058
5851 Haseeb Hasi DIVISION E
 Leaders Qatar
1 58 0 0 0 058
5852 Muhammed Salih Salu Abdulkareem DIVISION E
 Qatar Amigos
3 8 40 10 0 058
5853 Vineesh Ks DIVISION E
 Black Cat Fosters
1 38 0 20 0 058
5854 Sumith DIVISION E
 Hitters Qatar Green
4 48 0 10 0 058
5855 Sameer Abdul Salam POOL 3
 Ccrc Warriors
2 57 0 0 0 057
5856 Mohd Kalam DIVISION E
 Doha Risers CC
2 7 20 30 0 057
5857 Abbas Hassan Arungathparambil DIVISION E
 Prince Eleven Gharafa
1 7 30 20 0 057
5858 Majeed Khan DIVISION E
 Doha Risers CC
2 87 -40 10 0 057
5859 Akhil Chikkoooos DIVISION E
 Qatar Champions
6 47 0 10 0 057
5860 Mohammed Haris DIVISION E
 Friends Xi Mangaloreans
4 -3 60 0 0 057
5861 Saadabdulshakoor Divekr POOL 3
3 37 0 20 0 057
5862 Hafeef Meethal DIVISION E
 Rc Boys
3 -13 50 20 0 057
5863 Shuhaib Oscar Cc POOL 3
 City Group Oscar CC
3 7 50 0 0 057
5864 Mahammed Ali Q
 Oryx Star Cricket
4 47 0 10 0 057
5865 Thaha Vtk DIVISION E
3 -3 50 10 0 057
5866 Shuhaib DIVISION E
 Sahara .c.c
1 57 0 0 0 057
5867 Haneef Aapu DIVISION E
 Golden Knights
3 26 20 10 0 056
5868 Daniyal Atique DIVISION E
 Khalifa XI
2 86 -30 0 0 056
5869 Fahad Fakih POOL 15
 Kokan Stars
9 36 0 20 0 056
5870 Riyas Abdul Majeed . DIVISION E
 Mix Ileven
4 56 0 0 0 056
5871 Abdul Majeed Abdul Hameed DIVISION E
 Ntd Knights
3 56 0 0 0 056
5872 Gopa Kumar DIVISION E
 Group Nine 11
4 46 0 10 0 056
5873 Iwin Justus POOL 12
 Kk Warriors
5 16 20 20 0 056
5874 Dipin Dev DIVISION E
3 6 40 10 0 056
5875 Haji . DIVISION E
 Hiq CC
1 6 50 0 0 056
5876 Mohammed Mansoor DIVISION E
 Hyderabad Smashers Cc (hscc)
1 6 50 0 0 056
5877 Mohsin Razzaque Sangmeshwari POOL 5
 Ccrc Warriors
1 6 50 0 0 056
5878 Thilshan Mohammed DIVISION E
 Trophy Fighters
1 56 0 0 0 056
5879 Gulam Mujtaba Ali Khan DIVISION E
 Hyderabadi Nawab's Super 11
3 6 40 10 0 056
5880 Riyas Ibraham POOL 13
 Marc Qatar Warriors
3 15 20 20 0 055
5881 Fabeer Ali POOL 16
 Western Warriors
6 45 0 10 0 055
5882 Karthik Subaramniyam DIVISION E
3 35 0 20 0 055
5883 Joseph Jeen perin DIVISION E
8 -25 80 0 0 055
5884 Shujath DIVISION E
 Pearl Eleven CC
3 45 0 10 0 055
5885 Nihas Nizamudeen POOL 12
 Elegance Qatar
1 5 50 0 0 055
5886 Fazil Reghuman POOL 13
 Marc Qatar Warriors
5 -15 50 20 0 055
5887 Fouzer Anver POOL 9
2 35 0 20 0 055
5888 Afsal Confident DIVISION E
 Confident CC
1 45 0 10 0 055
5889 Mayur Salave DIVISION E
 Xiomi City
1 55 0 0 0 055
5890 Arif Nalupurappattil DIVISION E
 Redbulls C C
1 55 0 0 0 055
5891 Akbar Jappar DIVISION E
 Defenders CC
1 45 -10 20 0 055
5892 Syam Lal DIVISION E
 Indian Stars XI
3 55 0 0 0 055
5893 Ajmal DIVISION E
 Young Sporting Qatar
3 35 20 0 0 055
5894 Yasar Mirza DIVISION E
 Mumbai Fighters
4 -5 40 20 0 055
5895 Ramshid Kvs POOL 15
 Doha Strikers
3 45 0 10 0 055
5896 Abdul Ramsheed DIVISION E
 Friday Cricket Sailiya
2 45 0 10 0 055
5897 Visakh Appukuttan DIVISION F
 D-grill Rockers
2 5 40 10 0 055
5898 Muhammed Faik Nambiyath POOL 8
 Team Ghados
4 55 0 0 0 055
5899 Zeshan Abbas POOL 13
2 45 -10 20 0 055
5900 Mohammad Monjurl Kabir DIVISION E
 Doha Friends XI
3 5 50 0 0 055
5901 Shameer Valiyakath DIVISION E
 Salwa Monsters Qatar
7 5 40 10 0 055
5902 Rajesh Kumar DIVISION E
 Friends Xi Mangaloreans
2 55 0 0 0 055
5903 Prasun Bharti DIVISION E
 Indo Warrior
4 55 0 0 0 055
5904 Anas M DIVISION E
 Doha Warriors
3 34 20 0 0 054
5905 Muhammad Salih DIVISION E
 Eminant Qatar
2 44 10 0 0 054
5906 Rasheed Richu DIVISION E
 Blue Warriors
1 54 0 0 0 054
5907 Mohamed Shakeel DIVISION E
 Air Strikers
1 54 0 0 0 054
5908 Abdu Samad Padinhare Thayyil T
 Doha Cc (dcc)
4 24 20 10 0 054
5909 Nitin Sharma POOL 9
 Toivo Qatar
1 54 0 0 0 054
5910 Subair Kallayil DIVISION E
 Prince Eleven Gharafa
1 4 20 30 0 054
5911 Jasir Manamal DIVISION E
7 -6 40 20 0 054
5912 Neluksha Ruchira DIVISION E
 Smashers 11
20 4 50 0 0 054
5913 Ziaulhuq Gaffar DIVISION E
 Cofely Challengers
3 54 0 0 0 054
5914 Taleb Bin Taher POOL 10
 Muaither Titans
1 44 0 10 0 054
5915 Mohammed Sanas Badurdeen DIVISION E
 Super King Boys C C
3 54 0 0 0 054
5916 Boban Issac POOL 3
 Ideal Warriors
1 44 0 10 0 054
5917 Nagoorkani Aniba DIVISION E
 Mcc Qatar
7 34 0 20 0 054
5918 Duad Khan DIVISION E
 Lucky XI
5 -7 40 20 0 053
5919 Muhammed Shad DIVISION E
 Merac Cc (mcc)
1 3 50 0 0 053
5920 Habeeb Mohd DIVISION E
 Hiq CC
1 53 0 0 0 053
5921 Nisar Karakkattil DIVISION E
 Hitters Qatar Blue
2 3 50 0 0 053
5922 Prasanth Dharman DIVISION E
 Naseem Commandos
1 43 10 0 0 053
5923 Riyas Babu DIVISION E
 Dragon Gym
1 53 0 0 0 053
5924 Basil Kunjimon DIVISION E
 Royals XI
1 3 20 30 0 053
5925 Sonu Bharti DIVISION E
 E&a Challengers
3 13 20 20 0 053
5926 Shafeek Badarudeen DIVISION E
 Doha Eagles
5 43 0 10 0 053
5927 Ragesh Tr POOL 4
9 23 10 20 0 053
5928 Yoosuf Savad Koya Yoosuf DIVISION E
 Dragon Gym
3 13 30 10 0 053
5929 Ranjith R POOL 9
 Thyseen Warriors
2 13 20 20 0 053
5930 Jackson John DIVISION E
 Vectra Qatar
1 33 10 10 0 053
5931 Z Sahajahan Sojib DIVISION E
 Super Heroes
1 3 30 20 0 053
5932 Faslan Hussain POOL 3
 Hilal X1
1 23 30 0 0 053
5933 Mohammad Mostafijur POOL 5
 Dqct (dulsco Qatar )
1 3 40 10 0 053
5934 Adnan Malik POOL 7
 Aero Dynamos
5 33 10 10 0 053
5935 Sivasankar Swaminathan DIVISION E
 Sand Storm
5 52 -20 20 0 052
5936 Nissam Nizu POOL 9
 Qatar Warriors
2 12 40 0 0 052
5937 Rameesh Peppathy DIVISION E
 Dreams CC
11 22 0 30 0 052
5938 Dileep Poyyathra DIVISION E
 Karaitiyath Strikers
1 52 0 0 0 052
5939 Mohamed Kiyas POOL 13
 White Lions Doha
1 2 50 0 0 052
5940 Saifu DIVISION E
 Players Xl
2 2 20 30 0 052
5941 Shamnad Padayam Poyil DIVISION F
7 22 20 10 0 052
5942 Abdul Salam Kp DIVISION E
 Doha Falcons
3 32 -20 40 0 052
5943 Aneesh Kumar POOL 5
 G4s Phoenix
1 82 -30 0 0 052
5944 Rayees Jumbo Warriors POOL 4
 Jumbo Warriors
4 -18 40 30 0 052
5945 Ramees Victory Cc POOL 4
 Victory CC
5 2 40 10 0 052
5946 Vyshak Ps DIVISION E
 Jp X1 CC
2 2 50 0 0 052
5947 Mehafil Mefi POOL 11
7 -18 50 20 0 052
5948 Abdul Salam Surve DIVISION E
 Ratnagiri Fighters
2 2 20 30 0 052
5949 Musa Md Miah POOL 3
 Doha Spartans
4 42 -10 20 0 052
5950 Sikander K DIVISION E
 Deep Blues
1 52 0 0 0 052
5951 Vipin Viswanathan DIVISION E
 Falcon XI
5 52 0 0 0 052
5952 Sharlid Mohammed POOL 15
 Delhi Capitals
12 42 -20 30 0 052
5953 Salman Sainal DIVISION E
 Doha Eagles
2 -8 50 10 0 052
5954 Ahmed Shaukat DIVISION E
 Khalifa XI
2 52 0 0 0 052
5955 Vinil Kumar DIVISION E
 Friday Cricket Sailiya
3 42 -10 20 0 052
5956 Umer Abbasi DIVISION E
 Brothers Cricket
1 2 50 0 0 052
 Team Doha
2 -8 40 20 0 052
5958 Rehman Fawaz DIVISION E
 Friends Xi Mangaloreans
1 2 40 10 0 052
 Mangalore Warriors
2 -8 50 10 0 052
5960 Muuhammed Musfar DIVISION E
 Dragon Gym
4 -9 60 0 0 051
5961 Mohamed Nishil DIVISION E
 Naseem Commandos
1 1 50 0 0 051
5962 Taj Ul Khan Taj DIVISION E
 Bhopal Hunters
8 41 0 10 0 051
5963 Nassim Shajahan DIVISION E
 Bdk Sporting
7 1 30 20 0 051
5964 Saifali Crick X1 DIVISION F
 Cric X1
3 1 40 10 0 051
5965 Faisal Muhammed POOL 8
 Qatar Vibrants
1 11 20 20 0 051
5966 Ranjith Ranju POOL 8
 Lulu Battalion
4 1 50 0 0 051
5967 Mujaa Ahamed POOL 7
 Thunder Strikers Doha
4 11 0 40 0 051
5968 Tejas Jose DIVISION E
 Elegance Qatar
1 1 20 30 0 051
5969 Salim Malik DIVISION E
 Lightning Hawks CC
2 61 -10 0 0 051
5970 Sulfi Ottapilavu DIVISION E
 Western Warriors
4 21 10 20 0 051
5971 Ruzaik Aysh T
 White Tigers
2 51 0 0 0 051
5972 Jaliya Chathiranga Warusawitharana Q
 Jumbo Warriors
1 51 0 0 0 051
5973 Mirshad Np DIVISION E
 White Tigers
1 1 50 0 0 051
5974 Rishad Rishu DIVISION E
 Leaders Qatar
3 -9 40 20 0 051
5975 Shabid Na POOL 9
 Boom Boom CC
2 0 40 10 0 050
5976 Sreejith Pm DIVISION E
 Doha Challengers
1 -10 60 0 0 050
5977 Senthil Kumar Kannan DIVISION E
 Innings Stars
1 0 50 0 0 050
5978 Sohel Mohamed Ali DIVISION E
1 -10 60 0 0 050
5979 MD Majajul Islam DIVISION E
 Java X1
1 0 30 20 0 050
5980 Syyid Junaid DIVISION E
 Blockades XI
2 0 40 10 0 050
5981 Abdul Jaleel POOL 5
 Truth Fighters
6 -10 60 0 0 050
5982 Riyaz cm DIVISION E
 Dreamer Ksd
2 0 40 10 0 050
5983 Rishad Maliyekkal DIVISION E
 The Monks
1 0 50 0 0 050
5984 Anil Prathap DIVISION E
 Thyssen Warriors
3 30 0 20 0 050
5985 Mohammed Azhar QCC DIVISION E
 Mangalore Warriors
6 30 0 20 0 050
5986 Abrar Udupi DIVISION F
 Kokan Stars
3 -10 50 10 0 050
5987 Z Rizwan Riz DIVISION E
 Super Heroes
1 0 50 0 0 050
5988 Sreejith Ks DIVISION E
 Token CC
9 10 30 10 0 050
5989 Nasar Nk DIVISION E
 Sanford XI
1 0 50 0 0 050
5990 Husena Basha Murtujasab Hussen DIVISION E
 Kerala Strikers
2 40 0 10 0 050
5991 Al Burhansha Abdulrabr Burhan DIVISION E
 Kerala Strikers
1 0 50 0 0 050
5992 Siyad Muhammed DIVISION E
 Legends CC
1 0 50 0 0 050
5993 Rajkumar gg kishorekumar DIVISION E
 Angry Bulls - B
1 -10 50 10 0 050
5994 Sameer Abdul Samad POOL 3
 Bounce Qatar
2 0 50 0 0 050
5995 Sardar Hassan DIVISION E
4 0 50 0 0 050
5996 Rizwan Flamingos DIVISION E
6 0 40 10 0 050
5997 Praveen Golden Knights DIVISION E
 Golden Knights
2 10 20 20 0 050
5998 Tahir Victory DIVISION E
 Golden Knights
3 -10 20 40 0 050
5999 Mohammed Rafith DIVISION F
 Cric X1
1 10 0 40 0 050
6000 Uvais Ali DIVISION F
3 0 20 30 0 050
6001 Sahi Jumbo Warriors POOL 4
 Jumbo Warriors
2 -10 50 10 0 050
6002 Muhammed Fakir POOL 9
 Sinan X1
4 60 -10 0 0 050
6003 Abdul Rahiman Anwary DIVISION E
 Mumbai X1
1 -10 50 10 0 050
6004 Sarath Kumar G DIVISION E
 Royal Warriors Qatar
1 50 0 0 0 050
6005 Mudassar Kazi POOL 7
 Doha Fighters
6 10 40 0 0 050
6006 N K Bharat Nuttikattu DIVISION E
 Qatar Horses
2 0 40 10 0 050
6007 Muhamed Riyas POOL 3
 Jp X1
3 -1 50 0 0 049
6008 Hussain Thaivalappil Ali . DIVISION E
 Diplomatic C.c
6 -21 60 10 0 049
6009 Pradeep Kc DIVISION E
 Asian Rhynos
3 29 0 20 0 049
6010 Hassan Babu DIVISION F
 Blue Commandos
12 39 0 10 0 049
6011 Sumith T POOL 10
 Blue Whales
5 19 20 10 0 049
6012 Rafeeq Povval Mohammed Kunhi POOL 3
 Bounce Qatar
10 49 -20 20 0 049
6013 Anurag Tk DIVISION E
 Classic CC
8 29 0 20 0 049
6014 Sadham Abdulkhader DIVISION E
 Black Caps CC
2 79 -30 0 0 049
6015 Shihabudeen Shihab DIVISION E
 Kerala Strikers
1 9 0 40 0 049
6016 Dhruv Chauhan POOL 9
 Omrc X1
10 39 0 10 0 049
6017 Rajesh Subramanian POOL 12
 Dqct (dulsco Qatar)
3 49 0 0 0 049
6018 Mudassir Parkar DIVISION E
 Kokan Boys
5 9 30 10 0 049
6019 Joilce Raj Thomas DIVISION E
 Tamil Nadu Cc - Tncc
8 69 -40 20 0 049
6020 Haris Hamza DIVISION F
 Spartans X1
3 49 0 0 0 049
6021 Vinoraj Markandu POOL 3
 Qatar Fighters Club
3 39 10 0 0 049
6022 Mohmmed Hussain DIVISION F
 Cric X1
3 28 0 20 0 048
6023 Santu Hanan DIVISION F
3 8 20 20 0 048
6024 Jineesh Pk DIVISION E
 Jp X1 CC
4 -2 40 10 0 048
6025 Saleem Nalakath Kadermon DIVISION E
 Muhammadense Qatar
1 8 40 0 0 048
6026 Shaheen Shaimon DIVISION E
 Hitters Qatar Red
5 48 0 0 0 048
6027 Seelan S DIVISION E
 Air Tech CC
1 48 0 0 0 048
6028 Shahul Hameed Vt Q
 Doha United
3 48 0 0 0 048
6029 Nafeel Mohamed DIVISION E
 Egale Red Boys
2 28 0 20 0 048
6030 Shafeeque Abdul Kader T
 Doha Cc (dcc)
5 48 0 0 0 048
6031 Muhammed Koyyat POOL 5
 Atc Cbq
2 47 0 0 0 047
6032 Jaisha Pheonixstar DIVISION E
 Phoenix Star CC
1 47 0 0 0 047
6033 Maharaja Murugan DIVISION E
 Royals XI
1 47 0 0 0 047
6034 Rajeesh Vayalapra DIVISION E
 Engineers XI
1 7 30 10 0 047
6035 Mahfooz Aalam DIVISION E
1 37 0 10 0 047
6036 Nithin B Raj DIVISION E
 Friends Xi Mangaloreans
5 57 -10 0 0 047
6037 Mohammed Altaf POOL 12
 Dqct (dulsco Qatar)
3 47 0 0 0 047
6038 Abdul Shukoor DIVISION E
 Saltha Boys 11
3 17 -10 40 0 047
6039 Akbar Ahmed POOL 7
 Friday CC
7 27 10 10 0 047
6040 Ahmed POOL 14
 Qatar Warriors
4 37 0 10 0 047
6041 Pradeesh Pradeep Kumar DIVISION E
2 87 -40 0 0 047
6042 Akash Kalyan POOL 11
 Flyers Qatar
5 -4 50 0 0 046
6043 Ajay Nagle DIVISION E
 Bhopal Hunters
2 36 0 10 0 046
6044 Dhanraj Kottiyan DIVISION E
 Cofely Challengers
2 6 40 0 0 046
6045 Mohammad Tafseer Alam POOL 11
 Jsr Warriors
1 46 0 0 0 046
6046 Hamad Riyad POOL 7
 Doha Fighters
5 16 20 10 0 046
6047 Mohamed Shahil DIVISION E
 Qatar Vibrants
5 6 20 20 0 046
6048 Sharfaraz Shawkat DIVISION E
 Tata Sports C C
6 26 0 20 0 046
 Arabian XI
9 16 0 30 0 046
6050 Rijil Peechanari DIVISION E
 Black Knights
3 -4 0 50 0 046
6051 Abhishek Nair POOL 3
 Hilal X1
3 -4 10 40 0 046
6052 Shamseer Backer POOL 3
 Qatar Fighters Club
2 36 0 10 0 046
6053 Abdul Rahoof Kr DIVISION E
 Bright XI
8 66 -30 10 0 046
6054 Sadiq Moideen DIVISION E
 Friday CC
4 -5 10 40 0 045
6055 Syed Fahim DIVISION E
 Team Cricket Buddies
5 5 40 0 0 045
6056 Jomy Edassery POOL 9
 Sinan X1
4 25 20 0 0 045
6057 Shamnad Mangalat DIVISION E
 Toss CC
2 5 20 20 0 045
6058 Nousheer Carribeans POOL 4
 Caribbeans Qatar
3 45 0 0 0 045
6059 Shamsheer Cp POOL 7
 Mahe CC
4 35 0 10 0 045
6060 Hadi Rahman Subair Kp DIVISION E
 Doha United
9 -15 50 10 0 045
6061 Muhammad Sohail POOL 12
 Dqct (dulsco Qatar)
3 45 0 0 0 045
6062 Jitendra Bamed POOL 7
 Man Strikers
2 45 0 0 0 045
6063 Suresh Sekaran DIVISION E
4 5 0 40 0 045
6064 Sreejith B DIVISION E
 Deep Blues
2 35 0 10 0 045
6065 Maheswaran Kajanthan DIVISION E
 Group Nine 11
4 5 40 0 0 045
6066 Sajad Theruvath . DIVISION E
 Lemax Riders
2 5 30 10 0 045
6067 Sai Krishna Vasamsetti DIVISION E
 Doha Friends XI
1 4 40 0 0 044
6068 Mohamed Shameer DIVISION E
 Maru Champs Qatar
3 4 20 20 0 044
6069 Mohamed Aslam POOL 13
 White Lions Doha
5 34 0 10 0 044
6070 Jijo George R
9 14 30 0 0 044
6071 Adil Spartans DIVISION E
 Qecc Spartans
4 24 0 20 0 044
6072 Shihas Stars DIVISION E
 Qecc Stars
3 44 0 0 0 044
6073 Ansab Kt POOL 7
 Royal Strikers
1 34 10 0 0 044
6074 Azimiddin Zuber Ahmad DIVISION E
 Prince Eleven Gharafa
1 44 0 0 0 044
6075 Arun Pandiyan DIVISION E
 Flyers Qatar (f.c.c)
3 24 20 0 0 044
6076 Fayis Nellikool Moidu POOL 3
 Fighters Qatar
3 44 0 0 0 044
6077 Maqsood Karbari DIVISION E
 Janjira Sports Club ( Jsc )
1 44 0 0 0 044
6078 Irfan Khan DIVISION E
 Khalifa XI
2 -6 30 20 0 044
6079 Ragesh Adavakkad DIVISION E
 Black Knights
3 44 0 0 0 044
6080 Nurnobi DIVISION E
 Young Sporting Qatar
2 -6 30 20 0 044
6081 Taukir Ansari DIVISION E
 Oryx Star Cricket
10 74 -30 0 0 044
 Q11 Red Lions
8 34 0 10 0 044
6083 Vimal Neelakandan Pillai DIVISION E
 Angry Bulls - B
3 -7 50 0 0 043
6084 Mohammed Umar Mohammed Lafeek DIVISION E
 Matar Strikers
1 43 0 0 0 043
 Tamil Nadu Cc - Tncc
3 23 0 20 0 043
6086 Ismail Ashfaq DIVISION F
2 3 20 20 0 043
6087 Anumod Sunrisers POOL 4
 Sunrisers Of Qecc
1 3 20 20 0 043
6088 Subin YCT 00 POOL 3
 Yct Qatar
2 23 10 10 0 043
6089 Krishnadas Das POOL 3
 Token CC
3 43 0 0 0 043
6090 Anoop T DIVISION E
 Royal Phoenix
2 43 0 0 0 043
6091 Munees Madalan DIVISION E
 Doha Boys
1 43 0 0 0 043
 Arabian XI
3 3 30 10 0 043
6093 Sajil Sparrows DIVISION E
 Team Sparrows
1 43 0 0 0 043
6094 Varughese Kora POOL 7
 Doha Knights
1 43 0 0 0 043
6095 Risni Mohamad POOL 15
 Hawks X1
3 43 0 0 0 043
6096 Fayas Badharu DIVISION E
 Q11 Red Lions
5 3 40 0 0 043
6097 Rajeesh Kottakattu Madathil DIVISION E
 Bin Omran United
2 43 0 0 0 043
6098 Haris Stars DIVISION E
 Qecc Stars
3 3 0 40 0 043
6099 Suhail Salim POOL 10
 Gharrafa XI
4 3 20 20 0 043
6100 Muhammed Shafi POOL 9
 Masters CC
8 -7 0 50 0 043
6101 Manohar Ph Star DIVISION E
 Phoenix Star CC
1 43 0 0 0 043
6102 Irshad Muhammad DIVISION E
 Qatar Amigos
1 43 0 0 0 043
6103 Althaf OK DIVISION E
3 52 -10 0 0 042
6104 Sreerag M Nair DIVISION E
4 22 0 20 0 042
6105 Safuvan Mukkandath POOL 6
 Qatar Vibrants
4 72 -30 0 0 042
6106 Gineesh G DIVISION E
 Doha Boys
1 42 0 0 0 042
6107 Yavar Mirza DIVISION E
 Mumbai Fighters
2 2 20 20 0 042
6108 Shabu Kandiruthy DIVISION E
3 32 0 10 0 042
6109 Muhammed Irfan POOL 16
 Toivo Qatar
1 42 0 0 0 042
6110 Alex V DIVISION E
 Qatar Bouncers
3 32 0 10 0 042
6111 Shamseer Poopparambil Shamseer T
 Doha Cc (dcc)
1 42 0 0 0 042
6112 Sanju DIVISION E
 Friends (fct)
7 22 -10 30 0 042
6113 Mohammed Nishaf K T POOL 5
 Team Lulu
3 42 0 0 0 042
6114 Zubair Abdul DIVISION E
 Kingsmen Cricketers (kmc)
3 22 0 20 0 042
6115 Sanoop Krishnan POOL 6
 Hitters Qatar
1 22 0 20 0 042
6116 Gopa Kumar POOL 14
 Group Nine 11
3 22 20 0 0 042
6117 Ijrail Shekh DIVISION F
 Nepal XI
5 52 -10 0 0 042
6118 Ashif Abdulla DIVISION E
 Mall CC
1 22 0 20 0 042
6119 Sarjoon Mohamed DIVISION E
 Trophy Fighters
5 1 40 0 0 041
6120 Vidhu Krishnan DIVISION E
 Bin Omran United
1 1 40 0 0 041
6121 Nishad Chekidan DIVISION E
 Royal Fighters Cricket
3 1 30 10 0 041
6122 Ranjith Ranju DIVISION F
 Spartans X1
1 41 0 0 0 041
6123 Shihas Khan POOL 4
 Victory CC
1 21 0 20 0 041
6124 Diwan Kumar DIVISION E
 Qatar Horses
4 1 20 20 0 041
6125 Nazeem Mohamed DIVISION E
 Mcc Qatar
2 11 20 10 0 041
6126 Burhanudeen Burhan DIVISION E
 Leaders Qatar
1 1 40 0 0 041
6127 Anwar Iqbal POOL 10
 Tata Sports C C
9 41 -10 10 0 041
6128 Jaffer Ali Khan DIVISION E
 Hawk Squad
1 41 0 0 0 041
6129 Jazeer Mohmad DIVISION E
 Salwa Monsters Qatar
1 41 0 0 0 041
6130 Doshan D DIVISION E
 Air Tech CC
1 71 -30 0 0 041
6131 Shibin Confident DIVISION E
 Confident CC
1 41 0 0 0 041
6132 Sakariyya Confident DIVISION E
 Confident CC
1 1 40 0 0 041
6133 Abuzar Bargir DIVISION E
 Ratnagiri Riders
4 61 -50 30 0 041
6134 Rahul P POOL 13
 Sj Sports
2 1 10 30 0 041
6135 Deepak P N DIVISION E
 Hurricanes Qatar
1 -10 40 10 0 040
6136 Sridhar Honnavara DIVISION E
 Metrorail Group Of Cricketers
1 40 0 0 0 040
6137 Gegu Thomas DIVISION E
 The Look
3 40 0 0 0 040
6138 Viqar Humad DIVISION E
 Rising Stars CC
4 30 -10 20 0 040
6139 Rajkumar Mathiyalagan DIVISION E
1 30 0 10 0 040
6140 Shanu Pattath DIVISION E
 Dominoz Qatar
1 -10 50 0 0 040
6141 Anwar Golandaz POOL 3
 All Rounders Qatar
2 0 20 20 0 040
6142 Firose Nalakath DIVISION E
 Q Star
1 10 10 20 0 040
6143 Sudhakaran Chakkuthodi DIVISION E
 The Monks
3 10 20 10 0 040
6144 Vinod Krishnan DIVISION E
 Doha Boys
2 -10 30 20 0 040
6145 Anoob Kunjumuhamed DIVISION E
 Doha Vikings
1 0 20 20 0 040
6146 Thanooj . DIVISION E
1 0 30 10 0 040
6147 Musa Mohammad U
 Bmc X1
2 -20 10 50 0 040
6148 Thameesh Pv POOL 13
5 10 20 10 0 040
6149 Arun Gowda DIVISION E
 Kingsmen Cricketers (kmc)
1 -10 40 10 0 040
6150 Mohammed Mazhar Ali DIVISION E
 Hyderabadi Nawab's Super 11
5 10 20 10 0 040
6151 Mohammad Ajmal K P DIVISION E
 Rc Boys
3 10 20 10 0 040
6152 Jansil POOL 7
 Rayyan Red Lions
3 -10 40 10 0 040
6153 Muneer Vallath Kuni POOL 6
 Innings Stars
1 0 40 0 0 040
6154 Suhair Manjhoth DIVISION E
 Yct Qatar
1 0 40 0 0 040
6155 Nishad N DIVISION E
 Qatar Bouncers
1 0 40 0 0 040
6156 Shafeeq Hanan DIVISION F
4 0 40 0 0 040
6157 Abdul Razak POOL 3
 City Group Oscar CC
3 0 40 0 0 040
6158 Syed Mohd Riaz POOL 3
 City Group Oscar CC
2 0 20 20 0 040
6159 Mohamed Nowzath POOL 7
 Super King Boys CC
2 40 0 0 0 040
6160 Subin Sebastian POOL 9
 Sinan X1
4 0 40 0 0 040
6161 Georgie Mathew POOL 10
 Flyers Qatar
1 0 30 10 0 040
6162 Ajmal Komath Kandiyil POOL 12
2 -10 40 10 0 040
6163 Faijan Alam DIVISION F
 Nepal XI
3 10 10 20 0 040
6164 Shafi Mohammed DIVISION E
 Deep Blues
2 0 20 20 0 040
6165 Shameem Pk DIVISION E
 Deep Blues
2 0 0 40 0 040
6166 Muhammad Inam Ul Haq DIVISION E
 Redco Riders
1 0 40 0 0 040
6167 Dhilip S DIVISION E
 Spartans-qatar CC
1 29 0 10 0 039
6168 Nelo DIVISION E
 Hitters Qatar Red
3 39 0 0 0 039
6169 Roshin Jp POOL 3
 Jp X1
1 29 0 10 0 039
6170 Anjo George DIVISION E
 Bin Omran United
7 29 0 10 0 039
6171 Abdul Razik DIVISION E
 Pearl Eleven CC
2 19 0 20 0 039
6172 Ameen Kabeer POOL 3
 Al Khor Warriors
5 39 0 0 0 039
6173 Muhammad Rasheed DIVISION E
 Dreams CC
10 29 0 10 0 039
6174 Nishad DIVISION E
 Players Xl
3 9 20 10 0 039
6175 Desmen Joseph DIVISION E
 Trivandrum Challengers
6 29 10 0 0 039
6176 Jerin Sesaiya DIVISION E
 Tamil Nadu Cc - Tncc
6 -1 20 20 0 039
6177 Afsal Kvs POOL 3
 City Group Oscar CC
1 39 0 0 0 039
6178 Jagan Nimmagadda DIVISION E
 Telugu Warriors
6 19 0 20 0 039
 Telugu Warriors
3 19 10 10 0 039
6180 Renji Krishnan POOL 6
 United Spartans
3 38 0 0 0 038
6181 Mahesh Kumar POOL 7
2 38 -10 10 0 038
6182 Sreedar Kuraku DIVISION E
 Qatar Horses
10 8 0 30 0 038
6183 Ruwais Madathil DIVISION E
 Mdt Roadiez
2 58 -20 0 0 038
6184 Mohamed Mafas DIVISION E
 Chennai CC
1 8 0 30 0 038
6185 Sathiesh Kovintharasan POOL 13
 White Lions Doha
3 18 0 20 0 038
6186 Naveen DIVISION E
 Jp X1 CC
2 8 30 0 0 038
6187 Atul Pillai DIVISION E
 Muaither Titans
10 18 0 20 0 038
6188 Anvar Ali POOL 5
 Red Hawks
9 28 0 10 0 038
 Hitters Qatar Green
4 -2 10 30 0 038
6190 Ajmal Mohammed DIVISION E
 Planners Qatar CC
1 38 0 0 0 038
6191 Nadun N DIVISION E
 Air Tech CC
1 38 0 0 0 038
6192 Bazil Kunjumon DIVISION E
 X1 Star
1 38 0 0 0 038
6193 Shihab Mohammed POOL 7
1 38 0 0 0 038
6194 Rikkas Jamaldeen POOL 4
 Aldar Blasters
3 8 0 30 0 038
6195 Chandan Patel POOL 5
 Jumbo Warriors
4 18 0 20 0 038
6196 Salim A DIVISION E
 Combines XI
2 -2 30 10 0 038
6197 Sandy Vijayan DIVISION E
 Indo Qatar Cc - Iqcc
2 28 0 10 0 038
6198 Shamil Shornur DIVISION E
 Dominoz Qatar
1 8 0 30 0 038
6199 Prasanth Parameswaran DIVISION E
 Desert Court
2 27 0 10 0 037
6200 Dinto George DIVISION E
 Dreamz 11
6 37 0 0 0 037
6201 Mosaraf Hossain . POOL 8
 Bd Bullets
2 7 -20 50 0 037
6202 Rajesh Dammati DIVISION E
 Doha Friends XI
1 7 30 0 0 037
6203 Shafeek Latheef DIVISION E
 Doha Strikers
2 37 0 0 0 037
6204 Shafeek K.c DIVISION E
 Doha Eagles
3 37 0 0 0 037
6205 Hazee Gouse Shaik DIVISION E
 Masters CC
6 7 0 30 0 037
6206 Ajith Venu POOL 14
 Jumbo Warriors
2 -3 40 0 0 037
6207 Asker Pathooran DIVISION E
 New Star Dafna
2 7 20 10 0 037
6208 Durai Muthuswamy DIVISION E
 Spartans CC
5 67 -30 0 0 037
6209 Shehan Saheed DIVISION E
 Matar Strikers
1 37 0 0 0 037
6210 Ayaz Manzar DIVISION E
 Elegance Qatar
4 37 0 0 0 037
6211 Jahid Hussain DIVISION E
 Abu Nakhla
4 57 -30 10 0 037
6212 Rasheed P Hamza DIVISION E
8 -3 40 0 0 037
6213 Iftekhar Shaikh POOL 7
 Doha Fighters
3 7 20 10 0 037
6214 Anees Perumal Thazha POOL 11
 Bails Qatar
4 -13 50 0 0 037
6215 Askar Abdulla POOL 5
 Atc Cbq
5 27 0 10 0 037
6216 Moidu Mahe DIVISION E
 Leaders Qatar
2 26 0 10 0 036
6217 Nisam Hitters POOL 4
1 6 20 10 0 036
6218 Mudassar Malik DIVISION E
 Brothers Cricket
1 36 0 0 0 036
6219 Irfan Aboobacker DIVISION E
 Bdk Sporting
2 36 0 0 0 036
6220 Ravindra Balasuriya Wanniarachchige DIVISION E
 Nysa CC
3 6 30 0 0 036
6221 Muhammed Shameer DIVISION E
 Uk Xi (united Kerala Eleven)
5 -4 30 10 0 036
6222 Salim Khan DIVISION F
 U C T
6 66 -30 0 0 036
6223 Mohammad Ghouse POOL 11
 Jsr Warriors
2 36 -10 10 0 036
6224 Lijin Jose POOL 14
 Oscar CC
5 46 -20 10 0 036
6225 Sukoor Abdul Navas DIVISION E
 Cofely Challengers
1 35 0 0 0 035
6226 Srithar Thamilchelvam DIVISION E
 Black Panthers
1 5 30 0 0 035
6227 Faizal Paramal R
 Redwolves Qatar
5 35 0 0 0 035
6228 Rehim Km DIVISION E
 Saltha Boys 11
5 15 -10 30 0 035
6229 Shiraz POOL 4
 Doha Boys
3 5 20 10 0 035
6230 Ramees Rahmaniya POOL 11
 Golden Knights
7 5 20 10 0 035
6231 Rupan R DIVISION E
 Team Mercury
6 15 20 0 0 035
6232 Sajid Patel DIVISION E
 Doha Tigers
4 45 -30 20 0 035
6233 George Cherian DIVISION E
2 25 0 10 0 035
6234 Abdul Basheer Puluvinchi DIVISION E
 Crazy X1
1 25 0 10 0 035
6235 Amjad Hussain Muhammad Hussain DIVISION E
 Bdk Sporting
1 35 0 0 0 035
6236 Abdul Basith DIVISION E
 Bin Omran United
5 -5 20 20 0 035
6237 Sachin T Vincent POOL 4
 Aldar Blasters
11 25 0 10 0 035
6238 Mohammed Shahid DIVISION E
 Ratnagiri Riders
3 35 0 0 0 035
6239 Deepu Dileep POOL 6
3 34 0 0 0 034
6240 Maharajan Rajendran Maharajan DIVISION E
3 34 0 0 0 034
6241 Tanzil Shek DIVISION E
 Weltech Warriors
2 34 0 0 0 034
6242 Sanju Jacob DIVISION E
 Golden Knights
3 4 20 10 0 034
6243 Muhammed Sayeed POOL 11
 Muaither Titans
5 -6 40 0 0 034
6244 Shajeer Shams DIVISION E
 Roadiez Cricket X1
4 -6 40 0 0 034
6245 Senthil Kumar DIVISION E
 Java X1
4 4 30 0 0 034
6246 Fazal Janan DIVISION E
 Defenders CC
1 34 0 0 0 034
6247 Suresh Selvam DIVISION E
 Tmq Tigers
11 14 -10 30 0 034
6248 ABDUL Khader POOL 14
 Spartans X1
2 34 0 0 0 034
6249 Shabeeb S T
 Kerala Strikers
4 24 10 0 0 034
6250 Parthiban Perumal DIVISION E
 Torpedos Striker
1 34 0 0 0 034
6251 MD Akeel DIVISION F
 Nepal XI
3 23 0 10 0 033
6252 Nikhil Nair POOL 12
 Q11 Redlions
2 13 20 0 0 033
6253 Shahin Ashraf DIVISION E
 Royal Phoenix
3 3 20 10 0 033
6254 Sahel Sharafudheen POOL 15
 Q Tec Champions
1 3 30 0 0 033
6255 Asif Ali DIVISION E
 S-thanz XI
5 -17 0 50 0 033
6256 Shoukath Shouku DIVISION E
 Qatar Amigos
1 33 0 0 0 033
6257 Mudassar Ali DIVISION E
 Bhopal Hunters
2 33 0 0 0 033
6258 Satish . DIVISION E
 Qatar Bouncers
1 3 20 10 0 033
6259 Manoj Kumar POOL 4
 Sunrisers Of Qecc
1 3 20 10 0 033
6260 Jabir P DIVISION E
1 33 0 0 0 033
6261 Sayid Muhammed Asif Jifri POOL 6
 Redbulls C C
2 33 0 0 0 033
6262 Tabrez Usmani DIVISION E
 Jsr Warriors
2 3 10 20 0 033
6263 Ahamad Sayeed DIVISION E
 Indo Qatar Cc - Iqcc
2 3 20 10 0 033
6264 Amal Mathew DIVISION E
 Black Knights
1 3 10 20 0 033
6265 Kelum POOL 4
 Vh Warriors
4 23 0 10 0 033
6266 Madhu Mortha POOL 14
 Masters CC
10 3 0 30 0 033
6267 Vipin Ashok DIVISION E
 Hitters Qatar Green
2 62 -30 0 0 032
6268 Ashish Jyothi DIVISION E
 Team Sparrows
1 42 -10 0 0 032
6269 Riyas Kizhakke Kandy DIVISION E
 Doha Spartans
1 32 0 0 0 032
6270 Mashood Ks DIVISION E
1 2 30 0 0 032
6271 Joemon Joy DIVISION E
 Doha Eagles
2 12 20 0 0 032
6272 Nandu Adarsh DIVISION E
 S-thanz XI
4 12 0 20 0 032
6273 Subhash Sreedharan DIVISION E
 Team Raptors
1 32 0 0 0 032
6274 Bipin Mohan POOL 3
 Jp X1
3 42 -10 0 0 032
6275 Shafeekh Theyyempadi DIVISION E
 Karaitiyath Strikers
1 32 0 0 0 032
6276 Trinadha Rao Bodeti DIVISION E
2 12 0 20 0 032
6277 Shibu Knights DIVISION E
 Qecc Knights
4 2 20 10 0 032
6278 Al Ameen Amin DIVISION E
 Kerala Strikers
1 32 0 0 0 032
6279 Bhaskar Pradhan DIVISION E
 Itelligent CC
1 32 0 0 0 032
6280 Rajasekar Vellaisamy DIVISION E
 Doha Super Kings
1 32 0 0 0 032
6281 Nidhin DIVISION E
 Rc Boys
2 12 20 0 0 032
6282 Firoz Vm DIVISION E
 Brandbox Ads Friends X1
3 2 20 10 0 032
6283 Mostafa Evon DIVISION E
 Bd Bullets
2 12 10 10 0 032
6284 Rejowin Vincent POOL 3
 Vh Warriors
6 2 10 20 0 032
6285 Md Murad Talukder DIVISION E
 Blasters CC
1 22 0 10 0 032
6286 Shamseer C POOL 5
 Q11 Red Lions
1 1 10 20 0 031
6287 Noushad Ali Ankathayi Mammed POOL 9
 Toivo Qatar
3 31 0 0 0 031
6288 Syed Fayiz DIVISION E
 Team Cricket Buddies
4 81 -50 0 0 031
6289 AaSh Sheikh DIVISION F
 Nepal XI
11 11 20 0 0 031
6290 Jerin Alphonse DIVISION E
7 21 0 10 0 031
6291 Rabi Mohammad Syed POOL 8
 Doha Friends X1
1 1 20 10 0 031
6292 Balamurugan Veerakumar DIVISION E
 Hurricanes Qatar
1 21 0 10 0 031
6293 Ayoob Naseem DIVISION E
 Team Sparrows
1 1 30 0 0 031
6294 Aniroop A S DIVISION E
 Crazy X1
2 41 -30 20 0 031
6295 Surya Retnakumar DIVISION E
 Leaders Qatar
1 61 -30 0 0 031
6296 Abdul Basith DIVISION E
 Lemax Riders
3 21 0 10 0 031
6297 Faizal VP DIVISION E
 Qatar Bouncers
1 31 0 0 0 031
6298 Mohamed shafeeque DIVISION E
 Sand Storm
5 -9 40 0 0 031
6299 Faizal Moideen DIVISION F
 D-grill Rockers
3 -9 0 40 0 031
6300 Maheen Hanan DIVISION F
2 31 0 0 0 031
6301 Narayanan Sunrisers POOL 4
 Sunrisers Of Qecc
3 1 0 30 0 031
6302 Ajaz Khan POOL 11
 Defenders County Cricket
2 31 0 0 0 031
6303 Riyas Babu POOL 12
 Red Wolves Qatar
3 11 20 0 0 031
6304 Vikas Narayanan DIVISION E
 Super Heroes
2 1 0 30 0 031
6305 Raja Raja Panneer DIVISION E
 Star Al Nasariya Club
1 31 0 0 0 031
6306 Jesbin Abdul Jabbar Q
 Friends (fct)
2 0 30 0 0 030
6307 Shafeek Pv POOL 8
 Qatar Bruisers
2 -10 40 0 0 030
6308 Nifras Mohamed Niasr DIVISION E
 Super King Boys C C
2 30 0 0 0 030
6309 Mohammed Zia Uddin Ansari DIVISION E
 Itelligent CC
1 -10 20 20 0 030
6310 Ashif Vtycc DIVISION F
 D-grill Rockers
1 20 0 10 0 030
6311 Nidhin Balan POOL 3
 Qatar Fighters Club
3 0 20 10 0 030
6312 Navas K POOL 7
 Rayyan Red Lions
4 0 30 0 0 030
6313 Ahmed Yafai DIVISION E
 Doha Fighters
2 0 30 0 0 030
6314 Krishnachandran Padikkal DIVISION E
 South Royals
4 10 0 20 0 030
6315 AR Hafeez Ahamed DIVISION E
 Falcon XI
2 -20 20 30 0 030
 Victoria Travels
1 0 20 10 0 030
 Hitters Qatar Blue
1 0 20 10 0 030
6318 Ramsheek Ramzi POOL 3
 Jp X1
1 0 20 10 0 030
6319 Prasob DIVISION E
 Kkm Warriors
5 -10 30 10 0 030
6320 Altha althu DIVISION E
 Iqvans Qatar
1 0 30 0 0 030
6321 Habeeb Rahman DIVISION E
 Dreamer Ksd
1 0 20 10 0 030
6322 Renjith Rajendran POOL 5
 Strikers Xi - Doha
3 30 0 0 0 030
6323 Bibin Babu DIVISION E
 Spikes CC
1 0 20 10 0 030
6324 Rahim Palatt DIVISION E
 Weltech Warriors
3 -10 0 40 0 030
6325 Vineeth Vs DIVISION E
 Legends CC
1 0 0 30 0 030
6326 Nagaraj Muthukrishnan DIVISION E
 Team Raptors
3 10 20 0 0 030
6327 Ojit Malo POOL 12
 Elegance Qatar
1 0 10 20 0 030
6328 Abdul Shahid Meleth POOL 16
 Royal Phoenix
2 0 30 0 0 030
6329 Helmi Mohammed T
 Beach CC
3 50 -30 10 0 030
6330 Sujawaddin T
 Smart Qatar
1 10 20 0 0 030
6331 Kareem Knights DIVISION E
 Qecc Knights
3 0 0 30 0 030
6332 Shoeb Spartans DIVISION E
 Qecc Spartans
3 0 0 30 0 030
6333 Sanju Warriors DIVISION E
 Qecc Warriors
3 0 20 10 0 030
6334 Aris Ck DIVISION F
 Kerala C.c
1 0 20 10 0 030
6335 Shani Abdulasees POOL 13
 Boyzone Qatar
1 0 30 0 0 030
6336 Sharavana Babu DIVISION E
 White Tigers
1 -10 40 0 0 030
6337 Ibu Ibrahim DIVISION E
 Sahara .c.c
2 0 30 0 0 030
6338 Jesil Asim DIVISION E
 Qatar Amigos
1 -10 40 0 0 030
6339 Mazhar Khan DIVISION E
 Khalifa XI
3 40 -10 0 0 030
6340 Mohd Shafeeque DIVISION E
 Planners Qatar CC
1 0 0 30 0 030
6341 Abhinav 30241139 DIVISION E
 Egss Ummsalal
2 9 0 20 0 029
6342 Suhail Kunhimuhammed DIVISION E
 Blockades XI
1 29 0 0 0 029
6343 Shahsad VK POOL 3
 Yct Qatar
2 9 0 20 0 029
6344 Mohammad Sazid Khan DIVISION E
 Itelligent CC
2 -1 0 30 0 029
6345 Azhar Mohammad DIVISION E
 Crazy X1
1 9 0 20 0 029
6346 Afsal V DIVISION E
 Deep Blues
2 9 0 20 0 029
6347 Mohamed Misbah Mohamed Juheer POOL 15
 Royal Dare Warriors
5 29 0 0 0 029
6348 Mohammed Salim Cp DIVISION E
 Al Anees Strikers
3 29 0 0 0 029
6349 Mansoor DIVISION E
 Nadukani CC
1 9 10 10 0 029
6350 Mustafa Reja Kawari DIVISION F
 Nepal XI
4 38 -20 10 0 028
6351 Abdul Samad Mohammad Q
 Doha United
2 28 0 0 0 028
6352 Praveen Prakash POOL 16
4 28 0 0 0 028
6353 Shajeeb Spartans DIVISION E
 Qecc Spartans
4 8 0 20 0 028
6354 Ahmed Zuhair DIVISION E
 Youth Forum Companions
2 28 0 0 0 028
6355 Jayaraj Pallath POOL 9
 Sinan X1
1 28 0 0 0 028
6356 Fariq Shaheed POOL 6
 Super Brothers
6 68 -50 10 0 028
6357 Subin T.k DIVISION E
1 38 -10 0 0 028
6358 Mohammed Haneefa DIVISION E
 Dragon Gym
2 28 0 0 0 028
6359 Ajmal vk POOL 3
 Fighters Qatar
1 8 20 0 0 028
6360 Umair Puliyulathil DIVISION E
 Leaders Qatar
2 8 -10 30 0 028
6361 Jenik Antony DIVISION E
2 8 20 0 0 028
6362 Rafik Darbar DIVISION E
 Angry Bulls - B
1 28 0 0 0 028
6363 Azeezuddin Mohammed DIVISION E
 Matar Strikers
1 8 10 10 0 028
6364 Shihab Husain DIVISION E
 Royal Fighters Cricket
2 28 0 0 0 028
6365 Sreejith Oscar Cc POOL 3
 City Group Oscar CC
3 8 20 0 0 028
6366 Ngraji Sunrisers POOL 4
 Sunrisers Of Qecc
2 8 20 0 0 028
6367 Retheesh Kumar DIVISION E
 Silent Killers
3 28 0 0 0 028
6368 Kishantha Ruban DIVISION E
 Star Al Nasariya Club
1 8 10 10 0 028
6369 Ranjith Kumar POOL 7
2 27 0 0 0 027
6370 Makbul Mohammed Miah DIVISION F
 Royal Strikers Qatar
2 27 0 0 0 027
6371 Jaseem POOL 15
 Uk X1
4 7 20 0 0 027
6372 Imran Malik DIVISION E
 Deep Blues
1 27 0 0 0 027
6373 Rohit Kumar DIVISION E
 Vfs Champions
1 7 20 0 0 027
6374 Abdullah Zahid POOL 16
 Unique CC
2 -3 0 30 0 027
6375 Mohammed Abu Salman DIVISION E
 Khalifa XI
1 27 0 0 0 027
6376 Visal Kv Vichu DIVISION F
 Dejawu C C-dcc
1 7 20 0 0 027
6377 Faisal Karuvattuparambil DIVISION E
 Royal Phoenix
1 7 20 0 0 027
6378 Kannan Sreekumar POOL 9
 Thyseen Warriors
9 27 0 0 0 027
6379 Naga Krishna Bharat Nuttikattu DIVISION E
3 -3 -20 50 0 027
6380 Thoufeeq Abdullah DIVISION E
 Bin Omran United
4 -3 30 0 0 027
6381 Muhammad Sohail POOL 5
 Dqct (dulsco Qatar )
7 37 -30 20 0 027
6382 Eldhose ME DIVISION E
 Naseem Commandos
1 7 10 10 0 027
6383 Althaf Puthuveettil DIVISION E
 Vectra Qatar
3 6 10 10 0 026
6384 Sammil 003 POOL 10
 Royal Tigers
2 6 20 0 0 026
6385 Shafeer Alikunji Darang DIVISION E
 Qatar Amigos
5 16 10 0 0 026
6386 Irshad Samse Alikutti POOL 5
 Strikers X1 Qatar
2 16 0 10 0 026
6387 Fayis Kt DIVISION E
 Qatar Bouncers
1 6 10 10 0 026
6388 Sanooj N S DIVISION E
 Qatar Bouncers
1 26 0 0 0 026
6389 Yahiya Assem POOL 3
 Al Khor Warriors
1 26 0 0 0 026
6390 Pawan Bimali DIVISION E
 Doha Spartans
3 6 0 20 0 026
6391 Aqeel Iqbal DIVISION E
 Black Panthers
12 6 0 20 0 026
6392 Fuzailahmed Khan DIVISION E
 E&a Challengers
8 16 0 10 0 026
6393 Maroof Moidheen DIVISION E
 Muaither Titans
1 6 20 0 0 026
6394 Mosharef Hossain Raju POOL 8
 Bd Bullets
4 36 -30 20 0 026
6395 Muneer DIVISION E
 Nadukani CC
1 -5 30 0 0 025
6396 Muhammad Asim Younas DIVISION E
 Redco Riders
1 5 20 0 0 025
6397 Shaan Sainudeen DIVISION F
 Amigos Qatar
2 35 -10 0 0 025
 Hitters Qatar Red
4 35 -10 0 0 025
6399 Md Shahid Ulla POOL 12
 Kk Warriors
1 5 20 0 0 025
6400 Asanka A DIVISION E
 Thyssen Warriors
1 55 -30 0 0 025
6401 Rashid Rashi DIVISION E
 Palace C C
6 -15 30 10 0 025
6402 Moosa Bin DIVISION E
 Calicut Blasterz Blue
2 25 0 0 0 025
6403 Abdul Khader N A DIVISION E
 Arabian XI
4 15 -20 30 0 025
6404 Shiyas Khan DIVISION E
 Man Strikers
1 25 0 0 0 025
6405 Jakir Hossan POOL 9
 Studs Of Qatar
3 5 0 20 0 025
6406 Sadiq Ullah DIVISION E
 Friday CC
2 5 0 20 0 025
6407 Hamza Ameer DIVISION E
 Mustang XI
3 24 0 0 0 024
6408 Abdul Wajid DIVISION E
 Black Cat Fosters
1 4 0 20 0 024
6409 Jouhar K POOL 5
 Atc Cbq
3 14 -10 20 0 024
6410 Prajith Jayaprakasan DIVISION E
 Boom Boom C C
6 14 10 0 0 024
6411 Rajaguru Pandiyan POOL 11
 Bails Qatar
1 4 20 0 0 024
6412 Mohamad Fasil DIVISION E
 Blue Commandos
1 24 0 0 0 024
6413 Salih Vengad POOL 10
 Kq Friends
1 24 0 0 0 024
6414 Mahammad Nizar POOL 4
 Strikers X1 Doha
5 24 0 0 0 024
6415 Zuheer Z T
 Kerala Strikers
1 4 0 20 0 024
6416 Jaimon Varghese DIVISION E
 Bin Omran United
6 4 10 10 0 024
6417 Raza Murad Mv DIVISION E
 Doha Falcons
4 34 -10 0 0 024
6418 Rasfif Ali DIVISION E
 Q11 Dark Horses
1 24 0 0 0 024
6419 Mohammad Fahir DIVISION E
 Dragon Gym
3 54 -40 10 0 024
6420 Ubaidulla Kadlur DIVISION E
 Friday Cricket Sailiya
5 4 0 20 0 024
6421 Muhammed Noufal POOL 13
 Boyzone Qatar
4 3 0 20 0 023
6422 Riyas Hamza DIVISION E
1 3 20 0 0 023
6423 Shafeeq Ahmed DIVISION E
 Planners Qatar CC
1 3 0 20 0 023
6424 Sunil Kumar . DIVISION E
 Hawks XI
3 13 0 10 0 023
6425 Anas Mohammed Anas DIVISION E
 Qatar Amigos
1 23 0 0 0 023
6426 Mohd Raza U
 Mustang XI
2 23 -20 20 0 023
6427 Mohamed Rizwan DIVISION E
 Naseem Commandos
1 23 0 0 0 023
6428 Mubashir Mannarthodi DIVISION E
 Friends 11 Doha
3 3 20 0 0 023
6429 Harinath Yadav DIVISION E
 Oryx Star Cricket
2 33 -10 0 0 023
6430 Maheshraj Narayani Kavil POOL 11
1 3 0 20 0 023
6431 Shafeeque P DIVISION E
 Qatar Bouncers
1 3 20 0 0 023
6432 Risvi Abdul Kalam S
 Qatar Lions
6 3 0 20 0 023
6433 Mubashir Spartans DIVISION F
 Spartans X1
2 13 0 10 0 023
6434 Dawood D DIVISION E
 Rising Stars CC
4 22 0 0 0 022
6435 Rasheed Nizar Raheeed DIVISION E
 Kerala Strikers
2 2 20 0 0 022
6436 Ashraf Ahmad POOL 11
 Jsr Warriors
2 2 20 0 0 022
6437 Pankaj Crick X1 DIVISION F
 Cric X1
1 2 0 20 0 022
6438 Anas Khalid POOL 4
 Sunrisers Of Qecc
1 22 0 0 0 022
6439 Sumith Saigal DIVISION E
 Legends CC
2 2 20 0 0 022
6440 Manikandan Mahalingam DIVISION E
 Silent Killers
6 32 -20 10 0 022
6441 Santosh Devanagal DIVISION E
 Bmc Chargers
5 -8 20 10 0 022
6442 Shamees Chalil DIVISION E
 Indo Qatar Cc - Iqcc
1 2 10 10 0 022
6443 Sameer P Confident DIVISION E
 Confident CC
1 2 20 0 0 022
6444 Navid Hussain Gulzar Hussain POOL 3
 Palace C C
1 2 20 0 0 022
6445 Krishna Sudha Sudhakaran POOL 6
 United Spartans
3 12 0 10 0 022
6446 Jamaluddeen Mullankuni DIVISION E
 Black Caps CC
1 22 0 0 0 022
6447 Jayakrishan Jayaprakash POOL 6
 United Spartans
2 22 0 0 0 022
6448 Devendra Singh DIVISION E
 Indo Warrior
3 22 0 0 0 022
6449 Shanavas Pk POOL 6
 Genserve Fighters
3 2 20 0 0 022
6450 Aravind Yanampally DIVISION E
 Defenders CC
2 12 0 10 0 022
6451 Azeer Azi DIVISION E
 Sparks XI
4 2 0 20 0 022
6452 Vishnu Prasannan DIVISION E
 Royals XI
1 2 10 10 0 022
6453 Praveen . DIVISION E
3 2 20 0 0 022
6454 Akhil Majeed POOL 11
 Youthforum Companions
3 12 0 10 0 022
6455 Jose P T
 Kerala Strikers
2 -8 10 20 0 022
6456 Jerrin Sunny DIVISION E
 Bin Omran United
2 2 20 0 0 022
6457 Vinod Nadarajan POOL 10
 Gharrafa XI
3 12 0 10 0 022
6458 Nisham Muhamadali DIVISION E
 Team Sparrows
1 32 -10 0 0 022
6459 Kazi Arfanullah DIVISION E
 Doha Eagles
1 22 0 0 0 022
6460 Abdul Basheer DIVISION E
 Khalifa Strikers
4 12 10 0 0 022
6461 Rajesh Subramanian DIVISION E
 Dqct (dulsco Qatar )
3 2 0 20 0 022
6462 Ishwor Ranabhat POOL 5
 Dqct (dulsco Qatar )
3 2 10 10 0 022
 Hitters Qatar Blue
1 1 20 0 0 021
6464 Vasanth Kumar DIVISION E
 Team Mercury
1 1 0 20 0 021
6465 Lijesh L DIVISION E
 Sand Storm
6 21 0 0 0 021
6466 Biju Parera POOL 9
 Petroserv CC
4 11 10 0 0 021
6467 Musthafa Pk DIVISION E
 Naseem Commandos
1 1 0 20 0 021
6468 Ramju 17 DIVISION E
 Planners Qatar CC
1 11 10 0 0 021
6469 Mohammed Waheed DIVISION E
 Deccan Boys
2 11 -10 20 0 021
6470 Praveen .pallathu DIVISION E
 Matar Kings
3 -9 20 10 0 021
6471 Siva Deepak DIVISION E
 Man Strikers
4 61 -40 0 0 021
6472 Amras P V DIVISION E
2 11 0 10 0 021
6473 Altaf Ahmed Sayed DIVISION E
 Cofely Challengers
3 21 0 0 0 021
6474 Shijar A DIVISION E
 Qatar Bouncers
2 -9 30 0 0 021
6475 Riyas Ahamed DIVISION E
 Silent Killers
1 21 0 0 0 021
6476 Riyaz Salim POOL 14
 The Look
2 1 20 0 0 021
6477 Nishant Raj Sharma DIVISION E
 Phoenix X1
3 11 0 10 0 021
6478 Rifas M B DIVISION E
 Oscar C C
1 1 0 20 0 021
6479 Nadeem Mahadkar DIVISION E
 Mumbai X1
1 21 0 0 0 021
6480 Muhammed Basheer DIVISION E
 Black Cat Fosters
1 1 20 0 0 021
6481 Edunil Madushanka POOL 4
 Vh Warriors
2 21 0 0 0 021
6482 Niyaz Mohammed DIVISION E
 Friday CC
3 1 0 20 0 021
6483 Mathews Luckose DIVISION E
 Team Doha
7 1 20 0 0 021
6484 Abdul Muneer DIVISION E
 Naseem Commandos
1 1 20 0 0 021
6485 Devadas Kizhakkekkara DIVISION E
 Blockades XI
10 31 -30 20 0 021
6486 Vanthesh Govind POOL 16
2 11 0 10 0 021
6487 Bilal Shaikh DIVISION E
 E&a Challengers
4 1 20 0 0 021
6488 Anand Athinamilaki DIVISION E
 Qatar Winners
1 1 20 0 0 021
6489 Blessen Kunjumon POOL 7
 Lagaan Qatar
5 -10 10 20 0 020
 Desert Court
3 0 0 20 0 020
6491 Thalhat Thallu POOL 14
 Qatar Warriors
3 -10 20 10 0 020
6492 Athul Lal Prasannan DIVISION E
 Karaitiyath Strikers
1 -10 30 0 0 020
6493 Mohamed Sajith DIVISION E
 Egale Red Boys
1 0 -10 30 0 020
6494 Saheer Basheer POOL 16
 Royal Phoenix
1 0 20 0 0 020
6495 Jose James DIVISION E
 Royal Qatar
1 0 20 0 0 020
6496 Mohammad Ibrahim POOL 8
 Bd Bullets
1 0 20 0 0 020
6497 Irfan POOL 11
1 0 0 20 0 020
6498 Bilal Warriors DIVISION E
 Qecc Spartans
2 0 0 20 0 020
 Qatar Amigos
1 10 0 10 0 020
6500 Binu Abraham DIVISION E
 Doha Falcons
2 20 0 0 0 020
6501 Thoufeeq Abdulla DIVISION E
 Bdk Sporting
1 0 20 0 0 020
6502 Nizar Cheruvath DIVISION E
 Rc Boys
1 0 20 0 0 020
6503 Shafeeque Shamzu DIVISION E
 Brandbox Ads Friends X1
3 0 20 0 0 020
6504 Ameer Abdul Rahiman DIVISION E
 Brandbox Ads Friends X1
2 0 0 20 0 020
6505 Sidhique P DIVISION F
 Cric X1
3 0 20 0 0 020
6506 Sanosh Dgrill DIVISION F
 D-grill Rockers
2 0 20 0 0 020
6507 Vincent Hanan DIVISION F
5 10 0 10 0 020
6508 Jashmeer Hanan DIVISION F
2 -10 20 10 0 020
6509 Tahir Spartans DIVISION F
 Spartans X1
2 0 20 0 0 020
6510 Sugesh Eco Fresh POOL 3
 Eco Fresh
3 0 20 0 0 020
6511 Shefeek Aviators POOL 4
 Jumbo Warriors
3 0 20 0 0 020
6512 Enachu Riyas POOL 4
 Q11 Profixo
2 0 0 20 0 020
6513 Sarfad Q11 POOL 4
 Q11 Profixo
2 0 20 0 0 020
6514 Sanfar AJM POOL 13
 Sj Sports
1 0 20 0 0 020
6515 Shakir Ahamed POOL 15
 Uk X1
1 0 20 0 0 020
 Abu Nakhla
4 20 -10 10 0 020
6517 Chandrajith Chandrasenan DIVISION F
 Oruma Royals
6 10 0 10 0 020
6518 Sreekumar DIVISION E
 Calicut Blasterz Blue
1 0 20 0 0 020
6519 Mohammed Rafeequ R
 Redwolves Qatar
1 0 10 10 0 020
6520 Siddiq Yousuf DIVISION E
 Iqvans Qatar
1 -10 20 10 0 020
6521 Thoufeek P Ali DIVISION E
 Qatar Bruisers
1 0 20 0 0 020
6522 Shiva S DIVISION E
 Thyssen Warriors
4 10 10 0 0 020
6523 Mujahid M DIVISION E
 Friends Xi Mangaloreans
4 20 0 0 0 020
6524 Anas Hakkim DIVISION E
 Kerala Strikers
2 10 0 10 0 020
6525 Nisam Nisu DIVISION E
 Yuva XI
1 10 0 10 0 020
6526 Abdul Sathar DIVISION E
 Eminent Qatar
2 -10 20 10 0 020
6527 Anas Parachal DIVISION E
 Leopards Qatar
1 0 0 20 0 020
6528 Vinay Nalumakkal DIVISION E
 Mall CC
1 0 20 0 0 020
6529 Noufal Km DIVISION E
 Blue Warriors
1 10 0 10 0 020
6530 Shahul Hameed DIVISION E
 Leaders Qatar
1 0 20 0 0 020
6531 Emraaz Fazal DIVISION E
 Victory C C
1 10 0 10 0 020
6532 Abdul Saleem DIVISION E
 Angry Bulls
2 0 10 10 0 020
6533 Mohamed Rafi DIVISION E
 Q Star
1 0 20 0 0 020
6534 Jismon Joseph DIVISION E
2 -10 20 10 0 020
6535 Syed Parvez DIVISION E
 Hawk Squad
1 0 10 10 0 020
6536 Packyaraj P DIVISION E
 Doha Boys
1 10 -10 20 0 020
6537 Rasheed Pk DIVISION E
 Ezgawa Tigers
1 0 20 0 0 020
6538 Sujith Janardhanan DIVISION E
 Qatar Friends CC
3 -20 0 40 0 020
6539 Afsal Mpr DIVISION F
 Kerala C.c
1 0 10 10 0 020
6540 Balu Kizhuveettil DIVISION E
2 0 0 20 0 020
6541 Shahnawaz Ahmad POOL 7
 Lagaan Qatar
1 -10 20 10 0 020
6542 Najeebudheen Kalpaka DIVISION E
 Desert Court
5 0 10 10 0 020
6543 Shaheer Kattu Kandi POOL 8
 Doha Challengers
3 0 0 20 0 020
6544 Aslam Sayyad POOL 5
 Jumbo Warriors
7 -10 0 30 0 020
6545 Firoz Iqbal DIVISION E
 Air Strikers
1 0 0 20 0 020
6546 Aneesh muralidharan DIVISION E
 Royal Phoenix
1 0 20 0 0 020
6547 Safeed Mandokarra DIVISION E
 Royal Warriors Qatar
2 0 20 0 0 020
6548 Faisal Kunhammed Manikoth DIVISION E
 Prince Eleven Gharafa
1 0 20 0 0 020
6549 Abhayan G DIVISION E
 Lightning Hawks CC
1 0 20 0 0 020
6550 Saleem Khan POOL 4
 Qatar Blue X1 Silver
1 0 0 20 0 020
6551 Thennarasu Mathi DIVISION E
 Metrorail Group Of Cricketers
1 9 0 10 0 019
6552 Anish Kumar DIVISION E
 Hurricanes Qatar
1 9 0 10 0 019
6553 Usman Armaan DIVISION E
 Victorian Stars
1 9 0 10 0 019
6554 Abdul Ashraf Bavikere DIVISION E
5 -1 0 20 0 019
6555 Ms Khan DIVISION E
 Victorian Stars Doha
1 9 0 10 0 019
6556 Muhammad Mahdi Billah POOL 8
 Bd Bullets
3 -1 0 20 0 019
6557 Kapil Dev POOL 4
 Energy Technical Services
2 9 0 10 0 019
6558 Arshad A T
 Kerala Strikers
4 -11 20 10 0 019
6559 Sambath Ganesan POOL 15
 Q Tec Champions
3 9 0 10 0 019
6560 Akhil Jose DIVISION E
3 9 10 0 0 019
 Angry Bulls - B
3 19 0 0 0 019
6562 Mohammed Shafeek Rahiman DIVISION E
 Rc Boys
3 19 0 0 0 019
6563 Jeswin Crick X1 DIVISION F
 Cric X1
4 -1 0 20 0 019
6564 Nahas Chakalaka POOL 3
 Ideal Warriors
4 9 0 10 0 019
6565 Arcanjo C DIVISION E
 Falcon XI
5 -11 0 30 0 019
6566 Shanu S DIVISION F
 Victory CC
4 29 -10 0 0 019
6567 Dinooj Dinachandran POOL 4
2 19 0 0 0 019
6568 Thiwanka Perera DIVISION E
 Air Strikers
5 18 0 0 0 018
6569 Rasi Najeeb DIVISION E
 Palace C C
3 8 0 10 0 018
6570 Salman Ulde DIVISION E
 Janjira Sports Club ( Jsc )
2 18 0 0 0 018
6571 Antony Cv DIVISION E
 Mall CC
1 8 0 10 0 018
6572 Sudheer Paraveettil DIVISION E
 Team Raptors
2 18 0 0 0 018
6573 Barry Terrence Clarence DIVISION E
3 -2 0 20 0 018
6574 Vimal Mangalassery Vijayan Melevalappil DIVISION E
10 -12 10 20 0 018
6575 Tomin George DIVISION E
 Blue Whales
11 18 -40 40 0 018
6576 Abdul Rahman DIVISION E
 Lucky Star
4 18 0 0 0 018
6577 Siraj Mammu DIVISION F
 Gharaffa X1
5 8 10 0 0 018
6578 Mohamed Hassan Mowshood DIVISION E
 Black Mamba
4 -3 -10 30 0 017
 Indian Stars XI
4 17 0 0 0 017
6580 Mohamad Riyas P DIVISION E
 Jp X1 CC
1 7 0 10 0 017
6581 Sabeer Hussain POOL 10
 Salwa Monsters
2 7 -10 20 0 017
6582 Rashid Chulliyil DIVISION E
 Beach CC
3 -3 20 0 0 017
6583 Aslam Tv DIVISION E
 Indo Qatar Cc - Iqcc
1 7 0 10 0 017
6584 Suhail Sham POOL 3
 Doha Spartans
3 17 0 0 0 017
6585 Shopon Ahmed DIVISION E
 Muaither Titans
2 7 -10 20 0 017
6586 Pranav Pv DIVISION E
 Vcc Qatar
3 7 0 10 0 017
6587 Firoz . DIVISION E
 Galaxy CC
4 -3 0 20 0 017
6588 Harish Hassan POOL 5
5 7 0 10 0 017
6589 Vijay Bhaskaran R
3 7 0 10 0 017
6590 Shaji Saleem Q
 Doha United
1 7 0 10 0 017
6591 Ram Mittal DIVISION E
 Lightning Hawks CC
3 7 0 10 0 017
6592 Shereef Moinudeen DIVISION E
 Muhammadense Qatar
2 7 0 10 0 017
6593 Kuldeep singh DIVISION E
 Redco Riders
2 -3 20 0 0 017
6594 Biju Pr DIVISION E
 Token CC
1 7 0 10 0 017
6595 Titto Varghese DIVISION E
 Prakkat Jewellers CC
2 17 0 0 0 017
6596 Sreejith R DIVISION E
 Super Gillies Team
1 7 0 10 0 017
6597 Riyas V DIVISION E
 Studs Of Qatar
1 6 0 10 0 016
6598 Jaffear Sadique Mohamed Farook Jaffer DIVISION E
 Dragon Gym
2 6 0 10 0 016
6599 Kuriakose M. Jacob POOL 16
4 -4 0 20 0 016
6600 Muhammed Siyam Hassan DIVISION E
 Yct Qatar
1 6 0 10 0 016
6601 Muhammed Irshad DIVISION F
 Oruma Royals
6 16 0 0 0 016
6602 Ragesh Rk POOL 3
 Eco Fresh
2 6 0 10 0 016
6603 Fahas Fahad Malinga POOL 8
 Chennai Cricketers
1 6 10 0 0 016
6604 Raneesh Raghavan DIVISION F
 Blue Commandos
2 46 -30 0 0 016
6605 Jithesh G Nair DIVISION E
 Friends (fct)
5 106 -90 0 0 016
6606 Shamseer Hamsa DIVISION E
 Super Heroes
2 46 -30 0 0 016
6607 Jishan Jose DIVISION E
 Blockades XI
2 6 0 10 0 016
6608 Mohamad Ali POOL 13
9 -14 0 30 0 016
6609 Nishad Kalapparambil DIVISION E
 Al Anees Strikers
2 16 0 0 0 016
6610 Usman Datey POOL 16
 Aero Dynamos
2 6 0 10 0 016
6611 Fahrab Jaweed Berekar POOL 16
 Aero Dynamos
2 -15 0 30 0 015
6612 Muhammed Anseer S
 Al Dar Blasters
3 15 0 0 0 015
6613 Mohamed Rasman DIVISION E
 Egale Red Boys
2 35 -20 0 0 015
6614 Tanvir Ahmad DIVISION E
 Bmc X1
1 5 0 10 0 015
6615 Siraj POOL 13
1 5 0 10 0 015
6616 Anwar Muhammad Kani Rawther DIVISION E
 Black Mamba
1 5 0 10 0 015
6617 Ramdas Ravi Ramdas POOL 9
 Rosenbauer Warriors R B W
3 5 10 0 0 015
6618 Mohamed Shameer DIVISION E
 Doha Legends
2 15 0 0 0 015
6619 Amith Padmanabhan POOL 9
 Toivo Qatar
2 5 0 10 0 015
6620 Prasanth Kumar R
 G4s Phoenix
2 5 0 10 0 015
8 5 0 10 0 015
 Mangalore Warriors
2 25 -10 0 0 015
6623 Zeeshan Qazi DIVISION E
 Hiq CC
1 5 0 10 0 015
6624 Sajid Alappy . DIVISION E
 Hawks XI
4 15 -10 10 0 015
6625 Shafeer Mohammed DIVISION E
 Classic CC
4 5 0 10 0 015
6626 Sabeel Panakkad DIVISION E
 Western Warriors
11 15 0 0 0 015
6627 Kingsley Fernando DIVISION E
 Smashers 11
4 15 0 0 0 015
6628 Sajeer Mohammed POOL 4
 Beach CC
3 5 0 10 0 015
6629 Kalaiyarasan Rathinam POOL 6
 Spartans-qatar CC
3 4 0 10 0 014
6630 Rashid S DIVISION E
 Blue Commandos
2 4 0 10 0 014
6631 Nisar Dhayaroth DIVISION E
 Kings Xi Vadagara
4 4 0 10 0 014
6632 Riyas Mohamed POOL 6
 Super Brothers
8 14 -30 30 0 014
6633 Alfar Mohamed POOL 9
 Boom Boom CC
3 4 0 10 0 014
6634 Manu Joseph DIVISION E
 Yuva XI
5 -16 0 30 0 014
6635 Mohammed Haneef POOL 9
3 4 0 10 0 014
6636 Ajmal Badarudeen DIVISION E
 G4s Phenoix
1 4 0 10 0 014
6637 Jaleel Koroth POOL 13
 Marc Qatar Warriors
2 14 0 0 0 014
6638 Rameez Vattapara U
 Qatar Friends
5 4 -20 30 0 014
6639 Salman Faris DIVISION E
 Egale Red Boys
2 4 0 10 0 014
6640 Aron Johny DIVISION E
 Friendship Brothers - Sl
2 4 0 10 0 014
6641 Salman K Asgar Khan POOL 10
 Unique Cricket Club
2 -6 0 20 0 014
6642 Abdul Wahid DIVISION E
 Defenders CC
3 4 0 10 0 014
6643 Rejith R POOL 6
 Super Brothers
4 13 -10 10 0 013
6644 Mohamed Mansoor DIVISION E
 Blue Warriors
4 -7 0 20 0 013
6645 Mukri Moosa DIVISION E
 Unipart 11
1 3 0 10 0 013
6646 Shabeer Usman DIVISION E
 Sahara .c.c
2 23 -10 0 0 013
6647 Mohammed Kaisar Khan DIVISION E
 Deccan Boys
2 3 0 10 0 013
6648 Mohammad Furkan Mohammad Irfan POOL 15
 Hawks X1
4 3 0 10 0 013
6649 Haris M Haris POOL 14
4 -7 0 20 0 013
6650 Mohamed Anuth DIVISION E
 Egale Red Boys
2 -7 -20 40 0 013
6651 Haneefa H POOL 4
 Caribbeans Qatar
1 3 10 0 0 013
6652 Samad Abdul DIVISION E
 Doha Risers CC
1 3 10 0 0 013
6653 Praveen Narayan POOL 6
8 33 -20 0 0 013
6654 Jithin K Murali DIVISION E
 Merac Cc (mcc)
3 3 -10 20 0 013
6655 Blesson Augustine POOL 6
 Oscar C C
2 -7 20 0 0 013
6656 ziyad DIVISION E
 Lemax Riders
2 13 0 0 0 013
6657 Ajay Kumar Ajay DIVISION E
 Rising Stars
4 -7 20 0 0 013
6658 Amin Abdullah DIVISION E
 Brothers Cricket
1 33 -20 0 0 013
6659 Mohammed Shahid Patel POOL 15
 Black Caps Cricketers
4 -7 -20 40 0 013
6660 Thwaha Menodum Valappil DIVISION E
 Omrc XI
3 13 0 0 0 013
6661 Jabir P DIVISION E
2 3 10 0 0 013
6662 Rajesh Ramaswamy POOL 16
2 23 -10 0 0 013
6663 Ayub Gungolly DIVISION E
 Spartans XI
1 3 0 10 0 013
6664 Maniyan Subra DIVISION E
 Tamil Nadu Super Kings (tsk)
3 -8 0 20 0 012
6665 Ameen Shahith POOL 3
 City Group Oscar CC
2 12 0 0 0 012
6666 Kadri Mohiddin DIVISION E
 Ratnagiri Fighters
3 -8 20 0 0 012
6667 Vishnu Kunnatheri POOL 5
 Toivo Qatar
1 2 0 10 0 012
6668 Mohammad Seeraj POOL 10
 Tata Sports C C
3 12 0 0 0 012
6669 Zartab Amin DIVISION E
2 42 -30 0 0 012
6670 Mohammed Mufeed Mufi DIVISION E
 Beach CC
2 12 0 0 0 012
6671 Jibin Antony POOL 9
 Strikers C C
3 2 0 10 0 012
6672 Rahul Chokli DIVISION E
 Innings Stars
3 2 0 10 0 012
6673 Hussain Mk DIVISION E
 Markhiya Blasters
4 2 0 10 0 012
6674 Santhakumar G DIVISION E
 Flyers Qatar (f.c.c)
1 2 0 10 0 012
6675 Shaffy Ph DIVISION E
4 -8 10 10 0 012
6676 Mohammed Abdul Raheem DIVISION E
 Khalifa XI
1 2 0 10 0 012
 White Tigers
2 2 0 10 0 012
6678 Nijimon Tv DIVISION F
 Kerala C.c
1 2 0 10 0 012
6679 Osman Goni POOL 8
 Bd Bullets
1 2 0 10 0 012
6680 Sajeer Kodappurath POOL 10
 Palace CC
1 2 0 10 0 012
6681 Shibin Andipat POOL 10
 Kq Friends
1 2 -30 40 0 012
6682 Ansar Muhammad DIVISION E
 Defenders CC
2 12 0 0 0 012
6683 Sujan Dharmapalan DIVISION E
 Masters CC
2 2 0 10 0 012
6684 Dipak Balayar POOL 5
 Dqct (dulsco Qatar )
1 12 0 0 0 012
6685 Rashad Kuraishi Abdulgani DIVISION E
 Muhammadense Qatar
1 1 0 10 0 011
6686 Shamnas CK DIVISION E
1 1 0 10 0 011
6687 Bhaskar Q
 Jumbo Warriors
2 11 0 0 0 011
6688 Nikhil Ramanunni DIVISION E
 Classic CC
2 1 0 10 0 011
6689 Firos Ali POOL 7
2 1 0 10 0 011
6690 Gobinath Anandhan DIVISION E
 Defenders CC
2 11 0 0 0 011
6691 Vinu Kaipra DIVISION E
 Matar Kings
3 11 -20 20 0 011
6692 Amol Kamble DIVISION E
 Ratnagiri Fighters
1 1 10 0 0 011
6693 Mudassir Majid POOL 8
 Doha Friends X1
1 11 0 0 0 011
6694 Mujib Rahman DIVISION E
 Arabian XI
2 1 0 10 0 011
6695 Fahad Jabbar POOL 5
 Atc Cbq
1 1 0 10 0 011
6696 Rasheed Nizar DIVISION E
 Players Xl
3 1 -10 20 0 011
6697 Johnychan Thomas DIVISION E
 Doha Super Kings
1 1 0 10 0 011
6698 Shafeel Vs POOL 4
 Jumbo Warriors
2 1 0 10 0 011
6699 Shafikh Shaikh DIVISION F
 Chennai Cricketers
1 1 10 0 0 011
6700 Imteyas Ahmad POOL 14
 The Look
5 -9 20 0 0 011
6701 Noorul Ameen DIVISION E
 Mcc Qatar
1 1 0 10 0 011
6702 Hari Krishnan DIVISION E
2 1 10 0 0 011
6703 Balasubramanian Lakshmanan DIVISION E
 Nysa CC
1 1 10 0 0 011
6704 Hyderali Perdalamoola DIVISION E
5 -9 0 20 0 011
6705 Prajil M DIVISION E
 Doha Boys
2 1 0 10 0 011
6706 Muthu Murugaiyan POOL 7
2 1 0 10 0 011
6707 Riyas Hameed DIVISION E
 Prince Eleven Gharafa
1 11 0 0 0 011
6708 Chandrakanth Devadiga DIVISION E
 Legends CC
2 11 0 0 0 011
6709 Ranjith Rajendran DIVISION E
 Indian Stars XI
2 -9 0 20 0 011
6710 Reshin Salam POOL 6
 Toss CC
1 11 0 0 0 011
6711 Nilesh N DIVISION E
 Masters CC
5 -9 0 20 0 011
6712 Niyas M DIVISION E
 Naseem Commandos
1 1 0 10 0 011
 Hitters Qatar Red
2 1 0 10 0 011
6714 Jeevan Raj DIVISION E
 Team Raptors
3 11 -10 10 0 011
6715 Arun Packiaraj DIVISION E
 Team Raptors
2 -9 0 20 0 011
6716 Shudham Shetty POOL 15
 Q Tec Champions
2 1 10 0 0 011
6717 Sibly Mohammed POOL 10
 Thunder Strikers
1 1 0 10 0 011
6718 Gomas Dominic POOL 8
2 11 -20 20 0 011
6719 Thushara Budhika POOL 13
 Marc Qatar Warriors
2 -9 20 0 0 011
6720 Tulasi Kumar Yadav Q
 Oryx Star Cricket
1 1 0 10 0 011
6721 Anandhakumar Perumal DIVISION E
3 1 10 0 0 011
6722 Bhassam Maharif DIVISION E
 Vfs Champions
1 -10 20 0 0 010
6723 Subin Varkey POOL 9
 Qatar Warriors
1 0 0 10 0 010
6724 A Gafoor Mahadkar DIVISION E
 Mumbai X1
1 -10 0 20 0 010
6725 Sajeevan Sajan Kizhakke Veettil POOL 13
 Boyzone Qatar
2 0 10 0 0 010
6726 Renjith Mon POOL 8
1 0 10 0 0 010
6727 Gulam Mohiuddin DIVISION E
 Bmc Chargers
1 10 0 0 0 010
6728 Intjar Ali Q
 Jumbo Warriors
3 10 0 0 0 010
6729 Thayif POOL 14
1 10 0 0 0 010
6730 Mohamad Amshad POOL 5
 Truth Fighters
1 10 0 0 0 010
6731 Ferosh Khan POOL 15
 Friendship Brothers - Si
2 0 10 0 0 010
6732 Farwas Ismail T
 Smart Qatar
3 10 0 0 0 010
6733 Kadar Abdul DIVISION E
 Kingsmen Cricketers (kmc)
1 10 0 0 0 010
6734 Jibin Antony DIVISION E
 Asian Rhynos
1 0 0 10 0 010
6735 Mohamed Althaf POOL 9
 Thyseen Warriors
1 -10 20 0 0 010
6736 Ramesh . DIVISION E
 Torpedos Striker
1 10 0 0 0 010
6737 Adil Ibrahim U
 Vectra Qatar
1 0 0 10 0 010
6738 Bijo Spartans DIVISION E
 Qecc Spartans
4 0 0 10 0 010
6739 Bineesh DIVISION E
 Players Xl
1 10 0 0 0 010
6740 M. Thirukkumaran DIVISION E
 Spartans CC
1 0 0 10 0 010
6741 Abdur Raheem DIVISION E
 Doha United
1 10 0 0 0 010
6742 Sugan Subramani DIVISION E
 Spikes CC
1 10 0 0 0 010
6743 M.h Kushara Lahiru DIVISION E
 Matar Strikers
1 -10 10 10 0 010
6744 Aromal Suresh POOL 6
 Royals X1
3 0 -10 20 0 010
6745 Sheelan Joseph DIVISION E
 Tamil Nadu Cc - Tncc
1 -10 0 20 0 010
6746 Syed Mohammed Thoufiq DIVISION E
 Golden Knights
1 0 0 10 0 010
6747 Shafeeq Vty DIVISION F
 D-grill Rockers
1 0 0 10 0 010
6748 Sajad Sala DIVISION F
1 0 0 10 0 010
6749 Azhar Abdullah DIVISION F
 Spartans X1
3 0 10 0 0 010
6750 Muneer Spartans DIVISION F
 Spartans X1
1 0 0 10 0 010
6751 Shihab Oscar Cc POOL 3
 City Group Oscar CC
1 0 0 10 0 010
6752 Ahsan Zamir POOL 4
 Ccrc Warriors
2 0 0 10 0 010
6753 Ebhi Joyal Lcc DIVISION E
 Legends CC
1 0 10 0 0 010
6754 Mahesh Krishna DIVISION E
 Doha Legends
3 0 0 10 0 010
6755 Nishad DIVISION E
 Nash Cricketers
3 0 -10 20 0 010
6756 Shibu Rajendran POOL 7
 Golden Knights
1 0 10 0 0 010
6757 Shahid Poyil . DIVISION E
1 0 10 0 0 010
6758 Abdul Rahim DIVISION E
 Iqvans Qatar
1 0 0 10 0 010
6759 Shafeek Povval DIVISION E
 Dreamer Ksd
1 0 10 0 0 010
6760 Anshid Ali DIVISION E
 Super Heroes
1 -10 20 0 0 010
6761 Promod P DIVISION E
 Thadathil CC
2 10 0 0 0 010
6762 Asif Anekal DIVISION E
 Khalifa Strikers
2 0 10 0 0 010
6763 Rafiq R DIVISION E
 Friends Xi Mangaloreans
1 -10 20 0 0 010
6764 Saman Kumara DIVISION E
 Air Tech CC
1 10 0 0 0 010
6765 Shreesh Raj DIVISION E
 Indo Warrior
1 10 0 0 0 010
6766 Mohammed Tanveer Ahmed DIVISION E
 Hyderabad Smashers Cc (hscc)
1 0 10 0 0 010
6767 Ijaz Ahmad DIVISION E
 Brothers Cricket
1 0 0 10 0 010
6768 Shefeeq Arangathaparambil DIVISION F
 Dejawu C C-dcc
6 -10 20 0 0 010
6769 Sherafgan Raja DIVISION E
 Gcc Gladiators
2 -10 10 10 0 010
6770 Santhosh POOL 9
 Thyseen Warriors
1 0 0 10 0 010
6771 Dileep Devasia DIVISION E
 Royal Warriors Qatar
1 0 0 10 0 010
6772 Jackson George DIVISION E
 Naseem Commandos
1 -10 20 0 0 010
6773 Deepu S DIVISION E
 Strikers Xi - Doha
2 0 0 10 0 010
6774 Bipin Vikraman DIVISION E
 Strikers Xi - Doha
2 10 0 0 0 010
6775 Akber Deshmukh DIVISION E
 Mumbai Fighters
1 -10 20 0 0 010
6776 Guruprasad Salian POOL 4
 Doha Boys
1 0 0 10 0 010
6777 Adil Ahmed DIVISION E
 Deccan Boys
1 0 0 10 0 010
6778 Anvar Anu DIVISION E
 Qatar Amigos
1 -10 20 0 0 010
6779 Sujith Subrahmanian POOL 7
 Aero Dynamos
2 0 0 10 0 010
6780 Arockiavedajegan Susaimanickam DIVISION E
 Metrorail Group Of Cricketers
1 10 0 0 0 010
6781 Srikanth Sri DIVISION E
 Cricket Phantoms
1 10 0 0 0 010
6782 Asathulla Ghouse DIVISION E
 Team Cricket Buddies
1 10 0 0 0 010
6783 Shereef Amu Shafi DIVISION F
 Royal Strikers Qatar
2 -10 0 20 0 010
6784 Nikhil Kannath POOL 16
 Royal Phoenix
2 10 0 0 0 010
6785 Sohan 66799733 DIVISION E
 Egss Ummsalal
1 10 0 0 0 010
6786 Arif 30769717 DIVISION E
 Egss Ummsalal
1 10 0 0 0 010
6787 Mohamed Thilras Mohamed Fajeer POOL 5
 Jumbo Warriors
5 0 0 10 0 010
6788 Shabeer Ali Karuthedath DIVISION E
 Kq Friends
10 0 -20 30 0 010
6789 Rintu Cheriyan DIVISION E
 Uk Xi (united Kerala Eleven)
1 0 10 0 0 010
6790 Aneesh Rajendra Prasad POOL 10
 Blue Commandos
1 10 0 0 0 010
6791 Mohamed Nifras POOL 3
 Qatar Blue X1
1 0 0 10 0 010
6792 Afzal Hussain POOL 10
 Tata Sports C C
1 9 0 0 0 09
6793 Mithun Ajithkumar POOL 9
 Toivo Qatar
2 9 0 0 0 09
6794 Unais Pa DIVISION E
 Arabian XI
4 9 0 0 0 09
6795 Shibu Das DIVISION E
 Indo Qatar Cc - Iqcc
1 9 0 0 0 09
6796 Jithin Yuva DIVISION E
 Yuva XI
2 9 0 0 0 09
6797 Ansar Marakkar DIVISION E
 Dominoz Qatar
1 9 0 0 0 09
6798 Prakash DIVISION E
 G4s Phenoix
1 9 0 0 0 09
6799 Shygin Francis DIVISION E
 Ntd Knights
1 9 -20 20 0 09
6800 Nabil Shahabuddin DIVISION E
 Rising Stars CC
2 9 0 0 0 09
6801 Sunil Krishna POOL 6
 United Spartans
5 -1 0 10 0 09
6802 Mansoor Ambalath Veettil DIVISION E
1 9 0 0 0 09
6803 Sanu Vaghese DIVISION E
 Spikes CC
3 -1 10 0 0 09
6804 Thanveer Semi DRS POOL 10
 Royal Tigers
1 9 0 0 0 09
6805 Vinoth Baskar POOL 3
 Hilal X1
11 9 -10 10 0 09
6806 Nithin Sukesan Q
 Rayyan Boys
2 9 0 0 0 09
6807 Ashraf A POOL 9
 Tiger CC
2 9 0 0 0 09
6808 Ahammed Savad DIVISION E
 Combines XI
1 9 0 0 0 09
6809 Kaleeswaran K DIVISION E
 Spartans CC
1 9 0 0 0 09
6810 Sumit Ravish POOL 9
 Cofely Challengers
1 9 0 0 0 09
6811 Saheer Tp DIVISION E
 Super Heroes
4 9 0 0 0 09
6812 Shubman Bhatti DIVISION E
 Royal Fighters Cricket
1 9 0 0 0 09
6813 Muhammad Asif DIVISION E
 Black Caps CC
2 9 0 0 0 09
6814 Fabeer Ali POOL 10
 Blue Whales
6 -11 10 10 0 09
6815 Sahishnu Ganesh Mummoorthy DIVISION E
 Phoenix Star CC
1 8 0 0 0 08
6816 Nasar Tp DIVISION E
 Doha Strikers
1 8 0 0 0 08
6817 Sheikh Nizam DIVISION E
 Hawk Squad
1 8 0 0 0 08
6818 Faizal Firoz DIVISION E
1 8 0 0 0 08
6819 Mohamed Irfan Cader . DIVISION E
 Mix Ileven
1 8 0 0 0 08
6820 Rafaideen Rafa POOL 9
 Limra Friends
1 8 0 0 0 08
6821 Mukilan Subramanian POOL 5
 The Monks
1 8 0 0 0 08
6822 Samseer Musthafa POOL 13
 White Lions Doha
2 -2 0 10 0 08
6823 Abdul Salim Aikkara POOL 15
 Hawks X1
2 8 -30 30 0 08
6824 Boobesh Jeyachandran POOL 12
2 -2 0 10 0 08
6825 Afsal Rahman Villan DIVISION E
 Al Anees Strikers
3 8 -20 20 0 08
6826 Zaidul Abedin POOL 10
 Mahe CC
1 8 0 0 0 08
6827 Mohammad Irsath DIVISION E
 Metrorail Group Of Cricketers
1 8 0 0 0 08
6828 Hassainar Valappilakath DIVISION E
 Spartan Kings
4 8 0 0 0 08
6829 Shabeer Mp DIVISION E
 Indian Stars XI
3 -2 0 10 0 08
6830 Abdul Gafoor DIVISION E
 Norva CC
6 8 0 0 0 08
6831 Shabad M P POOL 4
 Aldar Blasters
5 8 0 0 0 08
6832 Haris Mohammed DIVISION E
 Karaitiyath Strikers
1 8 0 0 0 08
6833 Sadik Nasar . DIVISION E
 Lemax Riders
3 -2 10 0 0 08
6834 Ayoob A DIVISION E
 Master Blasters Qatar
1 8 0 0 0 08
6835 Joe Alex POOL 9
6 -2 0 10 0 08
6836 Islam Mohmad DIVISION E
 Salwa Monsters Qatar
1 8 0 0 0 08
6837 Abdul Zameer DIVISION E
 Mangalore Warriors
3 38 -30 0 0 08
6838 Amila Chathuranga Manamperi DIVISION E
 Matar Strikers
1 8 0 0 0 08
6839 Shaakkir Shaack DIVISION E
 Karaitiyath Strikers
1 8 0 0 0 08
6840 Anseer DIVISION E
 Brandbox Ads Friends X1
1 8 0 0 0 08
6841 Shafeeq Q11 POOL 4
 Q11 Profixo
1 8 0 0 0 08
6842 Muhamed Rafi POOL 4
 Sunrisers Of Qecc
1 8 0 0 0 08
6843 Manoj Tiwari DIVISION E
 Phoenix X1
1 8 0 0 0 08
6844 Sai Prasad . DIVISION E
 Pearl Eleven CC
3 7 0 0 0 07
6845 Rahul DIVISION E
 Young Sporting Qatar
1 7 0 0 0 07
6846 Ilaya Raja DIVISION E
2 7 0 0 0 07
6847 Noufal? DIVISION E
 Rc Boys
1 7 0 0 0 07
6848 Shabeer Ali Karuthedath POOL 10
 Kq Friends
2 7 0 0 0 07
6849 Akshar Ramesh DIVISION E
 Dreamz 11
3 7 -10 10 0 07
6850 Bkaran Bashisht POOL 14
 Victoria Travels
1 7 0 0 0 07
6851 Prabhu Sampath DIVISION E
 Nysa CC
2 7 0 0 0 07
6852 Vineesh A V DIVISION F
 Chennai Cricketers
8 -3 -10 20 0 07
6853 Rehan Khan DIVISION E
 Redco Riders
3 7 -10 10 0 07
6854 Zubair Confident DIVISION E
 Confident CC
1 7 0 0 0 07
6855 Md.asaduzzaman . DIVISION E
 Royal Strikers Qatar
2 7 0 0 0 07
6856 Hameed P DIVISION E
 Amigos Qatar
2 7 0 0 0 07
6857 Atif Mohammed DIVISION E
 Hiq CC
1 7 0 0 0 07
6858 Nadeem Siddique POOL 11
 Jsr Warriors
2 -3 0 10 0 07
6859 Anup Poovathoor DIVISION E
3 -3 0 10 0 07
6860 Jiavudeen Najimudeen POOL 8
 Team Cricket Buddies
3 7 0 0 0 07
6861 Siva POOL 9
 Thyseen Warriors
5 7 0 0 0 07
6862 Nithin Varghese DIVISION E
 X1 Star
1 7 0 0 0 07
6863 Ubaidul Hakeem Panchily DIVISION E
 Al Anees Strikers
6 -3 0 10 0 07
6864 Sumesh Somar DIVISION E
 Royal Qatar
1 7 0 0 0 07
6865 Prajeesh Karadan Q
 Friends (fct)
1 7 0 0 0 07
6866 Nadir Abdul Khader DIVISION E
 Studs Of Qatar
1 7 0 0 0 07
6867 Muthu Kumar DIVISION E
 Thyssen Warriors
2 -3 0 10 0 07
6868 Muhthar Cheriyakth DIVISION E
 Qatar Champions
1 7 0 0 0 07
6869 Nishin Manzoor DIVISION E
 Hilal X1
7 7 -10 10 0 07
6870 Mohammed Imran R
 Redwolves Qatar
3 6 0 0 0 06
6871 Sabu Shahul Hameed DIVISION E
 Engineers XI
1 6 0 0 0 06
6872 Shijas Siddiq DIVISION E
 Team Sparrows
1 6 0 0 0 06
6873 Bablu DIVISION E
 Air Tech CC
1 6 0 0 0 06
6874 Mohammed Azam Pasha DIVISION E
 Hyderabad Smashers Cc (hscc)
1 6 0 0 0 06
6875 Mobin Thomas POOL 4
 Strikers X1 Doha
4 6 0 0 0 06
6876 Naseer Nuzha DIVISION E
 Blue Warriors
1 6 0 0 0 06
6877 Iqbal Vh DIVISION E
 Q Star
1 -4 10 0 0 06
6878 Muhsin Muskan DIVISION E
 Leaders Qatar
2 6 0 0 0 06
6879 Raja Michael DIVISION E
 Spartans CC
1 6 0 0 0 06
6880 Hafnaz Haris DIVISION E
 Mahe CC
1 6 0 0 0 06
6881 Dijo A DIVISION E
 Deep Blues
1 6 0 0 0 06
6882 Nithin Krishna DIVISION F
 Calicut Blasterz
1 6 0 0 0 06
6883 Fazil Pullambi DIVISION E
 Combines XI
1 6 0 0 0 06
6884 Manoj Yadav DIVISION E
 Doha Risers CC
1 6 0 0 0 06
6885 Anoop Vijayan DIVISION E
 Azad Varkala
7 -4 0 10 0 06
6886 Noushad Kuttikkattil DIVISION E
1 6 0 0 0 06
6887 Ajim Sah DIVISION E
 Doha Risers CC
1 6 0 0 0 06
6888 Mathiyazhagan Nagaiyan . DIVISION E
 Nysa CC
1 6 0 0 0 06
6889 Suhaib Mohammed POOL 11
 Doha Vikings
1 6 0 0 0 06
6890 Sameer Ambalath DIVISION E
 Doha United
2 6 0 0 0 06
6891 Rifaqat Ullah POOL 15
 Delhi Capitals
2 6 0 0 0 06
1 6 -10 10 0 06
6893 Raja Subramanyan DIVISION E
 Asian Rhynos
1 6 0 0 0 06
6894 Subodh Shinde DIVISION E
 Torpedos Striker
1 6 0 0 0 06
6895 Saroon Chellan DIVISION E
 Vfs Champions
1 5 0 0 0 05
6896 Ketan Chavan DIVISION E
 Vfs Champions
1 5 0 0 0 05
6897 Dinu Pappinivattath DIVISION E
 Salwa Monsters Qatar
1 5 0 0 0 05
6898 Shanavas P POOL 3
 Jp X1
1 5 0 0 0 05
6899 Mafas Mohammed DIVISION E
 Trophy Fighters
1 5 0 0 0 05
6900 Suneer Aboobacker DIVISION E
 The Look
3 5 -20 20 0 05
6901 Mohammed Ilyas Ahmed DIVISION E
 Hyderabadi Nawab's Super 11
3 -5 0 10 0 05
6902 Muhammad Kizhakke Parambath POOL 4
 Sparks X1
1 5 0 0 0 05
6903 kamaluddin Mohammed DIVISION E
 Spikes CC
1 5 0 0 0 05
6904 Suave George DIVISION E
 Flyers Qatar (f.c.c)
1 5 0 0 0 05
6905 Anish Aranmula DIVISION E
2 5 0 0 0 05
6906 Umair Nisar Ansari DIVISION E
 Matar Strikers
1 5 0 0 0 05
6907 Nasrudheen Kozhissery DIVISION E
 Merac Cc (mcc)
1 5 0 0 0 05
6908 Hafeen Saleem Asanar S
 Qatar Lions
1 5 0 0 0 05
6909 Parthipan Thangarasa DIVISION E
1 5 0 0 0 05
6910 Anshaj Ali DIVISION E
 Brandbox Ads Friends X1
2 5 0 0 0 05
6911 Mazy Hamtoon DIVISION E
2 5 0 0 0 05
6912 Vysak Krishnan DIVISION E
 Jp X1 CC
1 5 0 0 0 05
6913 Samad Matta DIVISION F
 Amigos Qatar
2 -5 0 10 0 05
6914 Wasantha Kumara POOL 6
 Qatar Blue X1 Gold
2 5 0 0 0 05
6915 Masood Ahamed DIVISION E
 Kk Warriors
1 5 0 0 0 05
6916 Mohamed Badhrudheen DIVISION E
 Team Sparrows
1 5 0 0 0 05
6917 Akhil Vijayan DIVISION E
 Rayyan Boys
1 5 0 0 0 05
6918 Z Muthu Punnayur DIVISION E
 Super Heroes
1 5 0 0 0 05
6919 Prageeth Weerasinghe DIVISION E
 United Warriors CC
1 5 0 0 0 05
6920 Jenson DIVISION E
 Roadiez Cricket X1
1 5 0 0 0 05
6921 Karthik S DIVISION E
 Java X1
1 5 0 0 0 05
6922 Nisarga Chandana DIVISION E
 Phoenix Star CC
1 5 0 0 0 05
6923 Saifddeen Saifu DIVISION E
 Palace C C
2 5 0 0 0 05
6924 Mohammed Rafeek P A DIVISION E
 Arabian XI
1 5 0 0 0 05
6925 Lukmaul Hakim DIVISION E
 Red Lions Rayyan
3 -5 10 0 0 05
6926 Vibin Thaniyulla Parambil Nettu DIVISION E
 Red Lions Rayyan
2 5 0 0 0 05
6927 Syed Kamran DIVISION E
 Hiq CC
1 5 0 0 0 05
6928 Bivash Kumar POOL 5
 Dqct (dulsco Qatar )
2 5 0 0 0 05
6929 Gopakumar Gopi POOL 10
 Blue Commandos
1 5 0 0 0 05
6930 Ulaganathan Vijaya Rethenam DIVISION E
 Hurricanes Qatar
1 5 0 0 0 05
6931 Junaid Kattil Valappil DIVISION F
 Lagaan Qatar
3 -6 0 10 0 04
6932 Habeeb Syed DIVISION E
 Cricket Phantoms
3 14 -10 0 0 04
6933 Mohammad Nazeer DIVISION E
 Cricket Phantoms
2 -6 0 10 0 04
6934 Imran Khan DIVISION E
 Metrorail Group Of Cricketers
1 4 0 0 0 04
6935 Sihabudin Rayamarakkar DIVISION E
 Muhammadense Qatar
2 4 0 0 0 04
6936 Philip Njarakottu Philips DIVISION E
6 4 0 0 0 04
6937 Muhammad Achan Kandy POOL 7
 Royal Strikers
1 4 0 0 0 04
6938 Amarjeet Kulkarni DIVISION E
 Tmq Tigers
2 4 0 0 0 04
6939 Nalin N DIVISION E
 Air Tech CC
1 4 0 0 0 04
6940 Fernando Bertram DIVISION E
 Air Tech CC
1 4 0 0 0 04
6941 Rinshad Abdulla DIVISION E
 Spikers X1
9 -16 0 20 0 04
6942 Vinoop prabhu vembrakat POOL 3
 Vh Warriors
6 4 0 0 0 04
6943 Sajith Thomas POOL 8
 Team Cricket Buddies
11 4 0 0 0 04
6944 Usman U T
 Kerala Strikers
1 4 0 0 0 04
6945 Jibin Jack DIVISION E
 X1 Star
1 4 0 0 0 04
6946 Selva Sujith Selvaraj DIVISION E
 X1 Star
1 4 0 0 0 04
6947 Daniel Prem DIVISION E
2 4 0 0 0 04
6948 Mohammed Vali Sufyan DIVISION E
 Hyderabadi Nawab's Super 11
3 4 0 0 0 04
6949 Midlaj DIVISION E
 Nadukani CC
1 4 0 0 0 04
6950 Shafeeque Stars DIVISION E
 Qecc Stars
3 4 0 0 0 04
6951 Hari Shankar DIVISION E
 S-thanz XI
3 4 0 0 0 04
6952 Jishnu Sreenivas DIVISION E
 Hawks XI
2 4 0 0 0 04
6953 Nithin Kumar DIVISION E
 Cofely Challengers
2 -6 0 10 0 04
6954 Milon Shourov POOL 10
 Muaither Titans
1 4 0 0 0 04
 Cofely Challengers
1 4 0 0 0 04
6956 Anandaraj Sriwackson DIVISION E
 Friendship Brothers - Sl
2 4 0 0 0 04
6957 Nazik Lal DIVISION E
 Brandbox Ads Friends X1
2 4 0 0 0 04
6958 Sujesh N DIVISION E
 Deep Blues
2 4 0 0 0 04
6959 Riaz Katchu Mohammed DIVISION E
 Star Al Nasariya Club
1 4 0 0 0 04
6960 Sanjith Nalumakkal Sadanandan DIVISION E
 Masters CC
4 4 0 0 0 04
6961 Joshin Josh DIVISION F
 Calicut Blasterz
2 4 0 0 0 04
6962 Soji . DIVISION E
5 -6 0 10 0 04
6963 Shameer Mathackal R
 Fighters Qatar
2 3 0 0 0 03
6964 Faqru . DIVISION E
 Hiq CC
1 3 0 0 0 03
6965 Fahid Fayis DIVISION E
 Doha Challengers
1 3 0 0 0 03
6966 Shaik Salman DIVISION E
 Khalifa XI
1 3 0 0 0 03
6967 Shajahan Majeed DIVISION E
8 13 -50 40 0 03
6968 Rejin . DIVISION E
 Galaxy CC
3 13 -10 0 0 03
6969 Sharif Shaikh DIVISION E
 Vfs Champions
1 3 0 0 0 03
6970 Shabbir Tajhboy DIVISION E
 Vfs Champions
1 3 0 0 0 03
6971 Nazad Edolil S
 Rc Boys
2 3 0 0 0 03
6972 Kanthasamy Vijayan DIVISION E
 Bin Omran United
5 3 0 0 0 03
6973 Samirul Islam DIVISION E
 Bin Omran United
1 23 -20 0 0 03
6974 Baby Jackson POOL 12
 Kk Warriors
1 3 0 0 0 03
6975 Naseerullah Badshah DIVISION E
 Doha Risers CC
2 -7 0 10 0 03
6976 Raoof Arayanmakkool DIVISION E
1 3 0 0 0 03
6977 Muhammed Muhseen DIVISION E
 Western Warriors
1 3 0 0 0 03
6978 Asad Imran DIVISION E
 Doha Risers CC
1 3 0 0 0 03
6979 Padmarao Naidu DIVISION E
 Amigos Qatar
3 3 0 0 0 03
6980 Shaheen Mohamed DIVISION E
 Dominoz Qatar
1 -7 0 10 0 03
6981 Narayana Swamy DIVISION E
 Ntd Knights
2 3 0 0 0 03
6982 Shaithaj Mk DIVISION E
 Muhammadense Qatar
1 3 0 0 0 03
6983 Abdul Ruvaiz DIVISION E
 Blackcaps Cricketers
4 -27 0 30 0 03
6984 Ali Galadari POOL 12
 Dqct (dulsco Qatar)
1 3 0 0 0 03
6985 Jayesh Krishnan DIVISION E
 Merac Cc (mcc)
1 3 0 0 0 03
6986 Bharani Arun POOL 7
2 3 0 0 0 03
6987 Harshad Thachankottumal DIVISION E
 Hawks XI
1 3 0 0 0 03
6988 Vikas Pawar DIVISION E
 Itelligent CC
1 3 0 0 0 03
6989 Hakeem M C POOL 7
 Rayyan Red Lions
4 -7 10 0 0 03
6990 Vijesh Mulla DIVISION E
 South Royals
8 42 -50 10 0 02
6991 Aneesh Unnikrishnan DIVISION E
 Angry Bulls - B
1 2 0 0 0 02
6992 Sitwat Ali Siddiqi DIVISION E
 Black Mamba
3 -8 0 10 0 02
6993 Sajeer Vazhayil POOL 16
 Toivo Qatar
3 2 0 0 0 02
6994 Sagar Sarvankar POOL 3
1 2 0 0 0 02
6995 Rajeesh DIVISION F
 Victory CC
1 2 0 0 0 02
6996 Praveen G DIVISION E
 Brandbox Ads Friends X1
1 2 0 0 0 02
6997 Don Cristo DIVISION E
1 2 0 0 0 02
6998 Dhanesh Mohan POOL 3
 Redbulls CC
1 2 0 0 0 02
6999 Sajad Hussain POOL 4
 Q11 Profixo
3 2 0 0 0 02
7000 Muhammad Faaiz POOL 8
 Team Ghados
2 2 0 0 0 02
7001 Fowzal Ameer S
 Al Dar Blasters
3 2 0 0 0 02
7002 Sudarsan Balasingam DIVISION F
 Chennai Cricketers
1 2 0 0 0 02
7003 Bency Thomas Thomas POOL 5
 Toivo Qatar
1 2 0 0 0 02
7004 Renganath Ramasamy DIVISION E
 Star Al Nasariya Club
1 2 0 0 0 02
7005 Ramnas Moochikootathil POOL 10
1 2 0 0 0 02
7006 Jomon Thomas DIVISION E
 Black Cat Fosters
1 2 0 0 0 02
7007 Qadeer Ahmed DIVISION E
 Redco Riders
1 2 0 0 0 02
7008 Salam Confident DIVISION E
 Confident CC
1 2 0 0 0 02
7009 Anseer Ammancheri Puthiyapurayil DIVISION E
 Indo Qatar Cc - Iqcc
1 2 0 0 0 02
7010 Robin John DIVISION E
 Spikes CC
5 2 0 0 0 02
7011 Mohammed Fazal DIVISION E
 Rising Stars CC
1 2 0 0 0 02
7012 Masum Ahmed DIVISION E
 Muaither Titans
4 2 -10 10 0 02
7013 Tushar J DIVISION E
 Matar Strikers
1 2 0 0 0 02
7014 Ajmal Kuzhikkandathil Habeeb DIVISION E
 Classic CC
2 2 0 0 0 02
7015 Sethu Raj Q
 Friends (fct)
1 2 0 0 0 02
7016 Shinoj Keloth DIVISION E
 Royal Warriors Qatar
3 2 0 0 0 02
 Friends CC
1 2 0 0 0 02
7018 Salim Sali POOL 8
1 2 0 0 0 02
7019 Mhd Firos DIVISION E
 Qatar Stars
2 2 0 0 0 02
7020 Rashid Rayams U
 Vectra Qatar
2 2 0 0 0 02
7021 Kannan Dinesh POOL 16
2 2 0 0 0 02
7022 Shinoj Keloth DIVISION E
 Royal Warriors Qatar
1 2 0 0 0 02
7023 Shiham Ellikkal POOL 11
 Flyers Qatar
2 2 0 0 0 02
7024 Anas Ahmad DIVISION E
 Bmc X1
1 2 0 0 0 02
7025 Unni Micc DIVISION E
 Spikers X1
3 -28 0 30 0 02
7026 Arshath Mohamed DIVISION E
 Trophy Fighters
4 2 0 0 0 02
7027 Muhammed Omer POOL 5
1 2 0 0 0 02
7028 Hamza U
 Mustang XI
1 2 0 0 0 02
7029 Akhil Warriors DIVISION E
 Qecc Warriors
3 2 0 0 0 02
7030 Nizar Bullerikatte POOL 4
 Strikers X1 Doha
1 2 0 0 0 02
7031 Ajmal Bin Akbar POOL 4
 Doha Boys
1 2 0 0 0 02
7032 Junaid Ambattari POOL 5
 Lagaan Qatar
1 2 0 0 0 02
7033 Riyaz Shaikh DIVISION E
1 2 0 0 0 02
7034 Mathew Abin DIVISION E
 Air Strikers
1 2 0 0 0 02
7035 Hasan Madusanka DIVISION E
 Thyssen Warriors
2 2 0 0 0 02
7036 Nowshad Jomu R
 Fighters Qatar
1 2 0 0 0 02
7037 Ajeesh M K DIVISION E
 Crazy X1
1 2 0 0 0 02
7038 Yasar Moidu DIVISION E
 Weltech Warriors
2 2 0 0 0 02
7039 Shemim Karuppamveettil Valiyath DIVISION E
 Prakkat Jewellers CC
1 2 0 0 0 02
7040 Geemon P Cherian DIVISION E
 Strikers Xi - Doha
1 2 0 0 0 02
7041 Shafeeq Sf DIVISION F
 Blue Commandos
1 1 0 0 0 01
7042 Junaid Khan DIVISION E
 Victorian Stars Doha
1 1 0 0 0 01
7043 Ramees Rafi Chamakkalil DIVISION E
 Eminant Qatar
1 1 0 0 0 01
7044 Shajanas Ma DIVISION E
 Xiomi City
1 1 0 0 0 01
7045 Hussan Ma . DIVISION E
 Lemax Riders
1 1 0 0 0 01
7046 Kasim Ali . DIVISION E
 Lemax Riders
1 1 0 0 0 01
7047 Aadhil Saleem DIVISION E
 Strikers Xi - Qatar
1 1 0 0 0 01
7048 Abdul Basheer DIVISION E
 Iqvans Qatar
1 1 0 0 0 01
7049 Mansoor Tk DIVISION E
 Team Sparrows
1 1 0 0 0 01
7050 Nikhil K DIVISION E
 Team Sparrows
1 1 0 0 0 01
7051 Sanoob R K POOL 4
1 1 0 0 0 01
7052 Shuhaib Moidhu DIVISION E
 Naseem Commandos
1 1 0 0 0 01
7053 Deepak Devarajan DIVISION E
 Doha Revolt Stars
1 1 0 0 0 01
7054 Mohamed Rinoos DIVISION E
 Maru Champs Qatar
1 1 0 0 0 01
7055 Fahim Hassan DIVISION E
 Engineers XI
1 1 0 0 0 01
7056 Prakash Nair POOL 8
 Royal Warriors
1 1 0 0 0 01
7057 Jino Babu DIVISION E
 Youth Forum Companions
1 1 0 0 0 01
7058 Sabith V POOL 13
 Q11 CC
1 1 0 0 0 01
7059 Faisal Muhammed DIVISION E
 Winners Qatar
1 1 0 0 0 01
7060 Zahurul Haque DIVISION E
 Hawk Squad
1 1 0 0 0 01
7061 Firos Nallakkandy Kakka POOL 7
 Rayyan Red Lions
1 1 0 0 0 01
7062 Ramadas Ravi Meenappa DIVISION E
 R B W
2 1 0 0 0 01
7063 Sameer Latheef DIVISION E
 Dragon Gym
2 1 0 0 0 01
7064 Riyas Kasim DIVISION E
 Doha Vikings
1 1 0 0 0 01
7065 Siddique Mohammed DIVISION E
 Arabian XI
1 1 0 0 0 01
7066 Amal . POOL 16
1 1 0 0 0 01
7067 Ramadas Ambakkat POOL 9
 Sinan X1
1 1 0 0 0 01
7068 Mahamed mosin Qudari DIVISION E
 Angry Bulls - B
1 1 0 0 0 01
7069 WaseeM Abbas Parvez Iqbal POOL 5
 Lagaan Qatar
1 1 0 0 0 01
7070 Nadeem Yousuf DIVISION E
 Matar Strikers
1 1 0 0 0 01
7071 Rojan Sarma POOL 13
1 1 0 0 0 01
7072 Naushad Alam DIVISION E
 Qatar Bouncers
2 1 0 0 0 01
7073 Jayashan Gunarathne DIVISION E
 Matar Strikers
1 1 0 0 0 01
7074 Viswanathan Kannan DIVISION E
 Doha Super Kings
1 1 0 0 0 01
7075 Koushik Srikakolapu DIVISION E
 Doha Super Kings
1 1 0 0 0 01
7076 Sukhdev Raj DIVISION E
 Royal Fighters Cricket
1 1 0 0 0 01
7077 Mubarack Golden Knights DIVISION E
 Golden Knights
2 1 0 0 0 01
7078 Noushad Kerala Cc DIVISION F
2 1 0 0 0 01
7079 Umar Sunrisers POOL 4
 Sunrisers Of Qecc
1 1 0 0 0 01
7080 Dharam Raj Bandhari POOL 14
 The Look
1 1 0 0 0 01
7081 Shuhaib C.p POOL 16
 Desert Warriors
1 1 0 0 0 01
7082 Santhosh Kumar POOL 9
 Sinan X1
1 1 0 0 0 01
7083 Suresh Kumar DIVISION E
 Telugu Warriors
1 1 0 0 0 01
7084 Vignesh Karthikeyan DIVISION E
 Nysa CC
3 1 0 0 0 01
7085 Umarul Farooque DIVISION E
 Oscar C C
1 1 0 0 0 01
7086 Sathisg Ganapathy DIVISION E
 Tamil Nadu Super Kings (tsk)
1 1 0 0 0 01
7087 Hasan Ishaq DRS POOL 14
1 1 0 0 0 01
7088 Golam Soroar POOL 5
 Dqct (dulsco Qatar )
1 1 0 0 0 01
7089 Ginsumon Augustine POOL 3
 Doha Spartans
1 1 0 0 0 01
7090 Mohammed Ali POOL 5
 Jumbo Warriors
2 1 0 0 0 01
7091 Zaman Sarwar DIVISION E
 Redco Riders
1 1 0 0 0 01
7092 Saif Quaizer DIVISION E
 Doha Risers CC
1 1 0 0 0 01
7093 Rasak Confident DIVISION E
 Confident CC
1 1 0 0 0 01
7094 Dr Umar Mustaq DIVISION F
 Doha Friends XI
1 1 0 0 0 01
7095 Manivannan Rajagopal Rajagopal DIVISION E
 Hurricanes Qatar
1 1 0 0 0 01
7096 Ramees Np POOL 15
 Doha Strikers
1 1 0 0 0 01
7097 Mohamed Roshan . DIVISION E
 Royal Strikers Qatar
2 1 0 0 0 01
7098 Sharafali Parachalil POOL 6
1 1 0 0 0 01
7099 Mohammed Taslim DIVISION E
 Doha Risers CC
2 -9 0 10 0 01
7100 Rinsiq K S DIVISION E
 Dominoz Qatar
1 1 0 0 0 01
7101 Gunavathan Karnan POOL 12
 United Warriors
1 1 0 0 0 01
7102 Ibrahim Syed DIVISION E
 Rising Stars CC
1 1 0 0 0 01
7103 Sonel D'Sa DIVISION E
 Vfs Champions
1 1 0 0 0 01
7104 Shahalu Rahman DIVISION E
 Royal Tuskers
2 1 0 0 0 01
7105 Ameen Hussain DIVISION E
 Super Heroes
3 1 0 0 0 01
7106 Niyas Shahabudeen POOL 15
 Q Tec Champions
2 1 0 0 0 01
7107 Noushad Mylakkara POOL 13
 Marc Qatar Warriors
7 -9 -50 60 0 01
7108 Riyas M Hitters POOL 10
 Hitters Qatar
4 -9 -10 20 0 01
7109 Maria Pramin POOL 12
 Kk Warriors
2 1 0 0 0 01
7110 Kishan Thambi DIVISION E
 Asian Rhynos
3 1 0 0 0 01
7111 Shahed Saad DIVISION E
 Hyderabadi Nawab's Super 11
1 1 0 0 0 01
7112 Ajmal A DIVISION F
 Oruma Royals
1 1 0 0 0 01
7113 Rashid DIVISION E
 Nadukani CC
1 1 0 0 0 01
7114 PRADEESH Prakash R
 G4s Phoenix
1 1 -20 20 0 01
7115 Shafeer Ph DIVISION E
 Royal Tuskers
1 0 0 0 0 00
7116 Deekshith Alva Deekshith POOL 14
1 0 0 0 0 00
7117 Bino Babu POOL 6
 Q11 CC
2 0 0 0 0 00
7118 Vinayak Ravindran Uchil POOL 13
 Marc Qatar Warriors
4 0 0 0 0 00
7119 Anas Palanchery Anas T
 Doha Cc (dcc)
1 0 0 0 0 00
7120 Faizal Shareef Faizal T
 Doha Cc (dcc)
3 0 -10 10 0 00
7121 Nazer Rayams DIVISION E
 Vectra Qatar
1 0 0 0 0 00
7122 Muhammed Shafeer POOL 14
 Qatar Warriors
1 0 0 0 0 00
7123 Mohamed Rikas DIVISION E
 Egale Red Boys
1 -10 0 10 0 00
7124 Sahil Navas DIVISION E
3 0 0 0 0 00
7125 Mohamed Mufassir DIVISION E
 Maru Champs Qatar
1 0 0 0 0 00
7126 Mishal Vahab POOL 16
 Royal Phoenix
1 0 0 0 0 00
7127 Athil T DIVISION E
 Spikers X1
1 0 0 0 0 00
7128 Kasif Ali DIVISION E
 Trophy Fighters
1 0 0 0 0 00
7129 Ilham Mohammed DIVISION E
 Trophy Fighters
2 -10 10 0 0 00
7130 Subras Mohammed DIVISION E
 Trophy Fighters
1 0 0 0 0 00
7131 Arun Sudheendran POOL 7
 Super Heroes
1 0 0 0 0 00
7132 Hanoop A DIVISION E
 Kingsmen Cricketers (kmc)
1 0 0 0 0 00
7133 Shaji Gopinathan DIVISION E
 Royal Qatar
1 0 0 0 0 00
7134 Shaiju Salam DIVISION E
 Royal Qatar
1 0 0 0 0 00
7135 Srinivasan DIVISION E
 Pearl Eleven CC
3 0 0 0 0 00
7136 Sudheep Chandran DIVISION E
 Pearl Eleven CC
1 0 0 0 0 00
7137 Vipan Chand DIVISION E
 Torpedos Striker
1 0 0 0 0 00
7138 Sandeep Negi DIVISION E
 Torpedos Striker
1 0 0 0 0 00
7139 Frose Khan DIVISION E
 Torpedos Striker
1 0 0 0 0 00
7140 Fokhrul Islam DIVISION F
 Gharaffa X1
1 0 0 0 0 00
7141 Ajmal Roshan DIVISION F
 Doha Dynamos
1 0 0 0 0 00
7142 Muhammed Riswan Haq POOL 11
1 0 0 0 0 00
7143 Ajoy Knights DIVISION E
 Qecc Knights
2 0 0 0 0 00
7144 Roshan Spartans DIVISION E
 Qecc Spartans
4 0 0 0 0 00
7145 Anand Spartans DIVISION E
 Qecc Spartans
4 0 0 0 0 00
7146 Shejeer Spartans DIVISION E
 Qecc Spartans
4 0 0 0 0 00
7147 Midlaj Stars DIVISION E
 Qecc Stars
3 -10 0 10 0 00
7148 Wazir Stars DIVISION E
 Qecc Stars
3 0 0 0 0 00
7149 Rahoof Warriors DIVISION E
 Qecc Warriors
3 0 0 0 0 00
7150 Mijo Johnson POOL 12
 Red Wolves Qatar
1 0 0 0 0 00
7151 Suraj Chand DIVISION E
 Young Sporting Qatar
1 0 0 0 0 00
7152 Thaha Mahmood DIVISION E
1 0 0 0 0 00
1 0 0 0 0 00
7154 Sumit Bhamare DIVISION E
 The Monks
2 -20 20 0 0 00
7155 Junaid Muhammed DIVISION E
 S-thanz XI
12 0 0 0 0 00
7156 Abdul Rasith DIVISION E
 Spartans CC
1 0 0 0 0 00
7157 Najimudheen Ph DIVISION E
 Hawks XI
1 0 0 0 0 00
7158 Vahid T . POOL 13
 Sj Sports
1 0 0 0 0 00
7159 Sudheer J DIVISION E
 Q11 Dark Horses
3 -10 0 10 0 00
7160 Khandakar Ashekul Islam Khandakar DIVISION E
 Angry Bulls - B
1 -10 0 10 0 00
7161 Prakash Janakiraman DIVISION E
 Cofely Challengers
1 0 0 0 0 00
7162 Abdur Raheem DIVISION E
 Doha United
1 0 0 0 0 00
7163 Kishor Jugal POOL 7
1 30 -30 0 0 00
7164 Nadeem Mohammed Mohammed Jaffer POOL 8
 Desert Court
1 -10 0 10 0 00
7165 Ajmal Shik DIVISION E
 Combines XI
1 0 0 0 0 00
7166 Basil Mon Kadavath POOL 16
 Desert Warriors
2 -10 0 10 0 00
7167 Siyad Cheeniyath Majeed DIVISION E
 Karaitiyath Strikers
1 0 0 0 0 00
7168 Pramod Sivasankaran DIVISION E
1 0 0 0 0 00
7169 Rauf Mohd DIVISION E
 Brandbox Ads Friends X1
1 0 0 0 0 00
7170 salih friends x1 DIVISION E
 Brandbox Ads Friends X1
1 0 0 0 0 00
7171 Libin Ccrc DIVISION E
1 0 0 0 0 00
7172 Arif V DIVISION E
1 0 0 0 0 00
7173 Lijo Josy DIVISION E
1 0 0 0 0 00
7174 Danish Flamingos DIVISION E
1 0 0 0 0 00
7175 Rahul Flamingos DIVISION E
1 0 0 0 0 00
7176 Nishad Valiyakath DIVISION E
1 0 0 0 0 00
7177 Shabeer Moideen DIVISION E
1 0 0 0 0 00
7178 Hameem Golden Knights DIVISION E
 Golden Knights
2 -10 0 10 0 00
7179 Sajan Philip DIVISION E
 Golden Knights
1 0 0 0 0 00
7180 Rijin Dgrill DIVISION F
 D-grill Rockers
2 0 0 0 0 00
7181 Shijith Nair DIVISION F
2 0 0 0 0 00
7182 Unais Hanan DIVISION F
1 0 0 0 0 00
7183 Ramshad Spartans DIVISION F
 Spartans X1
1 0 0 0 0 00
7184 Vivek Spartans DIVISION F
 Spartans X1
1 0 0 0 0 00
7185 Bilal Oscar Cc POOL 3
 City Group Oscar CC
1 0 0 0 0 00
7186 Alan David POOL 3
 Eco Fresh
1 0 0 0 0 00
7187 Anish Alexander POOL 3
 Redbulls CC
1 0 0 0 0 00
7188 Mohd Imtiaz Imthi POOL 4
 Jumbo Warriors
1 0 0 0 0 00
7189 Sadun Jumbo Warriors POOL 4
 Jumbo Warriors
2 -10 0 10 0 00
7190 Fajas Jazul POOL 4
 Victory CC
1 0 0 0 0 00
7191 Ratheesh R DIVISION E
 Legends CC
1 0 0 0 0 00
7192 Kundan Gupta . DIVISION E
 Abu Nakhla
1 0 0 0 0 00
7193 Thanish Tm POOL 13
 Sj Sports
1 0 0 0 0 00
7194 Mohamed Arshad POOL 7
 Blasters CC
1 0 0 0 0 00
7195 Vijith Vp POOL 11
 Defenders County Cricket
1 0 0 0 0 00
7196 Shibil Mansoor POOL 12
 Elegance Qatar
1 0 0 0 0 00
7197 Shafeek Rasmy POOL 12
1 0 0 0 0 00
7198 Jabir Perumperemel POOL 12
3 -10 0 10 0 00
7199 Sandeesh Santhosh POOL 14
 Hilal X1
1 0 0 0 0 00
7200 Nijas Majeed POOL 15
 Friends X1 Doha
1 0 0 0 0 00
 Falcon XI
1 0 0 0 0 00
7202 Shaheer Soofi DIVISION E
 Nash Cricketers
1 -10 0 10 0 00
7203 Abdul Rahim Puthan Purayil DIVISION E
 Nash Cricketers
1 0 0 0 0 00
7204 Asjid Thayyullathil DIVISION E
 Eminent Qatar
2 -10 10 0 0 00
7205 Shakkeer Vayalil . DIVISION E
 Diplomatic C.c
1 0 0 0 0 00
7206 Mohammed Mustafa DIVISION E
 Iqvans Qatar
1 0 0 0 0 00
7207 Sreejish Karunakaran POOL 7
1 0 0 0 0 00
7208 Abhishek Aram Veedu Sabitha DIVISION E
1 0 0 0 0 00
7209 Rumesh Ruma POOL 8
 Victory C C
1 0 0 0 0 00
7210 Dushan Pradeepa POOL 7
1 0 0 0 0 00
7211 Niyad Makkikaran DIVISION E
 Eminant Qatar
1 0 0 0 0 00
7212 Muhammed Manshal Manas DIVISION E
 Kings Xi Vadagara
1 0 0 0 0 00
7213 Shameer Kaliyil DIVISION E
 Classic CC
2 -10 0 10 0 00
7214 Sajid S POOL 4
 Team Lulu
1 -10 0 10 0 00
7215 Vivek M DIVISION E
 Defenders CC
1 0 0 0 0 00
7216 Vivek V DIVISION E
 Defenders CC
1 0 0 0 0 00
7217 Siyas Pulikkal Salim DIVISION F
 Kerala C.c
1 0 0 0 0 00
7218 Mohamed Risvi DIVISION E
 Blue Whales
1 0 0 0 0 00
7219 Vipin Wilson DIVISION E
 Team Sparrows
1 30 -30 0 0 00
7220 Sajeer Ariyachan Kandy DIVISION E
 Black Caps CC
1 0 0 0 0 00
7221 Magesh Purushothoman DIVISION E
 United Warriors CC
2 0 0 0 0 00
7222 Muhammad Anwar DIVISION E
 Doha Eagles
1 0 0 0 0 00
7223 Shabad Vayappurathkutty POOL 3
 Qatar Fighters Club
1 0 0 0 0 00
7224 Shameer Muhamad DIVISION E
 Qatar Champions
1 0 0 0 0 00
7225 Haris Palatt DIVISION E
 Weltech Warriors
1 -10 0 10 0 00
 Vcc Qatar
1 0 0 0 0 00
7227 Md Sumeel Ahmod Mohammad A DIVISION E
 Combines XI
1 0 0 0 0 00
7228 Mohammed Parvez DIVISION E
 Victorian Stars Doha
1 0 0 0 0 00
7229 Imran Maliik DIVISION E
 Brothers Cricket
1 0 0 0 0 00
7230 Awais Rasheed DIVISION E
 Brothers Cricket
1 0 0 0 0 00
7231 Muhsin Pak DIVISION E
 Qatar Champions
1 0 0 0 0 00
7232 Ragunandan B DIVISION E
 Lightning Hawks CC
1 0 0 0 0 00
7233 Aju Joseph DIVISION E
 Super Gillies Team
1 0 0 0 0 00
7234 Prasanna Arunmozhi POOL 7
 Aero Dynamos
1 0 0 0 0 00
7235 Firoze Vadakkut POOL 6
 Q11 CC
3 0 0 0 0 00
7236 Mashood Moinudheen DIVISION E
 White Tigers
1 0 0 0 0 00
7237 Sidhik Puthanpeedikayil DIVISION E
1 0 0 0 0 00
7238 Hitesh G DIVISION E
 Bright XI
1 0 0 0 0 00
7239 Shajeer Bakker POOL 11
4 0 0 0 0 00
 Vcc Qatar
1 0 0 0 0 00
7241 Kareem Mohammed (VC) DIVISION E
 Hawk Squad
1 -10 0 10 0 00
7242 Rama Rakesh G DIVISION E
 Hawk Squad
1 0 0 0 0 00
 Vcc Qatar
1 0 0 0 0 00
7244 Syed Hussaini DIVISION E
 Hiq CC
1 0 0 0 0 00
7245 Shafeeque Vengodan Veettil DIVISION E
 Black Caps CC
1 0 0 0 0 00
7246 Shameer Shahal Shami DIVISION E
 Red Lions Rayyan
1 0 0 0 0 00
 Toivo Qatar
1 -10 0 10 0 00
7248 Rassal Akkara Parambu DIVISION E
1 0 0 0 0 00
7249 Riyas Mv DIVISION E
 Dragon Gym
1 0 0 0 0 00
7250 Dhanasekar Sampath DIVISION E
 Qatar Super Kings
5 -10 10 0 0 00
7251 Anees DIVISION F
 Arabian XI
1 0 0 0 0 00
7252 Siraj . POOL 10
 Royal Tigers
1 -10 0 10 0 00
7253 Aneeshkumar Aneesh DIVISION E
 Qatar Amigos
1 -10 0 10 0 00
7254 Khaleel Ibrahim DIVISION E
 Blue Whales
1 0 -20 20 0 00
7255 Razik Puthalath Kandy Razi POOL 4
 Sparks XI
1 0 0 0 0 00
7256 Mohamed Faiz Noor Mohamed DIVISION E
 Nysa CC
1 0 0 0 0 00
7257 Sujesh N D DIVISION E
 Doha Boys
1 0 0 0 0 00
7258 Ayoob Moidutty POOL 14
 Qatar Warriors
1 0 0 0 0 00
7259 Santosh Ambig POOL 4
 Doha Boys
2 0 0 0 0 00
7260 Sujith Sharma POOL 4
 Vh Warriors
1 0 0 0 0 00
7261 Vaseem Rasheed DIVISION E
 Hawks XI
1 0 0 0 0 00
7262 Syed Habib DIVISION E
 Q11 Red Lions
1 0 0 0 0 00
7263 Faiz Ahamed POOL 8
 Unicorns Doha
1 -10 0 10 0 00
7264 Shan Samuel POOL 9
 Strikers C C
1 0 0 0 0 00
7265 Prasoon P POOL 9
 Petroserv CC
1 0 0 0 0 00
7266 Ravi Ranjan Kumar Singh POOL 9
 Strikers C C
1 0 0 0 0 00
7267 Sunil Sharma DIVISION E
 Metrorail Group Of Cricketers
1 0 0 0 0 00
7268 Tamayya Meesala DIVISION E
 Doha Risers CC
1 0 0 0 0 00
7269 Alferd Dsouza POOL 14
 Victoria Travels
1 -10 0 10 0 00
7270 Kameer Valiyakath Hameed POOL 7
1 0 0 0 0 00
7271 Abid Yuva DIVISION E
 Yuva XI
1 0 0 0 0 00
7272 Mohamed Riyas POOL 8
 Victory C C
1 0 0 0 0 00
7273 Noufal Vazhyil Valapil DIVISION E
1 0 0 0 0 00
7274 Thamjid A DIVISION E
 Combines XI
2 0 0 0 0 00
7275 Grace Irudhayam DIVISION E
 Kanya Kumari Warriors
1 0 0 0 0 00
7276 Anamul 33525679 DIVISION E
 Egss Ummsalal
1 -10 0 10 0 00
7277 Monirul 77584893 DIVISION E
 Egss Ummsalal
1 0 0 0 0 00
7278 Mohammed Iqbal POOL 8
 Unicorns Doha
1 0 0 0 0 00
7279 Mohammed Sarfan DIVISION E
 Indo Qatar Cc - Iqcc
1 0 0 0 0 00
7280 Mohamad Fariz DIVISION E
 Prince Eleven Gharafa
1 9 -10 0 0 0-1
7281 Asif Pazhaya Purayil POOL 12
2 9 -10 0 0 0-1
7282 Siddik M DIVISION E
 Naseem Commandos
1 -1 0 0 0 0-1
7283 Shameel Junaid DIVISION E
7 -1 -10 10 0 0-1
 Lemax Riders
2 -1 0 0 0 0-1
7285 Suresh Nair DIVISION E
 Cofely Challengers
2 -1 0 0 0 0-1
7286 Manzur Ali DIVISION F
 Spartans X1
2 9 -10 0 0 0-1
7287 Sasikumar Ganesan DIVISION E
 Qatar Horses
2 -1 0 0 0 0-1
7288 Mohammad Jahid DIVISION E
 Abu Nakhla
2 9 -10 0 0 0-1
7289 Naveen Kollara DIVISION E
 Nash Cricketers
4 -1 0 0 0 0-1
7290 Muhammed Rafeeq DIVISION E
1 9 -30 20 0 0-1
7291 Augustian Francis DIVISION E
 Black Knights
2 -1 0 0 0 0-1
7292 Imtiyaz Ali DIVISION E
 Khalifa XI
3 -12 10 0 0 0-2
7293 Bishnu Yadav DIVISION E
 Vfs Champions
1 -2 0 0 0 0-2
7294 Bijesh Raghavan POOL 11
 Doha Vikings
1 8 -10 0 0 0-2
7295 Subhash Chandran Q
 Friends (fct)
4 -2 0 0 0 0-2
7296 Faisal K V DIVISION E
 Dominoz Qatar
1 -2 0 0 0 0-2
7297 Muhammad Niyas DIVISION E
 Lemax Riders
3 -2 0 0 0 0-2
7298 Dhana Sekar POOL 7
2 8 -10 0 0 0-2
7299 Ameer Angathadka DIVISION E
 New Star Dafna
3 -2 0 0 0 0-2
7300 Mahdi Billah DIVISION E
 Bd Bullets
5 8 -40 30 0 0-2
7301 C Nifras Mohamed DIVISION E
 Super King Boys C C
3 -3 0 0 0 0-3
7302 Mahfuzur Usmani POOL 11
 Jsr Warriors
2 7 -10 0 0 0-3
7303 Ahad Abdul DIVISION E
 Defenders CC
2 -3 0 0 0 0-3
7304 Gopal Chinnaiyan DIVISION E
 Qatar Super Kings
2 -3 0 0 0 0-3
7305 Shakeel Rahman DIVISION E
 Blasters CC
1 -4 0 0 0 0-4
 S-thanz XI
1 -4 0 0 0 0-4
7307 Obaid Ur Rehman POOL 15
 Ntd Lions
2 -4 0 0 0 0-4
 Vh Warriors
2 -4 0 0 0 0-4
7309 Ashraf Achu DIVISION E
 Kq Friends
1 -4 0 0 0 0-4
7310 Arbaz Shaikh DIVISION E
 Angry Bulls - B
2 5 -10 0 0 0-5
7311 Aneesh Saptha Sagaran DIVISION E
 Doha Super Kings
1 -5 0 0 0 0-5
7312 Sajjad Abdul Majeed Asiyas DIVISION E
 Team Raptors
3 15 -40 20 0 0-5
7313 Saroj yadav DIVISION F
 Nepal XI
1 -5 0 0 0 0-5
7314 Vamsi Krishna Yadamreddy POOL 7
 Telugu Warriors
6 -5 0 0 0 0-5
7315 Kalesha Gaggutur POOL 8
 Phoenix X1
5 -25 20 0 0 0-5
7316 Ragul Alexander DIVISION E
 Pearl Eleven CC
1 5 -10 0 0 0-5
7317 Raj Kumar DIVISION E
 Blockades X1
1 -6 0 0 0 0-6
7318 Nidhun Chikku POOL 7
 Super Heroes
1 -6 0 0 0 0-6
7319 Vasif Jawith POOL 9
 Thyseen Warriors
1 -6 0 0 0 0-6
7320 Abdul Nasar DIVISION E
 Amigos Qatar
6 24 -30 0 0 0-6
7321 Ariff K DIVISION E
 Royals XI
1 4 -20 10 0 0-6
7322 Ashkar Razak DIVISION E
 Classic CC
4 -6 0 0 0 0-6
7323 Jaspreet Singh DIVISION E
 Man Strikers
2 -6 0 0 0 0-6
7324 Abdul Munim DIVISION E
 Hawk Squad
1 24 -30 0 0 0-6
7325 Shanavas Tp DIVISION E
 Black Knights
4 -16 10 0 0 0-6
7326 Ahmed . DIVISION E
 Ezgawa Tigers
5 -6 0 0 0 0-6
7327 Jatheer Chakyalath Kuni POOL 15
 Doha Strikers
1 -6 0 0 0 0-6
7328 Soloman Chellaya POOL 7
1 -6 0 0 0 0-6
7329 Naseem Mohamed DIVISION E
 Super King Boys C C
3 -6 0 0 0 0-6
7330 Haris Kudakuthiyil DIVISION E
 Itelligent CC
2 13 -20 0 0 0-7
7331 Sajin Km DIVISION E
 Jp X1 CC
1 -7 0 0 0 0-7
7332 Ejaz Tambe DIVISION E
 Ratnagiri Fighters
2 -7 0 0 0 0-7
7333 Sambhu Chirukandath POOL 4
6 -7 0 0 0 0-7
7334 Harish Kattoor Ramakrishnan Nair DIVISION E
 Strikers Xi - Doha
1 -7 0 0 0 0-7
3 -7 0 0 0 0-7
7336 Muhamed Rubeesh Kizhakkethil DIVISION E
 Doha United
9 -7 0 0 0 0-7
7337 Renjith Reghu DIVISION E
9 3 -10 0 0 0-7
7338 Sameer Vadiwala DIVISION E
 Doha Tigers
3 -7 0 0 0 0-7
7339 Faisal T P DIVISION E
 Doha Strikers Kunhipalli(dsk)
8 3 -20 10 0 0-7
7340 Nafees Nazeem POOL 13
 White Lions Doha
2 3 -10 0 0 0-7
7341 Muneer Parappan DIVISION F
 Doha Dynamos
3 -7 0 0 0 0-7
7342 Anoop Moideen DIVISION F
 Doha Dynamos
3 13 -20 0 0 0-7
7343 Mohamed Rifan DIVISION E
 Egale Red Boys
2 -7 0 0 0 0-7
7344 Gallath Weerarathna DIVISION E
 Air Strikers
1 -7 0 0 0 0-7
7345 Rashad Pilakkal DIVISION E
 Q Tec Champions
3 2 -20 10 0 0-8
7346 Abdul Khadir Mohammed DIVISION E
 Khalifa XI
2 -8 0 0 0 0-8
7347 Shadab Ali POOL 11
 Jsr Warriors
2 -8 0 0 0 0-8
7348 Majeed Valiya Valappum Thazhakuni Vvt DIVISION E
 Strikers Xi - Qatar
1 -8 0 0 0 0-8
7349 Shahid K DIVISION E
 Qatar Champions
2 -8 0 0 0 0-8
7350 Mahesh Babuttan DIVISION F
 Dejawu C C-dcc
3 -18 0 10 0 0-8
7351 Mohamad Vasil DIVISION E
 Ceylonians CC
3 -8 0 0 0 0-8
7352 Iyyapan DIVISION E
 Tamil Nadu Cc - Tncc
3 2 -10 0 0 0-8
7353 Srreraj Dohaboys POOL 4
 Sunrisers Of Qecc
2 -8 0 0 0 0-8
7354 Vysakh K DIVISION E
 Flyers Qatar (f.c.c)
6 -8 0 0 0 0-8
7355 Shameer Nedumkodan DIVISION E
 Indo Qatar Cc - Iqcc
2 2 -10 0 0 0-8
7356 Fahad Kandankodan DIVISION E
 Salwa Monsters Qatar
1 2 -10 0 0 0-8
7357 Madhu Mortha POOL 9
 Masters CC
4 -18 0 10 0 0-8
7358 Midhun Mohan U
 Vectra Qatar
2 -8 0 0 0 0-8
7359 Ranjith Warriors DIVISION E
 Qecc Warriors
3 -8 0 0 0 0-8
7360 Athikavil Krishnakutty Sivathamajan DIVISION E
 Team Raptors
3 -9 0 0 0 0-9
7361 Abeesh Puthuveetil Abdhullah DIVISION E
 Blockades X1
2 -9 0 0 0 0-9
7362 Jadeer Nasar POOL 12
 Q11 Redlions
4 -9 0 0 0 0-9
7363 Mohammadu Thameem DIVISION E
 Egale Red Boys
2 -9 0 0 0 0-9
7364 Shajin Mon Rajan DIVISION E
 X1 Star
1 1 -10 0 0 0-9
7365 Shereef Pulicharamveetil DIVISION E
 New Star Dafna
2 1 -10 0 0 0-9
7366 Jithu Rb DIVISION E
 Sultan XI
1 1 -10 0 0 0-9
7367 Nahas Abdul Salam POOL 3
 Ideal Warriors
3 -9 0 0 0 0-9
7368 Manoj Menon DIVISION E
 Royal Warriors Qatar
4 -9 0 0 0 0-9
7369 Sandeep Sandy DIVISION E
 Ezgawa Tigers
2 -9 0 0 0 0-9
7370 Rashid Rashi POOL 4
 Caribbeans Qatar
1 1 -10 0 0 0-9
7371 Dinesh Kanagaraj DIVISION E
 Kombans CC
3 -9 0 0 0 0-9
7372 Jaromin James DIVISION E
 Spikes CC
6 1 -40 30 0 0-9
7373 Asharaf Ts DIVISION E
 Blockades X1
4 -9 0 0 0 0-9
7374 Rajesh Sudhakaran POOL 7
 Aero Dynamos
3 -9 0 0 0 0-9
7375 Sayeed Mohd DIVISION E
 Doha Risers CC
2 -9 0 0 0 0-9
7376 Shamnad Rasheed POOL 6
 Royals X1
3 -9 0 0 0 0-9
7377 Ashik Mathakkal DIVISION E
 Dreams CC
3 1 -10 0 0 0-9
7378 Muhammed Shafeek Tp POOL 4
 Hilal X1
2 -9 0 0 0 0-9
7379 Shabeer Abdul Hameed POOL 8
 Chennai Cricketers
2 10 -30 10 0 0-10
7380 Deepak P D DIVISION E
 Doha Boys
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7381 Rajesh Raghunath DIVISION E
 Black Cat Fosters
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7382 Girish Pa DIVISION E
 Black Cat Fosters
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7383 Mohamed Rafi POOL 9
 Qatar Warriors
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7384 Anas Abdulla DIVISION E
 Friday CC
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7385 Irshad Mohammed DIVISION E
 Friday CC
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7386 Umesh Yadav DIVISION E
 Strikers Xi - Qatar
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7387 Usman Sheik DIVISION E
 Rising Stars
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7388 Thasneemsha Norva DIVISION E
 Norva CC
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7389 Yadav Manampathil DIVISION E
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7390 Thiva Nagarajan DIVISION E
 Air Strikers
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7391 Shanavas P Confident DIVISION E
 Confident CC
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7392 Shabeer Parakkat Ummer DIVISION E
 Spartan Kings
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7393 Syed Riyaz POOL 14
 Victoria Travels
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7394 Usman Yousuf DIVISION F
 Doha Friends XI
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7395 Majid Mohammed DIVISION E
 Cricket Phantoms
3 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7396 Inshad Majeed DIVISION E
 Yuva XI
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7397 Hafeezullah Kv DIVISION E
 Friday CC
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7398 Samuel 55085971 DIVISION E
 Egss Ummsalal
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7399 Renjith Baburajan Rajeswari Asari DIVISION F
 Gharaffa X1
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7400 Imran Ali DIVISION E
 Rising Stars CC
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7401 Asif Jamal DIVISION E
 Rising Stars CC
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7402 Nandakumar G DIVISION E
 Group Nine 11
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7403 Firdous Areekal Ebrahim DIVISION E
 Redbulls C C
3 0 -10 0 0 0-10
7404 Robin Ponnachan POOL 8
 Prakkat Jewellers CC
1 0 -10 0 0 0-10
7405 Ali Ashkar DIVISION E
 Leaders Qatar
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7406 Sreeraj Sree POOL 4
 Doha Boys
3 10 -30 10 0 0-10
7407 Riyas V P DIVISION E
 Leaders Qatar
1 0 -10 0 0 0-10
7408 Mohamad Waseem Aboo DIVISION E
 Tata Sports C C
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7409 Subin Chandran DIVISION E
 Doha Challengers
2 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7410 Riyu Riyas DIVISION E
 Arabian XI
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7411 Rijas Riju DIVISION E
 Planners Qatar CC
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7412 Shabeer Chinnu DIVISION E
 Ezgawa Tigers
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7413 Shameej E P DIVISION E
 Mall CC
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7414 Srikanth Murugasen Chandrasekran DIVISION E
 Qatar Super Kings
2 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7415 Thayif . DIVISION E
 Galaxy CC
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7416 F.henry Metchado POOL 7
 Golden Knights
2 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7417 Firos Carribeans POOL 4
 Caribbeans Qatar
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7418 Furkan Ahmad U
 Bmc X1
9 0 -20 10 0 0-10
7419 Abdul Rahoof DIVISION E
 Blockades X1
2 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7420 Asif Mahammad POOL 4
 Strikers X1 Doha
3 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7421 Sarath Sasidharan Sathikumari POOL 11
 Doha Strikers
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7422 Shafeeq Matar POOL 15
 Matar Kings
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7423 Pariya Swamy POOL 9
 Thyseen Warriors
1 0 -10 0 0 0-10
7424 Bittu 1-1 Peter S
 Rc Boys
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7425 Mohammed Shibin Thattanthodi R
 Redwolves Qatar
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7426 Ajmal Basheer POOL 9
 Masters CC
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7427 Safwan S T
 Kerala Strikers
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7428 Mohammed Zuhair Ansar DIVISION E
 Karaitiyath Strikers
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7429 Tinto Ouseph DIVISION E
 X1 Star
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7430 Vivek Prabhathkumar Nair DIVISION E
 Qatar Winners
4 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7431 Raghu Krishnalayam DIVISION E
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7432 Darin Kallinal DIVISION E
 Royal Qatar
2 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7433 Sasikumar DIVISION E
 Pearl Eleven CC
2 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7434 Mohd Khaja Nizamuddin DIVISION E
 Hyderabadi Nawab's Super 11
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7435 Sanoj Sreekumaran DIVISION E
 Torpedos Striker
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7436 Uvais DIVISION E
 Nadukani CC
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7437 Pradeep Kumar Q
 Rayyan Boys
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7438 Anwar U
 Mustang XI
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7439 Muhammad Jaseem Kuniyil DIVISION E
 Black Panthers
2 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7440 Syed Faisal DIVISION E
 Rising Stars CC
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7441 mohammed Sadhhan DIVISION E
 Sun Max CC
3 0 -20 10 0 0-10
7442 Rasid Palliparambil DIVISION E
 Kerala Strikers
1 0 -10 0 0 0-10
7443 Mansoor Babu DIVISION E
 S-thanz XI
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7444 Kundankumar Tandel Technosteel DIVISION E
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7445 Devikanth Karuthulli Kalarikkal Sivadas DIVISION E
 Black Mamba
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7446 Ansari Akkaravila DIVISION E
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7447 Manu Raj POOL 5
 Oscar CC
1 0 -10 0 0 0-10
7448 Saddm Mikrani DIVISION E
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7449 ChanndruC KrishnA DIVISION E
 Qatar Bouncers
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7450 Mabin Chacko DIVISION E
 Combines XI
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7451 Ubair Kanhayi DIVISION E
 Dessert Warriors
2 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7452 Seedi Ottakoya DIVISION E
 Karaitiyath Strikers
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7453 Sageesh Eco Fresh POOL 3
 Eco Fresh
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7454 Fabeer Ali POOL 3
 Redbulls CC
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7455 Mohsin Ahmad POOL 14
 Victoria Travels
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7456 Iqbal Ikku POOL 5
 Truth Fighters
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7457 Abdul Zaheer POOL 8
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7458 Amanulla Mohamed Junaid POOL 4
 White Tigers
2 0 -20 10 0 0-10
7459 Hareesha Papathimaru POOL 16
 Gcc Gladiators
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7460 Rizwan Ameerjan DIVISION E
 Limra Friends
5 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7461 Jagdeep Singh DIVISION E
 Phoenix X1
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7462 Prasanth Susanth DIVISION E
 Group Nine 11
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7463 Thileepan Mohanathas DIVISION E
 Star Al Nasariya Club
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7464 Adam Khan DIVISION E
 Mumbai X1
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7465 Abdulrehim Ibrahim DIVISION E
 Dreamz 11
1 10 -30 10 0 0-10
7466 Arvind Hiremath DIVISION E
 Falcon XI
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7467 Rijas Muhammed DIVISION E
 Engineers XI
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7468 Shamsudheen V P DIVISION E
 Engineers XI
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7469 Nasir Mohammed DIVISION E
 Iqvans Qatar
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7470 Manoj Raman POOL 7
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7471 Fairaus Jamaldeen DIVISION E
 Doha Strikers
1 0 -10 0 0 0-10
7472 Sirajudeen Urunilan DIVISION E
 Team Sparrows
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7473 Naushad Kp DIVISION E
 Qatar Bruisers
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7474 Thasleem Nalakath DIVISION E
 Qatar Bruisers
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7475 Savad S DIVISION E
 Yct Qatar
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7476 Shareej Mullankuni DIVISION E
 Bails Qatar CC
2 0 -10 0 0 0-10
7477 Ajith Purushothaman DIVISION E
 Rayyan Boys
2 -20 0 10 0 0-10
7478 Siju Sijas POOL 7
 Mahe CC
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7479 Hussain Ali DIVISION E
 Mahe CC
1 0 -20 10 0 0-10
7480 Dilraj Suvarna DIVISION E
 Mangalore Warriors
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7481 Shafi S POOL 3
 All Rounders Qatar
1 0 -10 0 0 0-10
7482 Charles Paul DIVISION E
 Spikes CC
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7483 Mohd Rayees DIVISION E
 Hyderabad Smashers Cc (hscc)
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7484 Z Mansoor Sulaiman DIVISION E
 Super Heroes
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7485 Z Nishad Ambalath Veettil DIVISION E
 Super Heroes
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7486 Majid Hussain DIVISION E
 Brothers Cricket
1 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7487 Tanvir Hasan DIVISION E
 Gharrafa XI
2 -10 0 0 0 0-10
7488 Jayan P DIVISION E
 Royal Tuskers
4 -11 -10 10 0 0-11
7489 Muhammad Ajmal DIVISION E
3 -1 -10 0 0 0-11
7490 Junoob Aziz DIVISION E
 Black Caps CC
1 9 -20 0 0 0-11
7491 Sharath Radhakrishnan DIVISION E
8 -22 0 10 0 0-12
7492 Dilan Jayalath Suriyaaratchi DIVISION E
 Matar Strikers
1 8 -30 10 0 0-12
7493 Shibin Sidharthan DIVISION E
 Black Mamba
2 -2 -10 0 0 0-12
7494 Ansari Mohammad DIVISION E
 Kerala Strikers
2 -3 -10 0 0 0-13
7495 Ismail Mohamed DIVISION E
 Super Gillies Team
3 -3 -20 10 0 0-13
7496 Sheik Usman POOL 6
 Spartans-qatar CC
2 7 -20 0 0 0-13
7497 Sanju George POOL 10
 Dejawu CC
2 -13 -10 10 0 0-13
7498 Mahmudur Rahman DIVISION E
 Super Heroes
4 6 -20 0 0 0-14
7499 Rahul Raju POOL 9
 Sinan X1
4 -14 0 0 0 0-14
7500 Nijas Najumudheen DIVISION E
 Mdt Roadiez
2 -4 -10 0 0 0-14
7501 Vishnu Hari Harikumar DIVISION E
 Team Raptors
2 -4 -10 0 0 0-14
7502 Naveed Anwar POOL 15
 Super Brothers
2 15 -30 0 0 0-15
7503 Mohammad Sainuddin POOL 11
 Defenders County Cricket
2 -5 -10 0 0 0-15
7504 Ansar Kk DIVISION E
 Royals XI
1 5 -20 0 0 0-15
7505 Suresh Saini DIVISION E
3 4 -20 0 0 0-16
7506 Balamurukan Kanakappan DIVISION E
 Rayyan Boys
4 -26 0 10 0 0-16
7507 Mohamed Rajas DIVISION E
 Super King Boys C C
1 -7 -10 0 0 0-17
7508 Harshad Pc DIVISION E
 Sand Storm
2 -17 0 0 0 0-17
7509 Salman Abdul Wahab Shaikhnag DIVISION E
 Doha Fighters
2 -17 -10 10 0 0-17
7510 Mohamed Riyas DIVISION E
 Team Cricket Buddies
3 -18 -10 10 0 0-18
7511 Arul Ashok Q
 Friends (fct)
2 -18 0 0 0 0-18
7512 Nithin Mohan POOL 3
 Vh Warriors
5 -18 0 0 0 0-18
7513 Linson .keettikkal DIVISION E
 Matar Kings
3 2 -30 10 0 0-18
7514 Iftekhar Ahmed DIVISION E
 Jsr Warriors
2 1 -20 0 0 0-19
7515 Noufal Carribeans POOL 4
 Caribbeans Qatar
3 -19 0 0 0 0-19
7516 Shihab Chaliyam Parambil DIVISION E
 Karaitiyath Strikers
1 1 -20 0 0 0-19
7517 John Pravin POOL 12
 Kk Warriors
1 1 -30 10 0 0-19
7518 Afsal VP DIVISION E
 Black Mamba
1 11 -30 0 0 0-19
7519 Siljo Francis Francis POOL 16
 Desert Warriors
5 1 -30 10 0 0-19
7520 Sajesh Kavethaparambu DIVISION E
 Token CC
1 1 -20 0 0 0-19
7521 Akbar Akku POOL 8
 Lulu Battalion
1 1 -20 0 0 0-19
7522 Vinod Mani DIVISION F
 Desert Court
5 -20 0 0 0 0-20
7523 Nasir Ali Ghulam Jafar DIVISION E
 Redco Riders
4 -20 -10 10 0 0-20
7524 Inthikhab Nadkar POOL 3
 Ccrc Warriors
1 0 -30 10 0 0-20
7525 Dineshkumar Candassamy DIVISION E
 Metrorail Group Of Cricketers
1 10 -30 0 0 0-20
7526 Tapas Karmakar POOL 6
1 -10 -10 0 0 0-20
7527 Rasinthiran Rasi POOL 8
 Victory C C
1 0 -20 0 0 0-20
7528 Manaf PK DIVISION E
 New Star Dafna
2 0 -30 10 0 0-20
 Jp X1 CC
2 -20 0 0 0 0-20
7530 Shehin Salim POOL 12
1 0 -20 0 0 0-20
7531 Shihabudeen Odakkayil DIVISION E
 Rc Boys
2 -10 -10 0 0 0-20
7532 Dharmendra Adhikari DIVISION E
 Falcon XI
4 10 -30 0 0 0-20
7533 Rasik Mifras DIVISION E
 Star Al Nasariya Club
1 -10 -10 0 0 0-20
7534 Sahad Saheed POOL 7
 Golden Knights
1 0 -30 10 0 0-20
7535 Ganesh Mirajkar DIVISION E
 Air Strikers
1 0 -20 0 0 0-20
7536 Zaheer Zach © DIVISION E
 Hawk Squad
1 -10 -10 0 0 0-20
7537 Bibin Thomas DIVISION E
 United South Elegants
2 0 -20 0 0 0-20
7538 Najeeb N DIVISION E
 Calicut Blasterz Blue
3 -10 -30 20 0 0-20
7539 Ninil Nath DIVISION E
1 0 -20 0 0 0-20
7540 Mohammed Shafi DIVISION E
 Black Knights
1 -10 -10 0 0 0-20
7541 A M Farhan Farhan DIVISION E
 Galaxy CC
1 10 -30 0 0 0-20
7542 Shafeek Ns DIVISION E
 Royal Tuskers
5 -20 0 0 0 0-20
7543 Mohamed Musthak DIVISION E
 Egale Red Boys
2 -20 0 0 0 0-20
7544 Santhosh Nelson DIVISION E
 Trivandrum Challengers
4 -10 -10 0 0 0-20
7545 Zainul Abid POOL 16
 Blue Warriors
1 -10 -10 0 0 0-20
7546 Gafoor Koodaranji DIVISION E
 Saltha Boys 11
9 -40 -30 50 0 0-20
7547 Asan Basari DIVISION E
 Friends CC
1 0 -20 0 0 0-20
7548 T.r Upreti Raju DIVISION E
 Doha Spartans
5 0 -20 0 0 0-20
7549 Praba P DIVISION E
 Air Tech CC
1 0 -20 0 0 0-20
7550 Fayas Chilindavida DIVISION E
 Combines XI
1 0 -30 10 0 0-20
7551 Shiju K.p DIVISION E
 The Monks
1 9 -30 0 0 0-21
7552 Anto Juddin POOL 12
 Kk Warriors
3 -1 -30 10 0 0-21
7553 Smikesh Sashidaran POOL 13
 Unipart X1
8 8 -30 0 0 0-22
7554 Lathi Pb DIVISION E
 Amigos Qatar
2 8 -30 0 0 0-22
7555 Shanmuga Sundaram DIVISION E
 Metrorail Group Of Cricketers
1 7 -30 0 0 0-23
7556 Mohammad Sufyan Shaukat POOL 11
 Jsr Warriors
2 -3 -20 0 0 0-23
7557 Abdul Ruvaiz DIVISION E
 Mangalore Warriors
5 -23 0 0 0 0-23
7558 Rahul Chettri DIVISION E
 Royal Fighters Cricket
2 -4 -20 0 0 0-24
7559 safeer hussein DIVISION E
 Leaders Qatar
2 6 -30 0 0 0-24
7560 Nadim Ahmad DIVISION E
 Jsr Warriors
3 -15 -10 0 0 0-25
7561 Rajesh Radhakrishnan DIVISION E
 Yuva XI
3 -5 -30 10 0 0-25
7562 Jabir Padinhare Veettil DIVISION E
 Yuva XI
6 -15 -10 0 0 0-25
7563 Mohamed Jameel DIVISION E
 Super King Boys C C
2 4 -30 0 0 0-26
7564 Anadu Krishnan DIVISION E
 Jp X1 CC
2 4 -30 0 0 0-26
7565 Tuan Mohamad POOL 4
 Salwa Monsters
2 4 -30 0 0 0-26
7566 Muneer Pk R
 Kkm Warriors
3 4 -30 0 0 0-26
7567 Mhmd Haneef DIVISION E
 Amigos Qatar
3 -7 -20 0 0 0-27
7568 Yousuf Ali POOL 14
 Spartans X1
13 -27 0 0 0 0-27
7569 Vinish Kochuthundil Radhakaishna Pillai POOL 5
 Toivo Qatar
2 -7 -20 0 0 0-27
7570 Shibu Soman DIVISION E
 Team Cricket Buddies
3 -8 -30 10 0 0-28
7571 Jomon George POOL 10
 Blue Commandos
1 2 -30 0 0 0-28
7572 Muhammed Salim DIVISION E
 Doha Blasters
3 -18 -30 20 0 0-28
7573 Thomas Stephen Kuzhiparampil POOL 5
 Toivo Qatar
1 1 -30 0 0 0-29
7574 Prathap P POOL 6
 Qatar Friends
1 1 -30 0 0 0-29
7575 Varghese James DIVISION E
 Dreamz 11
6 -9 -20 0 0 0-29
7576 Muhammad Shabeer Ah POOL 4
3 -10 -20 0 0 0-30
7577 Imran Shareef DIVISION E
 Doha Risers CC
2 -20 -20 10 0 0-30
7578 Asif Jamal DIVISION E
 Metrorail Group Of Cricketers
1 0 -30 0 0 0-30
7579 Abhilash Nair DIVISION E
 Lightning Hawks CC
1 0 -30 0 0 0-30
7580 Sharik Kk DIVISION E
 Hawks XI
1 -10 -20 0 0 0-30
7581 Tausif Mushtaq Dafedar Dafedar Yusuf DIVISION E
 Eminant Qatar
1 -10 -20 0 0 0-30
7582 Gihan Tharanga POOL 7
2 -10 -20 0 0 0-30
7583 Vasil V DIVISION E
 Royal Tuskers
1 0 -30 0 0 0-30
7584 Shafeek A A POOL 16
 Western Warriors
1 0 -30 0 0 0-30
7585 Ali Aboobacker T
 Kerala Strikers
2 -20 -10 0 0 0-30
7586 Hijas A DIVISION E
 Spartans XI
1 -10 -20 0 0 0-30
7587 Unni Sn DIVISION E
 Sultan XI
1 -10 -20 0 0 0-30
7588 Safeer Kambiliyil POOL 10
 Fcs Qatar
1 0 -30 0 0 0-30
7589 Manikandan Tamilselvan POOL 7
2 -1 -30 0 0 0-31
7590 Shahid PP DIVISION E
 Qatar Bouncers
2 -1 -30 0 0 0-31
7591 Muhamed Shijil DIVISION E
 Combines XI
4 -1 -30 0 0 0-31
7592 Shibu Anthony DIVISION E
 Dreamz 11
8 -2 -50 20 0 0-32
7593 Saifu DIVISION E
 Super Heroes
4 -12 -20 0 0 0-32
7594 Sheik Abdulla Kathar DIVISION E
 Mcc Qatar
7 -22 -10 0 0 0-32
7595 Shanu Majeed Majeed POOL 7
 Lagaan Qatar
5 6 -40 0 0 0-34
7596 Krishnan T DIVISION E
 Doha Spartans
8 -4 -30 0 0 0-34
7597 Ismail Kt DIVISION E
 Super Heroes
2 -7 -30 0 0 0-37
7598 Abdul Manaf POOL 10
 Kq Friends
3 -17 -20 0 0 0-37
7599 Shinshith Kollan Kandiyil POOL 10
 Salwa Monsters
2 -9 -40 10 0 0-39
7600 Ulaganathan DIVISION E
 Silent Killers
6 0 -40 0 0 0-40
7601 Mohammed Rijas Rijas DIVISION E
 Black Knights
1 -10 -30 0 0 0-40
7602 Muhammed Sameer POOL 13
 Marc Qatar Warriors
1 -10 -30 0 0 0-40
7603 Vibin Yesudhas DIVISION E
 X1 Star
1 -10 -30 0 0 0-40
7604 Mohamed Rasi Mele Veetil DIVISION E
 Al Anees Strikers
3 0 -50 10 0 0-40
7605 mohideen surya DIVISION E
 Friendship Brothers - Sl
3 -17 -30 0 0 0-47
7606 Mohsin Khan DIVISION E
 Ratnagiri Fighters
7 3 -80 30 0 0-47
7607 Naissam Vengapatta DIVISION E
 New Star Dafna
3 -19 -30 0 0 0-49
7608 Samras Ahameth POOL 7
 Thunder Strikers Doha
11 -12 -50 10 0 0-52
7609 Mahesh Nair DIVISION E
 Calicut Blasterz Blue
2 -3 -50 0 0 0-53
7610 Kumar S Q
 Friends (fct)
7 -39 -40 10 0 0-69
7611 Irfath Ismail Mahroof . DIVISION E
 Mix Ileven
3 -30 -40 0 0 0-70